For Her ~ A Supercorp Medieva...


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Kara is one of King Jonn's brave and noble knights of the round table. Charged with protecting the kingdom of... Еще

Chapter One: A Knight Named Barry
Chapter Two: Accidental Chivalry
Chapter Three: Her Happy Distraction
Chapter Five: Chivalry Defined

Chapter Four: Nothing Shall Divide Us

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The sound of King Jonn's boots pounding upon the stone floor were heard throughout the keep. He rubbed his palm aggressively over the pommel of his sword.

"What news of Clark, Alex, and Kara? They should have returned by now!"

The frustrated king's voice bellowed loudly and reverberated against the walls.

Sir Ray cleared his throat awkwardly. He squirmed in his armor and watched the door.

"I know not, My Lord. The battle was fierce and there was much commotion," Ray said, trying in vain to ease the worry that suffocated the room.

King Lionel wrapped a comforting arm around his wife's shoulders.

"Evil has come to Camelot and I fear greater evil shall follow. I demand to know news of my daughter. Sir Ray says she was with your knights, but I have waited long enough to hear a word of her fate."

"I beseech thee, King Lionel. Please grant me your patience. It grieves me to not have more information, but I assure you I have this entire kingdom searching for the Princess," King Jonn said, attempting to quell King Lionel's frantic anger.

Lionel growled and pulled away. He walked to the window and stared at the darkening sky.

"Who were those villainous bandits and what business do they have with Camelot? You assured me Camelot was at peace and would provide a safe refuge during our stay. What quarrel do you have with such villains?" King Lionel demanded, his tone seething with bitter rage.

"I know not, but we are making all necessary inquiries. We will find who is to blame and make them bleed."

The occupants of the room stiffened at Jonn's words.

"Do you have so many enemies that you cannot tell who is attacking you?" Queen Lillian asked.

"Your Majesty, I assure you these villains are like none we have ever encountered", Kara said, walking over the threshold of the room. Lena held onto her arm. Clark and Alex followed closely behind with Samantha and Lois.

"Oh! Thank goodness you are safe," Queen Catherine said. She moved to her cousin and hugged her close. Lady Samantha had a minor cut on her brow, but she smiled sweetly. Catherine grabbed Lena's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Are you three well? We feared some darkness had fallen upon you."

"We are fine, dear cousin. Thanks to these brave knights," Samantha said smiling at Alex.

"Indeed. They were the bravest of heroes. Your honorable knight Kara was exceptionally heroic. She saved me from a wicked brigand who intended to cause me great harm and she took the force of a large boulder upon her back to protect me," Lena said with glassy eyes and a warm smile. "For the rest of my days, I doubt that I shall ever see someone so fearless and loyal. She showed genuine commitment to this kingdom and friendship to the Emerald Isles. You should have seen the size of the boulder, father. Surely I would have perished if that boulder had fallen upon me."

Kara bowed her head to Lena.

"I do not deserve such praise, Your Highness, but I thank you. I am pleased that we successfully pushed the evil from Camelot and that you and these fine ladies are secure."

King Lionel stepped forward and placed a hand on Kara's shoulder. He exhaled and smiled genuinely.

"I owe you a great debt of gratitude, good knight. No other being in this world is more precious to me than my daughter. She is correct, you are truly a loyal friend to us all."

Once again, Jonn's brow creased with discontent. Kara held Jonn's gaze. His eyes burned with jealousy and anger.

"Are you injured, Kara?" Queen Catherine asked. "Taking a blow from a boulder could not have been an easy feat. Do you suffer?"

"Cuts and bruises only, Your Majesty. I suffer no more than these brave knights. I am sure my armor took the brunt of the boulder's blow."

Queen Catherine moved around the back of Kara. She smoothed her hand over the large indentation in Kara's armor.

"I will order new armor for you at once, good knight," Queen Catherine said with a proud nod. "You served Camelot well this day."

Jonn cleared his throat and stepped in front of his wife.

"You will do no such thing," Jonn said, his voice dripping with bitterness. Lady Kara's armor is fine. The armorer shall bang it out and reshape it as he does after every battle. A knights' armor is costly, and we are not in the habit of treating knights to new armor every time there is a battle, or it receives a ding."

Wishing to put an end to the unrest, Kara bowed to King Jonn.

"As you wish, Your Majesty. My armor serves me well," Kara said.

King Lionel scoffed at Jonn's refusal.

"Sir Kara, I will have all new armor made for you. The Queen is correct. You have earned the newest and best armor this day. It is the least I can do to thank you for saving the princess and these fine ladies." King Lionel smiled and patted Kara on the back.

He leveled his gaze upon Jonn until the lesser king looked away.

Lena smiled at Kara adoringly.

"I swore an oath to protect Camelot and all who dwell within its walls, Your Majesty. I was only doing my duty. I am happy that I could be of service to Princess Lena, and I will continue to do my best to protect your family and all who live in Camelot. I need no gift of new armor. My gift is knowing you are all safe from harm."

"Honorable words, good knight," Lionel said.

"What news do you bring? Do any of the invaders remain living within the walls of Camelot?" Jonn asked, clenching his jaw.

"No, Your Majesty," Sir Clark said. We captured one of the masked men. We celebrated the opportunity to question the fiend. Being of cowardly stock, he threw himself from a ledge and broke his neck before he could utter a single word."

"We must determine who this villain is and why he laid siege to our land! You must have learned something."

"We do not yet know, My Lord. This foul fiend made no declaration, and his men appeared to have no discernable leader. It is possible that they are just a disorganized group of bandits, but they penetrated our walls too easy for my comfort," Kara said. "We have never suffered this incursion before."

Jonn's face flushed bright red with embarrassment. A forced smile swept across his face."

"My knights will take swift action and bring this enemy of the kingdom to heel," Jonn said directly to Lionel.

Lionel motioned for Lena to come closer. She hugged her father, but she couldn't take her eyes off Kara.

"We must leave Camelot at once. My daughter suffered a vicious attack and if not for the bravery of Kara, she could be dead."

Lena and Kara stiffened. Neither of them could bear the thought of this cruel separation after they formed a genuine connection in the maze.

Lena stepped in front of King Lionel, who towered over her and begged for his attention.

"Father, please do not make us leave so soon. There is so much more of Camelot to see. There is no reason to make a hasty retreat. We came here to build a union between our kingdoms. Kara, Clark, and Alex were very brave and protected us. I have never felt safer than I do with Kara. If she can protect me, I see no reason to leave and undo the work you are trying to do here."

Jonn looked over at Kara and sneered. He could not disguise his contempt for the knight who had taken all the attention away from him. Kara was feeling exceedingly victimized, but all she wanted was to be with Lena and she would keep her mouth shut to ensure it.

"Rest easy, we will use the full force of Camelot to find this enemy of the kingdom. I will protect you and Queen Lillian personally, and I will assign my bravest and strongest guard to protect the Princess."

Lena smiled at Kara.

"Sir Clark will protect Princess Lena," Jonn said with a wicked smile.

Confusion seemed to wash over all the occupants in the room.

"For the sake of building this alliance, we will stay in Camelot for now. Meaning no offense to Sir Clark, I would like to have Kara stay with the Princess. She has proven herself capable of not only protecting my daughter, but she makes her feel safe."

Lady Catherine placed a hand on Jonn's shoulder. Jonn huffed and puffed angrily. He did not take kindly to anyone challenging his authority on any matters.

