Fat. Beautiful. Tasty. Raveno...

By MoofyKitten

62.8K 2.2K 1.4K

She was only looking for a good time for one night, but when Fujisaki Aiko pulls a muscular, kind, and gorge... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Interlude: Fat Gum
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Interlude: Fat Gum 2
Chapter 10
Some Artwork
Chapter 11
Interlude: Fat Gum 3
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Interlude: Fatgum POV 4
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Interlude: Fat Gum POV 5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Interlude: Fat Gum POV 6
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Interlude: Healing
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Fat Gum POV 7
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 9

1.9K 71 46
By MoofyKitten

"Okay. Walk." I turn on loud electronic music with a beat that's impossible to miss as I sit in the basketball court of the local gym.

Whitney (a.k.a Bombshell) begins walking up and down the length of the gymnasium for me to the beat of the music, her hips sashaying perfectly.

Her form is beautiful and the serene look on her face is appealing, making her seem more interesting than most models do with their deadpan faces of boredom.

The only problem she seems to have is that it all falls apart after only a few minutes and she's back to walking like she's just going down the street. She seems to lose her concentration partway through every time.

"Head Up! Shoulders back! One! Foot! In front of! The other!" I yell over the music, to the beat, clapping my hands to try to get her attention back on track.

She immediately fixes her posture and her walk returns, hips swinging side to side.

"Good!" I yell again, keeping an eye on her feet to make sure she's got them properly aligned and isn't about to break an ankle on those spiky heels.

Whitney grins at my praise and I have to smack myself in the forehead. That was my fault, I suppose.

"Only smile when you're told you can smile!" I correct her and, thankfully, she does her best to put a serious expression on her face again.

We've been at this modelling crash course for about three hours and she seems to be improving by leaps and bounds. I'm really impressed that she is taking this so seriously and putting in the time and effort to get better. Her commitment is giving me the impression that this is something she has wanted to do since before she was assigned this mission. I'm not about to pry into her motives, though. That's her business. I'm just here to make her seem legit.

Shutting off the music, I can distinctly hear my phone ringing in my purse at my side now and am able to answer it just before it's about to go to voicemail.

"Hello?" I answer, shooing Whitney away to go get water and take a break so I can have some privacy.

"Hi, Aiko."

"Tomoyo..." I respond coolly.

"I can tell you're still pretty miffed about what I said before."

"Well you were being a judgemental bitch and putting your nose where it doesn't belong," I point out matter-of-factly and it takes her a moment to respond to that. I'm sure she was trying to keep her cool.

We've had our arguments before. This cycle of fighting, going radio silent a few days, then apologizing is nothing new. We're practically like family now.

"I'm sorry I said anything about Fat Gum, alright? It's not my business who you're friends with or date or anything. I was out of line. I still see you as that sassy teen I first met years ago and I forget you're an adult sometimes," she says with what sounds like genuine sincerity, "I hope things are okay between us."

Sighing and looking down at my fingernails to examine them, I answer, "I guess so. I just need you to trust that I know what's good for me."

Even though I'm quick to anger, I'm also quick to forgive and get over things that upset me. It seems like Tomoyo gets that she messed up. I refuse to stay mad at someone who's willing to be self-aware.

"I'll do my best, Aiko. You know I worry about you too much sometimes," her no-nonsense voice comes back.

I roll my eyes. "Yes mom."

I'm being facetious but she can't say she doesn't deserve it.

She gracefully decides to not to respond to me with more snark despite the fact that I'm sure I'm at least annoying her.

"Anyway, part of the reason I'm calling is I got a call from the agency today. They said you sent them some girl's portfolio and recommended her? Why didn't you tell me about her?"

Because you were busy being a crotchety bitch...

"I only just met her recently. I told her she had a great look for modelling and that she should send me her info."

"Well just from seeing a few amateur shots of her I'd say you chose well. I can't wait to meet her," Tomoyo says with surprising acceptance.

"Actually," I ease into the subject, "I was hoping you might want to be her manager as well?"

I say it as a question out of politeness but I really mean that she better take the job. It's important to me. I think she can sense that.

She pauses in thought before answering, "You're really that interested in her?"

"Yes," I answer without hesitation, realizing that it's kinda true. I wish I could see where her talent takes her. But, more than that, she will be indispensable in the investigation to help save these other girls. "I'd like to get her into the agency as soon as possible. I've already begun coaching her."

