Young Heroes

By islands2345

96 11 2

The Young Heroes and The Stealing Business have to team together, ignoring their rivalry, to face their bigge... More

CHAPTER 2: The Story Begins


9 2 0
By islands2345

While today will be my last day of The Stealing Business for a while, I will be getting a "vacation" which is really just jury duty. Buckler and Blade have to stay there though even though they are like nothing without me, no offense to them. While down in southern Chicago Jack is out recruiting men so we have no chance of winning against him considering that both of us have powers and no one else does on our "teams" so we are probably pretty goodly out numbered right now and he's still getting more and more people. And because of jury duty "no 'diaries'" so no journals for a couple of weeks but I still got all today to write down as much as I can. We got called in for our last session for a while and I can tell you it was pretty intense considering they made me do a bunch of extra training because I won't train over my "vacation". I'd just like ton see them do some of the stuff I do sometimes. Well it's time for me to go to jury duty so more stuff in a few weeks. Blade and Buckler will stay here guarding this and training...

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