Misunderstood baby

By jazzyRogers3

70.4K 1.4K 288

Nba Youngboys first daughter ⚠️MIGHT CONTAIN TRIGGER POINTS⚠️ More

Part 1:🐍
Part 2:🐍
Part 3:🐍
Part 4:🐍
Part 6:🐍
A small update
Part 7:🐍
Part 8:🐍
Part 9:🐍
Insta place holder✨
Part 11:🐍
Part 12:🐍
Part 13:🐍
Part 14:🐍
Part 15:🐍
Part 16:🐍

Part 10:🐍

1.5K 44 4
By jazzyRogers3

💕Lani's POV 💕

My dad talked to me last night and I couldn't really pay attention. When he left out I went and got my brothers and put them in my bed. I had school today so I got up and did my hygiene and got dressed.


I put my hair in a slicked bun and went downstairs. "Good morning father", "morning Lani". I ate some bacon and toast and drank some juice. I finished eating and cleaned up my area. I know my dad be like don't yell but I can't see him so I gotta. "DAD IM READY TO GOOO", "Kehlani you do it again and you in punishment". He said from behind me. See how was I supposed to know he was behind me? We went out to the car and got in. We kept it quiet and I just looked around blankly for what reason idk. Suddenly I had a idea. "Dad" "isn't it crazy you can get my attention without yelling"? " I rolled my eyes and continued. "Can we hang out this weekend" "yea of course". I was happy cause me and my dad barely hang out.

We got to school and said our goodbyes. I walked in and people was looking at me. As much as I can barley stand Tay it's weird not having him here all his opps are looking at me crazy. I went into my locker and greeted my boys. "Heyyy Dreads, bean head,ugly, and lispen. They turned around and looked at me. "See why you can't great us nice"Nahmir said? "See why y'all always gotta compline"? I put my stuff in my locker and went to class. Again I was walking to class and everyone was looking at me most of the time nobody looks at me. I was kinda scared maybe they know something I don't. I say Tays friends and went up to them. "Heyy brothers" "Wassam Ni" Tana said. "What the hell is going on everybody starring at me nobody does this when Tay out". "They looked at each other then looked down the hall and everyone was still looking at me. They put my in the corner and stood in front of me. "Sis I don't know this weird asf Tay said he gone call during lunch we'll talk to him about it." Tana whisper yelled. "We gone walk you to yo classes". Pimpz whisper yelled. Hell I was scared cause usually people look away from me when I'm wit Tay.

At lunch
Pimpz and Tana walked me to all my classes and lunch. I sat at the table and they went and got lunch. It was starting to irritate me that people was looking at me cause that's rude. Tana came up to me and gave me his phone I looked and saw Tay was on the phone. "Wassup Bae" "Heyy Tay how you doing"? "I good what you got going on@,? "Nun frl except every single person in this school just starring at me for no reason like even yo opps looking at me". "Fuck Alr stay with Tana and Pimpz ion get released until Friday. "Ok but like why is they looking at me" , "girl I don't know I'll figure it out tho". "Ok", "give Pimpz the phone" "ok bye love you", "I love you too bro give him the phone". I swear Tay isn't worth this shit.

End of tha da:
Tana walked me to my dad car. When I got in he was looking at me sideways. I'm so tired of being looked at. "Who the FUCK was that Lani, I thought you had a boyfriend". I do that's his best friend Tay dealing wit something this week and all his opps keep looking at me". "Nigga what are you safe"? "Yes I got body guards".

We was driving and we finally got home Yaya was on the couch. "Wassam pregnant lady" "hey baby girl" I went upstairs and took a shower I put on some joggers and my dads shirt and went to sleep.

Working in a new chapter rn ❣️

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