She's quiet for a long moment again. Now what?

"Are you... Are you trying to train your protégé or something? Are you retiring?" Tomoyo sounds a little choked up asking this, worried even. It's surprising to me because she's only ever been straight forward and no-nonsense.

"No! Of course not!! I don't want to retire! It's nothing like that!" I reply in a hurry to get her to stop sounding so torn up. "I just think she has a lot of potential! Here look, just meet with her. Watch her work. You'll see what I see."

"I better," she says, snapping right back to her usual self. What was all that? An act? "Bring her with you to Tokyo this week. She can interview at the agency then."

"Okay," I respond, whipping my planner out quickly to jot these notes down.

"Also Jared will be back in Tokyo this week and he's doing a shoot for Sakuya's hero line."

My heart rate spikes hearing that name. "Jared? Really? So soon? He was just here a few weeks ago."

Whitney is just entering the gym as this is brought up and I wave her over hastily.

She wobbles and nearly breaks her ankle when she tries to rush over. I have to hold back a sigh. She's gonna need to borrow those to practice...

"Yeah. Sakuya paid big bucks to have him come back over here to shoot her line. He insisted you be in the shoot too so don't look a gift horse in the mouth. This is a great opportunity and, if everything goes well with your girl's interview, you might be able to get her in there too. Wouldn't that be nice for her first ever professional photoshoot?"

Yeah... that would be beyond nice. Almost unheard of for someone's first shoot to be such a huge sportswear brand. But I need to get her in there with me, even if it just means she visits the set. This is the perfect opportunity for her to lay eyes on Jared and to get an outsider's perspective on how he really seems.

"That would be nice. She could definitely use the connections," I try to say as casually as possible. I don't want to sound too excited. I need Tomoyo to see her as only another model. I doubt she could keep from treating her differently if she knew she was a hero on an investigation.

"Alright Aiko," Tomoyo says with a bit of finality, meaning she's decided to end the conversation, "Then I'll see you on Thursday with your new girl and she better be everything you say she is."

"She is. I know my shit, Tomoyo," I quip back. She's really not trying all too hard to stop treating me like a child.

Hanging up the phone without a "goodbye", my eyes go to Whitney, who seems to have heard the conversation well enough.

"You're coming with me on Thursday. Is that something you think you'll be prepared for? Because it better be."

Whitney nods with eagerness and determination. "I'll be ready and I'll impress the hell out of them and Jared."

I arch a brow at her confidence, pleased that she's not second-guessing herself.

"Good," I say, pulling out a skimpy swimsuit from my purse, "Then get dressed. Let's work on posing. And keep those shoes on. They stay on your feet for at least five hours a day until Thursday. Got it?"

She looks uncomfortable for a second, then pulls her expression back in line and takes the swimsuit from me. "Got it."


Walking into the now very familiar Fat Gum-shaped building on Monday at noon, I'm greeted by the man himself right at the front as though he's been waiting for me.

He had initially been talking to Maki but his head turns swiftly in my direction when I walk through the doors, as though he's just been caught misbehaving and is trying to hide it.

"This is an interesting surprise," I say, shooting him a tiny smirk and he responds with a wide smile of his own.

Maki is at her usual perch and is now scrolling her mouse wheel a little too enthusiastically for me to believe she's minding her own business.

Fat seems to have some kind of nervous energy about him as he fidgets with the hem of his jacket.

"Hey, Ai-chan! You ready to try lunch again?"

"Third time's the charm. Or so I'm told," I tell him with a nonchalant shrug and press my back to the door, readying to open it again.

"Well actually," Fat says, still messing with his jacket's hem, tracing his fingers along the edge as his eyes study the desk to his right. "Since our last couple treks out haven't been too successful, I figured we could eat in."

I make a thoughtful expression. That's not too bad of an idea. I wouldn't mind eating lunch here. That doesn't explain why his every move is lined with apprehension, though.

"Okay, that sounds good," I respond, pulling away from the door to take a few more steps inside "I'd like that."

"So- well I don't know if you'd be all that interested. I don't know exactly what you like but I tried to make things based on what I've seen you eat and- I hope that's not too forward of me, assuming what you'd like to eat..." He's rambling a bit, which I'm finding oddly adorable. Are huge men meant to be as cute as he is sometimes?

"You made food?" I ask excitedly. Home-cooked meals are few and far between for me.

