The Wildflower (George Weasle...

By Youtuber_01

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Rebecca Lupin-Tonks is the daughter of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. You could say she's your average 16... More

Chapter 1: Rebecca Lupin-Tonks
Chapter 2: Let's Go To Hogwarts!
Chapter 3: First Day At My New School
Chapter 4: Friends? Already?
Chapter 6: Weird Feelings?
Chapter 7: Uh Oh...Crush On A Twin?
Chapter 8: D-Date?
Chapter 9: Happiness
Chapter 10: Overprotective Father
Chapter 11: Research
Chapter 12: Animagus or Metamorphmagus?
Chapter 13: I Don't Feel So Good...
Chapter 14: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 15: Fears and Insecurities
Chapter 16: I Still Love You No Matter What
Chapter 17: Love and Affection
Chapter 18: Steamy Moments
Chapter 19: Yule Ball?
Chapter 20: A Night I'll Never Forget (SMUT)
Chapter 21: Best Year Ever

Chapter 5: So Far So Good

162 7 1
By Youtuber_01

(Rebecca's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open seein I'm on my bed, my father must've took me to bed last night after I fell asleep on him. I sighed and groaned as I turned away just wantin to go back to sleep but knowin me, that'll never happen.

I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. I looked seeing it was nice and bright and sunny out. I smiled softly as I hopped out of bed stretchin and yawnin. I hopped out of my pj's and into my school uniform. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun and took Benny out of his cage.

I grabbed my books and headed out of my dorm room greeted by snaps which made me and Benny jump and shout a bit. I heard laughing from by the couch which made me chuckle "Come on Weasel's it's too early for this" I whined, Fred and George walked up to me and laughed "but you got to admit it was pretty funny" Fred said, "you should've seen how high you jumped" George said,

I smiled and shook my head as I pet Benny to calm him down "next time I think Benny was ready to maul both of you and I won't even stop him" I said, they just smiled and rolled their eyes in disbelief which made me smirk a bit "You think I'm jokin" I stated,

Their eyes widen a bit which made me giggle "off to Breakfast then?" I asked, the twins nodded which made me smile as we headed out of our dorms and down to the Great Hall for breakfast. People were already gathering which made me sigh as we sat across from the trio "Seems like Becca found herself her own trio" Hermione said,

I blushed and rolled my eyes "They threw snaps at me this mornin so" I said, the others chuckled "That's the twins for ya" Ron said, I just giggled and grabbed some breakfast and coffee which thankfully is a choice of drinks and not just juice or water.

I smiled softly "Someone still not awake?" George asked, I shook my head "I hate mornins. For a wildflower like myself, I am not a mornin person" I said and rubbed my eyes tiredly, "tell me about it" Ron said, I just giggled and smiled as I ate my breakfast "say have you been to Hogsmeade yet?" Fred asked, I titled my head a bit "I haven't, what's over there?" I asked,

Everyone literally gasped which made me blush with embarrassment "You're tellin me you haven't been to Hogsmeade?" Hermione said, I glared at her "You do realize this is my first time here correct?" I asked,

They chuckled a bit "Well how's about we take you there this Friday?" George asked, I blushed and smiled "that sounds like fun. I'm in" I said, they cheered a bit which made me giggle and smile "You're goin to love it over there" George said, I just blushed and smiled shyly "I bet I will" I said which made him blush and smile shyly too...there's just something about this boy...

After breakfast was over, me and the twins headed to Charms class since we do have the first 2 classes together and Transfigurations. Then I have the golden trio in my father's class, Herbology, Transfigurations and Potions and only Ron in my Caring for Magical Creatures class.

When we got to class, we took our seats and waited for class to begin. I made sure to take notes and focus on class and not on the two twins talking beside me and tryin to get me Benny was still angry at them for this mornin so there were a few snaps from him here and there which made me smirk a bit...don't mess with me or my owl.

After charms me and the twins met up with the golden trio for my father's class. Once we got there, I walked up and hugged my father "Mornin Love" He said, I just smiled "mornin" I said, "how'd you sleep?" he asked, I shrugged which made him chuckle "oh what am I goin to do with ya wildflower?" he asked,

I giggled "Burn and suffer" I said, he chuckled "I see you made some friends huh?" He asked, I just smiled and nodded "were these the people you were talkin about a while ago?" I asked, he chuckled and nodded "yup all 5 of those kids are just as wild as you are" he said, I giggled "I noticed" I said eyein them which made them just look at me with confusion. I giggled and smiled as I sat between the twins who gave me soft smiles.

The bell rang which made my father smile as we got to learn more about what kind of hexes, dark magic and jinxes are out there and what we can do to prepare, block and defend ourselves. I made sure to take notes as Benny just chilled ontop of my head like always.


After Flying Class. I met up with the twins and the trio in the Great Hall for lunch. The twins wrapped their arms around my shoulder which made me blush and smile as we grabbed some food and headed back to the common room to hang out before our next classes started.

