Death by a Thousand Cuts | Ro...

By SMcGlaggen

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~~BOOK 2 of the Soffia Swan Series~~ Rosalie Hale and Soff Swan have been living a fairytale romance all summ... More

Death by a Thousand Cuts
Chapter 1: The Perfect Summer
Chapter 3: Maggie Hussy
Chapter 4: Deep talks
Chapter 5: Inner Wounds
Chapter 6: Time has come
Chapter 7: A Crimson Birthday Party
Chapter 8: Loving An Angel
Chapter 9: Priorities
Chapter 10: Kim Lewis
Chapter 11: Night Out
Chapter 12: Charlie's Ultimatum
Chapter 13: Bella's Allucinations
Chapter 14: Beach Talk
Chapter 15: The Hopeless Flirt
Chapter 16: I Miss You
Chapter 17: Mono
Chapter 18: Wolves
Chapter 19: Memories
Chapter 20: Charlie
Chapter 21: First Times
Chapter 22: Back
Chapter 23: At the Cullen's
Chapter 24: An Overdue Conversation
Chapter 25: Leah knows
Chapter 26: Free
Chapter 27: Back to School

Chapter 2: Bigamy

10K 408 208
By SMcGlaggen

"Ugh!" I threw my head back in exasperation, the smooth leather of Rosalie's car seat felt cool against my head "I am so not ready for this"

"I thought you were so excited about this year!" Rosalie exclaimed in fake joy, obviously bringing back that I had stated that school would be fun this year since we would have most of our classes together. She had insisted me, more than once, that we should play hooky and just come like once a week since I really did not need the classes to pass my tests and she had done it a thousand times.

Carlisle had kindly asked me to keep her on school and I was happy to oblige.

"I don't mind the classes" I rolled my eyes "I just don't like the idea that I have to put up with Lauren and all of her friends"

I couldn't help but sigh and look out the window to the other side of the parking lot where Tyler's van was parked with all the cool kids surrounding it, Lauren included.

"You don't have to" I felt a cold hand take mine, so I turned my head to look at my girlfriend "I won't let her do anything to you"

It was sweet. Rosalie was really protective of me, but this was not something she could meddle with.

"People will talk" I kindly reminded her, Rosalie frowned for just a second before biting her lip.

That was our Achilles' heel, public attention on us was not something we could afford. Each of us for our own reasons, Rosalie could not risk to draw any more attention, than she already did, in sake of keeping her family's secret. Me on the other hand, I was not ready to make public our relationship. Not when I hadn't even told Bella and Charlie.

I hadn't even say it at loud.

Rosalie hadn't either.

I had my suspicious that perhaps she and her friend Vera, were a little closer than she had made it out to be but I was too much of a coward to ask.

"Have lunch with us" her voice shook me out of my thoughts, I blinked "Sit between me and Jasper, everybody is under the impression that you are trying to steal Jasper from Alice so they won't pay attention to the fact that I am sitting on your other side"

I shook my head no, that rumor was getting completely out of hand so the least I wanted to do was to add more fuel to that particular fire.

"Why not?" Rosalie whined giving me an adorable pout, I diverted my sigh. She was not going to dazzle me into following her will.

"You know what Alice told me yesterday?" I asked rhetorically, it was not possible for her to know since she had gone to get some take out after Emmett messed with Esme's recipe and made it too spicy for me to eat. Rosalie shrugged her shoulders "She said that my sister asked Edward if Alice minded the fact that I had a crush on her husband?"

Rosalie frowned "What he told her?"

"He said and I quote 'I respect, Alice and Jasper's relationship and what they decide to do on it'" I replied to her a little scandalized "Alice says Bella is under the impression that Jasper intends to be a Bigamous Man"

Rosalie literally exploded on laughter, I glared at her. I took my scarf and hit her, trying to get her to calm down.

"Your sister is an idiot" she kept on laughing, at last I smiled as well. Watching her act this freely and happy was not something I witnessed often so I decided to let go of my anger, about her not taking this seriously, and play along with her "I get why you are so smart, you got all the good genes of your family"

I bit my lip a little flattered with her compliment.

