For Her ~ A Supercorp Medieva...

By ValkyrieNineFic

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Kara is one of King Jonn's brave and noble knights of the round table. Charged with protecting the kingdom of... More

Chapter One: A Knight Named Barry
Chapter Two: Accidental Chivalry
Chapter Three: Her Happy Distraction
Chapter Four: Nothing Shall Divide Us

Chapter Five: Chivalry Defined

2.7K 89 136
By ValkyrieNineFic

Unease blanketed the Great Hall as the lords and ladies of Camelot gathered to break their fast. A full compliment of knights encircled the room prepared to defend the people of Camelot against any possible incursion. Jonn sat at the head table gorging on his early morning feast. He stuffed his face full of turkey, venison, bread, and cheese, barely stopping to take a breath. He washed it all down with a large goblet of wine.

Lena took a seat next to her father at the table. Kara stood close behind.

"How he has changed," Kara said distractedly under her breath.

King Lionel perked up his ears and waved Kara forward.

"What say you, good knight?" Lionel asked.

"It's just strange to see King Jonn gorge himself this way. He has always been a man of moderation. When we were in Saint Germaine, we were offered every kind of delicacy and Jonn politely refused. Since our return I just feel like he is a stranger to me."

"Curious," Lionel said. "A man may eat more or less on any given day but those apt to moderation usually do not change so greatly."

King Lionel cleared his throat and addressed Jonn.

"How is Sir Clark feeling today?"

"He is fine. He rests and is recovering from his injuries. He will be back on his feet soon."

"Glad tidings. His situation seemed most dire."

"We called in a sorceress who was able to heal his gravest wound. Glad tidings indeed."

Taking advantage of Jonn's calm tone, Lionel continued.

"I am sorry I was so vexed immediately after the attack," Lionel said trying to heal the quarrel between them. "In matters relating to my daughter, I can be quite unreasonable. I do hope you will understand."

"Are you still planning on sailing home straight away?" Jonn asked. "You are our invited guests and we had planned for you to stay for at least another fortnight. I assure you we can keep you and your family safe."

"I think it is time for us to go. We have been away from our kingdom for far too long. We appreciate your hospitality greatly. We have no particular occasion to stay for, so I think we shall be on our way."

"Ah, but you see, good King Lionel, we do have an occasion to celebrate. A grand occasion indeed. We will have a wedding feast. The grandest anyone has ever seen."

"A wedding feast for who?"

"I have found a husband for your daughter, Princess Lena. A real prince. I have made up for offering up the hand of a paltry knight."

Lionel cleared his throat once more.

"I assure you; I know Sir Clark is a brave and noble knight and I meant no offense."

Kara stiffened. The sound of her armor clanking was so loud that everyone in the room turned and faced her.

Lena placed a desperate hand on Lionel's arm.

"Please father, no," she whispered softly.

"Be still and put your trust in me," Lionel whispered to Lena.

"Of course, father."

Lillian gave Lionel a strange look. He just smiled a little and nodded.

"Really? Who is this real prince?" Lionel asked.

"Prince Lexius of Gawant. He is the most eligible prince in all the kingdoms, and I consider him a friend. If you agree to stay, I will make the introduction. Stay. This will be an alliance worth forging."

Lionel took Lena's hand and whispered once more.

"Stay calm and trust me. There is something peculiar going on here. The truth must be exposed."

"Your offer is kind and we shall gladly stay to meet this prince Lexius. If it pleases you, they shall be married in Camelot."

Lena trusted her father implicitly, but she had no way to explain this unspoken agreement to Kara. Her heart broke when she saw Kara's face. She knew her father was planning something, but she could see Kara believed his words."

"What say you Princess Lena?" Jonn asked.

Lionel placed a hand on Lena's shoulder and gave her an encouraging nod.

Lena knew in her heart she needed to obey her father, but she was terrified Kara wouldn't understand. Kara's pain was her pain.

"Anything my father wishes will bring my heart peace, Your Majesty."

Lena could hear Kara's armor clank behind her once more. She couldn't bear to turn around and see her face.

Queen Catherine's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Really? Lexius?" Catherine asked unable to hide her dismay.

Jonn ignored his wife and continued.

"Knights go forth and fortify this castle. We have a grand feast and wedding to plan."

"What of Princess Lena's protection?" Kara asked knowing Jonn would be vexed.

"She is protected by all the occupants of the Great Hall. Gather our men and fortify the castle at once, Lady Kara. I will not tell you again."

Lena made eye contact with Kara. Her eyes were glassy. She averted her gaze. Lena knew Kara was feeling betrayed and she was devastated. Lena wasn't really agreeing to marry the prince, but she could see Kara believed it. Kara clenched her jaw, blinked away her tears and led the knights out of the Great Hall. Kara didn't look back.


When Lena found Kara in the garden, she was speaking to Alex in hushed whispers pacing around nervously, her armor clanking with each step.

The moment Alex saw Lena, she dropped into a low bow. Kara turned around and Lena's heart broke seeing her wounded expression.

"Good Day, Alex."

"Good Day, Your Highness," Alex replied with a smile.

"May I have a word alone with your fellow knight?" Lena asked.

"Of course, Your Highness."

"No need," Kara said. She moved past Alex and walked right past Lena.

"Kara, please. Don't go."

Kara said nothing and continued to walk without looking back.

Lena turned to Alex.

"What should I do?"

"Don't marry Lexius The Bloody Rapist for starters."


"I beg your forgiveness, Your Highness. I forgot myself for a moment. My sincerest apologies."

"No, good knight. You misunderstand me. I appreciate your candor. Please just explain your comment."

"Lexius is a man of extremely poor character. He is known in every kingdom as a miscreant, a coward, and if I can be blunt, he is quite aggressive with women. He uses his position to harm gentle women. He is a truly evil character and we were all deeply disturbed when Jonn suggested that you marry that scoundrel."

"Kara must think me a complete fool."

"Why did you agree to marry that horrid man?"

"I didn't mean the words I uttered. My father begged me to quiet my tongue. I believe he has something planned that will help expose Jonn's strange behavior. I didn't accept the king's suggestion in earnest and neither did father. I am pained that I couldn't explain this to Kara. Now she must think me quite the villain. How can I correct this wrong, Alex?"

"You need not work too hard, Your Highness. Just explain and let her kiss your hand. All will be forgotten. At least you shall remain in the castle."

"Indeed. My heart has a home and it is next to Kara."


Kara hadn't travelled far when Lena found her again. She sat upon a large stone and sulked in a way that touched Lena's heart. Kara's words of love were beautiful but seeing her jealousy gave Lena a surprising lift. Lena felt deeply ashamed, but she couldn't change her feelings. She covered her smile and approached gently.

When Lena got closer, she saw that Kara held her handkerchief in her hand and had it pressed to her face.

Lena moved closer and crouched down in a position unbefitting a princess, but she had no care for convention when Kara was in pain.

"My love, my heart, please don't hate me."

"I am incapable of hating you," Kara said deeply saddened. "I can only feel love."

"Please Kara," Lena said trying to connect with her wounded knight.

"You didn't even try to fight. You just accepted your fate to be betrothed to that villain. He hurts women, Lena. He hurts women and he is a man of the ugliest character. I couldn't believe your father agreed so easily, but I was especially taken aback by your quick agreement to marry or even entertain the notion."

"My love, please. All our words were a rouse to fool King Jonn, I swear. My father asked me to play along but I assure you my father has not lost his good sense." Lena grabbed Kara's hand and held it.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked confused.

"You heard my father in my bedchamber. He was sure we would be leaving Camelot without delay. Something came over him in the Great Hall and he asked me to trust him. I believe he saw something or heard something that made him change his mind."

"Surely there are many princes in the surrounding kingdoms who would have your hand," Kara said. It felt wrong that he would jump at the opportunity to marry you to such a horrible man with such a horrible reputation. You are worth a thousand princes and none of them are good enough for you. I am glad to hear your father was not lured in by Jonn's false promises."

Lena moved in front of Kara and placed her hands on her cheeks. She looked around and confirmed no one was in the vicinity. She pressed her lips to Kara's and kissed her until she felt Kara soften and return her kiss with loving tenderness. Lena pulled back and smiled.

"A thousand princes or one beautiful knight. Please let it be my beautiful knight."

"So, your heart still belongs to me?"

"It does and it will never change, my love. Please forgive the charade."

"I forgave you the moment your lips touched mine. I wonder what changed the King's mind."

Suddenly they heard Eve calling out Lena's name.

"Princess Lena! Princess Lena!"

"Here, Eve. Come," she called out.

Lena stood up and waved her hand. Kara moved to her feet quickly and stood beside her just as Eve rounded the corner of the hedge.

Eve was out of breath.

"My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty. I didn't realize you were with your, I mean this good knight."

Lena blushed.

Kara bowed her head a little and smiled.

"You were not mistaken when you spoke, good lady," Kara said with a wink. "She was with her humble and faithful servant."

Eve giggled and averted her eyes. Lena was not the only lady in the kingdom charmed by Kara's sweet words.

"What has you so out of breath, Eve?" Lena asked.

"Your father, the king would like to see you both at once."

"Really? Are you sure he asked for us both?" Kara inquired.

"Yes. It has taken me some time to locate you. Please. He waits by the shore."

"The shore? Why?"

"He did not say," Eve said waving them towards the shore. "Go. Go at once. He seemed anxious."


When Lena and Kara found the King on the shore, he stood tall and proud looking out at the wild ocean waves. His cape flapped in the wind and his crown was pressed securely atop his head.