Kara looked at Jonn and marveled at how much he had changed since they returned from Saint Germaine. Before the battle, Jonn was good and kind. He was humble and appreciated all his knights. They all had a voice, and he was more of a father to Kara than just her king. Now, the king was unrecognizable. He was sullen, threatened, small, and rude. He seemed intimidated by everything Kara did, and it drove him mad with fury. His disdain wounded Kara beyond repair.

"Dear husband, maybe it would be a gesture of good faith to do as the Princess and King asked and assign Kara to the Princess's protection. She may prefer the constant company of a woman."

Jonn stomped his foot aggressively to quiet his wife.

"You will all do well to listen to my decrees and show them the respect they deserve. I do not make hollow commands and I do not invite critique. I assure you Lionel, I will place Kara where I believe she will be most useful. Sir Clark will protect the Princess, and that is the last I want to hear of it."

Lionel took a step forward, preparing to object, but Lena placed a hand on her father's arm and pleaded with her eyes for him to drop the matter.

"I'll be fine, My Lord," she whispered. "Sir Clark is very brave and will protect me, I assure you."

Jonn continued to bark out orders.

"The rest of the knights will keep watch over the castle. Sir Ray, I charge you with the exterior. Sir Clark, you will protect the princess and assist me with guarding the interior. Sir Bartholomew, you will fortify and protect the front gate, and Lady Kara will take the interior gardens and areas surrounding the keep."

"But Your Majesty, surely Sir Kara would be a better choice to fortify the gate. I am usually on interiors," Sir Barry said nervously.

"THAT WILL BE THE LAST ORDER QUESTIONED IN THIS COURT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Jonn screamed so loudly a servant dropped a pitcher out of fright.

Sir Barry took a step back and shrank at the King's anger.

The king caught himself and took a breath. The looks on everyone's faces must have been bracing. Jonn forced a smile onto his angry, contorted visage and lowered his volume.

"My sincerest apologies, Your Majesties. The stress of keeping this kingdom safe can sometimes be the burden that untethers one from their common sense," Jonn said uncharacteristically reasonable. "Sir Clark will protect the Princess, but if there are any concerns with impropriety, I offer you his hand in marriage if that would quiet your concerns."

King Lionel laughed loudly. He held his stomach and looked at Lena.

"No offense to good Sir Clark, but my daughter is the Princess of the Emerald Isles and will only marry a Prince. Your offer is strange, but you were well meaning. Sir Clark is brave and true. Thank you for offering your own services for our protection and good Sir Clark for the princess. This is your kingdom and I will respect your wishes."

Kara looked over and noticed Jonn grasping the arm of his throne so tight, his knuckles were white. Lionel's grace and humility only seemed to infuriate the king more. Her heart fell when she heard Lionel announce to the room that Lena would only ever marry a prince. Kara knew love would only bring despair, but all she wanted in the world was to be with Lena.

"Knights leave this place and fortify the security of the castle. King Lionel, Queen Lillian, and Princess Lena, I assure you we will do everything we can to keep you safe."

Jonn stood up from his throne. Without another word, he unceremoniously stormed off.

Kara and Lena made eye contact. Lena smiled sadly and bowed her head. Kara walked out of the room with the rest of the knights. All except Sir Clark, Lena's new personal guard.


Lena sent word to Kara through her lady Eve beckoning her to her bedchamber if she could get away. She came to her just after the second meal in the middle of the afternoon.

The moment Kara closed Lena's chamber door, Lena stepped close and placed a hand upon her chest; the chill of Kara's armor would not deter her from her need to be close to her heart.

"How are you, my brave sweet knight?" Lena whispered softly. "I've hurt since we've been apart."

"I'm better now that I'm here with you. Are you well? Do you suffer after the attack?"

"No suffering. We are all just a little shaken."

"Where's your good Lady Eve?"

"She and Lois seemed pretty shaken too. Queen Catherine thought it wise to have them paired up for the rest of the day as they work to provide them consolation and company. I am thankful to her for giving us this time."

"Queen Catherine is a treasure," Kara said.

"She is indeed."

"I am sorry to once again take you away from your duties. I just had to see you. I longed to thank you for protecting me in the quiet. I craved the safety of your arms and the touch of your lips upon my skin."

"No apologies are necessary, my dearest Lena."

Kara stripped off her gloves and laid them on the table. She wrapped her arms around Lena's waist and kissed her cheek feather soft.

"My lips craved the touch of your skin," Kara whispered as she pressed her lips to Lena's cheek once more.

Lena wrapped her arms around Kara's neck and gently scratched along her hairline.

"Why does my heart feel so much more at peace when it is close to yours?"

"I know not, but my heart has the same longing to hold you near," Kara said.

"How I wish that King John charged you with my protection."

"Sir Clark is a good and noble man. He will watch over you as I would if I could."

Kara ran a gentle hand over Lena's head and held her closer.

"Stay. Stay here with me. Renounce your oath and hold me."

"I wish I could my love. If not for you and your family to protect, it would be a tempting offer, but I must keep watch where I am posted, even if the post is not useful. Just know that wherever your heart is, wherever you dwell, my heart and my mind are with you always."

"Promise you will be safe and come back to my bedchamber when you can. I want all of my skin to touch all of yours," Lena whispered into Kara's ear before she kissed it tenderly.

Kara smiled.

"Then I shall do everything within my power to come back to you without delay."

"See that you do, my brave knight. Rewards await you for your heroic deeds"


Later that evening after the third meal, Lena and Eve spoke in hushed whispers as Eve dressed Lena for bed. The Princess's bedchamber was warm and inviting. A massive fire burned in the hearth.

"I don't think I understand. Can you repeat that last bit?" Eve asked, confused.

Lena whispered as Eve helped her pull on her emerald green sleep dress. The fabric was soft and shimmery. It was a gift from Queen Catherine, and she treasured it dearly.

"I believe that King Jonn is mad. He offered Sir Clark to me as a husband, he has his strongest and bravest knight buried at the interior of the castle, he is pompous, threatened, and small-minded. What gives you pause, Eve?"

"Sorry, I just can't get over him trying to marry you off to Sir Clark when another of his brave knights has stolen your heart."

"Kara threatens Jonn. Every breath she takes offends him to his core. I have no respect for him. He is the enemy of my love and I long to crush him."

"He differs greatly from the accounts we heard in the Emerald Isles. I remember you sharing the stories about the brave and noble King Jonn and his brave Knights of the Roundtable. He sounded so gallant in those stories, and Camelot sounded like a paradise."

"I imagine with a better king, it would be."


Sir Clark stood outside Lena's bedchamber on guard.

Rapidly approaching footsteps caught his attention. He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw. When he saw Lois walking towards him, his mouth tugged upward into a loving grin. She approached quickly, envelope in hand. She placed her hands on his arms and they shared a soft kiss and a loving embrace. They both grinned.

"Were you injured today, sweet knight?"

"Cuts and bruises. Nothing more, good Lady. How fares my sweet Lois?" Clark whispered softly.

"Very well indeed, My Lord," Lois responded with a soft smile. "I am always well when I am with you."

"I am no Lord. I am but your humble servant."

"Ha! I am the servant, though my mistress is all kindness."

Clark lowered his head, and Lois stroked his cheek with her fingertips. "You are my lord and you always will be. The king gave me such a fright when he offered you up to marry Lena."

