tummy rumblin' ☘︎︎ rodrick...

By halfgrlhalfrnt

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𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘥 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘶 ♲︎ zoo wee mama mfs 97% of th... More

not a chapter But,..,.
◌ q+a ◌


4.2K 164 905
By halfgrlhalfrnt


𝟽:𝟷𝟶 𝙰𝙼

"how are you my twin flame?" dana asked as i sat down.

smiling at her nickname, i started to think about it.

how am i feeling? anxious? gassy? all of it?

"i'm good, how bout you my darlin?" i tiredly replied before my picking up my vibrating phone.

roddy rich
she said she really likes me

what do i do?

do u like her bac

not like tht



jus say ur flattered but u don't kno
her well enuf 2 say the same

okokok ty

ur the best

whtvr bitch

am i a bad person for feeling elated right now?

"so uh..... amanda.... and rodrick..." dana awkwardly started.

what a coincidence.

"i think he's turning her down. he told me amanda said that she 'really likes' him but he doesn't feel the same" i nodded contently.

i feel like i'm gossiping when i shouldn't be.

lol nah fuck it.

roddy rich



boy................ y

wait is this thru text or irl


n irl

we have the same 1st period


u couldnt say no ?or
u didnt want to

what ?

maybe both.......

mmm i c

"hey are you good?"

i snapped my head up to see dana looking at me with a concerned expression.

"yea i'm good... why?" i said swallowing.

i definitely don't feel good.

why though? is it because i care too much about rodrick to see him get hurt or because i'm not getting good vibes from amanda anymore or something?

is it because i'm je-

"your face and aura just like totally dropped right now, what is it?" dana spoke up.

i sighed, knowing she wasn't gonna stop pestering me until i told her what was up.

"first of all i don't feel down or anything, i'm just.... invested.. but rodrick just told me that he 'accidentally' told amanda he really liked her too" i whispered to her, not wanting anyone to listen in.

"wait what the fuck? i thought-"

"yea me fucking too, but i asked if it was because he couldn't say no or if he jus didn't Want to say no and this fucker said both" i sighed.

"wait... you asked him that?? like word for word?" dana asked, a smirk slowly forming on her face.


my eyes darted everywhere out of first instinct.

am i missing something?

"......yes.." i slowly answered.

dana's smirk turned into a shit eating grin and she leaned in closer to put her mouth close to my ear.

"you couldn't sound anymore jealous" she giggled.

my eyes widened and i started to stammer.

"i'm not fucking jealous, i just care about him too much. i don't want him or even amanda getting hurt" i defended.

dana raised her eyebrows and i started to grow frustrated.

how come i didn't know they were in the same class? were they just classmates this entire time without rodrick even noticing her?

that means he's not Actually into her right?

"did you know they were in the same class?" i quickly asked, gaining an eye roll from dana.

"no i didn't you simp, but i called it! you're fucking crushing on him!" dana's voice got louder as she gushed.

"sHHh jesus christ i'm not crushing on him, he's just my... best friend... who i happentothinkisreallyhot and am slightly overprotective of...." i reasoned.

that's all there is to it.

dana stared at me dumbfounded before turning back in her seat, shaking her head with a small smile.

i gulped in relief, grabbing my phone to see if rodrick texted back.



him and amanda huh?

pretty cool.

good for them. good for them.

𝟾:𝟶𝟶 𝙰𝙼

holy fuck my heart feels like it's about to fucking implode.

why am i so fucking nervous to go to 2nd period? fuck fuckfucck calm down mary.


i'm not calming down. okay that's fine.

the teacher shouldn't mind if i'm a little late right? i'll just take the L and get a late pass. good idea.

storming into the empty girls' bathroom, the tardy bell rang as i closed myself inside of a stall. my breathing became slightly heavy as i rested my back against the stall door.

why am i feeling so overwhelmed to the point i need to miss class? the last time i did this was last year when....