Lena waved as they approached, and he turned to wave back.

"Come. Let us seek shelter from the wind," he said pointing to an area just under a cliff that was sheltered from the punishing ocean breeze and spray.

"It is not common for Kings to whisper or speak in secret, but I wanted to bring you both into my confidence. Please do not say a word to another living soul."

Kara and Lena both nodded their heads in agreement.

"Kara, you said something that interested me greatly."

"What was that Your Majesty?"

"You said Jonn changed considerably after your campaign in Saint Germaine. Is that correct? Tell me more about your return from Saint Germaine."

Lena pulled her fur-lined cape around her tighter. The wind whipped around fiercely, and the frigid water droplets from the ocean seem to freeze upon her cheeks. Kara moved closer to Lena without thinking. She knew her body heat would keep Lena warmer.

"As you wish, Your Majesty. Our spirits were high even though we were exhausted. We had a glorious decisive battle. We stayed awake most of the night celebrating. We road back towards Camelot but Jonn wanted to part ways briefly to run what he referred to as a "private errand. He told us he would meet us back in Camelot and refused our company."

"Interesting," the King said with a thoughtful nod.

"None of the knights knew his business but we all respected him and trusted him enough to give him his privacy. We returned to Camelot and he was on our heels, not two days behind us."

"He changed immediately upon his return?"

"Aye. He avoided gathering at the Round Table which was quite odd. Our gatherings happened every day, but he pushed them off. The Queen noticed that he was behaving strangely as well and asked me in confidence if something strange had happened. He seemed thoroughly altered. His body and face were his, but his heart seemed broken and dark."

"I suspect something happened to the man when he separated from you good knights," Lionel said. "Jonn was not what I expected when we first met, but in the Great Hall just now, I knew something darker was afoot. Jonn and I were not formerly introduced before, but he and I were both in attendance at the coronation of King Leopold. That day, all the Kings shared their disgust at the crimes of the criminal Prince Lexius of Gawant. Your King Jonn was the most vocal critic of the prince. Some strange magic or evil is at hand and I fully intend to get down to the bottom of this. I owe it to the man he used to be. Whether it be a curse or some dark magic that has plagued the kingdom, we need to find a way to shine light on this darkness that ravages Camelot."

"I am at your service, Your Majesty," Kara said pressing her closed fist to her heart.

"I was hoping you would say that. Do you know the villages he passed through on the way back from Saint Germaine?"

"Aye. That much he has shared."

"Strip your armor, dress as a common person and take your fastest horse. Make quiet inquiries and see if you can unearth any reason why Jonn would have returned so changed."

Kara bowed low.

"As you command, Your Majesty."

"Rise, good knight."

Kara rose and stood at attention.

"I am sorry I cannot do this on my own and save you from the danger," Lionel said earnestly. "I am too old, and my body is too broken to make the trip myself."

"I am happy to help any way I can, My Lord."

"How will she explain her absence, father?" Lena asked.

"I have noticed on more than one occasion that Jonn seems to want to keep Kara as far away from his person as possible. I will tell the king that I need to send word of the engagement to our friends to the South and ask for a knight to carry my special letters of good tidings. If I know the king's strange behavior by now, he will send Kara just to be rid of her."

"I agree, Your Majesty," Kara said sadly.

"You will ride, you will inquire, and you will return with happy tidings from my friends. I will go to Jonn now and send word to you when you can take your leave. I am putting all my faith in you, Kara. You have earned my trust continually. You have defended our family bravely, and for that I am eternally grateful."

"It is my honor, Your Majesty."

"Good. Now, I will go. You two stay behind for a few moments and then head back to the castle. We cannot all be seen together or Jonn might suspect your loyalties have changed."

"I am loyal to the truth and to honor."

"You're a good woman and a fine knight," Lionel said patting Kara on the shoulder.

"You honor me with your words. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lionel grabbed Lena, kissed her forehead, and made his way along the shore without uttering another word.

Once Lionel was gone, Lena clutched at Kara desperately and kissed her with impassioned longing. No matter how long she kissed Kara, her hunger could not be satiated, her thirst could not be quenched.

"I know you are honoring my father's wishes, but I hate that you are taking on this dangerous mission. If Jonn finds out, he will kill you."

"Your father is a good man and I appreciate that he is looking into all of this rather than just packing up his ships and leaving us to suffer at the hands of this mad King. I will do anything to ensure your safety and to extend your stay."

"Who will protect me while you are away?"

"Alex. She will guard you with her life and she is the bravest knight I know. She will protect you without hesitation."

Lena looked at Kara's armor. A corner of her handkerchief popped out. Lena pulled the handkerchief out and rubbed it against Kara's cheek.

"What will I do while you are gone? My heart will surely freeze over with sorrow for missing you," Lena whispered softly.

"I will be back soon. I will travel as quickly as I can so I can return to your side without delay. No marrying anyone while I'm gone."

Kara grabbed Lena and kissed her with a wild passion.

"Keep my handkerchief with you and know that I am always thinking of you. I only wish I had something of you to hold. Some piece of you to cradle in my hands and kiss while you are away."

"I assure you, my love, you will have something before I ride."

"Kiss me, Kara. Kiss me like it is the last kiss we shall ever share."

Kara pulled Lena in closer and pressed her lips to Lena's with all the love, longing, and dedication that coursed through her. She kissed her as though she would never kiss her again.


King Lionel met with Jonn upon his return to the castle. As Lionel predicted, Jonn happily volunteered Kara to deliver his message. Kara received the order from King Jonn just after the evening feast in the Great Hall.

When Lena returned to her bedchamber, she found Kara waiting for her. She was dressed in the clothes of a peasant, but she was still singularly the most beautiful creature Lena ever laid eyes on. She ran to Kara and held on, appreciating her ability to hold Kara close without her armor or gipon standing in her way. She wrapped her arms around Kara's neck and kissed her with all her love.

"I know you must go but I wish you would just stay here with me."

"I wish I could stay here with you, my love, but I want to honor your father and help him on this quest. He is correct. Something foul and dark has covered Camelot. Jonn is changed and I fear we will all suffer if he is not stopped. I will go and see what answers I can find."

"Return safe to me my love. I love you more each day and I will love you a thousand times more when you return."

"I have something for you. Small consolation, I know, but something you asked for."

"What is it, my heart?"

Kara pulled out a small package wrapped in leather and string from her coat pocket and handed it to Lena with a smile.

Lena untied the string and pulled back the leather. Nestled in the center of her palm was a perfect rose carved from wood and lacquered to shine.

"Bless the heavens. This is stunning, Kara."

Lena rubbed her cheek against Kara's.

"There's a secret. Press in on the bottom of the rose."

Lena turned the rose over and pressed a finger to the bottom. A small compartment opened revealing a tiny piece of parchment. Kara took the rose and leather wrapping from Lena so she could read the note. Lena pulled out the tiny note and unfolded it.

Is mise mise agus is leatsa mé

Lena smiled and her eyes glazed over with tears.

"This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"Now you have something of me while I'm gone. Do you know what it says?" Kara asked with a grin.

"Of course, I do. It's Gaelic. It says, 'I am yours and you are mine.' There has never been a more perfectly romantic gift. I love you, Kara. You are mine and I am yours until the end of time. Teacht ar ais chugam go sábháilte mo ghrá. Do you know what that means?"

Kara caressed Lena's cheek and smiled.

"My mother must have known I would fall in love with a beautiful princess from the Emerald Isles. You said, 'come back to me safely my love'. I will Mo grá," Kara said running her hands over Lena's hair.

Kara kissed Lena's forehead, turned, and left before she could hesitate for a minute longer.

Lena kissed the note and slipped it back inside the rose. She smiled but tears welled up in her eyes. The moment was bittersweet.


Kara rode as fast as she could for three days only stopping to make her careful inquiries in the villages, she knew Jonn passed through on his way back from Saint Germaine. Fearing word would get back to the king, Kara took particular care to ask her questions quietly and to only speak to those she believed could be trusted.

She went from village to village asking for details about Jonn's visits. They shared many tales but none of their stories explained the change in Jonn. Having exhausted all possible venues, Kara turned around ready to head back to Camelot. She rode for an entire day before she stopped to make camp.

Just as she was about to fall asleep next to the fire, a loud boom shook the ground around her. She leapt to her feet and standing in the shadows stood a figure, dressed in pure darkness.

"I heard you were making inquiries about King Jonn's trek from Saint Germaine to Camelot, Lady Kara," the figured whispered. Her voice was low and raspy. She sounded like an old crone.

"Please step out of the shadows. I would like to know your name, good lady."

The strange woman exploded into laughter. Her voice echoed through the night and disturbed all the creatures in the forest. Suddenly everything fell silent again.

"I am no lady, good knight."

"Do you know some detail from the days King Jonn trekked from Saint Germaine to Camelot that may be useful in determining if there is a curse upon the kingdom."

The old crone laughed louder.

"Oh, I know more than 'some detail'. I am the most knowledgeable person in all the kingdoms when it comes to King Jonn's affliction."

"Then speak, good woman. I have wine and food here. The fire still burns. Sit with me and tell me your story."

"It is not that easy. King Jonn is enormously powerful. I fear my confession to you could result in terrible consequences. He could hurt me but more importantly he could hurt my family."

"In strictest confidence, I travel on the authority of another king. He is a good and honorable man who will protect you and your family in any way you need. I am a knight of the Roundtable and while I have pledged my loyalty to Camelot, I have not pledged my loyalty to the madman Jonn has become. He is very much changed and no longer embodies the character of a king."

