Agent 3's Secret.

By Agent3Lumi

819 11 60

Agent 3 isn't just some ordinary Inkling in Inkopolis. She's not just an Agent, either. But she has a secret... More

You Again
Good or Evil
To Love or Not to Love?
What's Wrong?
Tartar's Professor
Mizuta Ahato?!


87 1 15
By Agent3Lumi

Agent 4's pov

As I was sitting next to 8 at a table, and she looked worried. I guess 3 was gone for longer than she said she would be.

"Hey,, um. Me and 3 got into a fight a little bit,"

"What ? When ?" I asked. This was news to me. Why didn't she tell me earlier?

"It's not a big deal. Not like a physical fight or anything...just a small one, like that we didn't speak to each other for a while," 8 said.

I nodded.

"I thought you guys just made up though...," I said, confused.

"I mean, I did too, you think she's still mad? Is that why she isn't showing up?" she said nervous.

"I don't think that 3 would say that she made up with you if she didn't mean it," I said back.

"That isn't really herself, 8, believe me. She isn't like that, don't worry," I reassured her.

8 started to calm down a bit.

"We could get a smoothie, just because 3 is a little late," I told her.

"Al --," 8 was interrupted by 3.

"You're not going anywhere," said 3 strictly. 

"Oh ! 3, we were waiting for you !" I said. "Why did you take so long ?" I asked.

3 stared at me. Something about her wasn't right. Her voice...and her eyes were a very bright green. Normally her eyes are a deep blue. And there was this...ooze on the side of her face that I can't describe. She looked terrible.

"Uhm...3 are you...okay ?" 8 asked. Without any warning, 3 pounced on her like a wild animal. She went completely out of control. It was scary to see her this way. I didn't know what was wrong. 

"3 ! What are you doing to Agent 8 ?!" I shouted. I was running out of time. 3 began to choke 8. I panicked, and threw my smoothie at her. It was the only thing I could do. 3 turned to look at me, and just as she did, Agent 8 ripped the green ooze of her face. 3's eyes began to fade into her regular deep blue color.

"Owwwww," she said. "What did you guys do to me?" she asked.

"You were...attacking us...," said 8 shyly.

"I was ??" asked 3.

"You had this on the side of your face, and you went completely out of control," I told her. I handed her the disgusting green ooze. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well...I was sitting in Kelp Dome, because I needed a quiet place to think, and I saw Octolings. They said they wanted to capture me, and I tried to hide but they found me. They threw a syringe in my back," she said. "And then I couldn't move. My eyes...," she continued. "And...and the Octolings kept on talking about someone named Tartar. And they even looked like me when I was attacking you guys. Their hair was blue and green, and their skin was, too,"

"Tartar ?" 8 said. She was breathing heavily. "Commander Tartar did this !" 8 said again.

"Wait, what ?" asked 3. She put he hand on 8's shoulder, trying to calm her down.

"When I was in the Deepsea metro, Octolings looked like that !" said Agent 8.

"Commander Tartar made that ooze that was on your head !" she said again. "All those years ago, I thought I had killed him and saved the sanitized Octolings," 

"But...he's alive again ?" I asked. 8 nodded.

"The serum the Octolings put in your body 3, makes you hypnotized, like Rival Octolings,"

8 explained to us. I seemed to sort of get it.

"We have to tell Callie and Marie," I said. I was nervous if one of us was going to get sanitized again. Especially 3. She's really strong.

"But most importantly..." 8 said. "We have to find Commander Tartar,"

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