... i had a crush on jimmy mars after he who shall not he named cheated on me.


i was so scared of not being good enough, i freaked myself out and told poor jimmy i was moving to romania to become a nun when he asked me out.

luckily i moved out here 2 weeks later.

it's not romania, but i moved.

roddy rich
where r u

its already boring without u


i couldn't help but smile. i always appreciated rodrick's skill of making me feel special.

putting my hand up to my heart, i could still feel its heavy pounding.

i closed my eyes and dana popped up in my head.

what if she was.....right?

no. no?


just breathe in and out.

i nodded when i felt my body calm down, deciding to finally leave the bathroom.

with my head down, i turned the corner and smacked into a tall body.

"woah slow down there"

recognizing the voice, i looked up to see tate standing in front of me with his charming dimples out in all their glory.

"oh sorry tate" i laughed, relieved that it wasn't someone that wanted to fight me just for running into them.

"no worries, why aren't you in class?" he asked genuinely.

"just... lady shit yanno" i lied.

he nodded understandably and i noticed the band shirt he was wearing.

"nice shirt" i complimented.

suicidal tendencies.

"you like em?" tate asked excitedly.

i nodded and laughed at his enthusiasm.

he was actually really cute.

i was kinda surprised myself i wasn't into him, he totally seemed like my type.

"so.... how's amanda?" he asked casually.

my heartbeat quickened again at the reminder.

"well, her and rodrick are a thing now i guess" i feigned a chuckle.

"holy shit she took your man?"

my MAN????

"wha- no what? no. rodrick's not my... man... what the fuck tate" i defended hectically, running my hand through my hair in a state of fluster.

"cmon mj...."

"we're just close! that's it! he's my best friend" i explained for the 283728th time.

tate almost looked like he didn't believe me, but nodded convincingly anyways.

"i'm gonna go get a late pass, i'll catch ya later" i waved, walking away.

"wait i'm sorry, you're going to peterson's right? i'll take you and say that i needed your help with the school paper or something" tate offered.

"you write for the school paper?" i laughed.

it's not that it was a bad thing, i just totally expected it.

"music column baby, i pretty much saved the paper, so peterson's like forever in my debt now" he boasted.

"i'm pretty sure you guys gained all that traction because all the girls here are like obsessed with you" i chuckled, walking side by side with him as he walked me to my class.

"well thank you, but amongst all that, i still don't have the one girl of my dreams" he dramatically put his hand over his heart, walking backwards in front of me now like how rodrick does all the time.

i started to blush. girl of his dreams?

"girl of your dreams?" i nervously chuckled.

"yup, you miss mary jane are the girl of my dreams, but unfortunately rod-dick heffley is the one that has your heart" he confessed in a teasing tone.

my blush increased by way more than a ten fold, but now i wasn't sure which one of his comments made it happen.

"stop...." i laughed, quickly trying to humble his words.

all jokes aside, i was definitely not deserving to be Anyone's dream girl.

shaking his head, tate shot me a soft smile before opening the door to my classroom, immediately catching the attention of everyone inside, including rodrick and amanda, who were sitting next to each other with amanda in my seat.


"what's good mr. peterson" tate spoke smoothly, leaning against the door frame with me beside him. i noticed the lingering gazes of both girls and guys towards tate, all of them shamelessly oggling at him.

my eyes flickered to rodrick, who looked relieved to see me, yet also on edge for whatever reason. i shot him a smile and he returned it with a slight gleam in his eyes.

i love whenever his eyes do that.

woah hold on there.......that sounded kinda...weird.

i glanced over at amanda, who again, was coincidentally wearing the same outfit i wore the day before, and currently giving me a piercing look that gave off the impression that she either wanted to fuck me or kill me.

sucking in a breath, i looked away awkwardly. that was one damn intense stare.

am i just reading her wrong?

with curiosity getting to the best of me, i looked over at her again.

nope. nope.

she doesn't wanna fuck me.


"tate my boy! what brings you in?" mr. peterson beamed at the boy, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"oh, just here to drop your student off, she's been a real help with this week's column" tate lied with such ease.

mr. peterson's gaze fell on me and i immediately gave him an enthusiastic fake smile, silently backing up tate.