"What is this king's name that you represent?"

"I dare not speak it aloud without his permission. If you could give me some small bit of evidence, some small show of confidence, I can seek his permission to bring you under his wing and we can protect you together. You know me not, but I assure you, I will protect you and your family with my last breath."

"I know your reputation well, good knight. This is acceptable. I will give you more than a 'small bit of confidence'. I will give you the answer you seek, but be warned, you will need me again one day. On that day, I will need to know not only this king's name but look into his eyes, for I am risking all to expose this darkness that was thrust upon Camelot and all of the neighboring kingdoms."

"You have my word. I will bring this message to the king. The whole of Camelot owes you a debt of gratitude."

"Go to the abandoned tower high up on the hill just outside of Camelot."

"You mean the old tower that was destroyed during The Great Battle?"

"Aye. Go there and you will find the answers you seek."

"Are you hungry, thirsty or cold? Come and warm yourself by the fire. Eat and drink. I owe you many thanks," Kara said straining to make out any distinctive features of the woman standing before her."

"Keep your food and wine for your ride back. I am fine. Thank you for your kindness. I am but a stranger. You need not extend yourself for me."

"I am a knight. We are in service of our King, our God, and the people of these kingdoms."

"I will always remember your honorable actions, good knight."

"How may we reach you? I will speak to the king and we shall find you immediately thereafter."

The woman in black pulled out a small leather pouch and tossed it to Kara. The exhausted knight caught the bag and opened it.

"Hold that piece of serpentite in your hand and say my name three times aloud. I will come to you wherever you are."

"What is your name?"


"I will do as you say. Thank you for your bravery good woman."

"Do you not know the name Devona?"

"I do not."

The woman seemed comforted by Kara's ignorance.

"Leave at sunrise and you should hit the tower before the second meal."

Kara reached down to grab a loaf of bread.

"Please take some bread. It is the least I can do," Kara said turning back towards Devona, but she had silently disappeared into the night.


Kara awoke invigorated. She wished she could send word of her discovery back to Lionel and Lena, but she dared not risk it.

When Kara reached her destination, she found the collapsed ruins of the once mighty tower of defense, brought down by boulder and catapult.

Kara preferred hand to hand combat. She found the use of such weapons barbaric and without honor.

Kara dismounted and wandered cautiously through the ruins of the tower. She drew her sword and held it before her ready to defend herself. Suddenly, she heard a terrible retching cough. She approached prudently. When she turned the corner, the sight before her was so unbelievable, she shook with disbelief.

Crumpled in the center of a glowing cage sat the real King Jonn in the flesh. Kara took a step forward. Her brow furrowed in confusion.

"King Jonn? Is that really you?"

He was emaciated, dirty, and weakened but Kara recognized his smile and the tattered remains of his signature surcoat.

"Sir Kara! Is that you? I knew my knights would be brave and true. How I missed you, my dear girl."

Kara sheathed her sword and ran to the cage. She went to grab the bars and was thrown back thirty feet. She landed with a painful thud. She was shaken but recovered quickly.

Kara shook her head and sat up slowly.

"I am sorry I didn't warn you sooner. A sorceress enchanted the cage with a spell that makes it impenetrable."

Kara rose to her feet and brushed herself off. She approached the cage with more caution and was careful not to touch the bars.

"I don't understand, Your Majesty. Why are you in this prison? What happened?"

"When we finished our successful campaign in Saint Germaine, I needed to take some time for myself. Fighting with all of you side-by-side gave me a sense of family and camaraderie I hadn't felt in so long. It made me reflect on the conflict that existed between me and my brother Malefic. I wanted to find him and see if we could bury our grievances in the past."

"So that is why you split off from our party?"

"Indeed. My hope was that I could find peace with Malefic but there was no peace to be found. Only betrayal."

"How did you get here?"

"I found Malefic and he made me believe that he wanted to make peace and heal the rift between us. He invited me into his home, and I foolishly believed we could be brothers again. I was deceived in the worst way."

"What did he do?"

"He found a sorceress. Her name is Devona. They call her 'The Crow Witch' because she wears all black and harnesses the power of nature. She is not a bad sorceress. I knew of her before Malefic betrayed me. We both did. Malefic kidnapped Devona's daughter and insisted that she do his bidding."

"What did he have her do?"

"Haven't you guessed? Malefic threatened to kill Devona's daughter if she didn't give him my face and imprison me for the remainder of my days. The man who returned from Saint Germaine was not me. It was my brother Malefic."

Kara's head dropped.

"I am so sorry I failed you, Your Majesty."

Jonn smiled.

"Kara, you didn't fail me. You found me."

"I should have known that villain wasn't you. I believed I had done something to lose your favor."

"You are like a daughter to me, Kara. You and my Knights of the Roundtable are my family. What harm has he caused the kingdom?"

"Enough. He is bringing Prince Lexius to Camelot."

"That man is the dirtiest form of evil in creation. He is a plague on humanity. He also happens to be close friends with Malefic. I am not surprised he brings him to Camelot. I imagine he is trying to shore up his alliance for when he begins to attack the other kingdoms. With Gawant on his side he will have an impressive army."

"He intends to marry the fair Princess Lena from the Emerald Isles to that scoundrel."

"King Lionel is at Camelot?"

"Aye. He and his family. He is the one who urged me on this quest. When you are restored to the throne rest assured that King Lionel is a devoted friend of Camelot. He is a good man."

"You know, with the Emerald Isles added to his allies, he would be unstoppable. Thankfully, King Lionel is a good and reasonable king. Malefic is naïve if he thinks he can bend kings to his will. I am honored and glad for Lionel's friendship, but I doubt I will ever see the outside of this cell again.

"Surely you are ill and in need of food and water, but you shall live."

"Devona was ordered to ensure I never escape this prison."

"Devona is the one who sent me here, Your Majesty."


"She seeks protection from us. If we can ensure her safety, she will help free you. She said nothing of her daughter. Does Malefic still hold her?"

"He is not that foolish. He returned her daughter with the caveat that he would kill her and her daughter if she ever freed me. Any dark sorceress would have turned the man inside out, but Devona being of white magic was too afraid to fight back. Where her daughter is today, I do not know. Devona has visited me in the past but Malefic found out and told her that even visiting me would result in their deaths."

"Why doesn't she just harm him or kill him?"

"She only uses her magic for good. My brother knew she would never betray her white magic even to defend herself or to help me. She's not a villain. She didn't want to imprison me, but she was afraid. I told her that protecting her daughter should be her only priority."

"I will ride back to Camelot at once. I will return with King Lionel and call Devona. She says if we can guarantee her protection, she will free you and help us make this all right. I am only sorry that I cannot free you this moment, Your Majesty."

"You have found me and brought me hope. You are indeed the bravest and most tenacious of all my knights. I have missed you indeed."

"I will be back soon. Rest easy, my king."

"Thank you for your loyalty and your love, Kara."

Kara gave King Jonn a low bow, turned and ran to her horse. She mounted her steed quickly, blinking the tears from her eyes and road with great speed in the direction of Camelot.


Prince Lexius' arrival was full of pomp and circumstance. He was a small, weak, and an annoyingly fussy little man. Lena had to work to hide her disdain for the infamous royal. The people of Camelot were forced to stifle their laughter when they saw his silky bright clothes and thin little sword. His bald head, weak jawline and constantly waving hands made him look more like a fool than a prince.

Lena stood with Lillian and Lionel saying a silent prayer for the safe return of her brave and noble knight.


The attack happened quickly. Kara wasn't far outside of Camelot when a man dressed all in black leapt from the trees and onto her back. She fell from her horse and onto the ground with a resounding thud. Kara quickly found her footing and drew her sword. The man in black was a dishonorable nave who attacked her from behind, but she pivoted quickly and raised her sword above her head. She brought it down with angry fury. Her opponent fell back, and Kara reached forward and ripped off his mask revealing former knight of the roundtable, William Dey. He spit at her and tried to regain his footing. Kara kicked him hard in the side and he fell once more.

"What is your quarrel with me, you coward. You were a knight of the Round Table. Why are you attacking me?"

"Have you not guessed, Kara?"

"No. What guess could I possibly venture that would explain away your behavior."

"Your beloved King Jonn hired me to chase you down and kill you. I will admit it has been tricky business. At first, he wanted it to look like you died honorably in a battle with marauders but your refusal to just die forced his hand. He had me follow you and he said not to return without your severed head on the tip of my broadsword. How does it feel to be so hated, Lady Kara?"

Sir William tried to move. Kara placed the tip of her sword against his neck and growled.

"Stay down villain or I shall end you," Kara said angrily.

William kicked Kara's ankle hard and she fell back. She caught herself before she could fall completely but William took the opportunity to quickly regain his footing.

"HA! You will end nothing Lady Kara. The only person dying today is you and maybe your little Gaelic wench. I have been sent here to kill you and I intend to do so."

Kara filled with a seething rage. She ran at William, her sword pointed forward. He moved to the side thinking he had bested Kara, but she was an expert swordsman and a superior knight in every way. She swept his foot hard with her hers and knocked the sword from his hands.

"You will not kill an unarmed man. You're far too honorable. Lucky King Jonn has come to his senses. No one is buying your chivalry anymore. Soon Camelot will be an unbeatable killing force the way it always should have been."

Kara stopped for a moment and smiled. Now it all made sense.

"You have me pegged villain. I am too honorable to kill an unarmed man."

Kara reached quickly for a tiny pen dagger, not more than three inches long and tossed it to Dey.

