Best Enemies

By herefornoreasons

109K 2.6K 3.5K

*HIGH SMUT CONTENT WARNING* Camila and Lauren both take pride in their constant buzzing phones and ability to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

7K 140 155
By herefornoreasons

Lauren awoke after having the best sleep of her life.. she'd actually awoken without the help of Sam for the first time in weeks rolling over to scratch at her eyes as the well dressed man flaunt into the room shocked at her already glowing face

"Damn mama... early night?"

Not really... as much as she'd never admit it the late night surprise visit actually wore her out so much that as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out like a light, her usual nightly routine would be her scrolling through her phone until her eyes burn enough to force herself into a reluctant sleep..

"Yeah I guess so?"

Sam smiled before tripping over something threw against the couch, he bent down picking up the thin material between his fingertips holding it up in front of his face with a sarcastic eye roll, instantly Lauren's cheeks began to burn a deep shade of red realising Camila had left her bra so blatantly in plain sight

"Uh that's mine..."

Fuck.. she thought to herself as Sam crease his brow, she didn't even think to blame it on a hookup and now she just looked unbelievably suspicious as the man called her out on the trip up

"Uhh... not to give you a big head or anything but I highly doubt you'd fit into anything like this mama... maybe one of your little ladies left it here.."

Lauren nod breathing a sigh of relief happy the man didn't bother asking anymore questions, the sight of the bra however only reminding her of how intense her and the Youngers interaction was last night...

"Yeah probably... it's not like I keep track anymore anyway... just leave it on the nightstand I'll get rid of it"

She spoke before peeling her limbs happily from the white duvet her messy hair wild and evident of a good night, she waste no time in getting dressed as Sam kiss her cheek to leave for the day leaving her in her alone to effortlessly apply her subtle but immaculate winged liner, as she stare on in the mirror she couldn't help but notice the discarded material out of the corner of her eye, the white lace familiar and filled with lustful thoughts, the memory of the girls 'secret' tasting still prominent in the front of her brain

She quickly lift her eyes away finishing off the signature look which today happened to be a short skirt and tight white tee, her legs trailing over to her bag picking up her phone only to realise she was 5 minutes late


She voiced to herself as she scrambled to zip up her belongings throwing the bag over her shoulder before quickly exiting the dorm slamming the door behind her as she flawed it like a race car not wanting to land a seat at the front of the class much to her surprise however there was still a spot at the back.. well .. it was the only spot and unfortunately it just so happened to be right next to Camila..

Lauren roll her eyes gripping the strap over her shoulder harshly as she mull over the idea of just heading back out ...

"Lauren you're late, take a seat please!"

The woman out front voiced sternly causing Lauren to internally cuss like an American sailor as she drag her feet over to the remaining chair, her temper now hitting just under the line of an outburst as she slam her bag into the floor quickly shooting the younger a look as she sarcastically laugh under her breath

"What is your problem?"

Lauren voiced out with gritted teeth watching on as the younger cockily shrug her brows knowing the reason for such a flamboyant sit down was due to the fact she had been basically forced to set down camp beside her new 'helping hand'

"Nothing.. just think it's funny you loosing your shit having to sit next to me when my fingers were literally inside you last night.."

The tone of voice strong and very much a plea to further piss the girl off... it was safe to say it worked however ... Lauren roll her eyes shuffling her seat further away from the girl before settling her hands over the desk pulling out her phone to deliberately respond to texts in perfect view of Camila's wondering gaze

After around half an hour of ignoring each other the woman out front allowed everyone to get on with their coursework while she marked some papers, Lauren happily lost herself in the detailed written statement below her while Camila entertain her friends who walk over to her side of the desk laughing and giggling loudly into the room

"Mila you have to try this! It's passion fruit and mango mix!"

Eva spoke handing over a large cup filled with a yellow ice substance that she happily sip between her lips, the whites of her eyes widening as the ice cold liquid sank down her throat

"Holy shit that tastes so good!"

She voiced out causing Lauren to turn her head subtly before the woman out front asked the girls to return to their seats, the elder quickly roll her pen over between her fingertips before placing the tip between her teeth lightly with a cocky grin

"Is that what you said when you left my dorm last night?"

Camila's head instantly turn towards the elder with a confused but still pissed off glare as she close the book in front of her

"Excuse me?"

"You know.. after you stuck your fingers in your mouth? The ones you were just talking about being inside of me?"

Lauren reply just under a whisper as the woman started to speak once again, both girls made sure to keep looking out front as much as possible to avoid anyone asking why they were so frequently conversing.. it was enough they were even sitting together reluctantly ... Camila's mouth hung open slightly almost embarrassed as she realised she'd been caught

"I don't know what you think you saw Jauregui but that wasn't it!"

