Don't Ever Forget

By FireSign_Writer

71.8K 2.3K 1K

(A Draco Malfoy x she/her Reader fanfiction) Your time as a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts and the Second Wizarding W... More

2021 Watty Awards


1.2K 47 23
By FireSign_Writer

My nerves get the best of me and I find myself lying awake in my bed too early in the morning. I have hours left before the date but I try to imagine it all in my head. What to wear, what to say, all the details of what to do to not make a fool of myself. It's ridiculous, really, since I've known Draco for months now but I can't help it. A date is more official and formal than our typical meetings and it's something that I've never really done before. 

I pick out something to wear that I find date-worthy but will also protect me from Hogsmeade's eternal snow. Hair and makeup was another story. Obviously, I can't go looking the way I do every day to work. Hair straight down with minimal makeup. That won't do.  

After some time of playing around with the makeup and cluelessly handling my hair, I start to feel grateful to myself for waking up so early and giving me extra time. All the looks either looked too lazy or too intense. A full face of makeup just wasn't me and I could never pull off complicated hairstyles. I go for a half-up hairstyle with subtle curls and take two strands out to frame my face. Ok, that still looks like me. I brush some soft brown tones onto my eyelids, add some mascara and a red tint to my lips. I add a little shimmer to the areas I want to highlight along with a little blush and stare in the mirror. 

I actually can admit I do look pretty. And worthy. I smile at myself then look at the time. I have a little less than an hour left now and the dilemma of when I should arrive arises. Early? Right on time? A little late? I take a deep breath. Maybe I was thinking to hard about this. It's just Draco. 

Right when the hour hand hits twelve I disapparate and a second later find myself standing on a familiar cobblestone street.

"You're late," I hear a stern voice behind me and quickly turn around. Draco is standing there, looking slightly more polished than usual. He's wearing all black, his signature color, with a coat. His fingers are decorated with more rings than usual, and they glitter in the sunlight. Something about his face looks different, too. Like he got a good night's rest. He looks beautiful with the fresh snow reflecting the sunlight onto his skin. I'm speechless.

I come back to my senses when I see him raise an eyebrow at me and I realize what he just said.

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to be late-" I begin, scared that I already messed up the date, until a big smile spreads across his face.

"I'm only joking," he says and walks straight into me, hugging me tight and lifting me off the ground. I take the moment to hug him back and inhale his intoxicating scent. 

"You had me worried for a second," I say, giggling and he squeezes me a little tighter before letting me down.

"Sorry to get you worried, but I'll make it up to you," he says and grabs my hand, leading me down the street.

"So, the typical Hogsmeade date would start here," he says once we stop in front of Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. I laugh at the sight of the place and it seems even more ridiculous now than it did when I was at Hogwarts. It was so... pink. Everything about it was just the opposite of Draco, who was reserved and proper. We walk in and it seems quiet enough. A few tables are occupied by other couples but they pay no attention to us. Just as we sit at a table far off to the corner, an older woman approaches us with a wide smile. I know she must be Puddifoot herself by how pink and frilly her outfit is.  

"What can I get you two lovebirds?" she asks dreamily and I giggle. 

"We'll both have a tea and...," he says then motions for Puddifoot to come closer and he whispers something in her ear. Although I try my hardest to overhear what he says, I'm unsuccessful. Her eyes light up and she gives me a smile. 

"I'll get those teas right away," she says and walks away. Draco looks smug and I let my curiosity get the best of me.

"Draco, what did you tell her?" I ask and he just waves away the question. 

"You'll see," then his face grows serious, "Are you ever going to tell me what happened at the Ministry yesterday?" I wince when he brings up the question and I try my hardest to read his expression. 

"You just won't let it go, will you?" I ask, hoping that for some reason he will just let it go. 

"No," he replies and I sigh. I can't tell him what happened at the beginning of our date or else the rest of the date would be ruined. 

"If I promise to tell you at the end of the date, will you forget about it for now?" I ask and he looks accomplished.

"Fine, but just so you know I won't let you go home without telling me," he says and I roll my eyes. Just then Madam Puddifoot placed down two cups of tea in front of us and I thought that was it until she comes back a second later with the largest assortment of tea cakes and sweets I've ever seen. It looked like it could be everything on the menu and more. My eyes widen in surprise and I can't help noticing the other couples turning to stare in envy. 