Dey looked at the dagger and then looked at Kara's mighty broadsword.


Suddenly Kara heard a small group of Dey's marauders approaching on foot and horseback.

"How dare you speak of honor you coward," Kara said clenching her jaw. "Fight me like a man."

Kara stood her ground as she was quickly surrounded.

"I guess I'm not making it back to the castle for the evening feast. Oh well," the brave knight uttered as she readied herself for the next battle.

Kara grabbed her sword and prepared herself for another impossible fight.


The Great Hall was packed full of miscreants. Prince Lexius brought with him a group of thuggish men and inappropriately attired women. Lena wouldn't dare call any of the men gentlemen or any of the women ladies. The prince sat at Malefic's side and they took turns boasting back and forth.

"Yes. Yes," the imposter king bellowed loudly. "Your soldiers are mighty, but no one compares to my Knights of the Round Table."

"Oh, dear King Jonn, you must leave your comedy to the fools, Prince Lexius said pushing his chair away from the table.

He stood up and made his way down to where the Knights of the Roundtable stood. He paced in front of them performing an insulting mock inspection.

"They do not look so tough. Look at their heavy swords and armor. Surely they cannot fight or defend themselves against attacks by superior opponents with superior weapons."

Lexius stood in front of Sir Barry.

"Draw your sword, boy."

Sir Barry held his ground and stared hard into Lexius' eyes.

Malefic smiled his most sinister borrowed smile and nodded his head. The knight unsheathed his sword confidently. He presented it point down to the ground.

"Ha! You call that a sword. One could not possible wield that bulky outdated sword against my clean and deadly rapier. I am much faster and lighter on my feet."

Lexius unsheathed his rapier. It was long, thin, and paled in comparison to Sir Barry's mighty broadsword. The knights couldn't help but snicker.

"Could it be that you are lighter on your feet because you play with a child's sword and wear more silk than the ladies in the court?" Alex asked perturbed.

Malefic slammed his fist down loudly and growled.

"Quiet your tongue this instant!" Jonn screamed.

Lexius moved the tip of his rapier to Barry's neck and held it there licking his lips creepily.

Suddenly a loud boom came from the entrance to the Great Hall. The entire court turned their heads towards the large double doors.

Kara stood in the doorway covered head to toe in blood. She threw a pile of rapiers to the ground. She yanked on a rope and dragged a hand-tied Sir William into the Great Hall with her. He was savagely beaten and barely standing.

"Step away from good Knight Barry at once sir. You are threatening a knight of the Roundtable," Kara thundered.

Prince Lexius turned towards Kara and held his thin sword up in the air towards her in a defensive posture. Kara looked over at Lena who smiled nervously and gave her a wink.

"Sir Barry, do you mind taking hold of this fiend," Kara said choking up on Sir William's rope.

Sir Barry moved quickly to Kara's side and took hold of the rope. Kara beat William to within an inch of his life and knew he could not run. She simply wanted to get Barry as far away from Lexius as possible. William wouldn't be leaving the Great Hall without a healer's care.

"Who are you, filthy woman? I will shut your mouth for good after I run you through with this sword," Lexius said.

Kara laughed loudly and snickered.

"LADY KARA, stand down AT ONCE", Malefic commanded.

It took everything in her not to run at Malefic and behead the imposter, but she knew she had to play the long game. After all, he had the face of Jonn and she couldn't be seen killing the king, even if he was only a poor imitation.

Kara smiled and gave the king a little bow.

"My apologies, Your Majesty. I thought this was one of the attackers who invaded Camelot's borders. As you can see from the swords on the ground, I was attacked by a group of villains led by none other than Sir William, the culprit responsible for these terrible incursions. Strange coincidence that Sir William's marauders carry the same swords as the prince of Gawant. I killed the rest of the evildoers with my blade, but brought Sir William to answer the charges of treason and violence against this great kingdom." "Beastly woman! Jonn, I demand this woman be whipped at once for her insolent behavior," Lexius squealed and stepped back in fear.

The Knights of the Rountable all stepped forward and surrounded Prince Lexius. They all had their hands on their swords and looked furious.

"This is SIR Kara, a proud and faithful knight of Camelot, returned from a mission for King Lionel of the Emerald Isles. Be thankful these good knights are patient and noble. Kara is one of us and a defender of Camelot," Sir Ray said surprising everyone at court.

Lexius took a step back and then another. He held his sword up, but his grip was soft and unsure.

"I have an idea that should entertain all. Why don't you show us your masterful skill with your sword against one of my knights?" Malefic suggested with a chortle.

All the knights stepped forward and pounded their chests with their fists.

Lexius looked nervous.

"Lady Kara will fight you," Malefic said with a sinister grin.

King Lionel stood up.

"Kara just returned from a long journey and she was attacked. She has no armor or shield. Do you really think she is the best choice? She is likely dead on her feet."

"As you have said on multiple occasions, Kara is the bravest knight in Camelot. Kara and Lexius will fight and Lexius will show us how a rapier can beat a broadsword."

Kara looked at Lionel and nodded her head. She gave Malefic a bow.

"I will fight, Your Majesty," Kara said. The words tasted bitter in her mouth.

Prince Lexius puffed out his chest and raised his sword.

Kara was fatigued, suffered injuries and she was covered head to toe in muck, but she wanted to hurt Lexius and she wanted to put Malefic in his place.

Lena looked at Kara and mouthed the words "Don't kill him."

Lexius pointed his sword at Kara and swirled it around with a flourish. Kara batted the sword out of Lexius' hand with a simple kick and held the point of her own sword to his neck.

"Speed is about the swordsman. Not the sword," Kara said with a growl.

She dropped her sword to her side and stepped back. She bowed to the Kings and Queens. Lexius, angered by his defeat, pulled a knife from his boot, and attempted to stab Kara in the neck.

Lena cried out.


Kara turned around and punched Lexius hard in the face. He spun three times around and dropped with a resounding thud. Kara grabbed his rapier and placed it on his chest.

"Here is your toy, Your Highness."

Lexius was knocked out cold.

The court applauded for Kara but Malefic was understandably vexed. He wanted to embarrass the exhausted knight. He wanted to make a grand show of it, but Lexius was just as weak and disappointing as Kara believed.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Malefic demanded. "That man is a guest of Camelot."

Queen Catherine grabbed Malefic's hand and smiled.

"Husband, the prince attacked her in a most dishonorable way whilst she was bowing to us. She fought bravely, not that her opponent was much of a match for her."

Malefic pulled his hand away.

"Lady Kara, get out of my sight and someone help the Prince to his feet."

Kara gave Malefic a glad bow and turned around. She gave Lionel and Lena a look indicating she needed to see them at once.

Kara left the Great Hall, leaving behind the pile of rapiers and the defeated Prince Lexius. Sir Barry followed closely behind dragging Sir William


Kara waited inside Lena's bedchamber pacing the floor. She hoped that she might have a moment alone with Lena before she spoke to King Lionel, but when the door opened, the king stood next to the princess. They quickly closed the door and spoke in hushed whispers. Lena hugged Kara even though she was covered in blood and dirt.

"How are you, Kara. What have you learned?"

"You were correct, Your Majesty. We of Camelot have all been complete fools. A sinister plan was set in motion after our battle at Saint Germaine. A plan so dark, it ruined the lives of many."

"Tell your story, good knight," Lionel said.

"I did as Your Majesty suggested and travelled the route Jonn took on his way home from Saint Germaine. I stopped in villages and made quiet inquiries. I found nothing of any real import, so I turned and rode back. I stopped to rest, and I encountered a sorceress who heard I was asking question. She explained that she had information but feared reprisal from King Jonn."

"Why would she fear King Jonn?"

"The man sitting on the throne is not the real King Jonn. The sorceress told me to go to the old, abandoned tower that was destroyed during The Great Battle. There I found the real King Jonn."

"I don't understand," Lena said. "What do you mean 'the real King Jonn'?"

"Jonn's evil brother Malefic threatened the sorceress and her daughter if she did not give Malefic King Jonn's face and imprison the real Jonn. He said he would kill her and her daughter. Jonn has been imprisoned in an impenetrable cell since we returned from Saint Germaine many months ago. I found Jonn and spoke to him. He says there is no way to escape his prison without the assistance of the sorceress."

"But he is alive. That is good. What does she want?" King Lionel asked.

"She wants our protection. She is sure that Malefic will seek revenge if she frees Jonn."

"I assure you that I will do everything I can to make sure she is safe."

"I thought you might. I also assured her that I would protect her as a knight of Camelot. Jonn says she is a good person who was forced to do evil and I believe him. She didn't have to come and find me, but I believe that she knows the wrongs Malefic continues to do will be the end of Camelot."

"What are our next steps? What do we need to do to bring this evil curse to an end?" Lena asked.

"The sorceress has asked that King Lionel offer her protection. She asked that King Lionel swear to her face that he will extend his protection and support. I swore I would protect her with my sword."

"What do we need to do?" Lionel asked.

"I want to ride back to the tower, make sure Jonn is okay, and the sorceress has given me the means of calling her to us."

"Who is this sorceress?" Lionel asked.

"Her name is Devona. They call her 'The Crow Witch'."

"I have heard stories of this witch. They say she dresses in all black and curses the land," Lionel said.

"You do not know me well, Your Majesty, but hearing Jonn's story and speaking to this woman, I believe the only curse upon this land is Malefic wearing the face of our good King Jonn. I am willing to stake my life to free my king."

"I know nothing of Jonn, but I know you, Kara. If you say you trust this Devona, I will stand by you. What say you father?" Lena asked.