So both he and Taishiro like to cook... Yet another quality they share. I wonder if they know how similar they really are?

Now his nerves make sense. If I had made a whole meal for someone who had a different diet from me in the hopes that they would actually be willing to eat it, I'd be nervous too. It's one hell of a risk and he's putting his cooking under my scrutiny.

"I hope that's alright," he says with some reservation.

"Yes! Yes! Show me!" I urge, pulling lightly on his jacket.

His grin widens as he turns to head back, beckoning me to come along and I can see Maki's head turning discreetly to watch us go as we move past the entrance.

Interestingly enough, he doesn't lead me upstairs. Instead, we venture further into the agency, toward the back.

He stops in front of the break room door and holds his hand out to his side to guide me in, ever the gentleman.

Taking the last few steps forward, I peer into the room to find one of the tables filled with food. Thankfully, it's not the one Taishiro bent me over the last time I was in this room. The last thing I need is another wild flashback in front of Fat Gum.

His nervous energy seems to be transferring to me and I bite the inside of my cheek, eyeing the food he has set out.

It's actually a really wonderful spread. There's rice of course, and there's a bowl of salad, baked fish, some takoyaki obviously for him, fried shrimp, miso soup, and a few other things.

My eyes slip toward the table I'd been on top of the last time I was in this room and, despite my efforts not to imagine it, I can recall the way it shook when Taishiro drove into me; how he pulled on my tail; the way he groaned when he slid his fingers inside of me.

My hand fists on my purse strap and I struggle to keep my wings from fluttering with excitement. I can't be thinking of these things right now! No matter how badly I want to feel strong, rough hands sliding down my-

"Ai-chan," Fat interrupts my fantasy with a large hand at my arm and my tail straightens like a shocked cat's before I force myself to relax from the surprise. He's really made me jumpy lately. He doesn't seem to notice my reaction, though.

"Oh, sorry," I say, ducking my head to hide what is likely a very lewd expression, "I was just... taking it all in."

"I hope something here catches your eye," he jokes, approaching the table like a girl on a game show revealing the grand prize, "I didn't know what to get you for a drink, though. I've only ever seen you drink water and I don't know if that's what you really like to drink so much as have to."

Always so considerate. Most people would just assume water was the only thing I drink. He seems to understand me, though, as far as my eating and drinking habits are concerned.

"Tea," I state simply, "I like all kinds of tea. Hot, cold, whatever. I'll try all kinds. For now though I'll just get some green tea." I'm referring to the vending machine on the far wall and step toward it now.

"Hang on," Fat stops me with a tap to my shoulder, "I might have something you'll like. A fan brought some tea in for me a while back and I haven't opened it yet. Wait here, I'll go grab it."

"Alright," I say, settling back and pulling a chair out to sit.

He rushes off, the clomping of his boots disappearing down the hall until it's silent again.

I eyeball the food set out in front of me and sneak a small sample of the shrimp, unsurprised to find it's absolutely delicious. Fat Gum knows what he's doing in the kitchen alright. I wonder if I could bribe him to make me dinner some time...

What would I even offer him, though? An invite to a fashion show?

Something inside of me suggests, He's your friend. You could just ask.

And he's so nice, I bet he'd say yes. But that feels like taking advantage.

No... I want to offer him something as valuable as what he would be doing for me. I want us to be even.

Maybe I could buy the food and he could cook it? Yeah... that's a thought...

Trying to keep from being tempted by more shrimp before he gets back, I scan the room and my eyes land on that table that just keeps pulling my attention toward it like a magnet. It looks just like all the other tables in this room. Why does it seem to keep calling out to me? So what, I let a guy fuck my brains out on it. Does that mean I need to be turned on every single time I look at it? Who gets turned on by a table?

A thought crosses my mind and I try to push it away. No! I am not a voyeur! I don't get off on that stuff!

But then my mind goes back to how Taishiro leaned over me, his thumb stroking my clit, and my horniness overcomes my better sense.

If I'm fast I can do this before Fat gets back, I'm sure. I'd be able to hear those thundering footsteps coming down the hall long before he got here anyway.

Grabbing my phone and hurrying over to the table, I climb up on top of it.

I lay myself back, splaying my wings out underneath me and lifting the phone in selfie mode above me.

The light vest I'm wearing is already open and all I need to do is lift my cami up to my neckline. I'm not wearing a bra so my breasts are on display, ready for the photo I intend to send to Taishiro.