"Thank you," Draco tells Puddifoot, looking completely casual. 

"No problem, dear. Enjoy," she says and gives me a wink. When she walks away I turn to Draco and laugh.

"You ordered all this?" I ask in disbelief and he chuckles.

"Of course. I couldn't just take you on a mediocre Hogsmeade date. I know it's supposed to make up for not having one while at Hogwarts but I want to give you the best," he says and I blush. I look down at the assortment and I sigh. 

"We can't possibly finish all this!" I exclaim and laugh.

"You don't have to worry about finishing. Just tell me, would you prefer something chocolate or fruity?" he asks and I take a moment to look over everything. 

"Chocolate," I reply and he nods like he's deep in thought. 

"Milk or Dark chocolate?" 

"Dark," I reply again and he nods. He takes a fork and sticks it into a small dark chocolate cake thats complete with powdered sugar and shredded chocolate on top. He lifts a piece off and brings the fork towards me. I reach my hand to grab the fork from him but he pulls it back a bit. 

"Let me," he says and I understand. He brings the fork to my mouth and he watches as my lips close over it. Once the chocolate hits my tongue I fall in love with it, it's instantly the best cake I've ever had and I let myself indulge in the flavor. He picked exactly what I would like and I smile at him.

"What do you think?" he asks, although I'm certain he already knows what I think. 

"It's... really good," I say once I'm finished. He chuckles and takes a bite of the cake I just had.

"This one happens to be my favorite, but you still have many more to try," he says and I look at all the cakes, already knowing I'll be full before I'm even finished with half. 

"I thought you didn't like sweet things," I said, suddenly remembering Draco's words when he ordered the black coffee weeks ago. He seems to remember this, too, and smiles.

"Well... that only applies to coffee," he says sheepishly. 

"Hm... so we really aren't as different as you wanted me to believe," I tease and he just rolls his eyes while offering me another bite of cake. 

We get through most of the cakes after many talking and tea breaks in about an hour and a half. I feel happy and full having just tried so many sweet and decadent dishes and Draco seems pleased with himself. Puddifoot brings him a bill and he looks over it nonchalantly. He tries his best to hide the contents from me but I see a flash of numbers and am shocked. It looks like a lot.

"Draco... how much was all this?" I ask and he just shakes his head.

"You don't need to worry about that," he says playfully. 

"Can I pay for part of it?" I ask and he looks at me dumbstruck. 

"Absolutely not," he says as if it was the most ridiculous question in the world and places a hefty amount of galleons on the table. He gets up, and before I can count the galleons myself, puts his arm around me and leads me out of the shop. Puddifoot gives me a smile as we leave and I return it, feeling like a giddy child. 

"Another Hogsmeade rite of passage is Honeydukes," he tells me and I groan.

"Draco! I'm stuffed from all those sweets from Puddifoots and now you want me to eat more?" I ask and he laughs. 

"No, no. This will just be a gift for you to take home," he says as we walk through the doors. Inside it's warm and the smell of candy fills the air. Draco picks up a box and starts thoughfully picking out certain candies. Chocolate, peppermints, toffees, a whole variety, and he doesn't seem to be restricting himself this time either. 

"After the taste test we had back at Puddifoot's I think I have a good idea of what you like," he says with a grin as he fills the box. He places the lid on and pays for it, giving a few more galleons like nothing. I feel a bit embarrassed that he's paid for everything but he doesn't give me the opportunity to offer my own money. 

When we walk out of the shop, he hands the box to me.

"So, when you go home and take a bite of one of these, you'll think of me even when I'm not there," he says and I giggle. If only he knew I still thought about him every day without needing a reminder.  

"And what about me?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" 

"What will you have that makes you think of me?" I ask and he laughs. He puts his arm around my waist, pulls me closer to him, and kisses me. Passionately. 

"I have this," he says when he pulls back and I feel my cheeks redden. He smiles down at me and I dread this date coming to an end. 

"So, this is it for now?" I ask, a bit awkwardly, wondering if he wanted to go. 

"Oh, no. I have one more thing for you. Follow me," he says, as if I had a choice, and grabs my hand to lead me down the street, away from the shops and away from Hogsmeade. 

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