"i'm glad to hear that! welcome to the beautiful world of journalism" the teacher exclaimed, patting me in the back. hopefully he hadn't caught the weird look on my face.

i nodded awkwardly with a chuckle before mindlessly heading towards my seat, quickly mouthing a "thank you" to tate and gaining a wink from him as he continued to talk to mr. peterson.

a couple girls glanced at me with distaste, which i ignored, as i headed towards amanda's original seat that was now open.

this is fine i guess.

before i could pull out the chair, rodrick tapped me on the arm, making me turn around to see amanda now standing up with a slightly annoyed look.

he made her move for me?

scooching past each other to get to our respected seats, i winced inwardly as amanda gave me a bitter smile.

god this is so fucking awkward.

i plopped myself down next to rodrick and sighed.

"what happened? did he do something?" rodrick asked, looking bothered by the idea of tate overstepping his boundaries.



"nothing happened! he didn't do anything and you know i wouldn't let him" i quietly chuckled, grinning at his expression.

he nodded assuringly, but still peeked towards tate with the slightest bit of a glare as they both stared each other down with dead expressions.

holy shit.

talk about tension.

amanda seemed to catch onto this as well, glancing between the two boys before landing her eyes on me, shooting me the same bitter smile from earlier.


the period continued on as rodrick and i shared his earphones and tried to talk as quietly and as much as we could without getting caught.

"wait so what happened after you told her you liked her back?" i curiously asked, throwing a glance towards amanda.

her and rodrick hadn't really talked ever since i arrived to class, and it was starting to really make me feel awkward.

"uhh well... she said 'cool' and i said 'cool' and that was it"

i squinted my eyes in confusion.

"t-that was it" i said in confirmation.

"uh yea"

"so you guys have just been sitting next to each other for the past like 20 minutes not saying literally anything"

"uh yea"

"jesus rodrick"


"i thought you were a 'god at flirting'" i half-teased.

"i am, don't get it twisted" he grumbled, wrapping his fingers around my wrist to doodle the löded diper logo on me for the 275th time.

my heart beat picked up a little too quickly for my own comfort and i breathed in sharply to calm down.

"you okay?" rodrick asked with in a low voice, looking up at me with a concerned expression.

oh my fuck. don't look at me like that.

"y...es" i slowly muttered.

"you sure?"


"you still wanna come over after school?"

"of course" i said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

amanda caught my eye as i noticed her stare towards rodrick and me.

"i like her outfit today, it's different from what she usually wears" i mumbled.

rodrick blatantly turned around and caught amanda staring at us red handed, causing her to widen her eyes and turn back to the fromt.

"yea... she looks hot now i guess"

my eyes shot out of their sockets and i retracted my arm from his grasp.

i mean yea amanda's always been pretty and her new look is definitely bitching but ????????

in conclusion i wanna go home.

𝟺:𝟶𝟺 𝙿𝙼

groggily walking across to rodrick's house with 2 iced coffees in my hand, i yawned.

"oop" i mumbled, accidentally running into a parked car in front.

looking down at it, i noticed it was none of the heffleys' vehicles.

and it's not dana's or chris' or ben's either.

whose car is this?

entering through the open garage, i headed up to rodrick's room.

"i got you a vanil-"

i stopped dead in my tracks, seeing amanda sitting on the bed with rodrick.

"...oh hi amanda"

"hey girl!" she beamed with a wave.

"you weren't answering my texts, but i tried-thank you-asking if it was cool if amanda came over 'cause she asked" rodrick said as i handed him an iced coffee.

not wanting to make amanda feel left out, i handed the other coffee to her.

"here have this extra one-"

"oh are you sure?" she interrupted.

"yea of course, i just had one right before i came here" i lied.

she took it and i turned to rodrick, pointing at him.

"i fell asleep" i defended.

"okay sleeping beauty" he scoffed teasingly, shaking his head before speaking to amanda again.

"but uh ya like i was saying..."

tuning everything out, i went to go sit down on the comfy chair with a small smiled formed on my face.

he called me sleeping beauty.

