Hosie one-shot compilation

By ArielDowdy

14.9K 505 86

This is just a place for me to write Hosie one shots. I have a full Hosie story and other one shots you guys... More

They don't know about us
Pretty brown Eyes
Let me love you: until you learn to love yourself
Unrequited Love
Secret love
Wish you were gay
She - Jake scott
Can I be Him
We are never getting back together
Let me love you - Mario
Love in the dark
Over and over again
When you're ready
My Person - Spencer Crandall

Love song

3.1K 53 13
By ArielDowdy

A/N: I wrote a fanfic were Josie sang at the talent show so I decided why not do one with the roles reversed.

Hope and Josie were currently in Hope's room talking, Josie was upset about her run in with Penelope and Hope of course was there for her best friend.

"You'll be okay Josie, I know it hurts right now but I promise it'll get better"

"I, I just don't understand. She said she loves me and then she goes and cheats on me. How could she do that to me?"

"I don't know love, but I promise if she tries anything again I will tear her apart" Hope says with her eyes glowing.

Josie and Penelope broke up 2 months ago after Josie caught her cheating on her. She was doing better, until she saw Penelope and her toy in the library. Penelope looked at Josie and just smirked, not a hint of remorse in her eyes. To make things worse, she kissed the girl knowing Josie was standing there. Josie ran out of the library and immediately went to Hope's room. Hope was her best friend and was really there for her the past few months. She won't admit this, but she thinks her crush on Hope might have returned.

"Thanks Hope, but I don't think my dad would like it if you did that" Josie said while blushing.

'She's always there to protect me, no matter what.' Josie thought

"Probably not, but she deserves it" Hope's eyes still glowing as she speaks.

Josie sees this and puts her hand on Hope's cheek.

"Calm down Hope please. I'm okay, nothing is going to happen to me"

Hope stares into Josie's brown eyes and her face softens.

"You are amazing Jo and Penelope is a complete dumbass for cheating on you. She doesn't know what she's lost. You're perfect"

Josie looks at Hope and knows she means every word.

"Thanks Hope, but I'm not perfect, if I was then why am I never anyone's first choice?"

"Whoever would choose someone else over you, clearly isn't thinking straight. Believe me Jo, you. are. perfect. and I'll tell you that everyday until you start to believe it."

"What did I do you deserve a friend like you?"

"You were you Jo. You didn't judge me by my last name and you got to know me for me. You see the real me."

Josie slides over on the bed and give Hope a huge.

"I should get going. It's almost curfew and the talent show is tomorrow. I don't think I'm gonna perform this year but I still have to help set up."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Jo"

"Bye Hopey"

As she's leaving Josie hears Hope say, "don't call me that" and she chuckles to herself. Every time she calls Hope that Hope tells her not to but she doesn't listen. She knows that Hope secretly likes it, she's just too badass to say it.

Meanwhile, Hope is in her room contemplating a lot of  emotions. She decides to call her aunt Freya to get some advice.

"Hey aunt Freya"

"Hope hi, how's my favorite niece?"

"I'm your only niece"

"Yeah yeah whatever. What's up Hope, I can sense you didn't just call to say hi"

"Umm I need some advice. I really like this person but I don't know how to tell them. I don't want to ruin our friendship if they don't feel the same"

"So our little Hope has a crush" Freya jokes

"Hahaha seriously, what should I do"

"Okay but first, what's her name"

"H-how did you know it was a girl"

"Hope honey, we knew you were gay since you were 14. All you did was talk about Josie Saltzman, the girl you were crushing on hard."

When Hope doesn't say anything, Freya puts two and two together.

"Wait, is it Josie, bloody hell, it is isn't it. Like father like daughter."

"Yes okay fine, it's Josie. I thought I was over my crush on her but the last few months we've gotten even closer than before. She's my best friend aunt Freya and someone who sees the real me and doesn't judge me for our last name and my past. I-I can't loose her."

"Hope you have to tell her. It sound like you're in love with her and have been for a while. Just tell her how you feel. Let it come from the heart. From what you've told me over the years she sounds lovely and I'm sure she feels the same."

"I'm scared" Hope admits

"I know, but you can do it. Just show her that Mikaelson charm, no one can resist that. Be real and raw with her, show her you mean it"

"Okay, I think I have an idea"

"Do tell"

"There's a talent show tomorrow. Josie's been down lately because of her asshat of an Ex. She thinks she isn't good enough for anyone but that's the farthest thing from the truth. She's amazing aunt Freya. Maybe I can sing a song at the talent show for Josie."

"That sounds like a great idea Hope"

"Thanks aunt Freya. It's getting late so I'm gonna go to bed now . Love you"

"Love you too Hope"

After talking with her aunt Freya, Hope lays down to get some sleep.

Time skip to the talent show. (Sorry I'm tired and don't wanna write a whole lot cause it's already getting long)

Hope is currently backstage getting ready. She texted MG to make sure Josie would be there and he agreed. He knew about Hope's feelings and was just happy she was finally doing something about it.

"Up next, Hope Mikaelson"

MG and Josie were sitting down right as they said Hope's name. Josie looked at MG shocked, she didn't know Hope was performing tonight.

"Hi everyone, so a friend of mine has been down lately and I thought this would cheer her up but also tell her how I feel."

Hope sits down with her guitar and starts playing the melody, then begins to sing. Immediately Josie recognizes the song, it's her favorite song.

"I found a love for me..."

(Play the song at the top)

The entire time she's singing Hope's eyes don't leave Josie.

"Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know..."

Hope is still looking directly at Josie, then something clicks for her. 'Holy shit, Hope fucking Mikaelson is in love with me. This is the best day ever' Josie thinks

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms..."

Hope stops singing and everyone erupts into cheers. Josie is staring at Hope with tears in her eyes. Hope smiles at her. Hope gets off stage and walks to her friends.

"You were great Hope"

"Thanks MG."

"I didn't know you could sing like that. You've got pipes. Clearly someone has stolen your heart" he says with a smirk

"Maybe someone has"

Josie is still standing there with her mouth slightly open. Mg looks at her and chuckles.

"You alright there Jo?" He asks

"Ye-yep perfectly okay"

"Alrighty then, I'm gonna head out. Night you two"

"Night Mg"

"So, what'd you think" Hope asks Josie, slightly anxious

Finally snapped out of her daze, Josie replies

"You were great Hope, I love that song"

"Thanks Jo, and I know"

Josie feels her heart beat speed up as Hope moves closer to her.

"In case you haven't realized it yet, that song was for you. You're perfect Jo and I just thought I'd remind you"

"By singing me a love song?" Josie asks, she wants to believe Hope feels the same but doesn't wanna get her hopes up.

"Is it not obvious yet? I'll just have to flat out say it. I Hope Mikaelson am in love with you, Josette Saltzman. I understand if you don't feel the same but I had to tell you. I just hope it doesn't ruin our frie-

Hope is cut off by Josie kissing her.

"I love you too Hope. I always have, I tried not to but it was very difficult. Who wouldn't be in love with you?"

"Have you seen yourself Josie, you're beautiful. So will you go out with me?"

"I'd love to Hope"

They share another kiss and just look at each other with nothing but love in their eyes.

They truly are perfect for each other, imperfections and all.

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