Oh, he's gonna lose it with this one...

Making sure it's obvious where I am by the background, I push my breasts together with one arm and the hand not holding the phone, then take a couple shots and examine the outcome.

Damn! That is hot! My teeth drag along my lower lip just imagining what Taishiro will say- what he'll do- when he sees them.

My cami is back down, covering me again, and I'm sending the pictures off with a teasing "Wish you were here" when I hear a throat clearing and I bolt upright to find Suneater in the doorway holding what looks to be a bento box tied in a cloth.

"Oh! Suneater! Um... hi."

Fuck! Again?! I hope he wasn't standing there long!

No... he couldn't have seen anything. He's not the type to just watch someone creepily. He would've been long gone by now if he'd seen me with my shirt up.

"I-" his face is tinged with red and he's staring at the ground as though it's the only thing he can see. "I'm sorry. You seem busy. I'll just-"

"No! No. I'm sorry! I- Well I have no good excuse..." I admit, hopping down off the table, "I'll clean it off for you if you want to sit here!"

Thank All Might he wasn't a few seconds earlier... The kid has unfortunate timing but at least his timing isn't so bad that he's had to witness even worse things.

Suneater sighs, glancing at the food set out on the other table. "It's okay. It looks like you and Fat have something going on here so I'll just head out-"

"We don't!" I interrupt, remembering the way he and Fat's other employees looked at us last time I was here, "There's nothing going on! Please, I know you caught me with- with Taishiro so I don't know what you think of me but I wouldn't- I'm not like that. Fat-kun is my friend."

Suneater's eyes finally lift from the floor and he meets mine for the first time... ever, I think.

His dark eyes pierce mine and it feels like he's staring into my soul, his gaze is so intense.

"I know you're not. It's not my place to say what's really going on here, but... Fat means a lot to me, I would do my best best to protect him if I thought he were being hurt. But I know you're not being harmful."

I never thought Suneater would say so much to me, much less reassure me that he doesn't think ill of me. It must've been hard to face me with how much his anxiety overwhelms him.

"Thank you, Suneater," I say with sincerity, giving him a heartfelt smile which he promptly turns his eyes away from. That must've been a bit too much to handle, I guess.

"I'm still gonna go, though," he mumbles, pointing back down the hall, "Have a good lunch, Ai-senpai."


Before I get the chance to protest again, he walks off and disappears out the front door. I suppose he'll find a bench or table at the park a few blocks away. He'd probably be more comfortable there than sitting in a mostly empty room, listening to Fat and I talk- or worse, in his opinion, try to include him in our conversation. I know Fat would definitely try. He seems to want to push Suneater to come out of his shell.

Turning back toward the breakroom, I realize that Fat Gum's been gone for a pretty decent amount of time. Too long to have just gone up to grab something from his office and head back down. The food is gonna get cold, if it hasn't already.

Should I go check on him? I doubt he's run into any trouble... Maybe he got an important call?

It could be any number of things really, and I doubt he needs my help, but I'm feeling antsy. I really want that food and I have to admit I'm curious what the hold-up is.

My heels make their usual clacking sounds on the tile floor as I head down the hall and up the stairs toward Fat's office. Well, I definitely won't be sneaking up on any private conversations, that's for sure.

Right as I reach the top, I see him exiting his office with what I can only assume is a tin of the tea he spoke about and his gaze is fixed on his phone in his hand. The way he's staring at it looks like he's gotten some pretty shocking news.

"Everything okay?" I try to notify him of my presence since he seems to not have noticed me so far.

"Aiko!" he says in a higher pitched voice than usual, looking startled, and he nearly drops the tin.

His mortified expression when he sees me makes it seem like he's just been caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar and a bright shade of red spreads across his cheeks. "I- I was just coming down!'

Fat quickly shoves his phone into his jacket pocket as he starts walking rapidly toward me and the stairs.

"Is everything okay?" I repeat as I turn to go back down with him.

"Yeah! Yes. Everything is fine. It's great! I'm great. Are you doing okay?" he chatters almost nonsensically.

"Uh... yeah, I'm okay. Hungry though," I answer, trying to hold back a laugh. Why is he acting so nervous all of a sudden? "I can carry the tin if you want so you can handle whatever phone thing you were doing." I offer my hand for him to place the tin in.