"right mary?" rodrick's voice caught my attention.

"what are we talking about"

"that you're like john frusciante on the guitar"

"WOAh woah woah i am Not deserving enough to be compared to that god"

that was a REACH.

"please... she's such a badass on it" he boasted to amanda.

her expression remained plain as she nodded unimpressed.

"i'm pretty good at the guitar" she shrugged.

"oh really? what do you play?" rodrick questioned.

"i like to play more like obscure alternative rock type stuff"

"like what"

"i don't know if you guys know them but i like to play tame impala and nirvana"

i tried to bite back a smile as rodrick and i looked at each other, both of us thinking the same exact thing.

"they're both cool"
"that's kinda basic"

i shot my head towards rodrick with wide eyes.

"what? it is" rodrick defended.

amanda's smug expression dropped and i couldn't help but feel satisfied.

stop that's mean.

i looked back at her and started to notice there was something different about her appearance.

"i like your new nose piercing" i complimented.

"thanks" she said half assed, probably still upset about rodrick's comment.

i attempted to nod with a soft smile, feeling kinda bad.

"dana's here" rodrick piped.

oh thank god for sweet baby dana.


why was she here?

looking down at my phone, there was a couple of unread messages from our groupchat.

löded shits
wht yall doin

roddy rich
im waiting 4 mary

but amanda's here

Lol wtf y

roddy rich
y what

say less omw

Y is Amnada there

roddy rich
whos amnada



Girl how u do that

It's been like 4 min AND u
live in like


giggling, i told rodrick i'd go down to retrieve dana from the front.

"hello lover" i greeted dana as i finally opened the door, gulping my nerves down.

"hey hot stuff, where's rodrick so i can kill him" she casually said while already heading her way upstairs.

"uh in his room why-wait wait why are you killing him?" i hurriedly closed the door to catch up to her on the stairs.

i slid myself in front of her so she'd stop walking.

"because why the fuck is he messing with some chick, who's trying to steal your life by the way, when you guys are clearly meant to be together???" dana whisper yelled.

my jaw dropped and all i could do was blink rapidly.

what is she on about?

how's amanda trying to steal my life? i don't do anything but breathe.

and rodrick....

"what are you talking about?" i chuckled.

dana grabbed my arm and quietly led me up the stairs to rodrick's room, stopping directly below the entrance so we could peak in without being seen.

good going mary and dana! totally not creepy at all!

"why are we..." i started.

"look! when has she ever dressed like that befo- wait a minute did she pierce her nose? oh my god it's worse than i thought" dana shook her head.

"c'mon it's not that deep" i laughed unconvincingly at her accusations.


eh fuck she's kinda right.

it wasn't a bad thing at all, but she really was originally such a normie. her new look was definitely a 180 from how it was 2 weeks ago, but i think it looked good.

me being the reason for this sudden change however? probably not.

that necklace Was definitely weird though.....

"haven't you noticed her outfits are literally carbon copies of yours from like the day before... like every single day" she continued.

fuck she's kinda right about that too.

it was nothing to me at all at first, only a frequent coincidence, but now that dana was saying it out loud, it was kind of adding up.

"AND we live in a suburban cesspool in plainview ohio, our style isn't as common over here" she added.

oh facts facts.

last week a lady told her kid to not go near me when i went to the store. it's not like i was wearing anything crazy. could it have been my makeup and the safety pins and springs i put all over my frizzy ponytail? maybe so maybe not. i was only trying to being creative.

i gave dana a look that told her i was now understanding what she was putting down, both of us now silently nodding in agreement.

"well shit" i said.

amanda's voice caught our attention and we both nosily looked back at the two of them.

they were still sitting on the bed, but amanda now had her hand on rodrick's thigh.

i see you.

i couldn't hear exactly what she was saying, but i knew it was something seductive seeing as rodrick's ears turned red.

dana caught on as well and we looked at each other with the same unreadable expression.

it seemed like they were starting to lean in and i felt something inside of me drop.

dana and i held onto each other with shock, not knowing if we should keep watching or not.

this is wrong we should look aw-

"hey what's going o-AH"

dana and i went rolling down the stairs screaming with a third person. expecting a hard fall, my eyes shot open at the soft landing i took.