"Kara, you have shown our family and this kingdom your faithful and loyal support. You have fought bravely and carried yourself honorably even in the face of this imposter's evil deeds. I will ride with you and we will prove to this Devona that you and I will protect her from this Malefic monster."

"There is only one issue, Your Majesty."

"What is that good knight?"

"I need to ensure your safety. If you and I travel under cloak of secrecy, we might fall under attack from Sir William's remaining men. I suspect these men come from Lexius's ranks but there is no proof. All I know is there may be more villains out there lurking in the shadows. I am sure based on the swords his men carried that they are borrowed soldiers from the armies of Gawant. If they are faithful to Prince Lexius, we could face great danger on our trip."

"I will bring a few of my men, although I doubt any of them could fight with the same grace or strength as you."

Lena stood behind her father and smiled at Kara. King Jonn's words brought smiles to both of their faces.

"I will ask Sir Clark to join us. He still heals but he will do anything to bring the real Jonn home."

"Let us prepare to ride. You speak to Sir Clark and I will speak to my party. The only way to explain my absence from court will be with illness. We will need to sell it."

"Malefic must not know we are on to him or he may try to hurt the Queens or Princess Lena," Kara said.

"I will be fine. You and my father need to go and put an end to all this madness," Lena said taking her father's hand.

"Let us leave one at a time. I shall go first. Shall we meet at the stables?" King Lionel asked.

"No, Your Majesty. We should meet at the shore where we did before. I will arrange our horses. I know the stable master well. He will keep my confidence."

"Excellent!" King Lionel slapped Kara hard on the back and grinned. He made his exit quickly, leaving Kara and Lena alone. The moment the door clicked; Lena was already kissing Kara passionately.

"I was so worried my love. I knew you would be okay, but I was so scared."

Kara held Lena's cheeks in her bloody hands.

"You should know that I would fight the devil himself in a ring of fire to get back to your side."

"You impress my father almost as much as you impress me."

"I care very much what he thinks of me. Do you think it strange?"

"I think it's sweet and it shows how much you love me."

"With every beat of my heart. I promise I will keep your father safe and do everything I can to bring all of this to an end. Will you be okay if your father and I leave? I know court is not the most comfortable place to be as of late."

"I will be fine. I have good ladies to keep my company and Queen Catherine is a trusted ally."

"Just remember that she cannot know about Malefic. We need this revealed in the correct way."

"Aye. The only hearts that shall know the secret are the two of us and my father. The rest can know nothing of these secrets. What will you do if you can free Jonn?"

"I will leave that to Jonn and your father. They are wiser than I."

"No one is wiser or braver than you, my love. Kara, ride safe and come back to me soon."

Kara wrapped her arms around Lena and kissed her fervently.


They left under the cover of night and rode until the next morning. When they reached the old, abandoned tower, Kara was especially on guard. They dismounted silently, careful not to give themselves away too soon.

Sir Clark wanted desperately to see his king and know that the man for whom he had lost all respect, was indeed an imposter. He sacrificed being able to see him immediately to stand guard outside with Jonn's men so Kara and King Lionel could call Devona.

Kara and Lionel approached Jonn's cage. Jonn smiled genuinely and Lionel approached quickly stammering in disbelief.

"I...could it be...I don't understand...this is real. The real King Jonn."

Kara stopped him with a raised hand before he could touch the bars.

"Your Majesty, I would like you to meet the real King Jonn of Camelot. King Jonn, this is His Royal Majesty, King Lionel of the Emerald Isles. He has proven himself a good friend to our true kingdom and an enemy of your brother."

Jonn was so weak he could barely muster the energy to rise to his feet, but he did. He gave Lionel a deep bow of gratitude and then sat back down.

"Lionel, I am honored to meet you and I thank you for caring for my interests and for Kara in my absence. My brother is an evil plague and I deeply regret releasing him upon this great land. I am saddened that it took someone who has never met me to see the difference. This magic really is terribly clever."

Clark peaked around the corner and upon seeing his beloved king, fell to his knees.

"Come Sir Clark," King Jonn said with a smile.

Clark ran as quickly as he could, his long cloak nearly tripping him. He stopped just before touching the cage.

"I am so sorry, Your Majesty. I should have known," Clark said with tears in his eyes. It is my heart's joy to see you again."

"And I you, Sir Clark. I see you are injured."

"Aye, but I am healing. I wanted to come with Kara anyway. I knew something wasn't right in Camelot. I can't believe I didn't see the truth."

"None of you could have known. All that matters is that you know now."

"Are you sure you are prepared to shield and protect Devona from Malefic?" Kara asked Lionel.

"Aye. I will do anything I can to make sure that King Jonn is freed and back where he needs to be."

Jonn placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head.

"Thank you, my new friend," Jonn said.

"Sir Clark, go back and keep watch. I am uneasy with Sir William's men still unaccounted for," Kara said pointing to the entrance to the ruins.

Clark bowed to the kings and happily returned to his post.

Kara pulled out the chunk of serpentite.

"Devona, Devona, Devona. Please come here to the tower. We need you." She recited the simple words expecting a big boom and spectacle as there was before. There was no boom or flash of light. No showy magic. Devona just appeared out of nowhere.

Lionel and Kara both stepped back in surprise.

"Good Eve, Lady Devona," Kara said kindly.

Devona's face was soft. She seemed genuinely surprised to see King Lionel and Kara.

"Good Eve, Your Majesty. Good Eve, good knight."

"Lady Devona, Kara came to me and explained that you are a good and honorable woman and how the villain Malefic harmed you. I assure you that you will have all the protection of Kara, the bravest knight in Camelot and all of the protection of the Emerald Isles if you can help us restore order to the kingdom."

"He caused me considerable harm but more importantly, he caused the kingdom of Camelot harm. It is time to end this," Devona said sadly.

"Devona, where is your daughter? King Jonn said that Malefic threatened her," Kara said.

"Aye. He held her safety over my head, so I sent her away. I took her memories and all I know is that she was safely delivered to a faraway kingdom."

"Well, we will protect you with our lives and our honor, good lady," Lionel said.

Devona stepped to King Jonn's cell and began to recite her incantations.

"Sor sorme ale credendo. I call on you powers of mother earth; undo the harm I have done. So sorme ale credendo."

Suddenly, a bright burst of light eclipsed the tower blinding all who stood in the ruins.


Clark, King Lionel, and Kara returned to the castle under cover of night. Clark and the king returned to their beds. Kara located a stash of good rum and drank just enough to stink of it. She figured Malefic's very public display at court was her best cover. Stumbling around seemingly drunk and defeated seemed like a plausible cover for her absence.

King Lionel returned to court, miraculously healed from his illness, and told Malefic the Imposter that he would send word to the Emerald Isles announcing the wedding of Princess Lena and Prince Lexius in two weeks' time.

He played the part of the happy and doting father of the bride-to-be. He knew Malefic needed to be placated to make their plan work.

Over the next fortnight, each part of their carefully laid plan slipped perfectly into place.

At King Lionel's request, Queen Lillian played her part in the charade as well. In King Lionel's absence, she spent more time with Queen Catherine and Malefic. She stroked his ego, flirted lightly, and kept him close.

Overjoyed, Malefic ordered that all preparations be made. He was so distracted he didn't have the energy to abuse Kara which allowed her to move about and ready for the day of reckoning. She met secretly with the other knights. She and Sir Clark regaled them with every detail. They all berated themselves for not seeing the truth sooner. The imposter king may have fooled many, but Kara was slowly able to pull together the loyal soldiers of Camelot and bring them to her confidence.

Devona created a glamor in Jonn's cage which made it appear as though the feeble king was wasting away in his cell, but in fact, Devona helped nurse Jonn back to health over the fortnight feeding him heartily and helping to replenish his strength.

The night before the wedding, Kara came to Lena under cloak of night.

Lena laid in her bed tossing and turning, wondering how she could possibly sleep. Her heart raced so intensely she could hear it in her own ear. When her longing seemed to overtake her sanity, a soft knock at her door rescued her from her silent torture.

"Hello," Lena cried out.

Lena's call was met with silence. The hour was quite late or incredibly early depending on a person's point of view. She rose from her bed and walked to the door. Her feet froze with each step on the cool stone.

"Lena, my love. May I enter?"

Lena's heart leapt at the sound of Kara's voice. She opened the door quickly and was stunned by Kara's beauty. She grabbed Kara's hand and pulled her into the chilly bedchamber.

"No armor between our bodies? What is this great gift? How am I so lucky this night?"

Lena slipped her arms around Kara's body slowly, savoring every precious sensation. Her clothes were soft, and she smelled of sandalwood and lilac.

Kara stood, backlit by the moon, her blonde locks shimmering with an other-worldly quality. Lena pressed her hand to Kara's cheek and kissed her lips tenderly. She closed her eyes and breathed her in.

"You are a goddess visiting me this night. Your beauty slays me and then brings me back to life."

Kara grabbed Lena into her arms and kissed her so passionately that they were both lightheaded.

Lena wrapped her arms around Kara's waist and pressed her face to Kara's warm chest. She smiled and closed her eyes. Kara ran her hand over Lena's head.

"Tis your beauty that inspires me and makes me whole. I would fight all the kingdoms to be by your side for one night."

"No need my love. I am yours."

Lena wrapped her arms around Kara's neck and grazed her lips along her cheeks. Kara pulled Lena's night dress up and over her head. Lena stood there nude, exposed, and shaking. The firelight flickered in Lena's emerald eyes as Kara ran her hands along Lena's milky white skin. Kara kissed Lena's neck and pulled her close.