"Aye. It was a strange turn. My only consolation was that everyone in attendance seemed just as perplexed by his strange offer."

"How is Princess Lena?"

"She was extremely disappointed that Jonn didn't assign Kara to this post. They are becoming close."

"I could see today as they strolled through the maze. I don't know Lena well, but she seems like a warm, sweet person. It's a shame she has fallen so hard and cannot be with Kara."

"Aye. It is a shame for us as well," Clark said, pulling Lois closer.

"Maybe one day," Lois said. She kissed his lips softly and took a step back. It is inhumane to forbid Camelot's brave knights from marrying. Who shall cook your meals, treat your wounds, and pleasure you until you have erased the bloody images from the battlefield? It's not right, My Lord."

"I just cannot believe the way the king has treated Kara. She fought valiantly as always, but as usual, Jonn tore her down and posted her in the most useless place possible. Putting more pressure on us to protect you all."

"Why does Jonn treat Kara this way?"

"I am not sure. Before the Battle of Saint Germain, the King and Kara were as close as two people could be. They got along well and Jonn treated Kara as a confidant, equal and friend. When we returned, Kara received many kind words and accolades, and we worried his jealousy made him snap. It was genuinely like a twist of a dagger in her heart. One day they are close, the next day, Jonn is untethered and threatened."

"That's terrible. I am sorry for her. I see you remain in the king's good favor."

"At the moment, but his emotions are like the tides, unpredictable and ever changing. So, beautiful Lady, what brings you here this eve?"

"I have a message from Queen Catherine for Lena," she said, raising the envelope with the Queens seal upon it.

"I shall not keep you from your duty any longer. One more kiss, and then to your work you go."

Clark kissed Lois's nose and smiled. He pressed his lips to Lois' and closed his eyes. Lois held on tight, kissing Clark like it was the last kiss they would ever share. He knocked on the door and Lena beckoned for them to enter. Clark opened the door and gave Lois one more smile before returning to his post.


"Thank you for bringing me the Queen's note, Lois."

"She apologized for not bringing it herself, but she is feeling ill. The day's events have drained her energy."

"I am sorry to hear that. Her Majesty has been so kind to me. I will send a reply to her note on the morrow, but please send her my love and let her know she is in my thoughts."

"I should return to Her Majesty and allow you some time to read your letter in peace," Lois said, turning towards the door.

"Come, sit by the fire Lois. I am thrilled to see you," Lena said with an effortless smile. "Would you like some wine to warm you?"

"Oh, I really couldn't, Your Highness. It wouldn't be proper."

Lena smiled.

"Lois, you are a woman, I am a woman. My lady-in-waiting, Eve, is a woman. Let us sit and share a glass of wine as women. As long as your Mistress will not object."

"Not at all. Her Majesty is very generous and says often that we are a just people in different clothes. Thank you, I would love some wine."

All three women took a seat and Eve poured three goblets of wine.

"So, today was unlike any other," Lena said.

"I agree. An incursion upon our walls, knights fighting bravely, Jonn acting strange. Quite strange indeed."

"Perfectly put."

"I am so sorry for Jonn's behavior," Lois said, shaking her head gravely.

"Why? It was not your own."

"True. I wish you had met him at a better time. He was a good man once."

"I am sorry. What brought on the change, do you think?"

"We don't know. All we know is this kingdom has seen better days."

"Well, it has still been a privilege to come and visit Camelot," Lena said, unable to hide her smile.

"I see you have found some things in Camelot to bring you joy. A certain knight, perhaps?"

"I think we have both learned to appreciate the chivalry and bravery of Camelot's knights. I am sorry I had to steal yours away."

"I'm sure you would rather your knight attend to your security instead of strolling through the gardens."

"Quite true, but I appreciate your sacrifice. Have you seen Kara?"

"Not since we were all gathered, Your Highness."

"Please, Lois. Call me Lena."

"Eve, how did we get so lucky to have mistresses who appreciate us as people and not just as servants."

Eve smiled sweetly and raised her glass.

"I do not know, but I feel truly blessed."

"Enough of that, tell me about Sir Clark. Confidentially, how long have you loved him?"

Lois, Eve, and Lena giggled.

"Since the moment we met. It has been two years and a fortnight since we first met, and I have loved him every day since that first day with equal love and devotion."

"You two are sweet together. He is so big and strong, but he seems gentle and kind with you."

"I could say the same about your Kara. She is a noble and brave knight, but I have seen you melt her like wax under a flame. When she took a knee and kissed your hand, I had a challenging time not swooning a little. It was very romantic."

"She is truly the kindest person I have ever met. I cannot utter her name aloud without smiling. I just wish I could be with her."

"Confidentially, Queen Catherine made the same observation. I am sure she has included it in her note," Lois said with a smile.

Lena blushed.

"You two pour more wine and share your joys and woes. I shall give this letter my attention for just a few brief moments."

Eve and Lois smiled. They nodded their heads and tittered.

Lena slipped her finger under the queen's seal and broke it. She unfolded the letter and smoothed her hand over the pages.

Dearest Lena,

I hope this note finds you well. I wanted to extend my hand to you and offer my sincerest apologies for the turmoil, danger, and discomfort you experienced today. I assure you that this kingdom is safe, and the events of today are not typical of a day in Camelot. I am relived to find you unharmed and in the good and capable hands of our brave knight Kara.

The king's suggestion that you marry Sir Clark was perplexing. I apologize for any awkwardness this suggestion caused. I am sure that he wanted to make you feel safe, but I know how strange it must have felt.

I hope that you and your family will remain in Camelot for my cousin Lady Samantha and I would like to get to know you better. I will do everything in my power to ensure your safety and security.

I hope that you will find peaceful rest this night. My apologies for being indelicate, but I imagine your evening would be much improved if we had successfully convinced the king to post Kara to your protection instead of meandering in the garden. I will do my best to work on the king and try to convince him that Kara's place is by your side.

Be well, my dear. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to make your stay here in Camelot any more comfortable.

~ Cat

"You were not wrong, Lady Lois. The queen knows what is in my heart."


The new moon brought with it only darkness and menacing gloom. A chilling ocean breeze chapped Kara's face. Still, nothing stung more than Jonn's repeated attempts to break her. It was not long ago that Jonn was more a father to her than a king. He was the first man to treat her as an equal. She never knew whether Queen Catherine's influence played a part, but she always felt like Jonn respected her a little more for being a woman and a knight. She never doubted that he loved her completely and would always try to see things from her point of view. Since their return from Saint Germaine, she felt Jonn's hand pushing her away, and it broke her heart.

The very thought of Jonn's behavior devastated Kara, but then all at once her thoughts drifted back to Princess Lena and she smiled again. She looked up and realized she was just outside of Lena's bedchamber. Her heart warmed at the sight of her candle lit window.

"My beautiful Princess Lena, you are in my every thought and every prayer. I wish I were by your side, but I know Sir Clark will watch over you."

A sudden onslaught of burning arrows flew through the night sky. One landed next to Kara's feet. Another hit her armor and singed her surcoat.

Out of nowhere, an explosion of glass came raining down from up above. Kara looked up and realized Lena's bedchamber window shattered from the inside. She scanned the area, desperate to find a way to Lena. A thick ivy grew up the tower and alongside the window. Kara knew she could make the long climb, but only if she stripped off her armor.

