Agent 3's Secret.

By Agent3Lumi

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Agent 3 isn't just some ordinary Inkling in Inkopolis. She's not just an Agent, either. But she has a secret... More

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Good or Evil
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59 2 2
By Agent3Lumi

Agent 3's pov

"8, I gotta go," I said. Agent 8 looked worried. 

"Where ?" she asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you anymore, I just want to clear my head for a little bit," I said again.

"Will I see you later?" she asked.

"Yeah! I'll meet up with you after at the Crust Bucket. I won't be long,"

"C-can I come, too ?" asked 4.

"Sure! I'll see you both later," I answered. I waved at them and then slipped through the grate outside of Cuttlefish Cabin and into Inkopolis Square. I took a walk to Kelp Dome, and it was really quiet. I sat down and sighed.

I can't believe I made up with 8 today. One moment I was mad and then the next...

I heard a loud bang. I jumped a little, startled. I heard muttering, and I recognized voices. Octolings.

"Capture her !" whispered one.

"Agents are stronger than you think !" said the other. "Don't you know anything ?"

Oh shoot. I forgot my Hero Shot! I began to panic a little. I ran far from the Octolings and hid behind a box of undersea kelp. All I could hope was that they would go away.

Unless maybe there's a weapon around here somewhere...the Octolings have to have left something --

"Ah !" I screamed. What the...pain was throbbing in my back. I limped and turned around. The same Octolings were snickering. 

"What did you do to me ?! I shouted at them. How did they follow me so fast anyway?

"W-woah! What did you do to yourselves?!"

They were Octolings, but they're was blue and green in their hair, and they're skin was green! But...what did they throw in my back? I tried to see my back, and I caught just a glimpse of a syringe. I don't know what they put in me! I started to not feel like myself. I yanked the syringe out of my body.

"NYAAAAA!" I yelled. It hurt. Bad. Something was going on with me. Something I never experienced before.

"Master Tartar will be pleased," said one Octoling.

"This was too easy. I expected at least a little bit of a fight from this one," I heard the other laugh.

"Soon, we'll have the whole team sanitized !"

Sanitized ? what did that mean ? I have to tell the others ! But...why can't I move ?! It's so frustrating ! 

"Give in to Master Tartar !" one of the Octolings said.

Who is that? And what does it mean to be sanitized ? I hate in when I don't know what's going on !

I looked down at my hands, and they were turning green ! I couldn't do anything ! What was this...serum ? I closed my eyes, seeming to lose all control.

"Very good, Agent 3," an Octoling said. "You are now sanitized,"

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