Lauren stood from her chair shrugging her shoulders as she grab for the papers in front of her ready to take them to the front of the class for marking but just before her legs began to move her head lent in subtly towards her ear pressing almost against the thick locks of brown hair

"You know Cabello, if you wanted to taste me all you had to do was ask!"

Camila sat shocked as the girl walked away, she felt a rage so deep she wanted so desperately to scream across the room but her conscious pulled her back reminding her of the sweet taste she actually did regardless of her lie indulge in ... she would be the worlds biggest liar if she said she hadn't thought about that brief taste at least 3 times today... not just that but in the moments previous to her leaving when Lauren lift her hips to her face ... the hot muscle only for a second running through her folds had almost been stapled to the front of her mind.. it was a feeling like no other and much to her annoyance she craved it ...

Lauren's body fell back into the seat after a few moments the sweet waft of her strong perfume filling the angered girls nose as she played for another attempt at revenge, she slip her hand under the desk as everyone pay attention to the front, the fact they sat right at the back only making things easier

"Just so you know, if I wanted to taste you... I wouldn't need to ask.... that's not my style!"

She spoke before her fingertips reach delicately over the elders uncovered thigh, the sudden jult that came with the shock sensation only eliciting a smug grin from Camila that sat behind her balled fist now propped in front of her face, Lauren couldn't say even a single word as her brain had become stuck in pause mode.. she couldn't believe the confident girl was being so bold and blatantly obvious.. if someone were to merely glance behind them they'd see the wondering hand now floating dangerously close to Lauren's centre

As soon as Camila felt her fingertips reach the thin lace material between the elders thighs she lift her hand behind the band of her panties slipping her middle finger down directly against her core which much to her satisfaction was undeniably wet, Lauren instantly had an 'oh shit' moment the second she realised just how wet she was, however Camila's taunt wasn't yet finished as she dip her finger half into the girls core causing her breath to catch in her throat before pulling it quickly out and up to her mouth behind her fist, Lauren's eyes were basically glued to the girls fingertips as it push past her lips deep into her mouth, she sucked the finger dry extending her tongue out to make sure she got every last drop..

"Asking is for desperate people... I'm not desperate!"

"No.. sorry what was I thinking... not even waiting for a second after I sit down to stick your hands down my panties ... not desperate at all..."

Lauren shot back sarcastically with a harsh tone covering the fact she was very much flustered.. Camila didn't really care about if she was being honest as her tongue could still taste the sweet arousal coating it so deliciously however the problem being .. she just wanted more.. like a greedy .. hungry... animal

Lauren as you'd expect was still shell shocked as the girl she clearly couldn't stand had just gone to extensive lengths to prove a point only intended to one up her

"Guys I will see you tomorrow please don't forget your mid term assessments I don't want anyone to be late... looking at you Miss Jauregui!"

The evident calling out from the woman out front forced Lauren's attention back in the room as the bell sound out slamming through the bare walls of the usually uneventful class, she quickly grab for her bag throwing it over her shoulder as she push past Camila's chair escaping the room as quickly as possible

"Hey wow wow slow down chika? What's the rush?"

Sam spoke as he caught up with the girl in the hall grabbing for her flustered shoulders that pause against a wall with a deep sigh intended to cover up her ...situation

"Uhh.. just needed some air? I have to go and get some supplies anyway so I'll catch you later?"

"Yeah sure! Hey listen I have to go out tonight anyway so I can grab us some food and we can skip out the rest of the day?"

Lauren instantly nod with a cheeky wink happily accepting the free pass Sam rarely offered her, his sassy remarks always kept Lauren on the straight and narrow usually forcing her into classes even when she'd rather lay under her dome of blankets

"Yay! Ok I'll meet you back at the dorm later!"


Camila's POV

Lauren was gone within seconds of the bell pushing me forward in my chair as she desperately clawed her way through the already standing crowd of people, as much as I despised her I couldn't help but laugh at how easy it was to taunt her.. I did admittedly pull that little stunt to try and knock her down a few pegs but after tasting her for a second time I just couldn't help but think about the real thing?

Words couldn't explain how many shades of fucked up this situation was .... I struggled to sleep thinking about it last night as even now the thought of having a conversation with her made me feel sick... even just looking at her face pissed me off now more than ever yet I craved her body like it was some kind of drug...

"Mila! You coming or what nerd!"