"BEN???" i yelled, getting off of him and fixing myself.

dana groaned and rolled over, smacking ben in the chest.

"you fucking idiot" she muttered.

"what were you guys doing?" ben rubbed his head.

the sound of footsteps going down the staircase caught my attention, and i looked up to see rodrick and amanda standing there, looking at us with confusion. i couldn't help but only focus on amanda's hand wrapped around rodrick's arm.

"what the fuck just happened" rodrick laughed, pulling out his phone to take a picture of all of us on top of each other.

groaning, dana peeped out a "nothing" before being helped up by amanda, rodrick heading over to me to lift me up as well.


"you okay?" he asked, holding onto my arms.

fuck why am i nervous again?

only giving him a silent nod, he smiled nonetheless and i felt like i was gonna melt.

what the fuck.

amanda cleared her throat and i pulled away from rodrick's grasp, immediately picking up the tension coming from her.

ben looked between amanda and i about 4 times before opening his mouth and raising his eyebrows in realization while glancing at dana, who was already giving him a certain look that confirmed whatever he was suspecting. giving him a pleading look to not egg on whatever the fuck was going on, his smirk quickly faded into an awkward smile.

thank you.

i dropped my head down and sighed as everyone headed their way back up into rodrick's room with dana grabbing onto my wrist, dragging me up too.

did they kiss?

my heart felt like it was in my stomach.

fucking why? someone tell me why.

get your shit together mary.

appearing in the room once again, my eyes immediately looked at rodrick and amanda back on his bed.

right now seems like a good time to play with something in his room.

mindlessly walking around, a small vinyl collection in the corner caught my attention. i didn't know he liked to collect too.

i sat down in front of the stack and sifted through what he had.

NOFX, the kooks, fugazi....

one specifically caught me off guard and i grabbed it and gasped.

"YOU LIKE ALL TIME LOW?!" i asked, turning back to look at rodrick.

he smiled and went to sit down next to me on the floor.

"uh fuck yea? they got me through middle school" he chuckled.

"shit me too" i said.

"what's your favorite song on here?" i continued, still holding his don't panic vinyl.

he looked up and put his hand up to his chin, stroking the beard he didn't have.


"what's yours?" he challenged, looking back at me with a smirk.

i knew what he was doing and i smirked.

"on 3?"

"1, 2, 3"

"backseat serenade"
"backseat serenade"

i brought my hands up to my mouth and he smirked. not once have we not had the same answer.

we did our little handshake and rodrick picked up all the vinyls he had, now personally showing me them.

"really? insane clown posse?" i giggled, not even slightly surprised that he listened to them.

i love insane clown posse too, but to the point of having it on record?

"what? they're cool"

he sifted through a couple more before pulling out the self titled le tigre album.

oh fuck.

there's literally nothing hotter than a guy who listens to riot grrrl tunes.

"i knew you'd have a personal preference for this one" rodrick nudged me. i shot him a smile and amanda spoke up from the bed, with dana and ben still playing with a deck of cards nearby.

"you know mj, i appreciate how casual and basic you are. it's kinda refreshing to see someone like that still be pretty cool"


dana and ben dropped their cards and rodrick and i looked at each other with the same
what-the-fuck expression.

"ummm" i started.

what do i say to that? girl fuck you?

being basic isn't even a negative thing in the slightest, but we all Knew what she was trying to do.

"you must really wanna be basic since you keep trying to c-"

"tHAnk yoU" i yelled over dana, not wanting to start any beef between anyone.

amanda and dana stared at each other with a slight glare and i gulped nervously.

what the absolute fuck is going on.


1) hi i wrote most of this chapter high
2) my bf put on rodrick rules on disney+ yesterday n i was like?????u sure thts a gud idea
3) sorry if this chapter's mid!!!!!! its still an important 1 doe :-)

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