BoruSara Oneshots!

By BreeDunn0_0

4.9K 75 26

Some BoruSara one-shots because I'm obsessed with this ship! Hope you weebs enjoy! and remember watch anime... More

She Is Sad
I Will Never Leave You

Devil & Angel

1.1K 20 17
By BreeDunn0_0

Normal POV

Prompt- Its Halloween and Boruto & Sarada are celebrating 

Warnings- not that much fluff but its okday and some minor language


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"Oi!" Sarada yelled at Boruto, who was in a stupid (in her opinion) costume 

"Nani?!" Boruto yelled back

"Why are you dressed as a vampire!!" she pinched her nose

"I thought you wanted me too!" he squeaked

"Baka!!" she started to attack him

"Oi!" Sakura gave them both her signature glare

Boruto and Sarada shivered and stopped. Sarada and Boruto were 18 and despite that, they still fought. The worst part about growing up for them was their feelings. Their 18 now and they have become more mature, meaning that they finally understand their feelings. But they just are to embarrassed to admit it. Everytime Sakura and the others would ship them, they would blush and just walk away, well not before yelling at the person.

"Boruto go change into this costume" Sarada said softly

Boruto blushed a bit at her voice and nodded.

(If your wondering, Sarada wanted to dress up wth Boruto, its a tradition for them. This year they were going to be the Angel & Devil. Of course Sarada was going to be the Devil and Boruto the Angel)

Sarada scoffed, she was still not dressed yet and they needed to start leaving in an hour. Sarada was very serious about this time of the year, it was her favorite holiday because she loves all the costumes and how scary they are. But she doesn't like getting scared tho. Sarada walked to her room and changed into her Devil costume. When she put on her black high heel boots and Devil horns, she was almost ready, she just needed some makeup. She put on some red lipstick and mascara then she was done. She looked at the time and smiled, they still had plenty more time to get ready.

Sarada walked out the room and went to the kitchen, she was met with Sakura, who was dressed as a pink little cat and Sasuke as a black cat. 

"Im surprised you arent a vampire papa" Sarada got a bottle of water from the fridge

"Your papa is too shy to be anything to funny, so we chose cats" Sakura smiled "Anata, you look so cute" Sakura sqeezed his now red cheeks

Sasuke 'tched' before looking away.

"Papa looks like a grumpy cat" Sarada laughed a bit before she heard a door open

Boruto came out with his angel costume looking-

"Oh Boruto you look so handsome!" Sakura squealed and gave him a bone crushing hug "Sarada come see your boyfriend!" Sakura giggled

Sarada blushed and looked away. Boruto rubbed the back of his head nervously as Sakura pushed Boruto towards her. Their faces were centimeters away from each other, both blushing. Sarada shook her head before pushing him away.

"Too close! Your breath stinks baka!" she crossed her arms

"Yours didnt smell any better!" Boruto blushed a bit

"Baka tenshi!" she yelled (that means "Idiot Angel" in Japanase)

"I really thought they were going to kiss this time" Sakura whispered to Sasuke as they were still arguing

"Maybe next year" Sasuke said softly

"Okay guys lets go!" Sakura cheered and pulled them apart from each other

They both scoffed at each other before nodding. They walked outside, making Boruto and Sarada walk beside each other behind Sarada's parents. When they stuck glances at each other, they would blush and look away. Sarada gulped when they got to the Halloween festival, she became scared for some reason. 

"Were here, now Boruto and Sarada go hang out with each other until this festival is over" Sakura pushed them closer together again, making them both blush a bit

They sighed and walked beside each other. 

"So..." Boruto rubbed the back of his head

Sarada crossed her arms and looked down. Boruto smild at her and held her hand. Sarada gasped and looked up, Borutos eyes looked calm and....

'beautiful' she thought before blushing

They continued to walk in silence until they saw a little kid and that kid seemed lost. Sarada smiled sadly before going up to the kid.

"Hey" Sarada said softly, getting the little boys attention

The boy had tears running down his face and looked scared.

"M-m-my mommy" he cried

Sarada rubbed his head before giving him something out of her bag.

"Here and lets go find your mommy, its okay" Sarada smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, making the boy blush a bit

"okay" he said softly, wiping his tears

Boruto looked at her in awe.

'shes very good with kids...she would make a good mother one day' he smiled softly 'the mother to his children' Boruto blushed at that thought, shaking his head

"Boruto?" Sarada spoke softly

"Nani?" he asked

"I need to go get mama and papa for this kid" she said

Boruto nodded and followed Sarada, who was holding the kid in her arms. When they found Sasuke and Sakura, they looked at her in confusion before walking up to them.

"Why do you have a child" Sakura looked at the kid in her arms

"He lost his mom" Sarada setted the kid down

"Oh I thought you two already had a kid together" Sakura giggled

Boruto and Sarada both blushed and looked away. Sarada kneeled down to the kid and seen him look down a bit, he then squished her boobs.

Sarada gasped before getting up.

"Baka hentai!" she yelled (that means "Idiot pervert!" in Japanese) "Your lucky im not you mom, otheriwse I would-"

"I didnt feel good anyways" the boy rolled his eyes

"Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. BAKA KID!!" she yelled

The boy stuck his tongue out at her before Sakura tapped the kids hands, giving him a scary glare.

"Go find your own mommy" Sakura pushed him away

Sarada crossed her arms and looked at Boruto. Boruto's blood boiled at what that kid did.

'thats my Sarada!' he yelled in his mind

"Sarada lets go" Boruto said quickly before grabbing her wrist

Sarada blushed and went with him, leaving Sasuke and Sakura alone. 

"Boruto where are you bringing me" Sarada rolled her eyes

"I need to tell you something" Boruto stopped and turned around

He got closer to her, their mouths almost touching.

"Sarada I-"

"I love you" Sarada said softly

"I know its sudden but-"

"I don't care" Sarada laughed a bit

"I-"  he was cut off by Sarada's lips on his

They pulee back and smiled.

"Hey Boruto?" Sarada whispered


"Happy Halloween" Sarada kissed him again

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