She heard women screaming, and her heart sank. She dropped her heavy broadsword and pulled off her gloves. She peeled off her armor until all she wore was her long black shirt, slacks, and boots. She ran and climbed up the ivy, leaping onto the narrow window ledge and pulling herself up. Two more arrows collided with the wall. Kara looked through the window.

The tableau before her was far more disturbing than she imagined. Three men had broken into the bedchamber. Clark fought off a masked attacker while the other two intruders approached Lena, Eve, and Lois. The two men pinned the women in the corner. Lena stood in front of the two frightened handmaidens protectively.

"Get back, villain!" Cried Lena.

Kara pulled herself through the window just as two more arrows whipped by. One pierced the back of Kara's arm and the other sliced deep into her upper back, just under her left shoulder blade. She bit her lip hard to stifle her cries. The pain was excruciating, but the thought of losing Lena helped her quickly regain her composure and push on.

She collapsed onto the floor, still unnoticed by the occupants of Lena's bedchamber. She reached for her sword, remembering she abandoned her weapon for the climb. She picked up a large bronze urn, whistled, and upon calling attention to herself, lobbed the heavy urn at one attacker who was fast approaching the Princess and the ladies. Before she could determine the effectiveness of her attack, she ran at the other brigand hard and pushed him with such force that he fell back upon the hard-unforgiving stone with a thud. His head cracked against the floor and within seconds, a halo of blood encircled his skull.

Kara turned her attention to Clark just as his opponent pulled a knife and drove it firmly into Clark's exposed flesh, just where his neck and shoulders met. Clark cried out and crumpled to the ground instantly. Kara didn't have the time to panic. She knew she was the only chance the women had of surviving this brazen assault. Kara grabbed one of the fallen men's sword and lunged quickly at the evildoer who was cloaked head to toe in the finest black cloth, too expensive for a mere thief to afford.

It shocked Kara to see him swing a sword identical to her own. There was no time for contemplation. The man leapt forward and pushed Kara back hard. Lena and the handmaidens gasped as she fell back. She shifted and pivoted on her heels. She balled her fist and hit the villain square in the jaw. His head cocked back, and he lost his footing. She knew the borrowed rapier she wielded was no match for the might of her enemy's broadsword. She moved forward, drawing the man further away from the women who mumbled prayers for Kara's safety and held onto each other. Free of her armor, she may have been more exposed, but she knew she was far more agile and able to use her full body's limber movement to best the cloaked swordsman. Kara lifted her leg with ease and kicked the man in the stomach as hard as she could. The man fell back. Kara kicked the man's hand hard and knocked the sword from his grasp. The sound of fast approaching armored footsteps startled the hooded fiend. He ran to the window and leapt out, sliding down the ivy, and falling hard to the ground. Kara moved to make chase until she heard Lena cry out for her.

"Kara! Please help. It's Clark! He's gravely injured."

Kara ran to their side and dropped to her knees next to her fellow knight. Clark was lying in a pool of his own blood.

"Fetch what cloth you can. As much as you can find! Hurry!" Kara commanded.

Lena noticed the arrows still sticking into Kara's flesh and gasped.

"You have arrows in you, Kara. You're injured and bleeding. You need care."

"I'm fine. Go get the cloth. I will deal with my wounds later," Kara said remarkably calm. "They are far less life threatening."

Lena, Eve and Lois searched the room for as much fabric as they could find. Kara grabbed it quickly and packed Clark's wound. The cut was not deep, but it bled heavily. She applied unyielding pressure. Lois held Clark's hand and whispered in his ear; tears drenching her pale cheeks. Clark's face was gaunt and glistened with sweat. Tattered and stained with blood, Clark's surcoat laid on the floor of Lena's bedchamber, a sorrowful reminder of the harrowing attack.

"I should go for the healer at once," Eve said, standing up.

"No, good lady. It is far too dangerous for you to move about the castle. We do not know how many others dwell within the walls of the keep."

She bent over Clark and looked into his eyes.

"How are you, brother?" Kara asked with a sad smile.

Clark smiled back.

"I have had better moments, sister," Clark said, coughing. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

"Do not succumb to the pain. Stay conscious and these fine ladies will watch over you. I am going to go find the healer. I will not wander far."

Clark nodded and smiled. Lois leaned over and kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes and grinned.

"I can feel no pain with your lips pressed to my skin," he whispered.

Lena grabbed Kara's arm.

"Please be careful. My heart beats within your chest this night."

Kara ran down the hall and came upon Jonn, Catherine, Lionel, Lillian, and the healer.

"Come quickly. There was an attack. Sir Clark is down, and he has lost much blood."


When they returned to Lena's room, Lena ran to Kara's side and held onto her uninjured arm.

"Thank goodness you are safe. Sir Clark suffers considerably."

The healer knelt and inspected Clark's injury. He looked up at King Jonn and shook his head gravely.

"Get a sorcerer. Only magic will heal him now."

Lois' head dropped and her chest heaved under her sobs. She pressed her lips to Clark's palm.

Sir Barry, Sir Ray, and Sir Alex ran into the bedchamber accompanied by a half a dozen other knights. Their injuries were extensive, but they were on their feet.

"What happened?" Jonn barked angrily.

Lena knew that King Jonn was asking his knights, but she was sure another attack was coming, and she wanted to protect Kara.

"Three men were in the castle. A masked man in black attacked Sir Clark, and the other two came after the three of us. Clark defended his position valiantly, but two of the men broke off and tried to attack me and these ladies. If it had not been for your brave knight, Kara, I fear we would not be speaking with you. Those men had ill-intent in their eyes."

Jonn's nostrils flared. He addressed two of the bigger men accompanying Barry and Ray.

"Sir Clark is gravely injured. Take him quickly to his bedchamber." He turned to Catherine and whispered something in her ear. She looked confused but nodded her head in agreement.

She addressed the knights who eagerly awaited their orders. "Gently take up Sir Clark and come with me at once. Lady Lois, you're with."

Lady Catherine stepped forward to Kara and addressed the healer.

"Healer, since you have no business with Sir Clark, tend to Kara's wounds immediately. She has arrows in her flesh," Catherine said before she walked out.

The healer moved to Kara's side and motioned for her to sit on the floor.

Lionel stepped forward and addressed Kara as the healer inspected her wounds.

"Well, Kara, I truly consider you a friend of the Emerald Isles and my family. Once again, you have saved my daughter and these good ladies. Your bravery is unrivaled," Lionel said, narrowing his gaze directly at Jonn. "I owe you the largest debt of gratitude a King can owe. Please tell me if there is any treasure, any kindness, any favor I can give you to thank you for saving my beloved daughter."

Jonn grumbled. Queen Catherine was not there to quiet his jealous rage.

"Yes. Lucky you were here as you were before," Jonn said, his voice dripping with suggestive sarcasm. "Happy tidings that you could once again thwart the threat against the Princess. Pray tell me why you were not at your post in the gardens where you might have defended the keep on the perimeter where it would have been most helpful?"

"Your Majesty, they overtook us at the front gate. They attacked with confidence and seemed to know our weaknesses. This was no fault of Kara's. We tried, but we could not defend our position. They climbed up quickly, cloaked in black, and moved like cats. It is good fortune that she was here to protect the ladies, but her place was with us at the gate," Sir Barry said, uncharacteristically emboldened.

"I will decide whose fault this incursion was," Jonn said, gritting his teeth. "Lady Kara, where is your armor and why did you abandon your post and your senses?"