When we got there, there was no one there which made us smile as Hermione used a fire spell to start a fire on the fireplace. Me and the twins sat on the couch as the trio sat on the floor "So what's at Hogsmeade?" I asked breakin the awkward silence.

Everyone smiled "oh it's so fun. It has so many shops and sweet places. We'll take you to our 2 favorite places called the Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes" George said, I just giggled a little and nodded "sounds like fun" I said, the twins just nodded which made me smile as I gently grabbed Benny from my head and set him on my lap "Oooh Harry go get Hedwig, let's have them meet" I said,

Harry chuckled as he went up to his dorm and grabbed Hedwig. He brought her down which made me gasp "Oh my gosh she's so cute" I said as I held my hand out to pet her. Harry brought her close to me as I pet her head "Hiya Hedwig, I'm Rebecca or Becca whichever you prefer. This is Benny, my Barn owl. Benny, say hi to Hedwig" I said and pet Benny's head who fluttered his eyes open and looked at Hedwig.

They both started to fly around the room just playin around which made us laugh a bit "How much you wanna bet they'll have babies in the future?" I asked, everyone laughed which made me giggle and smile shyly. Benny came landing back on my head which made me scoff "Mate. Your talons are drillin thru my head can ya wait like a couple hours before you latch back on there?" I asked and set him on my lap.

He cooed which made me roll my eyes as I fed him some of my food, the others chuckled as Hedwig relaxed by the fire "Why don't you go cuddle up with Hedwig?" I asked, he cooed and sat by Hedwig by the fire which made me giggle "So sweet" I said,

The others chuckled and rolled their eyes a bit "what? It's cute, don't judge me" I said pointin at everyone "ya know, for someone as brave and strong you sure fawn over the silliest of things" Ron said, I glared at him and pointed my wand at him which made him squeak "Don't make me use this Ronald Weasley" I said, he put his hands up in defeat which made me giggle a bit, "You're a little scary sometimes. Brilliant, but scary" He said,

I just giggled "Good" I said and finished up my lunch along with the others, "Weasels, what are your parents like?" I asked, they looked at me with confusion and chuckled a bit "Well our mum sure is strict" "But she loves each and everyone one of us and just is protective" The twins said, "And our father is very intrigued by muggle things" Ron said,

I giggled and smiled "They sounds lovely" I said, "Well maybe someday you can meet them" George said, I blushed shyly and nodded "I'd like that" I said, "What about you Hermione?" I asked, she smiled sheepishly, "I have Muggle parents. They're great. They're both dentists" She said, I just smiled "They sound lovely too. I'd like to meet them someday" I said,

She smiled shyly "that'd be fun" she said and nodded "Harry. I've met your parents before; they were such nice people. They were like my second parents in a way. I was still little when I met them but I remember your mother bein pregnant with you and I think I was about 2 or 3 when you were born and even tho I was small, I remember my parents helpin me hold you and you were so small and you had your fathers bright blue eyes. My parents have told me all kinds of stories of your parents and Sirius and how they were in school together...I actually cried hard when I heard they died" I said softly,

Harry smiled softly "Well I guess that makes us family then huh?" Harry asked, I smiled softly and nodded "I would think so if Sirius is your godparent and he's my uncle, I guess that makes us like 2nd cousins" I said, the others chuckled softly which made me smile and let out a small sigh "we should head off to class" I said lookin at the clock.

Everyone nodded as we got up, threw away our garbage and headed off to class, which mine was Herbology with the golden trio. I said bye to the twins and walked with the trio to Herbology class.

When we got to Herbology, we got to learn and take care of these screamin creatures called Mandrakes, we had to wear earmuffs so we don't become paralyzed and die. It was actually quite fun handling them but they looked like nasty little things.

After Herbology was potions with the trio. We got to make some really cool potions. It was funny seein some people's explode in their faces, I couldn't help but laugh cause I don't know what people do wrong to make it explode and thankfully the fumes don't hurt anyone and it's just the drinkin that does.

After potions was transfigurations where I met up with the twins. I ran up behind them and ruffled their long orange hair "sup weasels" I said, they chuckled and fixed their hairs "Shorty" they said, I pouted "No don't call me that" I whined a bit.

The twins laughed, "Why not?" "it's true" they said, I pouted "I may be short but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass" I stated, they just laughed and bend down a little to reach my height cause they were like 6'0-6'2 at least "I'd like to see you try" Fred egged on. I just smirked and eyed them a bit "oh just you wait Weasels, just you fuckin wait" I said and walked past them and to class.

When I got to class, I took my seat as the twins sat on either side of me. I just smirked as Benny was chillin on my head like always. Ron and Harry sat across from us while Hermione sat behind us. Professor McGonagall who was an Animagus like father transformed from her shorthaired cat to her regular self and taught class.

After that class was Caring for Magical Creatures which I only had Ron in that class so I said bye to the others and walked with Ron to class "I really hope Hagrid doesn't pull out any spiders again" He said, I just giggled "Oh Ronald what to do with ya huh?" I asked wrappin my arm around his shoulder, he rolled his eyes which me giggle as we headed off to class.