His face seems to get even redder and he shakes his head. "Nonono! It's fine! I don't need to do anything on my phone. Don't worry about it."

Lowering my hand, I give him an "Okay..."

He's acting kinda weird but I have to assume it's something he doesn't want me prying into or else he probably would've told me what happened right away. He seems really embarrassed by it, whatever it is. Part of me wants to keep pushing at him about it, just to see him keep stammering and his face grow redder. But I'll be kind this once. After all, he might not feed me if I'm mean to him.

We get back to the break room to find that the food is indeed cold, as I had suspected.

"Sorry, this is my fault," Fat sighs, "we have a microwave, though, if you're okay with heating some things up that way."

"I don't care," I say, already grabbing the shrimp to reheat.

While I'm doing that, Fat sets some water to boil to make the tea he brought down.

"What is it?" I ask with interest, leaning toward him to look into the tin.

"Smell." He holds the tin out under my nose and I take a tentative sniff.

A familiar scent curls in my nose, sending a tingling sensation down my spine.

"Cinnamon..." I breathe out huskily, needing to swallow as my salivary glands seem to be working overtime right now. I'm relieved I never told him what his and Taishiro's lust smells like or he'd know that the look of excitement on my face isn't just at the thought of trying such a delicious beverage.

"It's apple cinnamon actually. I've had it for a while but I could never find a good time to drink it. It always seemed like a cold weather type of tea. But sharing it with you seems as good a time as any."

"Thanks," I say, patting his arm, "If you want, let's save some and drink it when it gets colder too."

Fat gets a weird expression on his face for a moment, like he's unsure how to answer or is trying to figure out how to say something. My suggestion couldn't have been that odd, could it?

But then the expression is gone and he's back to looking relaxed.

"That sounds great," he says in a warm, inviting tone with a smile to match that I can feel down to my bones. He always manages to make me grin back at him when he gets that smile on his face.

When everything that should be hot is the right temperature again, we're finally able to sit down and eat. I must've been here for a half hour already so I hope I'm not keeping him from anything important. I'm sure he'd excuse himself if that were the case, though.

Finally, we're having a relatively peaceful lunch and our conversation is flowing nicely. It feels so easy to talk to him about anything; even going back to the subject of our quirks. I don't feel as hesitant to discuss the ins and outs of mine anymore. It's clear to me that every question he asks is him just wanting to learn more about a quirk he's never heard of and not some perverted desire to hear about my sex life. I feel comfortable answering him, even discussing my wings and tail in further detail. That is, until he broaches on a more sensitive topic.

"I'm not trying to be rude when I ask this. I'm just wondering," he says, his chubby cheeks coloring with a cute shade of pink and I send him an amused look. "Have you ever tried... with women?"

Now I'm the one blushing a far deeper shade of scarlet than his. I know he's only asking this for the sake of learning more about my quirk but it's still a deeply personal question. He won't judge me for my answer, though. Right?

"Yes," I tell him, a smile curling at my lips, hiding my embarrassment with flirtation to fake my confidence on the subject, "It works just as well with girls."

His eyebrows go so high, I think they might disappear into his hairline.

"Ah... well," he stammers, his cheeks now getting darker as he looks away from my smirking face. His embarrassment seems to feed my confidence. "Right. So... so why don't you... pick up girls? Were you just experimenting when you found this out or..."

I quirk a brow at him and wait for him to peek at me- which he does- then choose to answer, "I like girls too, if that's what you're asking. I'm just... shy around girls I like."

Now I have his full attention again, his own brows creasing.

"You're shy... around girls..." he asks, bewilderment written all over his face. It's actually pretty comical.

"Girls I like," I correct. That's an important distinction.

"But you're a model," he considers, "how do you..."

"First of all," I roll my eyes at him, "I never said I couldn't function, I just can't hit on them... like at all... I just get really quiet and shy and say dumb things sometimes."

He nods his head in understanding, "I see. Sorry."

I shrug it off, continuing with my explanation, "Secondly, most models aren't my type. I like short, athletic girls. Most models are tall and thin or curvy."

"Oh...." is all he says, looking back toward his food like he's concentrating on it fiercely.

I guess this line of questioning is through.

"Are you afraid of picking up girls too?" I wonder aloud, "I don't know why you don't have a girlfriend or a wife or something. You just turned... what, 30?"