"Your Majesty, I was in the gardens at my post when the volley of arrows flew into the interior of the castle. I heard a scream from up above and saw that someone inside Lena's bedchamber had broken her window from the inside. Glass rained upon me from the sky, and the sound of the women's screams filled the night air."

"How did you get into this bedchamber if you were down in the gardens, good knight?" Lionel asked.

"I dropped my sword and stripped my armor. I climbed the ivy and leapt to the window."

"And you did this all to protect my daughter and her companions?"

"Aye, Your Majesty. I heard someone in danger, so it was my solemn duty to act," Kara said with great humility.

Jonn rolled his eyes.

"You disobeyed a direct order. Sir Clark oversaw the interior."

"But, My Lord, they were screaming," Kara pleaded.

"We are leaving as soon as possible," King Lionel said through a clenched jaw. "You can place blame ignorantly and levy false allegations at Kara, but we all know the truth. Kara fought bravely and protected the princess and these ladies. You; however, failed to fight off one intruder, and I had to defend my wife. The stories of the brave and noble King Jonn of Camelot are false. I hoped we would be allies and friends, but I fear this incursion has only brought to light your lack of humility and grace. You wanted our coin and our armies. You will have neither."

Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath.

Jonn's face softened. His mouth pulled up at the corners and he flashed Lionel a strange smile.

"Please do not go, my friend. This alliance is essential to maintaining peace in this region. If you do not help me, this villainy will surely land on your shore. During this time of turmoil, we need to move past these challenges. I assure you we will bring these villains to their knees."

"I will consider staying on, but every instinct tells me to pack up our party and go home. Kara, would you consider staying with the princess until we leave? Seeing as Sir Clark needs to heal."

Kara made no eye contact with King Jonn. She pounded her fist to her chest and bowed.

"It would bring me great honor, Your Majesty."

"But Lady Kara has sustained injury and is in no place to protect the Princess," Jonn said.

"I am well, Your Majesty."

Sir Ray cleared his throat.

"We are all injured, Your Majesty. Kara is still the best of us. Do you recall her bravery during the battle of Saint Germaine? Remember her bravest feat?"

Jonn seemed shaken by the question. Lena saw something on Jonn's face she had not seen before, but she was not sure what it was. He looked almost startled.

"Very good. Jonn, the price you pay for my consideration is to let Kara guard my daughter as she should have from the start. What decision I make will depend solely on you improving your attitude towards my family and the brave knight who seems to have taken on the role of our protector."

Jonn bowed his head, gave Lionel a false smile, and stormed out without another word.

Lionel smiled at Kara.

"Good Healer take care with this brave knight. She is rare stock and I consider her a friend."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will do all I can to bring her comfort," the healer said without looking away from Kara.

Lionel wrapped his arms around Lena and kissed her head.

"We are desperately in need of sleep. We shall go. You get some rest, dear daughter."

Lena reached up and kissed her father's cheek.

"I will, Papa. I love you."

"I love you too, my child."

"Thank you again, Kara."

Kara winced but managed a small smile.

"It is always an honor to serve you and your family, My Lord."

Lionel and Lillian left the room.

"Sir Ray", Kara said, gritting her teeth as the healer moved the arrow in her back ever so slightly.

"Aye, Kara. What do you need?"

"It frays my nerves with concern for our guests. As discreetly as you can see to shoring up their protection. I left my armor and sword in the garden below the Princess' window. Can you retrieve it?"

"Gladly, Kara."

Sir Ray and Sir Barry pounded on their chests and motioned for the other knights to follow. The sound of their armor clanked all the way down the long corridor.

"Please move her to the bed where she will be more comfortable," Lena said to the healer.

"Lena, no. I am bleeding. Your things are too nice."

"I am the Princess of the Emerald Isles. Healer, please help her to the bed, and I don't want to hear another word about it," Lena said firmly.

Kara smiled. She shook her head, but she accepted Princess Lena's decree. The healer helped Kara off the floor of the bedchamber. They walked over and Kara sat on the edge of the bed. The healer continued to treat Kara. Lena and Eve stood by and watched nervously. Kara winced as the healer removed the arrow from her arm. Lena could see she struggled not to show her pain. The healer grabbed some clean strips of cloth and soaked up the blood. Lena watched as Kara's face became paler and her body shook. Her heart hurt with worry.

"Hold this cloth in place while I make a salve to stop her loss of blood," the healer said to Eve.

"No need. I will do it happily," Lena said, wrapping her hands around the bandages.

"You must not. You will get her blood all over your hands, Your Highness," Eve said.

"I owe her my life three times over. It is the very least I can do."


With Clark carried off to his bedchamber, Kara's wounds treated by the healer, the corpses and blood of the deceased attackers removed, and Kara's armor and sword retrieved, the previous occupants of Lena's bedchamber returned to their own corners of the castle to find their slumber. Depleted from the pain and the elixir provided by the healer, Kara slept for a few hours. When she awoke, she tried to sit up, but Lena urged her to lay back against the pillows. Lena sat next to Kara on the bed and moved a hand to her head, caressing it gently.

"Rest, good knight. The healer treated your wounds, but you need to be still."

Kara moved her hand to Lena's cheek and stroked it softly with the back of her fingers. She smiled sweetly.

"I wish I could rest, but I need to dress in my armor and protect you."

"You and your other faithful knights have vanquished the evil for tonight. Rest. You have earned it, my beautiful hero."

Eve moved about the bedchamber carrying pots of boiling water from the hearth to a silver bathtub in the room's corner. The fresh fragrance of lilacs and roses permeated the air. She stoked the fire; the flames roared high in the hearth. She lit a few more candles around the bedchamber and that being done walked to the door and curtsied.

"All preparations are complete, Your Highness. I will stay with Lady Lois, as Queen Catherine suggested. Is there anything else either of you need?"

"All is well, Eve. Thank you. Good sleep to you and Lady Lois."

Eve turned to Kara and smiled.

"Thank you for your bravery, good knight. You saved us all and your valiant service we shall not soon forget."

"Thank you, good lady. Pleasant sleep."

Eve bowed low and exited the room.

Lena leaned in and kissed Kara's cheek and caressed her head.

"Queen Catherine is a treasure," Kara said, grinning.

"She is indeed."

"I'm sorry I fell asleep."

"Do not feel sorry, my love. The healer gave you an elixir to help with the pain. How do you feel now?"

"Invigorated. I need to get to my feet so I can protect you."

"There are two guards posted outside, it is late, and the healer insists that you rest. You have only one mission tonight, listen to your Princess and do just as she says."

"As you wish," Kara said with a smile.

"Do you think you have energy for a bath? I thought it might bring you some comfort. Eve poured fresh milk, lilacs and rose pedals into the water. I may be enticed to join you if you will allow me to act as servants do and bathe you, for I adore you, my brave hero."

"To bathe with you, I would fight an army and run through fire, my love."

Lena helped Kara to her feet and helped her strip off her clothes. She kissed Kara's hands, her cheeks, and her neck. She squatted down and helped Kara step out of her pants as a servant would do. Lena didn't care about station or duty. She didn't care that no princess should squat or kneel for anyone. She worshipped and adored Kara. She would kneel, squat, and wait on her as much as she needed for. She loved her more than anyone else in creation.

