Blessed by the Stars (Thrandu...

By SilverQuill

56.9K 1.3K 144

Everyone know the story of the Lord of the Rings but what happens after? This focuses on the life, love and t... More

Chapter 1: Beginning
Chapter 2: Happy Travels
Chapter 3: Falling
mini chapter #1
Chapter 4: Checking the Time
Chapter 5: The search begins
Chapter 6: Family Meeting
Chapter 7: Forgetting
Chapter 8: Who am I?
Mini Chapter# 2
Chapter 9: Decisions
Chapter 11: Confrontations
Chapter 12: Discoveries
Chapter 13: Meal Time
Chapter 14: I Know What I Feel
Chapter 15: The Duel
Chapter 16: The Kiss
Chapter 17: Catching feelings
Chapter 18: Back to Minas Tirith
Chapter 19: Rhoswyn
Bonus #1: Character Bios (SPOILER WARNING)
Chapter 20: A Year Passes
Chapter 21: Unhappy Interruptions
Chapter 22: The Proposal
Chapter 23: SAY WHATTTT
Chapter 24: The Wedding
Chapter 25: The Honeymoon
Chapter 26: Little Leaf (part 1)
Chapter 27: Little Leaf (Part 2)
Chapter 28: To War
Chapter 29: The Horns of Mirkwood
Chapter 30: Thar be Dragons
Chapter 31: Back to the Present
Chapter 32: Only You
Chapter 33: A New Promise
Chapter 34: What Happened
Chapter 35: What can We Say?
Chapter 36: Legolas
Bonus #2: Fanart
Chapter 37: The Dark Lands
Chapter 38: Calling a Council
Chapter 39: Meeting grounds
Chapter 40: All I Ask
Chapter 41: A New Alliance
Chapter 42: Judgments
Chapter 43: Adhelram (Part 1)
Chapter 44: Adhelram (Part 2)
Bonus Chapter: Origins
Chapter 45: Moonlight Meetings
Chapter 46: Battle Plans
Chapter 47: Cadre Returns
Chapter 48: A night in Bree
Chapter 49: Into the Shire
Chapter 50: Elanor
Note from the Author

Chapter 10: Flirtations

1.1K 24 1
By SilverQuill

I awoke to the morning light streaming through an open window, rolling over I stared across the room, I noted the carpet had been changed as I had slept. And someone had taken care to bring in a stand for armor.

I stood and walked over to it, tracing my finger over the tree engraved into the silver chest plate. It was the same tree that graced my leather bracers. It had to hold some significance to me. Maybe it was the sign of my people?

Yet again another thing I didn't know. I made a disgusted sound in the back of my throat and stalked toward the bathroom. At least I knew I loved baths.

Quickly shedding my clothes, I stepped into the hot spring fed tub. Sinking below the surface, I blew frustrated bubbles out of my nose, as I allowed my hair to soak in the water. I surfaced and leaned my head against the back of the the tub, closing my eyes, I could already feel a headache forming behind my eyeballs.

Why had Lady Galadriel robbed me so?

I was frustrated but I could hold no I'll will towards her. Whatever knowledge I possessed must have been dangerous enough to merit such drastic measures.
I was just mournful of the fact that in stripping away my memories she had stripped away part of my identity. Part of me felt so hollow.

I released a pent in sigh and released fire to dance across the surface of the water. At least I was aware of my abilities even though I had no idea where they came from.

I hopped up out of the tub, warm winds instantly drying me.
I wrapped myself in a towel and went back into my sleeping chambers. Mistress Briala stood awkwardly clothes in hand.

"General Telcontar, His Majesty had the court seamstress make this for you. More outfits will come in time." I nodded my thanks and allowed her to dress me.

Clothed in a dress of moonlight blue, with silver embroidery. My hair left hanging long , I felt immensely out of place. Though that have been the corset.
But my mind held the distinct impression that I did not wear such finery on a regular basis.

Mistress Briala looked Caerwyn over with a critical eye, "It is still rather uncanny your similar appearance to the Lady Galadriel."

"Yes , well believe me I'm not happy about that."

Mistress Briala's mouth twitched. But Caerwyn couldn't tell if it was in mirth or annoyance.
"Come General, His Majesty wished to speak with you as soon as you woke."

I nodded and followed Mistress Briala through the great halls of Mirkwood. I was struck by how beautiful it was, like it had grown right of the forest. Sloping arches and bridges that seemed to be made of tree branches.

I was lead to giant oak doors with intricate carvings depicting did I know about Valinor?

One of the guards posted outside of the great doors knocked once. There was the boom of King Thranduil's voice from the other side granting me entrance. The doors swung open and I strode in.

The Elvenking looked up from the paperwork that littered his desk. His sky blue eyes stared at me, the pupils dilating. He wordlessly stood and closed the distance between us.

"General Telcontar, you look..." His mouth opened and closed as if he struggled to find the words.

I smirked and glided past him to sit in the plush chair in front of his desk. "I think the word you are looking for, Your Majesty, is ravishing."

I could feel his gaze upon me as he rounded the desk sitting in one fluid motion. His eyes piercing into me. " Your health and spirit seem improved, you have regained a certain spark I noted on our original meeting."

I summoned a small set of sparks to dance upon my finger tips, "Yes, well, I get the distinct impression that whoever I am, I am quite good with fire."

The Elvenking leaned across his desk, resting his chin upon laced finger tips. "You do seem to have quite the fiery personality."

A/N: Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter. I've had some family stuff pop up. But I still wanted to give you guys some content. Look forward to the continuing story, I'll try and post another chapter in the next few days. There is some interesting stuff coming up for Caerwyn and Thranduil. Stay tuned! Love ya guys!

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