Hagrid told us all about different magical creatures and how to care for them. Of course I took notes cause there's always homework and exams followin this stuff so it's good to have notes with ya for future references.


Finally it was the end of the day, we all had some time to kill before supper so I want to see how my father was and ask him if it's okay if the others take me to Hogsmeade tomorrow. I headed up to my dorms where others were and put my books on my dresser. Benny seemed tired so I put him back in his cage "We'll hang outside tonight okay?" I asked,

He cooed which made me smile as I headed out of the dorm and to my father's class. I walked in seein it was empty and saw him in his office. I giggled and smiled as I walked in "knock knock" I said, he looked at me and smiled "Hello darlin, how are you?" he asked, I just smiled "wonderful, how about you?" I asked,

He sighed a bit "a little stressed but I'm doin good" he said, I just scrunched up my nose a bit and nodded "Daddy?" I asked, he looked at me "Can the twins and golden trio take me to Hogsmeade tomorrow after school?" I asked, my father smiled softly "of course Sweetheart, they're your friends. I want ya to have fun" He said,

I just smiled softly as I walked up to him and hugged him "thank you. I love you" I said, he chuckled "Love you too. Supper's almost ready so go have fun" he said, I just smiled and nodded as I headed out of his room and to the Great Hall for supper.

I saw my friends talkin which made me smile as I snuck up behind the twins again and ruffled their hair "Oi!" they shouted, I just laughed and sat between them "where were you?" Ron asked, I scoffed "Where do you think?" I asked, he just shrugged "Seein my father of course" I said, he just nodded which made me smile and roll my eyes "are you excited to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" Harry asked,

I smiled softly "Yes very. I love explorin new places" I said, the others chuckled "Well we can't wait to show ya" George said, I blushed shyly and nodded as Dumbledore said his usual speeches and made supper appear makin us dig right in to the delicious food, "Ya know this food is good and all but not as good as my mother's" I said, "who is your mum Rebecca?" Hermione asked, "Nymphadora Tonks" I said,

The others looked confused but nodded "Wait so you have your father's last name?" Harry asked, I shook my head "I have both. It's hyphened. Rebecca Hope Lupin-Tonks" I said, the other's eyes widen a bit "woah, long name" Ron said, "Hope is from my grandmother. My father told me she got to hold me once but then passed away shortly after so my father wanted her name to be my middle name" I said,

The others nodded sympathetically "Harry, who raised you after your parents died?" I asked, Harry sighed "My muggle aunt and uncle. The Dursleys" he said, I frowned and noticed his anger when he said that "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up" I said, Harry shook his head "It's alright. They weren't the nicest of people. I was treated more like a slave than a child, even locked me in a room under the stairs" He said,

I frowned as I felt my blood boil "Well you call me if they cause you any trouble because now that we're family I will not hesitate to tear them to shreds for hurtin you" I said, he chuckled softly "thanks Becca" he said, I smiled softly and nodded "That goes for all of ya too, if anyone treats you badly just call me and I will protect you. I may be small but I'm not afraid to threaten anyone or kick ass" I said,

Everyone laughed a little as the twins ruffled my hair "Awe you're so cute when you get protective" George said, my eyes widen and face flushed as my heart and stomach fluttered "awe she's blushin Georgie" Freddie said pokin my cheeks, I giggled and shook them off me "alright, alright, back off" I said and rolled my eyes, we all just laughed and continued to chat and eat some dinner.

After dinner we had an hour or so before lights out. We all headed to our dorms and changed into our pj's or comfy clothin. I grabbed Benny and headed to the common room seein the Twins, they looked at me and smiled "Where are ya off ta?" They asked, "outside for some fresh air" I said, "Can we come with?" They asked, I giggled and nodded which made them smile as we headed out of our dorms and outside.

Once we were outside, I took a deep breath takin in the nice cool air. I walked to one of the trees and started to climb it. The twins laughed as they joined me, "Stretch your wings boy" I said as Benny flew off my head and went to fly around for a bit. I smiled softly and grabbed the twins hands and intertwined my fingers with theirs.

Their eyes widen and face flushed which made me giggle "this is nice" I said, they smiled "It sure is" they said, I just yawned a bit and leaned my head on George's shoulder "Thank you guys" I said, they chuckled a bit "for what?" Freddie asked, "bein my friend" I said, they smiled "You're the greatest friend we've ever had" they said,

I just giggled and smiled as we watched the sun slowly set and the moon and stars come out, thankfully it's not a full moon, I always make sure I look at the moon before going to bed so I can make sure daddy would be okay. I took a deep breath seein Benny fly high and low and cooin while stretchin his wings. I just giggled "Benny's a cutiepie ain't he?" I asked,

The twins chuckled "sure, love, sure" George said, I blushed and smiled shyly as my heart and stomach fluttered again...but why? I've never felt this way before...maybe I write a letter to mum...she might know...or ask Hermione? Or Ginny? They're girls...they may know...I should have a girls day with them...that sounds of these days.


(3100 Words)

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