He nods and makes a discomforted face but doesn't side-step the question. I suppose he thinks it only fair since he sprung a personal question on me.

"No, I'm not afraid of girls or 'picking them up', although I'm pretty sure you can tell that I don't really have it in me to just 'pick up' girls..."

I grin at him, "Oh I know, you big softie. You're the type who'd get feelings from a one night stand, I bet."

His face reddens and not only do I know I've hit the mark, I'm pretty sure I nailed it right on the head. I wonder how the girl felt about it... I also kinda wonder how she handled him in bed... Ah fuck, now I'm thinking about Fat Gum in bed. Between the two of us, I'm the one who's the pervert. Do I know no shame? I'm sleeping with his brother.

"I don't really have a lot of time for dating or relationships," he goes on, "My job takes up almost all of my time. But, I'd also really have it no other way. I love it and I love mentoring the kids who work for me."

"Well... do you even want a wife?" I know I'm prying with that question but I can't stop myself. I'm actually pretty curious about his personal life.

"Eventually, I suppose I want everything. A wife, kids, a dog named Pochi..."

"Pfft Pochi?" I cackle, slapping the table.

He laughs too but his cheeks are a dark pink like this is something difficult for him to admit. "Maybe not Pochi, but you get what I mean."

I sober a little upon taking in his bashful expression. He's sharing something with me he clearly doesn't talk to many people about.

"Hey," I say, wishing I could put a hand on his head like a comforting senpai but settle for just his shoulder instead, "When you find the right person, it won't even be hard to make the time for them. They'll just fit right into your life and be impossible to imagine out of it. You're a good guy. Like, a really good guy. She'll come along one day and she's gonna be crazy about you, I'm positive."

He looks hesitant and I can tell he's starting to clam up like he does when I bring up Taishiro. I suppose he's as done with this discussion about women as I am so I let it go.

Removing my hand, I pick up my cup of tea to drain the rest of the contents. Most of the food is gone now and I'm almost regretful to admit that it seems like our lunch is coming to an end. But I did enjoy finally having this successful meal with him.

"Well, I suppose I should let you get back to work," I suggest, changing the subject for his comfort for the second time today. When did I become so merciful? I should make a mental note to tease him extra hard the next time he gets embarrassed about something. I enjoy watching him bluster and turn red and I've let him off the hook too many times today. I have to get my thrills somehow.

"Yeah..." Fat agrees with a smaller voice than usual. Damn, I wonder if I really said something wrong to him about the whole wife thing. Maybe it's a really sore subject.

I wanted to say something to him about maybe doing lunch again some time. Maybe it could be a weekly thing. Now I'm not sure if I should say much more than goodbye before I leave.

"Ai-chan," he says, bringing his eyes up to mine and he has a similar look to his face like the one that passed over it when he was making the tea earlier.

"Yeah, Fat-kun?" I respond, a pressure starting to build up in my stomach as I watch indecision swirling in those yellow orbs.

"I..." he swallows, hesitates, then looks away again, his shoulders drooping a tad, "I'm sorry lunch got a bit messed up again today. Maybe we should... try to reschedule one more time?"

I hesitate as well at that. I was half a second away from telling him "No! Lunch was great! Everything was great! I had lots of fun!" Because all of those things are true. But wasn't I just wanting to bring up doing this regularly?

"Yeah," I answer, getting a sassy twist to my lips, "But next time I'm just eating without you if you make me wait."

He seems a bit more relieved at my response and chuckles in that soothing way he does. "That seems fair."

"It might be a while, though. You know I have to go to Tokyo on Thursday," I warn, "I probably won't be back for four or five days this time..."

He nods in acknowledgement.

"Oh!" I say a little too loudly as I recall something I should be telling him, "That reminds me! Bombshell is coming with me. I'm getting her into my agency. My manager also said she'd consider taking her on. Everything is going well on that front. We even got lucky and Jared is coming back to do a shoot. He specifically requested I be in it actually so I'm gonna take Bombshell along with... me..."

My words leave me as I watch Fat Gum's face go from interested to angered. Did I say something wrong?

"When did you find out Jared was coming back?" Fat questions, his voice hard now.

"Um... Yesterday. Tomoyo called and she told me he would be there."

"And you didn't tell me about it? I'm supposed to be your contact. You're supposed to tell me if you found out anything about him coming back to Japan."