She rose to her feet and took in her beautiful knight, no armor, or clothes to obscure her perfect beauty. Kara stood there proudly and confidently. Kara's confidence impressed and titillated Lena. She did not shrink away or hide her body. Lena didn't know if she could be that brave.

"How is your pain?" Lena asked, deeply concerned.

"I am standing here with you without a care in the world. How could I feel pain?"

"Please do not be brave for me. If you feel any pain, please let me know. I can call for the healer quickly."

"This is the first time we have had a chance to truly been alone. I will do nothing to ruin this. My injuries are inconsequential. Nothing can take my attention away from you, my queen."

"I'm not a queen. Only a lowly princess, my love."

"You're the queen of my heart and I worship you."

"Well, my love, if that is a fact, then you need to obey my every command."

Kara took a knee and smiled up at Lena.

"How you intrigue me. I am yours to command," Kara said with a sweet smile.

Lena laughed and extended her arms to Kara lovingly.

"Rise good and foolish knight. Let me help you into your bath."

Kara smiled and stood up.

Lena kissed Kara deeply and passionately.

Kara pulled back and beamed.

"Who needs a healer?"

Lena stroked Kara's cheek gently.

"You are the most beautiful living being in all existence, Kara."



"The most beautiful living thing in all existence is you, my heart."

Lena ran her hands over Kara's cool skin. It was softer than she imagined possible. In her armor, she was almost godlike. She had an air of invincibility. Standing before her with no impediments, Lena could touch and embrace the real woman. The woman beneath the armor. The woman behind the mighty sword of Camelot.

"I am yours always," Lena whispered softly. "I am not a princess with you. I am just a woman who adores you. Every part of me is yours."

Lena didn't worry if her words were too honest. Kara's reciprocation of her feelings was inconsequential. She had to say what was in her heart for fear that it would burst with love for her brave and noble knight.

Kara leaned in and kissed Lena's cheek gently. She kissed her ear, her neck, and her shoulder.

"I would never dare take more than my share, but I may have to take all of you for my own because I have not had another thought enter my mind other than you since the moment we met."

Lena took Kara's hand and guided her to the tub.

"Will you trust me? Will you let me bathe you?" Lena whispered softly.

"There is no one I trust more. I should warn you; I have many scars. You may find it disturbing."

"No part of you could disturb me, my love. Nothing."

"Then your command I shall follow."

"It is no command, sweet knight. Just a wish to make you more comfortable."

"Then your wish is my command."

"Yes, you have scars, but you are still the most beautiful vision I have ever laid eyes upon. You are my joy and my heaven."

Kara turned around and Lena gasped at the sight of a large black bruise on Kara's lower back. It appeared to be where the boulder fell and dented Kara's armor.

"My love, this bruise on your back looks excruciating. Did you know?"

"It's just a bruise. I am fine. There is a little pain, but I concentrate on wounds that pierce, stab or slice."

"I am no healer, but I have some herbs and remedies that should help ease your pain and bring you more comfort after you bathe. The healer gave me more of the salve to treat you with."

Lena grabbed one of her washing clothes sheared from the finest sheep and moved to the side of the tub. Kara's smile of contentment made Lena's heart warm over.

"Are you happy, my sweet knight."

"I am dead, and this is heaven. I fell lifeless during a battle and you are an angel," Kara said dreamily.

"Don't say that, my love. You are very much alive. If I were an angel, I would be more beautiful and much more graceful."

"There is no one more beautiful than you."

"Obsession biases your judgement. Your eyes are clouded over."

"Tis not obsession. I assure you my feelings are true. What I feel is ardent love, and that will never change."

"Well then, my ardent love, lay back, close your eyes, and let me ease your tired muscles. Let me help you make the battles of the last few days wash away from your mind."

Lena bathed Kara with loving care and devotion. Before the water cooled, at Kara's behest, she slipped into the bath with Kara and they shared an intimate embrace. Their wet bodies pressed together, nothing stood in their way except the warm wash of the water, milk, and fragrant flowers.

They withdrew from the bath after the water cooled. Lena slipped back into her nightdress. She pulled out a black and gold brocade robe. It was just a little too heavy for her, and she knew it would fit Kara perfectly. She wrapped the robe around Kara and kissed her with a mad passion.

"This is too nice, my love. I can wear my things."

"When I had this made, I did not know I was I was having it made for you. Only your broad shoulders could carry it so gracefully. Only your muscles could fill the sleeves. Only your beautiful blonde hair could shimmer against the black silk. Nothing is too nice for you."

Kara wrapped her arms around Lena and kissed her tenderly.

"Come, my love. Let me be your nurse," Lena said, pointing to the chair.

Kara sat on a beautiful hand carved wooden chair. Lena pressed her mouth to Kara's and kissed her with feverish desire. She pulled Kara's robe down gently to inspect her wounds more closely.

"Your armor does its job well, my love, but this bruise and the wounds from the arrows hurt me. Arnica will ease your pain and heal the bruise faster. The salve seems to have held, but I shall apply more."

Lena opened a small set of drawers and pulled out a bottle of arnica. She returned to Kara's side and poured the medicine into her hands. Lena pulled Kara's robe lower and rubbed a generous amount of the healing herb on her back. She expected Kara to wince at the pressure, but she seemed calmed by Lena's touch. Every caress made Kara's body slacker and her breathing calmer.

Lena pulled out a small vial of the salve. She applied it to all of Kara's wounds, paying close attention to the deep wound on her back.

Lena took a step back when she finished treating Kara's wounds.

"You steal my breath with your beauty," Lena said seductively. "That chair is my favorite thing in the castle, but when you sit in it, it is my favorite thing in all the kingdoms."

Kara closed her robe and smiled.

"I made this chair."

"What? Surely you jest," Lena said.

"I wouldn't dare jest about such a serious thing. Working with wood is something I love even more than wielding a sword. I always thought I would be a carpenter. Even as I trained as a knight, I would sneak away and work on chairs, tables, anything I could make out of wood. One day the Queen came upon me in the wood shop working on this chair. She was shocked."

"It's just so intricate and masterful. I have seen nothing like it."

"I asked her not to tell King Jonn. I didn't want him to think my mind had wandered off my training as a knight. I work with wood to relax. Queen Catherine was all kindness. She told me not to fret. When I finished the chair, I gave it to her as a birthday present and she was so gracious. She insisted that it have a place of honor in her favorite room in the castle overlooking the gardens."

"This is Her Majesty's favorite room?"

"She loves this room more than any other. She adores the breeze that blows in through the window."

"It carries with it the smell of all the flowers in the garden and the freshness from the sea. I am so honored she thought of me," Lena said dreamily.

"She must hold you in the highest regard. This room would have been suitable for your father the King, but she wanted you to enjoy it. I am sure she recognized in you someone who would appreciate all the things she loves about this bedchamber."

"You are very lucky to be so close to the Queen."

"She has always shown me kindness. Really, until we returned from Saint Germaine, both the King and Queen treated me much more like family than just a knight in their guard. It cuts my heart that I have lost Jonn's love and confidence."

"I confess, he is not the man I thought he would be. He cuts me when he hurts you."

"I cover it so badly?" Kara asked.

"No, but I feel connected to you. To your heart. I see what others cannot. When you hurt, I hurt."

"Come to me, my love. Let us be close while we can," Kara said with a sad smile.

"I don't want to go."

"I don't want you to go."