"I wish it was you I was marrying tomorrow," Lena whispered softly.

"As do I, my love."

Kara pressed her forehead to Lena's and held her close.

"I know I am just fooling myself holding on so tight. My father will insist that I marry a prince. Not Lexius, of course. But a prince, nonetheless."

"I know I could never be worthy of your hand."

Lena grabbed Kara's cheeks and smiled.

"Don't say that, my heart. There is no one more worthy of my hand in all the kingdoms. You are the only person worthy of my heart. I would set fire to the world to lay in your arms every night and be your wife."

"Tis a lovely dream," Kara said with a sad smile.

"Let us rejoice that we have this time together and that the darkness that has plagued Camelot will finally be vanquished tomorrow. Your plan is genius."

"This is your father's plan. I am but his humble servant."

Lena looked deep into Kara's eyes.

"Kara, I love you with all of my heart."

"I love you too, my simple ordinary Lena. To me you are not a princess. To me you are all the stars in the universe."

"Say it again. You know I love when you say it. Say I'm ordinary"

Kara and Lena giggled.

"Ours is an odd love", Kara said kissing Lena's cheek.

"Ours is a perfect love. Come with me."

Lena took Kara's hand and guided her to the bed. She laid down, nothing between her and Kara except the air. The hairs on her body stood up from the cold. Kara pulled off her clothes quickly and crawled on top of her love. Lena wrapped her arms around Kara and held her tight. She whispered in Kara's ear.

"Tonight, I am yours faithfully. I am yours always. Tell me what you want, and I will fulfill your every desire, your every need."

Kara pulled back and smiled.

"My only desire is to be near you, my heart. That and to hear you moan."

Lena pressed her lips to Kara's ear and moaned ever so softly.

Kara reached down and spread Lena's legs gently, savoring the sweet touch of her skin. She slipped her knee between Lena's legs. The princess whimpered and writhed with passionate longing. Kara pressed her mouth to Lena's and kissed her hungrily, lapping at her tongue and sucking with just the right amount of pressure to send Lena into a frenzy of want.

The two women laid uncomfortably on the edge of the bed.

Lena caressed Kara's cheek and smiled.

"Shall we move onto the bed?" She asked with a genuine smile.

Kara pulled herself off Lena and beamed. Lena turned around and crawled to the center of the bed on all fours. Seeing Lena in this position awoke a new passion in Kara that was quite unexpected. She moved onto the bed quickly and pressed herself to Lena from behind. She grabbed her hips and pulled her closer.

Lena groaned and pressed herself against Kara's pelvis. Kara wrapped her body over Lena and moved a hand between her legs. Lena pressed herself against Kara's hand and rode her fingers. Wave after wave of exquisite pleasure pulsed through her as she bucked wildly.

Kara grabbed Lena and flipped her over onto her back.

"I loved that position," Lena whispered. "But I love when you throw me around and tell me what to do more."

She reached up and licked Kara's lips.

"You are naughty indeed, my insatiable love."

Kara spread Lena's legs and carefully laid atop her, interlacing their legs so her warm, wet center pressed against Lena's. Lena grabbed Kara's arm and bit down as she felt Kara begin to press and rub against her. Their moans were in concert, their bodies moved to the same beat, pressing and grinding.

Kara stared deep into Lena's eyes as their bodies fused together into one exquisite monument. Suddenly Kara threw her head back and whimpered. Her body stiffened. Lena smiled. She loved watching Kara find her true joy in her little death. Lena grabbed onto Kara and whispered softly in her ear.

"I love to feel your wetness upon my fingers. I adore the lovely sound of your moans."

She grabbed Kara's backside and squeezed tight. Kara stiffened, exhaled sharply, and collapsed next to Lena, broken and exhausted in the most beautiful way.

Lena stroked Kara's cheek and smiled.

"You are perfection. Marry me now."

Kara pulled Lena close and kissed her wildly. Her eyes burned with desire.

"Return to your hands and knees, my beautiful princess."

Lena squealed just a little and obeyed her brave knight's command. She wiggled her body excitedly as Kara moved behind her, dancing her fingers along Lena's skin. She pressed her lips to Lena's back as she moved behind her.

"Do you trust me?"

"Aye. Of course, I do, Kara."

"Close your eyes."

Lena closed her eyes without hesitation. She prepared for the sensation of Kara's fingers moving along her most sensitive spot, but instead she felt something warm and wet flick at the very center of her. She exploded into a frenzy of moans and whimpers.

"I know not what you do but don't you dare stop. That IS a command."

Kara grinned and obeyed her princess.

Lena moved herself closer to Kara's mouth. The sensation was so overwhelming, it only took a matter of seconds before Lena was writhing in pleasure, stiffening, and collapsing onto the bed. Kara moved up and Lena crawled under her arm and laid on her chest.

Kara reached over and grabbed a goblet of water. She took a few sips and then she helped Lena drink. She replaced the goblet and laid back completely content in Lena's arms.

"That was glorious, Kara. You are glorious."

"That would be you, my love."

"Kara, I can't lose this. I need you close always. I don't want this to end."

"Don't think about any of that now. Just relax in my arms and enjoy this moment."

Lena rubbed Kara's chest and kissed her cheek.

"How you calm me. I know I should just live in this moment, but I am terrified to lose this joy and serenity. I feel like my life stood still, lacking in tranquility and hope before I laid eyes upon you. I feel like I live for the first time. I cannot go back to the Emerald Isles and leave you here. It is impossible."

"Know that if there is a way for our hearts to rest together, side by side, I will do anything within my power. I shall slay any foe, any army, any dragon to see you safely wrapped in my arms. For now, close your eyes and dream of a place where we can be together peacefully without impediment. I will love you with my very last breath."

Lena couldn't speak. Tears blurred her vision. She closed her eyes tight and did just as her loving and noble knight commanded. She took in the warmth and comfort of her arms and dreamt of a world where Kara's oath to Camelot and her crown did not stand in the way of their love.


The day of the wedding was a grand affair. All of Camelot hummed with excitement. A mammoth coalition from the Emerald Isles arrived the day before the wedding. A small contingency of guests from Gawant came to pay their respects to the new couple, but it was clear that Prince Lexius had few friends.

Malefic sat atop the throne, Queen Catherine at his side. Additional seats were added next to the king for King Lionel, Queen Lillian, Princess Lena, and Prince Lexius.

The Knights of the Roundtable stood at attention. All were dressed in their finest surcoats and their armor was polished to a blinding shine.

Musicians, jugglers, and fools entertained the guests as they enjoyed a grand feast.

Kara looked up at Lena and noticed her furrowed brow. Prince Lexius leaned over and whispered into her ear. Kara wanted to cut his head off.

The Great Hall was loud with conversation and whimsy. Suddenly Malefic demanded everyone's attention. He pounded his fist against the table angrily.


The room fell silent.

"I would like to present a wedding present to the happy couple and say that I am very happy our two kingdoms will be friends and allies."

Lionel and Lena both bowed their heads to Malefic.

"You are too kind, Your Majesty," Lena said with a pained smile.

"My gift to the happy couple is an extended invitation to stay in Camelot after the wedding ceremony. I would like you all to remain here to fortify our army against our enemies."

Everyone in the Great Hall seemed perplexed by the strange gift. The assumption had been that they could stay if they wanted to and that just by being there, they were building an alliance.

Lionel made eye contact first with Lena and then with Kara. They shared a quick bow of their heads acknowledging they were ready.

"I have a gift for you, King Jonn. A gift to thank you for your hospitality," Lionel said with a smile.

"Excellent. Present it if you will."

Kara stepped forward and pulled out the chunk of serpentine. She whispered softly.

"Devona, Devona, Devona, please come now."

Suddenly Devona and the real King Jonn appeared. The whole court gasped. Everyone except Malefic.

His face seized with panic instantly.

"What is this? Knights draw your swords! Take that evil witch and imposter into custody!" Malefic demanded.

None of the knights moved.

Lena, Lillian, and Lionel stood, a united front against the evil charlatan.

"What is this?" Queen Catherine cried out. She looked at Malefic with confusion and disgust.

The real king Jonn looked up at his wife adoringly.

"Hello, my beautiful Queen. How I missed your beauty and your grace. My heart has ached being away from you. That imposter who stands next to you is my brother Malefic. An evil doer who impersonated me and has tried to destroy Camelot." Jonn turned to Devona. "If you will, good and faithful lady."

Devona chanted another incantation.

"Soreh sosem ninta ore!" Devona shouted.

When the watchful eyes of the court looked back, Malefic wore his true and sinister face.

All the people at court sneered and snickered at Malefic. When the real King Jonn looked around at his people, they all bowed low. It took no work at all to recognize the true king's warm smile and loving countenance. The Knights of the Roundtable all took a knee and bowed their heads low.

"Good and noble Knights of the Roundtable take this villain and his compatriots into custody," the real Jonn shouted.

The knights stood quickly and surrounded Malefic.

Prince Lexius' men tried to run for the door, but the brave Knights of the Rountable and the soldiers from the Emerald Isles surrounded them before they could draw their swords.

Kara ran up the dais to grab hold of Malefic. The villain grabbed Queen Catherine and held a knife to her throat.

"Let go of her right this minute, Malefic! You shall not succeed here with your nefarious plan," Jonn said.

"Aye, there is no escape for you. Our knights have you surrounded," King Lionel said. "The real king stands before us, slightly malnourished and dehydrated, but nobler and braver than ever."

