Owl house (Luz x Eda's son re...

By Puppet198463

92.5K 1.3K 1.2K

Self-assured teenager Luz stumbles upon a portal to a magical realm where she befriends a rebellious witch, E... More

The lying which and a warden Part 2
Witches before wizards Part 1.1
Witch's before wizards 1.2
I Was a Teenage Abomination PT 1
I Was a Teenage Abomination PT 2
The Intruder pt 1
The intruder 2
Sneak peek of chapter I wanna do.
Mothers day Special
Chapter/Episode list
Filler: Ted x Eda
Mothers day (Short)
Baby Y/N
Y/N x Luz Filler
Years later

The lying witch and a warden: Part 1

10.5K 177 185
By Puppet198463

Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.

(Stop at 2:23)

As Luz and her mother talked, a little owl and a figure in a cloak snuck into their house. "Alright little owl, let's see what we can find." The person in the cloak said as they started looking through the house.

"No." The figure said as they found a Chinese vase.

"Nope." They said as they found a golden watch.

"Negative." They said as the found a safe full of money.

"Oh la la. Come to papa." They said as the found a bunch of spoons, forks, a spatula, a couple frying pans, and a bag of popcorn. They also took a couple of comic books.

The figure grabbed them all a put them in a bag. "Alright, let's go." The figure said but stopped as they saw Luz put her book the the trash can. "I spy with my little eye, a big old book." The figure said and snuck outside.

When nobody was looking, the figure quickly took the book out of the trash. "Big score." The figure mumbled to themself.

Once Luz's mother left, she started looking in the trash for her book. Only to discover that it was no in the place she had originally put it. "Where is it?! Where is it?!" Luz mumbled as she looked around. She looked up and saw a Owl and someone in a cloak walking off with a large bag of stuff, including her book.

"Uhm..........see ya!" The figure said and started running off.

"Tiny and medium trash thieves!" Luz said a she chased the two.

The figure and owl ran from her as fast as possible and soon ran into a old house. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" The figure said as they quickly ran to a door with a giant yellow eye on it and jumped in as Luz followed.

"Stop adorably running and hopping you..." Luz said as she ran after them and soon found herself in a large purple tent filled with all kinds of odd and strange items.

"Wow, and I thought I had a lot of weird things. But this, this impressive." She said.

"Finally, your both back!" A voice called out. Luz immediately panicked and hid in some of the stuff. She slowly walked up to the exit of the tent to see where she was, who was talking, and to hopefully get her book back.

First, she saw the cloaked figure. The person in the cloak put their hands on their hood and lowering the hood. A male with a mix of orange and (Hair color.) hair, pale skin, had yellow eyes, and a yellow and black outfit. The male pulled out a cane and top hat. They were about her hight, only a few inches taller. He was also skinny.

Luz couldn't help but blush at the male.

The male straighten his outfit and looked up at the woman talking to him. "Sorry we're late, mom. You will be happy to know I managed to get a few valuable things." The male said and opened the bag. "Nice work you two! Now let's see what we have today." The woman said as the tiny owl hopped on her cane. She then turned the owl around a bit until it locked in place.

Luz was both confused and amazed at what she saw.

"Nice work kiddo." The woman said as he ruffled her son's hair and kissed his forehead gently. She then started looking through the bag. "Great value." She said about the spoons. "Worth a great deal." She said about a bottle of shampoo. "Something great will come out of this!" She said about a dvd of Batman and Robin.

"Garbage." She said about a cellphone and tossed it away. She ended up doing the same to a Diamond ring and a golden grail.

She kept looking the the bag and gasped at something. "Now this,....this will make me rich!" She said about a pair of glasses with fake eyes attached to springs.

"What about this?" The boy asked and held up the book on Azura. "That will be good kindling." The woman said as she got the book and placed it over a small candle. Luz gasped in horror at the sight of her book getting ready to go up in flames.

She quickly ran to the two and immediately too the book from the woman. "Excuse me sorry that's mine thank you!" Luz said so quickly that it sounded like one sentence.

Luz tried to run to the door, until it folded itself up. "Your not going anywhere." The woman said as she took the glasses off. Luz yelped and ran under the tent and ran fir a bit until she saw where she really was.