Eva call out from across the room as I'd some how forgot to even move, my mind preoccupied by the moments previous, I grab for my bag lacing it over my arm before pulling the back of my skirt down to join the girls on the way out

"I can't believe you actually had to sit next to her for a whole hour Mila!"

"Yeah actually proud of you for not having another screaming match like last week!"

They spoke as I semi zoned out, it was true however today was different given the fact our argument was a little too... X rated to be shouted across the room

"Yeah well she was too busy talking shit in her assignment to even notice me so"

Eva laughed out almost mocking the elder alongside me as we lace through the halls dodging the awkward 'in love' couples that litter themselves around the walls.. gross in my opinion! I'd never been in love nor been interested in anything of the kind, I'd never actually had feelings for someone at all thinking about it? My mom always questions me about it wondering when I'm going to get a boyfriend... yes boyfriend.. we haven't had that conversation yet! But to be honest relationships weren't something I had in my future plans

After a few hours more of class it came to the final bell and my tired feet were only grateful to be carrying me back to my dorm, the crisp sheets awaiting my body.. kinda wish they'd swallow me up and refuse to let me go but hey... life's a bitch sometimes, Eva and Chrystal had broken off to go to some party for the drama nerds which frankly I couldn't even consider being a part of .. I didn't have any kind of hook up tonight either so it looks like it was just me myself and- wait?

Just as I reach the home stretch I saw a half dressed Lauren sat on the step just outside of her dorm with something hanging from her mouth, the smell hitting me before I approach her body... not that I wanted to.. my dorm was 3 down from hers and it just so happened she was very obviously in my way

"Awww your little minions bored of you already?"

My body pause as I tilt my head down to her cocky remark, the tips of her fingers rolling over the filter of the blunt in her hand...

"At least I have friends Jauregui... that's what having a personality can do for you these days!"

"Oh really? So what did they not bother checking for yours?"

She spat spitefully before taking a drag from the substance in her hand exhaling it directly up into my face.... she really couldn't get any more irritating if she tried

"Are you fucking serious? Can you not?"

"Stop being a child Cabello it's just weed..."

"Yeah and it's pointless! You literally look homeless right now!"

I shot back intending to leave however the sarcastic laugh that left her mouth only angered me further and for some reason my brain decided to keep me there just to see what kind of bullshit she'd come out with next

"Pointless? Listen I knew you were clueless but I didn't know you were dumb too!"

I hated how smug her voice was

"Fine! Give me one good reason to smoke that shit!"

"Ohhhh I have more than one! First off it makes people like you a heellll of a lot less annoying, secondly it chills you out after a shitty day oh in my opinion the best one... sex... feels... incredible!"

As much as I wanted to hate her cocky attitude right now I couldn't help but feel like an oblivious idiot ... I even looked like one asking in the first place and Lauren knew it, the half smile as she lent against the door made me feel so small I only wanted to prove to her she wasn't the badass she thought she was, I quickly grab for the smoke between my fingers much to her surprise placing at my lips before dragging backward.. the only problem being.. I'd never smoked before.. not even a normal cigarette

"Wow Camila wait stop!"

Lauren shot to her feet shocking me slightly as she pull back the smoke laughing hysterically as I choke out into the air... great! Just another star on her chart of one ups!

"You've never smoked before you can't just choke back a joint like that idiot... here, just take a small drag and hold it"

Her fingers guid the filter back into my mouth, doing as instructed I took it back into my lungs feeling the warmth coat my insides until she move her hand to motioning me to let go, immediately my head felt .. strange? I don't know?

As she pull the filter back for herself I couldn't help but think about her explanation... I'd never smoked before but the sex thing? I mean, I guess I was intrigued and I had been majorly frustrated the since .. the class...

I grab down into her hands for a second time this time familiar with the sensation taking as big a drag I could muster screwing my face up as it fill my lungs... if my mom could see me right now... I'd be dead

"Now look who's homeless!"

She shot in attempts to anger me but the feeling swarming my body now compared to only a few minutes ago was very much the opposite, everything seemed.. enhanced? My eyes flit down onto the fabric covering her centre she so confidently let show in front of pretty much the entire world, she had no shame at all! I'd walked past many times to her literally sitting in her underwear! I felt the bottom of my mouth flood with water as her spare hand sat over her thigh.. it wasn't even doing anything .. it must have been the tightly rolled substance but I couldn't deny my want for my earlier desire... I glance around for a second before looking back over at Lauren who stood and met my gaze with a seemingly similar tint

"Be careful with that Cabello you'll get the munchies and they are .. wild!"

"Yeah well I'm already starving so let's see if that sex thing is real or whether that was just your way of tricking me into smoking!"