Malefic grabbed her tighter and pressed the knife a little closer. Suddenly he smiled, pulled the knife away from Catherine's neck, and threw the blade at Jonn. Kara pushed Jonn out of the way at the last minute. The knife cut a deep gash into Kara's neck. Queen Catherine turned around and elbowed Malefic in the face. She pulled away and ran to the real King Jonn's welcoming arms. Lena ran to Kara. The knight's hand was covered in blood as she tried to stop the bleeding. Without warning Kara dropped to the ground writhing in agony.

"Something is wrong," Lena cried. She dropped to her knees and tried to ease Kara's pain.

Lois and Eve stepped forward and offered their assistance. They knelt next to Lena and inspected Kara's wound. Devona looked at Eve and smiled sweetly.

Malefic's maniacal laughter echoed through the Great Hall.

"The blade was coated with poison. Good luck surviving, you pathetic woman. You will never compare to your male compatriots. You are nothing and you will die in agony!"

Ray, Barry, and Alex quickly subdued Malefic. He tried to fight but he was no match for even one of the knights. Ray balled his fist tight and hit Malefic so hard in the face, the whole of Camelot could hear his facial bones crack.

"She is the best of us you devil. If you have killed her, we will kill you so slowly, so painfully, you will wish Kara were present to show you a nobler death. You are a scourge and deserve to be destroyed," Alex shouted.

Devona ran to Kara and Lena's side. She pressed her hand to Kara's wound and kissed her forehead.

"Powers of the earth, water, sun and sky, heal this brave knight, for she is a protector of you and those who worship you. Yukum orrelo."

She closed her eyes and a sudden and bright burst of light emanated from her hand. Kara stopped writhing and started to come around. Lena hugged Devona.

"Thank you, good lady. Whatever you need in this world, we will make sure you have."

"Everything I need is right before me," Devona said smiling at Eve.

"What do you mean?" Lena asked.

Devona waved her hand in front of Eve's face. Her brow once furrowed in confusion now softened into recognition. Her lips parted and widened into a grin. Eve wrapped her arms around Devona and wept.

"Mother. Oh, thank goodness you're okay."

Devona kissed Eve's head and held her close.

"I am safe thanks to these brave people."

Confusion swept over the observer's faces.

"Good Lady, Devona, is Eve your daughter?" Kara asked.

"Aye. When Malefic released her, I knew I needed to get her far away from his grasp. He knew nothing of where I hid her. When he came to my home, a glimmer of her back was all he ever needed to see to believe her present with me. Meanwhile, I wiped her memory and sent her to a kingdom I knew would protect her and offer her refuge. The reason why I agreed to this plan was because I knew the King and Queen of the Emerald Isles were good and honorable people who had protected my daughter without knowing her true origin."

"I missed you so much mother," Eve said still holding on.

"I am sorry for the deception, but if I had told anyone, they would have been in danger from Malefic's madness," Devona said to Lena and Kara.

King Lionel rested a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"We understand. Of course, we were happy to offer protection for the good Lady Eve, even if all the facts were unknown to us."

King Jonn stepped forward. He too placed a hand on Devona's shoulder and smiled. Devona let go of Eve and held onto Jonn's leg. She sobbed.

"I am so sorry, Your Majesty. Sorry for the part I played in all of this and sorry that I was not brave enough to end it all sooner."

"Rise good lady," Jonn said.

Devona and Eve both stood up.

"You feared for your life and the life of your daughter. I have never blamed you. Stay here with us at Camelot. You shall not be servants. You shall be valued members of this court. I would appreciate your counsel and wisdom in matters of healing and white magics. Lady Eve, you are of course with the fair Princess Lena, but if you be free, you will have a life of joy and leisure in this kingdom always. You are not only friends of this court; you are a part of this family."

Lena looked to Lionel and he gave her a nod of encouragement.

"Eve, of course you are free to live here in this beautiful kingdom with your kind mother and these good people. I will miss you terribly, but your life here will be rich and wonderful."

Eve and Devona both bowed. Jonn wrapped his arms around them both and hugged them. Jonn turned to Lionel and smiled.

"Well, my brother had one clever idea. Let us be the best of the friends. You have already proven your loyalty and your friendship. It is time I start to repay some of that kindness. Stay here as our guests for as long as you like. I owe you a debt of gratitude that will never fully be paid."

"Good Lord, you owe me no debt. Truly it is your good and faithful knight Kara who won my loyalty instantly. She represented the kingdom and you, even in your absence, with honor and bravery. She is the truest example of chivalry I have ever seen. She saved my daughter the princess multiple times and when I sent her on what may have been a fool's errand to find answers about you, she did so without hesitation. In my humble opinion, she is one of the most honorable and courageous living beings I have ever encountered."

Kara stood and walked over to King Lionel. She looked at Jonn and smiled.

"Your Majesty, with your leave."

Jonn nodded.

Kara laid her sword on the ground and took a knee.

"Your Majesty, King Lionel, I am a knight of Camelot, and that I shall always be, but I will always be a loyal sword when you need me. I will always strive to protect you, your family, and your crown. Small repayment for such loyalty to my dear Lord Jonn."

"Small repayment? I owe you a hundred lifetimes over, Kara. I have made the offer in the past. What you desire I shall give you. What you need, I shall make sure you have."

"You are too kind, Your Majesty," Kara said. She bowed her head and picked up her sword. "The honor of protecting you and your family and ensuring the bond between our kingdoms is enough for me."

"Come, let us lock away the evil doers and enjoy these festivities. The occasion has changed but let us celebrate the dark clouds parting and the light shining down upon Camelot once more," Jonn said cheerfully.

Queen Catherine cleared her throat and stepped to Lena and Kara's side. She wrapped an arm around each of them and smiled.

"Maybe we can celebrate another happy occasion," Queen Catherine said.

"What occasion would that be, my beautiful queen?" Jonn asked with a genuine joy in his eyes.

She whispered to Lena and Kara.

"Come you two, no better time than the present to ask for a miracle."

"I could not. It is asking far too much" Kara said. "What if it angers them? What if it angers the joint court?"

Queen Catherine kissed Kara's head and gave her a less than delicate shove forward.

"Go forth and be brave good knight."

Kara cleared her throat.

"Your Majesties, there is one thing I desire above all others. One thing that weighs on my heart that I dare not ask, but I know I will regret if I don't. It is something of great controversy and I only beg of you to remember I am loyal to you both with my heart and sword even if you say no."

"Ask Kara and it shall be yours. Whatever it is that helps your heart rest easier," Lionel said with a happy smile.

"I have always fought for Camelot. I have always been brave for Camelot without question because it was my only love. My loyalty to this kingdom will never waver. King Jonn, you are like a father to me and I am so happy to have you home."

"As are you a daughter to the Queen and I," Jonn said cheerfully. "I agree with King Lionel. Whatever it is that will bring you peace, shall be yours. I owe you a debt of gratitude that can never be fully paid. If not for you, I would still be in that cell withering away to nothing. You brought me home. What can we do for you good knight?"

"I am but a humble knight, pledged to fight and die for the crown and the kingdom. I know my oath, but another love has crept into my heart and it is her who I fight for. It is her who I would die for."

"What are you saying, Kara?" Lionel asked.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. Amid the betrayal of the evil impersonator, the invasion by the raiders, and the rescue of King Jonn, I feel madly in love with Princess Lena. Before any of you say a word, I know that this is as ill-fated as a peasant and a king. I know I have no place and no right to make such a request of any of you."

"Ask Kara," Queen Catherine said with a smile.

"I'm in love with Princess Lena of the Emerald Isles and I want to spend the rest of my days loving, protecting, and bringing joy to her heart. If you will allow me to, I will make sure that every day she has is better than the last. I know it is greedy to ask for such joy, but I would rather die by your wrath than fall silent and not utter these words aloud. I love Her Highness, Princess Lena with everything I am or shall ever be."

A deafening silence fell over the court. No sounds were made. No words uttered. Kara tried to read the faces of the kings and queens, but her nerves forced her to avert her eyes. She felt a swirl of sick in her stomach. Finally, King Lionel stepped forward and took Lena's hand.

"My daughter, love of my life, what say you? Do you love this brave knight?"

Lena looked over at Kara and smiled. Tears glassed over in her eyes.

"More than life itself, My Lord. I love Kara more than any one person should love another. She is singularly the most beautiful, courageous, and noble person I have ever met. I am willing to share her with the knighthood. I am willing to make any sacrifice required, but please do not separate our hearts for she is my one true joy in this world."

Queen Lillian cleared her throat.

Lena's entire body clenched. Historically, Queen Lillian had not been the kindest mother to Lena. She was cool and dismissive at best. She was not cruel or mean, just withdrawn and introverted. Lena never felt an exceptional bond with her father's second wife. It wasn't from lack of trying. Losing her mother at the tender age of four, Lena spent most of her days longing for love and affection from her parents. Her father showed love when he could and tried desperately to fill the void of Lena's loss. She knew Lillian was never going to be a great confidant or friend like Cat had been to her. What she didn't know was that the woman who rarely said a word had extraordinarily strong opinions. She just had to hold out hope that it wouldn't be terribly negative. Lena closed her eyes and held her breath.

"Let them love each other," Lillian said. "Lena has never been genuinely happy. I could always see it. The moment she arrived in Camelot; she was a woman reborn. The change was miraculous. When Lena was in the Emerald Isles she was like a beautiful rose in the shade. I see this more than most because I too felt stifled by the life I was forced into when I travelled to the Emerald Isles to become queen. I love my husband and daughter dearly, but I have always sought more from life. Lena and I have never been close because I wanted to distance her from my melancholy, but I see her possibly going down the same path as I and I will not have it. If Kara makes her happy, please good kings, please let them be free to love each other."