I blink at him, confused. "But... Bombshell was right there. I just told her. She's the one going undercover after all. I figured she would report anything important. Besides, I did tell you just now."

Fat pushes his hood back, running his fingers through his extremely messy blonde hair.

"Bombshell is still a side-kick," he sighs, "And, I... I just needed to know, Aiko. This is important. I know nothing is confirmed yet but I want you to assume that this guy could be dangerous. He could be trying to kidnap you. He could've kidnapped countless women before you."

He's telling me this like I didn't read the same exact report he did. Fat has never talked down to me before. Hearing him like this upsets me for some reason. I want to say I feel pissed but, honestly, I'm more surprised and... hurt.

My defensiveness flares and I put on a stoic face, unwilling to show how hurt I really am.

"Well, now you know," I say in a clipped tone.

I stand up and start clearing the empty plates and platters, readying them to go to the sink, but not saying anything more on the matter.

"Don't worry about those," Fat says, waving his hand over the table to signify I should stop my work.

"Fine," I bite out, huffing in frustration.

I set the plates down on the table a little too harshly and pick up my purse instead, turning on my heel to exit the room.

"Aiko, hang on!" Fat says and I spin as I reach the doorway.

I forget to school my face for just the barest of a second and yet he manages to see my true feelings immediately with those overly observant eyes. Can't he just not notice my weakness for once?

"I'm sorry I said it like that. I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't. Forget it," I snap before he can tell me he knows he hurt my feelings. "Don't think you can upset me that easily."

"Right... Sorry..." He rubs at his head before he speaks up again, "I'm just worried about you. I don't want something to happen to you. I know we don't talk about it but I still think about that day..."

When he says "that day" I know he means the day he found me on the floor in his office, possibly dying.

I clench my jaw at his reminder. On the one hand, it was a day that solidified our friendship and made him nearly indispensable to me. On the other, I still feel heat burn at my cheeks any time I think about how I behaved toward him and the fact that I feared I was dying. Who wants to be reminded of the day that they almost died?

"I don't," I lash out, wanting to move past this subject quickly. Every time he opens his mouth it feels like a harder punch to the gut, "And I don't know what that has to do with this."

His expression is no longer angered. Instead he wears a look of intense worry, almost, if not more, anxious than how I've seen Suneater look.

"I know you're not scared of him- of any of this- at least not for yourself," he says with upturned brows, his honey-colored eyes not hiding his worry at all. He's always willing to show me the way he's truly feeling and it makes me feel guilty sometimes that I'm never as honest as that. "But I'm scared, Aiko. I don't want to see you like that again. I'm sorry I reacted that way, I just... don't like to think what could happen to you and being surprised with information like that out of nowhere- knowing you're suddenly about to see someone who could be so dangerous- it startled me."

Ah dammit. He's always so damn genuine and open. I've only ever thought of how difficult that day was for me. I never once considered how traumatic something like that might've been for him.

"I... I want to go with you too this weekend," he blurts out unexpectedly and my brain comes to a screeching halt. I can hardly figure out how to process what he just requested.

"Wait. What?"

"I'll check with the others to see if it's a good idea first but, if you'll let me, I want to come and watch your back. I don't feel right watching you walk into possible danger without backup."

"Fat-kun..." I'm not sure what I can say. He's being protective and I actually like someone wanting to protect me for fucking once in my life. At the same time, how would I ever explain away a hero following me around? If it had been easy to infiltrate the modelling world like that, we wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of getting Whitney in there.

He just stares at me with his golden eyes shining brightly and I'm struggling to tell him no outright. It's hard to want to say no when you'd prefer to say yes.

Sighing and checking my nails for any imperfections, I relent because I guess I'm weak, "The shoot is Thursday afternoon. If you can think up a reason for you to be there with me, you can come. But I don't think you should be there the rest of the weekend. You said you didn't want me walking into danger. Well, that's the only time I might be doing that so you should leave the rest of it to me and Bombshell."

Fat considers this for a few seconds then nods in acceptance. "That's good enough."

I head out a few minutes later after saying my goodbyes and greeting Red and Steel as they walk in the door.

But as I step onto the train headed back toward my apartment, I realize Fat and I never made lunch plans for next week after I get back.

For some reason I can't place, that bothers me immensely.


A/N: For those who don't follow my Twitter: This was initially meant to be part of a much larger chapter  but I decided to cut it in half and the second half will be posted tomorrow so you won't have to wait long!

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