"Oh no no no no. What's going on?" Luz said nervously and felt and hand on her shoulder. She looked and saw the boy smirking.

"Welcome, to h e double hockey sticks!" He said and gave a devilish laugh. Luz gasped in horror, then the boy started uncontrollably laughing. "HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Oh god you should have seen you face!" He said laughing as he swatted a purple fairy away. He fell to the ground laughing. Then the woman grabbed Luz and took her the a chair.

"I'm so sorry! I just wanted my book back!" Luz said nervously as the boy raised his hand. "Before you talk anymore, I gotta ask you something............wanna buy something?" The boy asked, Luz stopped shivering in fear and looked at the two.

"Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes?" The woman asked as she held up a sandal. "What about a green candy bar?" The boy asked. "How about the black shadow box that reflects only sadness?" The woman said and showed Luz a portable TV.

Luz chuckled softly and looked at the two. "Nots not all it can do." She said and got a pair of batteries that were laying around and placed them into the TV. Once it was one on, the stand was surrounded by shoppers.

The woman smiled and looked at Luz. "What did you say your name was again?" She asked.

"I'm Luz Noceda." She said. "Well kid, that's clever, for a human." The boy said. "That's kinda weird for another human to say." Luz said.

"Oh dear, we are not like you." The woman said as she removed the hood that she was wearing and jumped on the table. The boys eyes widened. "No no no mommy. Don't say." The boy didn't have time to finish his sentence because his mother started talking to the crowd.

"I'm Eda the owl lady! The most powerful witch on the boiling isles!" Eda said with pride. "God dang it! Now we are going to get caught for sure!" Y/N thought to himself. Only he didn't think dang.

"A witch?" Luz said completely surprised and amazed. "I am a respected, feared." Eda bragged. "Busted." A voice boomed.

"Oh boy." Y/N said as he looked at the muscular man who wore black gloves, a black outfit, and a plague doctor mask.

"Eda the owl lady! You are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors!" The guard said. "Hey, isn't that what magic is for?" Y/N asked. "Ya, what he said!" Eda said in annoyance at the guard.

"Whoa, witch criminal." Luz said. Y/N looked at her surprised. "Why are you saying it like it's a good thing?" Y/N asked. Luz immediately looked at him. "I-I-I-I'm not! I'm just surprised that she is a criminal at all! Wasn't expecting that!" Luz said defensively.

"You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium." The guard said as he grabbed Eda's hand, who then pulled away from his grasp.

"Would you guys quit following us around. We haven't done squat." Eda said as she crossed her arms.

"And your coming too." The guard said as he pick Luz up. "Hey! What did she do?" Y/N said.

"Fraternizing with a criminal." The guard said. Luz looked scared, and Y/N reached in his coat pocket and pulled out a card with a large fist made of water on it. Y/N blew on it in the direction of the guard. The card instantly began to dissolve and turned into a real water fist.

The fist hit the guard, who let go of Luz and was then sent back and landed in another shop. Y/N immediately caught Luz and sat her on the ground gently. "Got you." Y/N said as Luz blushed softly and looked at him.

"Alright you two, let's go!" Eda said as she used her magic to pack up her shop. She also got her suit case for the door. "Follow us human!" Eda said as she and Y/N started running off. Luz started running to catch up with them. "This is crazy! If I die here, my mom's gonna kill me!" Luz said panicked as she ran.

Eda scoffed. "I won't let them hurt you. A human like you is much more valuable to us alive than dead." Eda said. "Wait. What's that supposed to...." Luz asked as they were running but was interrupted when Eda picked her and Y/N up on her broom and flew off.

A few minutes later.

"Hey Luz. Luz? Luz???? You do realize that we are no longer being chased and that you can open your eyes now, right?" Y/N asked her as he tapped her shoulder gently. Luz was curled up in a ball and holding onto her book with dear life.

Luz slowly opened up her eyes and saw that she was flying on a wooden staff. She yelped and almost fell off. "Flying staffs, crazy monsters, you're a witch and a wizard. What is this place?" Luz asked.