Lena knelt before Kara and opened her robe, exposing her scarred skin once more. Even in the firelight, Lena could see the damage her career as a knight had inflicted upon her. She ran her hand across her foot and up her shin and along her calf. She leaned forward and kissed each of Kara's knees.

"This is no position for a beautiful Princess," Kara said, beckoning Lena to join her on the chair.

"I worship you, my brave knight. Let me show you just how much."

Lena ran her hands over Kara's thighs and spread her legs gently. Kara moaned.

Lena kissed the inside of each of Kara's thighs and looked up into her eyes.

Kara bit her lip and grinned. Lena continued to let her hands travel along the outside of Kara's legs, along her hips and thighs. She kissed Kara's skin; feather soft.

"How you make my skin tingle under your beautiful lips," Kara said, her head falling back in ecstasy.

"I am yours to command. You rule my heart, body, and soul," Lena whispered.

She continued to kiss her way up Kara's body, pressing her lips to the top of Kara's thighs, her flat stomach, and her pelvic bone. She pulled the robe aside and kissed each of her supple breasts. Kara moaned louder and moved a hand to Lena's silky black hair, caressing her head lovingly.

"Lena, I don't deserve your adoration, but I will take it because this pleasure is intoxicating."

Lena reached up and ran her tongue along Kara's lips slowly, driving her tongue into Kara's mouth at regular intervals. She let her hand graze Kara's most intimate spot and Kara cried out. Lena quickly pressed her mouth to Kara's quieting her pleasure. She lapped and sucked at her tongue hungrily.

Kara continued to moan.

Lena pulled back and grinned.

"Does that bring your pleasure, my valiant knight?" Lena whispered in her ear. She blew on Kara's earlobe, tickling and teasing.

"Aye," Kara growled. "Please do not stop."

Lena stepped back and stood up abruptly. Lena's movement confused Kara until Lena smiled and extended a hand.

Kara took her hand and stood up slowly. Lena slipped the robe off Kara completely and stood there for a moment, taking her all in. She ran her hands along her arms. She let the tips of her fingers graze Kara's broad shoulders and her powerful chest.

"May I touch you, my queen?"

"You may do anything you like, as long as you promise to just call me Lena. Here, with you, I am no royal. I am very simply your Lena."

"And I am simply your Kara."

They kissed passionately. Lena peeled off her nightdress slowly, making sure to reveal herself in a teasing way.

"You need never ask permission again," Lena said with a smile. I meant what I said. I am yours to command. I am your humble servant."

She walked over to the bed and pulled back the heavy brocade coverlet and cotton sheets. She laid down on the bed and motioned for Kara to join her. Lena laid splayed out on the bed with her eyes closed.

Kara climbed onto the cool sheets.

"Lena, this bed is so soft and welcoming. I live like a pauper," she said with a chuckle.

Lena opened her eyes and grinned sweetly.

"I am glad you like it, my beautiful knight. You deserve this comfort for your faithful service."

Kara crawled on top of Lena, careful not to touch her skin. She was on all fours over her, staring deep into her eyes hungrily.

"Touch me, please," Lena whimpered. "I shall surely die from wanting you. I confess I have wanted you since the moment you pressed your lips to my hand."

Kara slowly lowered her body on top of Lena. The mere touch of her skin made Lena buck with desire. She ran her hands up and down Kara's muscular arms.

Kara pressed her mouth to Lena's and lapped at her tongue excitedly. Lena grabbed onto Kara tighter. Where the bed was once cold and in need of warming, it was now warmed with the heat generated by their two bodies. Sweat glistened on the small of Kara's back as she pressed her body between Lena's legs and kissed her neck. Lena ran her hands through Kara's shiny blonde hair as Kara positioned her knee against Lena and pressed against her at regular steady beats. Their moans became more heated and desperate. Kara slipped a hand between Lena's legs and Lena slipped a hand between Kara's legs. The position was awkward, and Lena strained to reach the spot that made Kara quiver, but the discomfort was worth it as they both bucked together in unison, riding wave after wave of heated pleasure until they both cried out.

They fell back against the pillows, kissing each other adoringly. Lena curled up under Kara's arm and laid her head upon her breast. The sound of Kara's lionheart soothed her.

"There is no written word or story uttered upon the lips that could describe the feeling of that magnificent pleasure. I felt as though we were one," Lena whispered as she kissed Kara's cheek.

"Aye. It was like our bodies melted together like candle wax on the page. You are so incredible, my beautiful Lena."

"You are incredible. I don't want to lose this. I can't lose you. I will speak to my father tomorrow. We cannot leave Camelot. If Jonn would stop tying your hands, I have no doubt you could protect all of Camelot."

"We will make this work. Let us hold each other and enjoy the warmth and love of each other's arms. All will wait for us on the morrow. For now, I have the most beautiful creature in all the kingdoms wrapped in my arms. We have a warm fire and a cozy bed to sink into. This, here, is my heaven. This could be the place I die, and I would die happy," Kara said with genuine joy in her eyes.

"You are as wise as you are brave, my love. Let us close our eyes for now. You need your rest after such a harrowing day. I still want to feel you stiffen under my touch once more," Lena whispered in Kara's ear temptingly.

"There will be time for sleep later," Kara said, flipping Lena onto her back and laying on top of her once more. You say I can command you. I command you to lay back, relax and accept the gift of my love and devotion."

Lena grinned and caressed Kara's head.

"Anything for you. Anything."

Lena laid back and let her body go limp. She wanted Kara to be in control. She let out a deep contented sigh and spread her arms and legs just slightly, enticed and warmed through by the thought of Kara's gift. Kara dove under the blankets. At first, Lena did not know what Kara was doing and worried that she might become too overheated under the heavy fabrics. She soon discovered the most exhilarating feeling the moment Kara pressed her mouth to the hungry spot between Lena's shaking legs. Lena bucked her pelvis upward and laid back, stiff and vibrating. Kara's warm, wet kisses were all that muted her joyful cries.


Kara and Lena made love all night. They fell into a deep slumber a few hours before sunrise. The moment the cock crowed loudly, Kara knew it was time to abandon her fantasy world and return to the cruel world where her King and mentor Jonn had lost his affection for Kara and now treated her like a pitiless fool.

Kara rose and took a few moments to watch her beautiful princess sleep. Lena was everything Kara had ever wanted in a love. She was beautiful, intelligent, witty, and adored Kara with a loyalty Kara never dreamed possible. The only problem was that she could very well lose this woman she knew was the love of her life even before they could share their second night together.

Kara dressed and slipped her gipon back on.

Lena stirred and looked over at Kara.

"I command you to come back to this bed and never leave," Lena said with a playfully stern raise of her brow.

"I thought you were 'just Lena'," Kara replied just as playfully.

"Not when you dare leave my bed. Get back here. Bring that naughty mouth back to me. The things you said and did last night will forever be my secret joy."

Kara crawled onto the bed and pulled Lena on top of her. Lena moved a hand to Kara's cheek and beamed.

"I have never been this happy. No gift, celebration, or grand feast could bring me the joy of being wrapped in your arms," Kara said.

Lena moved her hands to Kara's cheeks and kissed her with fervent desire. She pulled her lips away and caressed Kara's face with her own.

"Well, then we will just have to stay here forever."

"You will be just Lena and I'll set down my sword and be a carpenter. I'll make you a complete set of your chairs."

