The Hurtful Truth: A Real Fam...

By truehufflepuffshp

111K 2.5K 607

Harry's life changes for the better but at what cost Who can be trusted? Will the dark really be dark? More

Chapter 1- Privet Drive (E)
Chapter 2- Gringotts (E)
Chapter 3- Inheritance (E)
Chapter 4-The Potter Wills (E)
Chapter 5- Shopping (E)
Chapter 6-The Company Idea (E)
Chapter 7- The Company (E)
Chapter 8- The Employees (E)
Chapter 9- Occlumency And The Basement (E)
A/N - On Hold
Chapter 11- Siblings (E)
Chapter 12- Familiars (E)
Chapter 13- Birthday (E)
Chapter 14- Party Prep (E)
Party Outfits And The Manor
Chapter 15 - Party And Surprises (E)
characters A/N
Chapter 16 - The Mates (E)
Chapter 17 - Planning (short) (E)
Chapter 18 - Back To Hogwarts (E)
Chap 19 - Back To Hogwarts Pt2 (E)
Chapter 20 - settling (E)
Chapter 21- Potions + Pictures (E)
Chapter 22- Dumbledore (E)
A/N 2 please read
chapter 23- Salazar (E)
chapter 24 - the challenge (E)
chapter 25 - Dangers (E)
chapter 26 - champions (E)
dresses and suits for yule ball
chalter 27- the yule ball (E)
Chapter 28 - Second Task (E)
Chapter 29 - 3rd task (E)
chapter 30 - Gone (E)
bonus scene (E)

Chapter 10- Blood Adoption (E)

2.8K 70 9
By truehufflepuffshp

Pov change
Hadrians pov

I wake up at 7 am and go into the bathroom

I take a shower and dry my hair

I walk into my room then into my closet where I put on a pair of ripped jeans and a white jumper with a rose

I then put on a pair of lace up heeled boots

My make up is natural face with a redish eye and nude lip. My hair is natural silver waves with purple tips

I make my red eye green just in case I go out it makes it so people don't give me strange looks

I head downstairs and go to go into the kitchen before I hear a knock on the door. Which I open to fine my friends, siblings, godparents and mates

"let me guess breakfast" I say moving aside 

"You know it" Rabastan says jumping I to the house

I sigh walking towards the kitchen

"So what brings you here" I ask

"Well this lot are staying in my Manor and Luna said something during breakfast that peeked my interest she said I would have to ask you" Tom says

"Very well we will talk after breakfast" I say walking to the fridge pulling out bacon, sausage, eggs and cheese I also grab potatoes and bread

I make hash browns by grating the cheese and potatoes together I put a handful of the mixture at a time into a waffle maker

I cook the rest of the food and then call Dudley and sit at the table we all eat I do the dishes then sit back down

"Alrightly what did Luna say" I ask

"She said" well that's just that with our glamours"we were confused" Severus says

"Well your are aware they where blood adopted into my family" I say

"they wouldn't look to different with a sibling bond" Theo says sweetly

"Well when my mother was pregnant with me she saw when I would go through my inheritance and who my mates would be" I say

"My father saw snippets of my future and in my future he saw, that they would die I would be abused and when I came out the other side, there would be 6 people all disowned that I thought of as family so they left enough blood for 6 blood adoptions" I say

"OK well how would the heirship and lordships work and who are the other 4" Narcissa asks

"Well they said I was to still have all Lord and heirship as I was born into the family and they met me they didn't meet the others and I thought the other 4 where Charlie, Bill, Fed and George" I finished

"really because we where all disowned last night" Bill says

"Seriously" I say shock on my face

"Yes do you really think it's us" Charlie says

"Yes I do" I reply

"well does that mean you got yourself 4 more sibling" Bellatrix asks

"I dunno what ya boys think" I ask

"fuck yeah" they all say full of enthusiasm

We all chuckle

"hold up how did you find out about this" Bill asks

"Well the three of us went to Gringotts to ask about a sibling bond and they said I would need to as my account manager so i did and he told me" I say

"and about your I will send a letter to Griphook and try get it in for next week if that's OK" I ask and see them all nod

"Then we can keep glamour on until we get to Hogwarts and do a big reveal" Luna says

"Good idea Luna" we all say

"Right we best be on our way" Lucius says

"Alright I will Wright the letter now" I say

They all smile then walk out I go into my study to write a letter to Griphook

Dear Griphook

My suspension on who the other 4 siblings has been confirmed as William, Charlie, fredrick and George Weasley who were all disowned recently.

If you could set a date for the blood adoption it would be great and send us all copy's of the date

Hadrians potter

I send it off with hedwig

I walk back k side and see its 11 o'clock and decide to use the gym I run upstairs to get changed

I put on navy matching leggings and crop long-sleeved top I put my hair in double blue braids and put black and white trainers on

I head down and run on the treadmill I lift some weights to help my snake and dragon sides I work out until 3 pm where I go and shower

I chuck on a lose tee with shorts

I then grab Dudley and head into my study we start to get him caught up to speed on the Hogwarts years he missed

A/N OK so I'm sorry its taken so long I've had no motivation at all I'm trying my best you see Ive just gone back to school after lock down and it messed up my head please leave a comment if you like this story as I'm losing motivation to Wright this story although I have over 750 reads it just hard I'm in year 10 (I live in Britain) and am starting my Gcses If you liek this story tell me

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