I grabbed for her arm dragging her through the half open dorm door not even bothering to contemplate as I slam it shut her emerald eyes slightly shocked as they examine my glare

"Defiantly not desperate!"

"Isn't that the whole point of this arrangement idiot?"

I spoke before turning her towards the bed roughly pushing her down into the mattress before crawling up her body immediately connecting my lips onto her pulse point gasping slightly at the feeling of her hot hands making their way up to the back of my thighs gripping tightly as I peppered her exposed neck with open mouthed kisses.. I could already tell how different this was going to be.. just the touching alone felt like millions of tiny fireworks in my veins ...

"Enjoying yourself there Cabello?"

She spoke underneath me already breathless as her hands explore my thighs and ass unashamedly .. I could say the same thing to her but I kind of didn't want her to pull back on the whole touching thing.. it just turned me on even more..

"Shut up Lauren!"

I spoke before latching my teeth down into the crook of her neck embracing the loud throaty moan that followed, it seemed the more we did this the less she held back ..

"Actually.. forget I told you to shut up..."

I couldn't deny the raspy moans sent me kind of crazy, most of the girls who came over were to shy to even make a noise so it was rare I received any kind of reaction... as much as I hated Lauren's voice her moans were something I could for sure tolerate!

I slowly extend my tongue running it over her collar bones lavishing in the way she threw her head back burying it in the thick sheets behind her, the grip on my thighs shifted quickly up onto my ass her palms taking two big handfuls admittedly eliciting a small gasp from my own lips as I reattach them into her neck burying my head among her actually pretty good smelling hair ..

"Who knew I'd be able to make you moan when I'm hardly touching you..."

"I wasn't moaning at that!"

"Oh really..."

She spoke cockily before her hands lift slapping down harshly across my skin, my brain .. my fucking brain forced out a heavy moan that land directly in the crook of her neck.. her sarcastic smug laugh echoing out into the room

"You're so full of shit it's ridiculous!"

"You know what? You're a fine one to talk because when I eat a girl out it's only a matter of time before they're screaming!"

I spoke lifting my head feeling a vein of confidence as she remained paused for a moment the grip loosening on my skin

"Prove it!"

She challenged convincingly with a desperate but low level tone I'm guessing she'd hoped I hadn't noticed .. I couldn't deny that was the only thing I wanted to do right now .. I'd waited long enough and now knowing she wanted it just as bad I couldn't help but take the opportunity

My hands lace down into the band of her panties pulling them down over her thighs while not even for a second breaking eye contact, the lust dripping from her eyes leaving me without a care in the world, all of the hating each other and trying to out do each other dropped in that moment replaced with the desire to just feel something amazing

My palms glide over her inner thighs spreading them wide before my eyes shoot down into her centre.. the dripping folds basically calling out my name, my head dip down over her stomach placing hot open mouthed kisses over every part of the Ivory flesh making my way slowly down just above her pelvic bone feeling that rush deep in my stomach.. hunger..

Lauren's POV

I could feel her hot breath just over my stomach, the moments in class earlier indicating to me she wanted this just as badly as I did.. I had to admit although I couldn't stand her she had girls begging to spend the night with her and it only left me curious ....

She lift her eyes up one final time before settling her forearms under my thighs pulling my hips down closer towards her mouth, it wasn't long however before the eyes settle back over my exposed core, her lips parting before running her flat tongue the entire way up towards my clit

"Uhh fuck!"

I couldn't help it.. the hot muscle confidently exploring my core just felt like an out of this world sensation, the tip of her tongue quickly shift up swirling around my clit before her plump warm lips join to deepen the touch, I felt my body tense up as she sucked it into her mouth pulling her mouth back before hungrily diving back in eating me out as if I was her last meal.. I know she was probably only trying to prove a point but I couldn't give a fuck!

"Oh my god shit!"

Her teeth lightly scrape against the sensitive area forcing my hips to jult up into her face, the palms of her hands grabbing onto my ass in attempts to have me further under her control... my moans were.. constant..

"Proof enough for you yet?"

She mumble briefly annoying me slightly as the sensation I was so deeply encapsulated in was stopped, my hand reach down into the thick locks pulling her mouth back down over my core

"Shut up! Just keep going..."

I begged happily answered by the same circling motion this time with more purpose, I couldn't help but feel she was enjoying this just as much as me considering the deep moan that she let escape her lips as she swallow back, my head was almost spinning ready to black out as the tip fell back against my core thrusting in as deep as it would go Before flying back up onto my clit hitting a spot that sent my legs shaking uncontrollably .. my toes even curling into the sheets

"Fuck right there oh my god.."