"That sounds like a dream come true. I loathe being a princess. I hate false smiles and courtesy. All I want is a normal life. I wish I could be a normal wife. I want to cook, clean, and love with my whole heart until the day I die. I just want to dote on the woman I love."

Kara wrapped her arms around Lena and brushed her temple with her lips.

"I wish I could take you away from here and make your dreams come true. I would give you everything."

"Would you really?"

"Without hesitation, my heart. If you asked, I would steal you away and find us a quaint home. I would work and sell my wares and you could keep the house and dote on me all you like."

Lena let out a little laugh and kissed Kara's hand tenderly.

"I would cook your dinner every night and massage your muscles from your long days of woodworking. I can imagine us cuddled up by the fire, kissing and holding each other close."

"I long for that life," Kara said with a sad smile.

"And I would make you moan every night," Lena whispered seductively.

"Now I really long for that life. Let us leave immediately. I'll build you a full home of furniture and you can make me whimper every night."

Lena exploded into joyful laughter.

Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. Before either of them could react, the door swung open and Queen Catherine and Eve stood in the doorway.

Kara leapt to her feet, and Lena covered her naked body.

Queen Catherine closed the door quickly behind them.

"My sincerest apologies, Lena. Your parents, the King and Queen, rose early and head this way. You must dress quickly. Eve help your lady dress and I will help Kara on with her armor," Lady Catherine said with great urgency.

Lena panicked. Kara grabbed her armor and started slipping it over her gipon. The queen helped her by grabbing the heavy pieces and handing them to her.

"Are you well, good knight? How are your wounds?"

"Much improved, Your Majesty. I received the best care."

Catherine smiled at Lena knowingly.

"You did indeed. Judging from your smiles, you both woke invigorated and refreshed. You both have a delightful glow. Lena, cover that before your parents arrive."

Kara and Lena averted their gaze. Lena raised a hand to her face to hide the blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. Your friendship is very much appreciated. I am sorry you had to walk in at such an indelicate moment," Lena said, working with Eve to finish dressing.

"Remember, you promised to call me Cat. As for my rude intrusion on your privacy, I saw nothing indelicate. I see two beautiful souls who are falling deeply in love. Am I wrong? Would you dare correct a queen?" Lady Catherine asked in jest.

Kara grinned.

"Aye. As is the norm, you are all wisdom, Your Majesty," Kara said with a little bow.

"Very good, sweet knight. I will support you the best I can."

"I am deeply indebted to you, Cat."

"Your parents should learn of your deep affection for Kara on your terms."

"I agree. Thank you for your kindness. You are truly a friend and I shall never forget the love you showed us both this day."

"Where is Lady Lois?" Lena asked.

"Lois is presently slowing your parents down any way she can. The poor girl is probably at her wit's end."

"We are thankful to all of you. How is Clark?" Lena said.

"Much improved. I called for a sorceress and she performed her healing magics. The king has a general distaste for magic, but even he had to agree when the healer insisted it was the only way to save poor Sir Clark."

Suddenly there was a booming knock at the door. Queen Catherine handed a fully armored Kara her sword.

"Goodness, your sword is heavy indeed. How do you wield it with such ease?"

Kara simply smiled and bowed her head.

Lena beckoned for them to enter.

"Please enter, My Lord," Lena said without thinking.

King Lionel and Queen Lillian stepped inside the room and looked around. All looked normal. Lena and Eve stood together. Queen Catherine sat in the chair, and Kara stood over all of them, guarding them faithfully. They each exhaled slowly, relieved that they could collect themselves just in time.

"Good Morrow to you all," Lionel said.

"Good Morrow," they all said in unison.

"How are you today, daughter? How did you know it was I at the door?" Lionel asked Lena as he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Your knock. So firm and confident. It is like no other," Lena said doing her best to cover her blunder.

He paused for a beat and inhaled deeply. Lena held her breath, fearful he would know what she had done with Kara the night before.

"Roses and lilacs," he said with a smile.

Lionel turned to Kara.

"Good Morrow, Kara."

"Good Morrow, Your Majesty."

"Thank you for protecting the princess. I slept peacefully, knowing she was safe in your care."

"I am honored to be of service, Your Majesty."

Kara smiled and bowed her head.

"It brings me great sadness that we must leave Camelot and return to our kingdom, but I fear the danger is too great for us to remain here. You are the noblest of all knights, and if not for you, a great tragedy would have befallen us. I must thank you again for being the truest example of chivalry in all the kingdoms. We shall break our fast and then see to the preparations for our journey home."

Lena's face fell.

Queen Catherine stepped forward.

"I am truly grieved that your time in this kingdom has not been more pleasant. We hoped to ease your cares and provide you with a pleasant stay."

"We appreciate all of your hospitality and kindness, Catherine. This was no fault of yours or your good knights."

"I assure you that Camelot is normally a land of safety and peace."

"Father, I know this kingdom has seen its fair share of turmoil, but I love Camelot more than any other place in creation," Lena said, looking directly at Kara.

Lady Catherine gave Lena a knowing smile and stepped forward.

"I assure you we will do our very best to keep you and your family safe while you make your preparations, and if you change your mind about shortening your stay with us, we are at your service."

Queen Lillian cleared her throat.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Queen Catherine. Princess Lena's safety is our highest priority, but please do not take our early departure as an insult to your kingdom."

Lena was shocked Lillian said a word.

"Come, daughter. We shall break our fast in the great hall and inform Jonn that we will take our leave as soon as the ship is ready, and we pack our things."

Lena's face dropped even lower. The king and queen exited Lena's bedchamber. She moved to Kara's side the instant they were gone.

"Your faces break my heart." Queen Catherine said. "I know things seem dark, but we will keep trying. Come, ladies. Let us give these two a moment."

Kara and Lena both bowed their heads and smiled. Catherine, Lois, and Eve left the room and closed the door behind them. Lena grabbed onto Kara and wrapped her arms around her neck, awkwardly navigating around her armor. Lena's eyes glassed over with tears.

"This armor, this villainous armor. Normally it protects you and I love it as I love you, but it keeps me away from your body and this could very well be the last free moment the two of us share. I need to feel you. I need to hold you. I cannot bare this," Lena said, getting more emotional. "Please kiss me. Kiss me like this is our last kiss."

Kara wrapped her arms around Lena as tight as she could without causing her pain and kissed her with every ounce of longing, love, pain, and desire in her heart. She was like a woman heading into a battle knowing she would never return to her great love. Lena grabbed onto Kara as much as she could and kissed her back.

"If you stay this eve, I will come to you and I will peel all of this off. I will hold you and not let you go."

"My father says we go so I know we will go. He rarely changes his mind."

"My love, the moment we give up hope, we lose the war. Every time I go into battle or fight an opponent, I proceed with hope in my heart and courage on my breast. It is all we can do. Kiss me once more and we will head to the great hall."

"I will pray for a miracle. I know they are possible," Lena said, placing a hand over Kara's heart.

"Oh really? How do you know?"

"Because I prayed for love and then not much after, a brave and beautiful knight fell to her knee and kissed my hand so warmly I knew my heart was hers forever."

Kara dropped to her knee, took Lena's hand gently between her own, and kissed it with equal passion to their kisses upon their lips.

Lena took her other hand and caressed Kara's head. She moved her fingers to Kara's cheek and stroked it gently.

"I was yours that day and I have been yours ever since. Nothing shall divide us. Nothing, my love."

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