Gone [I.L]

By Panicking_Sweetheart

304K 7K 1.5K

It all started when Allison Argent came to Beacon Hills and quiet literally flipped Aimee Kilton's and Lydia... More

Author's note


2.2K 68 24
By Panicking_Sweetheart

Aimee lived on the border of Beacon hills, next to the Beacon Hills preserve. She use to come out to the woods all of the time before she realized how dangerous it truly was. Aimee would jog around the trails or even sit and just relax with her eyes closed. Before, Hayley would sonetimes find the girl dead asleep. She had stopped when Hayley had told her to, when Scott had first turned and the Argents came to toward - the girl, however, didn't know it was due to wolves at the time.

She had now been wondering the woods for hours now, alone. After the party, Aimee had sent Isaac inside while she stayed out. She needed to clear her mind.

Her hand touched the small body of water and she wondered how cool it would have been to have a different infinity than air. Out of the four options, fire and water seemed the most appealing to the blonde. She wondered if there were anymore people like her. Surely, she thought. Her legs curled into her chest as she rested her cheek on the top of her knee.

She began to hum the lyrics to Superhero by The Script, one of her favorite songs. Her fingers danced along the freezing water and for a moment her arm was covered in goosebumps. Now she welcomed the cold, knowing that she wouldn't fully die from hyperthermia.

Aimee almost jumped when a presence sat down next to her, but she half expected it. She had been outside for hours, in the cold. Neither spoke until a blanket was draped around her shoulders.

She retracted her hand from the water and stopped humming lyrics as her eyes met with her Alpha. Her eyes then trailed up to Isaac, and Chris Argent. She frowned for a second, eye flickering between the three.

The group stayed silent, all eyes falling upon the hunter. They all could feel the guilt falling off of Chris, it didn't take a wolf to smell it. Aimee could see the pained expression on the man's face,  a man who she saw as a second father.

"We need your help," Chris told her, "If the plan goes south we need a ranged attacker."

Aimee's eyes looked dim as she glanced back at the water, "Allison is ranged. Why don't you ask her?"

There was a long moment of silence which confirmed what Aimee had thought, "Because I'm expendable and your daughter isn't."

As soon as the words fell from her mouth, the three men looked between each other. They knew that Aimee had wanted to hurt Allison, so they protected Allison. Yet, with Aimee back to normal, no one thought how collateral everything would be to the blonde. They most certainly didn't think that Allison was more important than Aimee, "It's fine," She stood up slowly and dusted her legs off, "I understand," a sad smile flickering on her lips.

Scott mimicked her actions, no knowing what to say to his friend. Yes, he loved Allison but Aimee was his in his pack, his inner circle. In general, no one was more expendable than the other.

"Where are you going?" Isaac called out to Aimee as she walked away from them.

"To take a nap before you all lead me to my undeniable death," She called over her shoulder which made the three sigh heavily.


When she awoke she saw that there was a outfit already hung on the door for her. The girl picked herself out of her cozy bed and dragged herself to the shower.

The warm water flowed on her cold skin, she hadn't realized how cold she actually was. She began to scrub herself clean of any paint, or dirt that she had caked on her skin.

When she was done, she put the outfit on that they had hung up for her, "Are you serious?" She groaned as she looked at herself in the mirror. She had expected a fight or something, but rather the girl was now in a tight white form fitting dress. A pair of close toed pale heels laid at the foot of her bed, and she slipped them on.

Cussing under her breath she made her way down the stairs. Everyone's eyes connected to the blonde as her heels clicked onto her hardwood floor, "This better be a good plan."

Isaac on the other hand, was amused. He let a laugh escape his lips, "What?" Aimee narrowed her eyes at him.

"I haven't seen you wear a dress since the snowball," He swallowed hard, "Plus you're cute when your mad."

Aimee rolled her eyes, "Isaac," She started as he walked over and placed a kiss on her forehead and held his arm around her shoulders. He guided her to the couch next to Scott and Stiles.

Chris walked in from the kitchen,  cup of coffee in his hand, "Okay so here's the plan."


The drive was unbearably long to Aimee. Issac followed closely behind Aimee, worried she would fade away again, especially after the Allison incident.

Aimee looked out the window of Chris's car, she sat in the back with Isaac. A song hummed through the vehicle but she could not find the words or even tune since she was deep in thought. Thoughts circled her, Aimee could see a new ring around Stiles aura again, and it bothered her to her core. She knew that the linings were supernatural tells and she believed that Stiles was anything but Supernatural. She made a mental note to ask Derek about the situation when she got back. And then her bestfriend was making a move on her boyfriend. She was pretty certain that Chris had hated her at this point due to previous incidents involving her trying to kill Allison.