Lionel looked shocked that his wife was so unhappy. He turned to her and without care that the whole court was watching, he took her hand and gave her a look of true sorrow.

"My Queen, I had no idea you were so miserable."

"It is not you, My Lord. You are a good man. It is just that I was a student of so many subjects before my father married me to you and now my days consist of eating meals, working on needlepoint, and accompanying you to court."

Again, a deafening silence fell upon the Great Hall.

Lionel wrapped his arms around his wife and held her close.

"He pulled back and smiled. I can see that I need to pay closer attention to my family and listen better. I may be a king, but there is no position at court that excuses not listening. I am so sorry my queen."

Queen Lillian smiled and caressed Lionel's cheek.

"I love you and that will never change. I just need to live more."

"Then more you shall live."

Kara and Lena eyed each other nervously.

Lionel stepped forward to King Jonn's side.

"I think we have much to discuss my friend," Lionel said to Jonn.

Jonn nodded his head.

"Queen Catherine, Queen Lillian, will you join us?" Lionel asked pointing to the heavy doors.

The women nodded their heads.

They walked off without saying another word.

The rest of the court exploded into murmurs of conversation and speculation. Kara and Lena turned to Devona, Eve, Lois, and Samantha"

"I feel sick to my core. I have fought in battles and I have never been this nervous," Kara said.

"I don't think I can wait. What do they need to discuss?" Lena asked.

"Calm your hearts. The fact that they are even entertaining your request is a miracle," Lady Samantha said. "No princess of any of our kingdoms has ever married anyone who wasn't a prince."

Lena turned to Kara and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Whatever happens, I have never loved you more than when you asked my father if you could spend the rest of your life protecting me and making me happy."

"So much has happened this day. I'm not sure how any of us could process every detail," Eve said.

The doors to the Great Hall opened and the four royals walked through. Their faces were serious.

They walked slowly to the center of the Great Hall.

"Kara, Lena, will you come here?" Lionel asked.

Kara and Lena looked to their friends and found small smiles of support. They approached the two royal couples.

The two kings stepped forward.

"It is unheard of in these lands for a Princess to marry anyone other than a prince. The reason being that kings seek the absolute best people to provide for their daughters. When a king seeks a partner for his daughter, he wants someone who will create good alliances, be brave, noble, and true," King Lionel said flatly.

Kara's head dropped.

"King Lionel is correct. What you ask is the first request of its kind. Never has any king been asked to consider allowing a knight to marry. That coupled with a request to a king to marry his daughter to anyone not of royal blood makes it all the rarer."

Kara took a knee and bowed her head.

"I am terribly sorry if my request caused any offense to these great kingdoms. I have the deepest respect for you all. I just had to be honest. Bury me, I pray you in the same tomb where Lena will someday lie, because if my heart cannot be with her to love and protect now, maybe in some great afterlife I can be the one who rests next to her and brings her peace."

Lena placed a hand on Kara's back. Her eyes filled with tears.

Suddenly King Jonn burst into raucous laughter. The others joined in. King Lionel placed a hand on Jonn's shoulder.

"Your knights are very brave, Jonn, but their real talent is their romance and drama. Kara could be a poet in the next life."

"Aye. I imagine it is Queen Catherine's influence that makes her so romantic," Jonn said smiling at Kara.

"Oh stop. Someone needs to be a romantic, otherwise no one in this court would be happy. I may be a stirrer of pots, but see what joy I can bring?" Catherine asked jovially.

"If it had not been for you, I wouldn't have been brave enough to admit I needed more," Queen Lillian said taking Queen Catherine's hand.

King Lionel stepped in front of Kara and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Rise Kara. You have not caused any offense. Quite the contrary. What you see before is four humans who have loved. You see four deeply flawed monarchs who have a lot of pressure thrust upon their shoulders. We are not infallible, and we can admit when change may be necessary. Not to say that we will ever entertain such a crazy request like this again. You are the noblest of all creatures born into this world."

Kara stood and looked at King Lionel.


"Good knight, you are braver, more honorable, and more faithful than any prince in any of the kingdoms. You are strong, loyal and you have saved our family from harm. I owe you my life a thousand times over. Of course, I would be proud to have you be a part of our family. I'm sorry I had to pull Jonn away for a private moment, but it was not only my kingdom that would be affected."

Jonn stepped forward and smiled.

"Let's be honest, our Knights of the Roundtable are not conventional. We fight for Camelot in a way no other knight would. You served King Lionel and Queen Catherine well in my absence. They both said that you behaved with honor and dignity and never faltered in your love of Camelot or me. I am only sorry you had to endure so much pain while I was away. Knights of the Roundtable swear an oath to protect Camelot. I have always connected that oath to a religious bond with God which meant choosing to fight for your kingdom and forgoing marriage. I am married and I love my wife with all my heart. I campaign and risk my life, but I am happy. There is no reason why my knights should live any different. If you choose a wife, so be it."

"As my good Lord said, a king seeks a prince to marry his daughter who will create good alliances. You have brought these two kingdoms together better than any prince could," Queen Catherine said.

"Perfectly said," Lionel shouted joyfully.

Kara was deeply moved. She pounded on her chest three times and bowed her head.

Lena wrapped her arm around Kara's. They were both too shocked to process the reality of their dream coming true.

"I don't have the words, Your Majesties. Your words are too kind," Kara said breaking down.

"What exactly does this mean?" Lena asked still trying to wrap her head around everything.

Lionel wrapped his arms around Kara and Lena.

"It means that your happiness is more important than convention. There were plans for a wedding today. Why not watch the Princess marry her true love?" Lionel said.

"Kara will remain a brave sword of Camelot, and if you have no objection, the two of you will live in this Castle," Jonn added.

Kara and Lena both beamed. The dark veil of despair was lifted from Camelot and all that remained was joy and light.


The wedding was one of the grandest in all the kingdoms. Lena wore a long gown of Emerald and a silver crown adorned with jewels, a gift from Queen Catherine. Kara wore her armor and a new surcoat sewn special for the occasion. The Knights of the Roundtable stood at Kara's side as the elated women exchanged their vows in front of the entire kingdom of Camelot. They feasted and celebrated for three days.

King Jonn and Queen Catherine sent Kara and Lena off to their summer home near the lake to honeymoon. The summer home was a refuge for them when they needed time together alone to simply be Jonn and Catherine. They made the promise to the newlyweds that the summer home would be theirs whenever they wanted to get away and just be together. Kara could work on her carpentry and Lena could sharpen her homemaking skills of which she had no education or experience.

Kara and Lena made love for an entire day before they came up for air. They sat wrapped together under a blanket near the fire. Lena made a terrible stew and Kara stoked the fire.

Lena caressed Kara's cheek and kissed her passionately.

"I'm sorry I'm such a dreadful wife. I will spend some time with the cooks of the castle and learn how to make all of your favorite dishes."

"You are not a dreadful wife, you silly beautiful woman. You are a gift from God."

"My stew was dreadful."

"It was not terrible. Maybe less salt next time, but you've never cooked before. It was a valiant effort."

"Lying to your wife already?" Lena said with a chuckle. She moved closed to Kara and rested her head on her shoulder.

"Promise me you will not immediately ride off on another long campaign to seek out a wife who can cook better than I?"

"Sorry. I cannot make any such promise. I go where my belly leads me."

Lena grabbed Kara and tickled her ribs. Kara had been stabbed with knives, swords, and arrows and continued her battles until the deed was done. She survived being poisoned by Malefic's dagger and never wavered, but Lena's tickles were Kara's greatest weakness. She was completely at her mercy.

"You are a terribly naughty wife and I shall tickle you until you compliment my delicious stew."

"I thought you said no lies?"

Lena's brow furrowed and her smile turned to a grumpy grimace.

"I really did try."

Kara pulled Lena into her arms and kissed her lips soft and sweet. She stroked Lena's cheek with the back of her fingers and smiled contentedly.

"You are my everything, my all, my reason for being. Everything you do, say, and feel, is perfect to me. I wouldn't change a thing. That includes your stew. I love it as much as I love you and I love you so much I fear my heart might burst with joy. Don't you dare change a single thing."

Lena grabbed Kara and pulled her closer.

"How did I get so lucky? I found the truest, sweetest, and most beautiful woman in all the world and she loves me and my terrible stew."

"I'm the lucky one, my heart. Afterall, I was lucky to win your heart being a lowly knight of the Roundtable."

"You are my lord, my lady, my heart, and my savior. If anyone dares to call you lowly, I will strike them down with my fists and call Devona to finish them off. We are good friends now. She will do it."

"Really? Well, I feel quite safe with you here to protect my reputation. May I change the subject and ask you a question? You must answer honestly."

"Of course, my love. You may ask anything, and I will always answer you with an honest heart."

"Are you disappointed you're still a princess?" Kara asked.

"Not one bit. Being your wife makes me want for nothing. You make me feel like just Lena, the girl who fell madly in love with her brave and beautiful knight of the Roundtable. I wouldn't change a thing. Now, I have a profoundly serious question to ask you."

"Ask anything my lady. My heart is at your service."

"How long will it take you to make one of my chairs for this beautiful sanctuary?"

"I'll get started right away. Well, maybe after our honeymoon."

They both laughed and held onto each other tight, savoring the joy of their happily ever after.  

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