She continued only increasing her pace, the deep rasp falling from my own throat as she pushed harder with her tongue evidently hungry as she didn't even come up for air, it wasn't long before I felt the pending climax creeping up on me, my head falling back into the sheets as the grip in her hair grew tighter, my arms even felt weak as the rush of intense pleasure washed over me forcing me to buck my hips up as far as I could against her mouth

"Point proven!"

"Whatever Camila you've been desperate to taste me all day and you know it!"

"Yeah well at least we know who tops!"

Not to fucking day bitch! You may have made me cum like a pillow princess but I am not bottoming for Camila Cabello! I quickly sit up grabbing her by the waist turning our bodies forcing her back into the sheets with a deep gasp as I immediately grab for her wrists pinning them above her head leaning in close to her ear

"You're the brattiest bottom I know don't get it twisted Cabello!"

I could feel her chest pushing against mine obviously overwhelmed by the shock change in position however that didn't stop me from laying my teeth against her pulse point sucking the skin into my mouth as her body squirm beneath me, the purple/red Mark left on her skin making me smug before letting go trailing down towards her hips not wasting anytime in discarding the black material covering her thighs

"I'll show you what it feels like to cum when you're high Camila, maybe then you'll change your mind!"

Her breath caught in her throat as my admittedly smug words fill her ears, my lips leaning down into the crease of her thigh pinching back the skin between my teeth before my tongue made its way onto her clit... I guess I was feeling like a bit of an ass hole as I teased my tongue only gently over the bundle of nerves getting a deathly lustful glare in response, her palms lay over her thighs close enough to pull me where she wanted me but it was evident now that she kind of enjoyed it?

I continued my taunt licking and pulling away quickly until her hips began to squirm, a small moan escaping her lips as she roll her head over to the side trying her best not to look at me

"Had enough yet?"

"I'm not begging you Lauren!"

"Ok fine!"

She asked for it! I restarted the tease just dipping my tongue between her folds pulling back as soon as I made contact, she let out a throaty frustrated groan before lifting her hands up over her face... she probably wanted to punch me right now but she needed me.. yep

"Lauren! Seriously!"

"What? Isn't this what you want?"

I mocked laughing slightly as she threw her hands down beside her, typical bratty bottom behaviour if you ask me!

"FINE! Please just stop teasing me I'm begging you"

Her tone was slightly sarcastic but I'll take it because the deep tremble in her breath only proved I had her in the palm of my hand, I flip my hair to the side before grabbing one of her thighs lifting it slightly as my tongue lay flat across her folds scanning up slowly until I hit her clit, the motions of my muscle along with the cocky look sent the girl moaning in a husky manner she couldn't if she tried get out of explaining away

I wasn't going to lie.. she tasted really .. really fucking good! I closed my eyes just concentrating on the arousal dripping over my tongue, the heavy moans every time I hit a particular spot making things only that much hotter

"Oh my god yes! Ugh!"

I hated conversing with the girl because honestly her ability to wind me up with her cocky remarks just pained me however the sounds of her moans almost gave me a big head... they were higher in pitch yet still sounded so sensual!

I wanted to one up her obviously and did so by running my fingers up against her core giving her no warning before thrusting 2 of them deep into her body, her back arched almost off of the bed as I continued the deep thrusts alongside the licking and sucking of her clit

"Holy fuck! Shit I'm so close!"

Bingo! I curled my fingers up with every push applying more pressure with my tongue as I began to feel her tense around my digits, she was done for and she knew it, the moan that escaped her lips only indicating to me she was now hitting her climax, I kept going however enjoying the sound of her wetness around my fingers, it wasn't long before the arch in her back grew and she was cussing out into the room completely overtaken


She mumbled out into the room as I pull my fingers from her core lifting them up into my mouth as her hands now cover her exhausted face

"Told you coming high was good.."

"Do you always have to be so smug?"

"You could just say thank you!"

She shot up onto her elbows giving me the signature pissed off Camila look she always liked to give

"Not a chance!"

She spoke before sitting up fully as I step from the bed grabbing her skirt I'd threw across the floor, I toss it over into her body watching her lace her legs through the hole before sipping it up over her lower back

"You know manners cost nothing... you don't have to be rude your whole life!"

"Thank you so much for letting me cum in your mouth Lauren you're literally a saint!"

She mocked sarcastically with a deathly glare I was only happy to return, her eyes evil as per usual! It was funny how quickly we would go from fucking each other to hating each other again but I guess that's what lust can do... magical hey!

"See not hard at all! You can let yourself out anyway, I'm taking a shower!"

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