Everyone had noticed Aimee's closed off behavior, but between the boys only Scott chocked it up that the young girl needed guidance.  No, no supernatural guidance, but rather a parental figure to intervene in her life and help her work out her issues. He knew he had to tell his mom they had a moment of leisure or even seek Lydia's help.

The car jerked to a stop and everyone's car doors began to open and shut. Aimee took a deep breath as Crhis began to explain the layouts of the building.

"Guys, this, this isn't going to work. I look ridiculous. I mean- I look like I just stepped out of the last period of a Catholic prep school and there is no way that I'm going to remember all this?" Issac stuttered, "Aimee have you read the notes?" He shot over his shoulder. Aimee shrugged, she had in fact threw her note card away the second she had a moment of freedom, "What does this even mean? Revolving over an under barrel."

Chris sighed, "All you have to do is keep them talking long enough to allow us inside to find Katashi. He may not be there for the buyer person but he won't be far."

"You look great," Allison smiled softly at Isaac. The compliment had caught everyone's attention.

Isaac switched his footing, "I am sweating all the way through my jacket, I didn't even know that I, that I could sweat this much."

"Gimme a second," Allison mumbled as she walked towards Isaac and attempted to pull him slightly away from everyone else.

Aimee sucked in a deep breath as Isaac looked directly for Aimee. She had her back turned to the scene in fear that she would ruin the mission. She wiped her under eye softly, adjusted her dress, and fluffed up her hair.

The blonde grabbed the suitcase from the hood of Argents car and began to walk into the building. Her face set with looks that could kill as everyone called for her. Her heels clicked loudly as she walked across the concrete floor.

Instantly two men circled her, "Gentlemen, I believe Mr. Katashi is expecting me and my business partner," Isaac skidded to a solid stop catching up to her.

"I'm expecting you," Her head snapped up to see a gigantic man walking down the stairs. His aura was a bright yellow, showing her was indeed a werewolf. She stared him down as he approached the two, his finger nails scraping against the metal railing.

"Let's get to business then, shall we?" Aimee smiled tightly as she set the brief case down in the table in front of them. She nodded to Isaac who stepped forward. He had indeed rehearsed and at least looked at the note card.

Isaac opened it carefully, "What we are looking at is a conditioned french lock turn over pistol.crafted in the mid 17 century it was a gift from Louis the 14th to a prominent french family. It's only every been fired once."

"During a duel between brothers, on the grounds in the palace of Versigh," The buyer answered.

Isaac began to stutter, "So you're familiar with the-,".

"Mr. Katashi knows what he wants. We will take it. He pressed a button on the white brief case, "A hundred fifty thousand."

Isaac began to rock and get nervous, Aimee could feel the tension so she stepped forward for Isaac to speak up, "Ima need to count it." She nearly smacked him but stayed in her badass character.

"Oh really?" The man asked.

"Yeah," Isaac mumbled and went to sit down to count the money. He pulled out a money counter that she had only ever seen in a bank. He can't be serious.

He picked up the first stack of hundreds and pulled the tape off. Then he stuck it through the machine. It was very quiet between the group. Isaac went to reach for another stack as the buyer shut the case full of money, "You don't know the whole story behind this gun, do you? There was no duel between brothers, that was the cover story the real one involved an encounter in the woods with a vicious animal. Its bite caused one of the men to change into something monstrous." He circled the table getting close to Aimee. Isaac's breathing began to get lightly spastic, "By his families code, brother of the man killed him with this very gun."

"Well that is certainly better than the version I heard," Isaac told the group, "I'm going to trust you guys with the money here-," Aimee cut him off.

"The deals off," She snapped in the buyers face. Her eyes were narrowed and her lips in a straight line. Isaac went to shut the case when the buyer grabbed him.

"Personally I'd like to hear your story," Isaac was already full wolf and growled at the man. Aimee rolled her eyes.

She grabbed the man's arm, her eyes flaring green, "Paws off doggie," The man stumbled back staring at Aimee with a mixed emotion of shock and awe, "Don't do something you'll regret," She warned before she was hit upside the head by one of the henchmen.


Aimee gasped awake, ready for a fight. She made contact with with someone who grabbed at her, "You're okay," Aimee looked to see Allison holding Aimee so she was not on the ground.

Aimee's eyes were wide as she pushed herself out of Allison's grip, "Thanks," Aimee mumbled out of habit rather than being actually grateful.

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