Y/N chuckled. "You humans are so funny. You surely must have read stories of magic before. I thought you would have recognized where you were. This is a place of magic. This is the Boiling Isels." Y/N said as Eda readjusted Luz. "Yep, every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours." Eda said as a large Griffin flew past them.

"A griffin." Luz said excited. The griffin then shot out spiders from its mouth. "I knew it!"

"Yep. Griffin's, vampires, giraffes." Eda listed. "Giraffes?" Luz said confused.

"Oh, yeah. We banished those guys. Bunch of freaks." Eda said as they landed on the ground. Y/N dusted himself off. Eda got off as well, all except for her right hand. Luz screamed and jumped off the broom.

"Oops. That happens sometimes." Eda said as she started to reattach her hand.

"Well. I've had enough adventure for today. This is clearly not the PG fantasy world I always dreamed about." Luz said. "Oh no you don't. Your not getting off that easy. We saved you, now you owe us a favor." Y/N said as he used his cane to grab onto Luz's shirt collar. "That's one thing I don't understand about you humans. You love something so much that you wish it would happen to you, but yet you turn away from it when that something you love happens to you." Y/N said.

"He's right." Eda said "We will let you go, if you help us first." Eda said as she laughed a bit. "Now come along human." Eda said as she and Y/N took Luz to their home.

"Home sweet home." Y/N said. "Aren't you two worried about those guards finding us?" Luz asked them.

"Nope. My house has a state of the art defense system." Eda said. "Hoot hoot. Password please." A owl face on the door asked. Y/N whispered something to them. "Correct. You can come in now. See? Y/N knows the password." The owl face named Hooty said to Eda and opened up its mouth to let the three inside.

"Welcome to the Owl house." Eda said as she snapped her fingers and the house lit up.

"Where we hide from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops. Also ex boyfriends." Eda said as she laughed and snorted.

"This place is beautiful. Do just you two live here?" Luz asked. At that moment the house started to shake.

"Actually, we have two roommates." Eda said as a large shadow walked down the hall. "Who dares intrude upon I , the king of demons?"

Another figure ran in.

"Sorry I'm late miss Eda and master Y/N. I was helping King with his bath." The Scarecrow said.

Luz's eyes were immediately fixed upon the small King. She ran to him and hugged him. (I'm not sure what she said. I know it means cute, I'm just not sure how to spell what she said.)

"Eda, he's so cute. Who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you? Is it you?" Luz asked in a cute voice. "No! I don't know who your little guy is! Eda! Y/N! Who is this monster!" King asked terrified as the scarecrow pulled King off Luz.

Luz looked up at the scarecrow in amazement. "Wow! You got a living Scarecrow?! That's so cool!" Luz said.

"Thanks." Y/N said. The scarecrow waved. "Hello. I'm scarecrow, but you can call me, Scare." He said as he placed Luz down who immediately went back to hugging King.

"Why did I not see that coming?" Scare asked. "So Y/N, Eda, who is that?" Scare asked again. "That's Luz. She's here to help us with our situation." Y/N said. "Oh, hooray!" King said.

"Wait, wait, wait. I don't like the sound of this "situation."." Luz said nervously.

"Just let me explain." Eda said as she used a spell to show a small flashback.

"King was once a mighty king of demons. Until his crown of power was stolen, and he became this."

Luz: You mean this little bundle of joy?

"The crown is being held by the evil Warden Wrath, and being locked away behind a magical force field that only a human can break through." Eda explained.

"AKA you." Y/N said. "So what do you say? Keep in mind, we are your one way ticket out of here." Y/N said. "One crown, one way home." Y/N said. "Plus, who can say no to this cute face?" Eda asked and held up King. "No! Please don't encourage her!" King begged.

"Ok, now I wanna encourage her." Scare said. "You and me both." Y/N said.

"I mean, we're kinda your only way home." Eda said to Luz. "So I really don't have a choice, do I?" Luz asked.

"Nope. Now, we've got no time to lose." Eda said as she picked up Luz and walked out with her. Scare and Y/N followed.

"Soon Mr Duckie! We shall drink the fear of those who mocked us!" King said in excitement and followed the group.

Scares voice
He sounds like either Blitzo or Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel.

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