
By SafflowersinAutumn

218 78 101

Aurelia Magdalene Rivers was but a simple florist. Without a future. The world around her taunted her pitiles... More

Characters' Introduction
Chapter 1: Her Name
Chapter 2: Her Past

Chapter 3: Her Family Secrets

19 14 9
By SafflowersinAutumn

"You do know that your family butler is hiding things from you." Honshu knew that his brother would become furious.

Very, very furious.

But he really needed to tell him the facts.

His eternal wrath be damned!

"Why is he doing this? Is he trying to betray me? Does he even know the girl?"

Kyohei spoke calmly. But Honshu knew that a wild storm was brewing inside his older brother's heart. He carefully thought about his response.

"I do not know about his true motives, but I do know for fact that he'll never betray you or anyone from our family."

He carefully measured his next words. They might have a profound impact on Kyohei. He didn't want to give his brother too much distress.

"He doesn't know about Aurelia."

"Do not call upon her so casually. You do not even know her."

Kyohei gritted his teeth in anger and frustration.

Honshu just gave him a wide smile in return.

"He may sympathize with her, but he has got no affiliations whatsoever with Aurelia-sama."

"She doesn't require any honorifics from our side of the family."

Now his brother was becoming agitated but Honshu didn't care.

"Stop disrespecting her, brother. Do you doubt her that much?"

"It is not about disrespect. We do not know anything about her."

He did have a valid point but still...

"I do."

Honshu was sure that this declaration would disrupt everything. It'd bring chaos and misery. Both sides would definitely suffer. Kyohei and Aurelia; they'd both perish just like the ashes in the wind.


He expected at least this much. Kyohei looked at him like he had grown twin horns on his head.

"What did you just say?"

Did he hear cracks in his older brother's voice? He must truly be going mad. His brother never showed weakness in front of anyone. Ever.

Honshu was now getting nervous. He had dug his own grave this time. But there was no turning back now.

"I said that I do know some things about her."

He spoke slowly.

"Oh really?! What pray tell do you know about her? We do not even know where she is right now. Stop lying to me. You're all hiding something from me. Just tell me the damn truth already. Is she a ghost? A figment of my imagination? Have I lost my senses; my mind because she's driving me insane? I dream about her. I keep hearing her damned, sweet voice calling out my name. Is she even real or am I hallucinating after this particular incident? Did the neurologists even check my brain for any internal injuries? Just tell me everything. I can handle anything. I am the rightful heir to this family. You cannot hide anything from me for long."

At this point Kyohei was calm no more; he was losing his cool. He almost shouted at him.

"Heir-sama, no one's hiding anything from you."

Honshu maintained a small smile on his visage.

This was getting interesting. His older brother was never invested in any woman before.

"Bullshit! Is she from the rival gang?!"

He bellowed without any restraint.

"What?! No. She doesn't even belong to this country."

Honshu's response was immediate.

Oh God! This was getting out of hand. He really needed to do something and fast.

"How do you even know that she's a foreigner?"

His brother was ferociously interrogating him, and he was just standing there like a fool wasting bucketfuls of H2O.

There was a long pause. Honshu really didn't want to disclose anything at this point. But he had no other choice. Kyohei needed to know the truth about this woman.

"Our late father..."

His hesitated slightly.

"What about our father?"

Kyohei deflated instantly. As the oldest child he was the most responsible, and he wholeheartedly cherished his parents.

When Honshu spoke again, his voice was almost a whisper and Kyohei's breathing hitched momentarily after hearing the reply.

"He had friendly ties with Aurelia-san's maternal grandparents in England."


A/N: Vote and comment if you like this chapter. PM me if you have any queries or if you just want to have a chat. :)

Updates will be weekly.

Thank you for reading.

Have a very nice day. <3

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