"Rosalie" I warned her, not really meaning it.

It took her a whole minute but she slowly calmed down, I took a strand of hair that had fallen into her face to place it behind her ear. I caressed her cheek and she leaned into my touch, placing a hand on top of hers to prevent me from taking it away.

"So Bella thinks Jasper is a man-whore" she stated trying to keep a serious face but failing, I giggled "What did Alice said?"

She had a mischievous smirk on her face, I gave her a disapproving look.

"She said that she is thrilled to be part of such a juicy rumor like a bigamous relationship, that the whole incest gossip was getting boring" I rolled my eyes at the eccentricity of Rosalie's sister "And even tho' I am really thankful to her for being so cool about it I don't think I ..."

Someone knocked on my window, I got startled and turned, it was Jasper and Alice.

Rosalie beamed and leaned over me to press the window button to roll it down, before going back to her seat.

Alice popped her head in while Jasper was leaning on her back to also fit his head on the window.

"Count us in" Alice chimed with a huge grin on her face, Rosalie clapped in excitement and I gaped "Jasper has some classes next to yours so he will be carrying Soff's books"

"I can also escort you to your first class" he added with a side smug smile.

I was speechless, were they really skimming on letting the whole school believe we had a thing?

Rosalie opened the glove box pulling out her wallet, she pulled out a 20 and held out her hand to Jasper, he arched an eyebrow.

"Buy enough food at lunch for the three of you" she seemed so excited, Jasper rolled his eyes.

"I can buy my wife and fake girlfriend their lunch myself, thank you very much" he pushed back Rosalie's money, Alice winked at me

"Aren't we so lucky, Soff?" she asked me with a questioning look, now three vampires were staring at me, I still had my mouth open. They were expecting my approval; I was touched by this.

"I guess we are" I finally nodded with complicity, she squealed.

"But you owe us" she warned us with an extended finger.

"What you want?" Rosalie rolled her eyes, a smile still on her face.

"Jasper and I get to be bridesmaids if you get married" Alice jumped on the balls of her feet.

"Deal" Rosalie agreed before taking her bag, opening the door and bolting out the car.

I was left there speechless, Alice scattered as well.

The only one remaining was Jasper that opened the door for me, then pressed the button to roll up the window.

"Was a that a proposal?" I looked up to ask him a little disorientated, he snickered taking my backpack off my hand and swinging it to his shoulder "It felt like a proposal"

I was starting to hyperventilate, but quickly took my inhaler form the pocket of my jeans and took a hit. Jasper passed an arm around my shoulders to support me.

"Are you ok?" he seemed more tense, and I realized how close we were so he was a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, but that woman is going to be the death of me" I complained with a frown, Jasper snorted.

"Welcome to the club" he spoke like he was running out of breath and I knew that he wouldn't be able to talk anymore without having to breath so I did not reply to him.

We walked on silence to my first class, everybody was staring at us, when we got there Jasper handed me my backpack and nodded as a goodbye.

I walked in the room, Rosalie was smiling at me smugly from the back of the classroom, she took her back off the seat next to me and gave me a wink.

I walked slowly to the seat, and ignored Mike that was asking me about Bella.

"You ran" I whispered looking at the floor.

"I do not know what are you talking about" she played dumb as she observed her nails like it was the most interesting thing in this world. I squinted my eyes at her.

"I had to use my inhaler because of you" I accused her, Rosalie scanned me quickly and once she saw I was fine, she continued her uninterested act.

"I will make it up to you" she shrugged her shoulders, I tilted my head curious as to how she intended to do that.

I was about to question her about how she was planning on doing that but the teacher decided to enter on that moment and I did not get the chance to do so.

The rest of the classes passed quickly, and soon Rosalie and I were making our way to the cafeteria. Lauren and Mia Taylor were hanging out with some of their friends just at the entrance of the cafeteria, Rosalie swiftly put herself between us and guided me to the, by now designated, Cullen table. Maggie and Emmett were already sitting there; I hadn't bother to get anything to eat since I knew that Jasper was going to be buying me lunch, besides all of the Cullens had prop food I could munch on.

"How is your first day as a senior?" Maggie winked at me as I took a seat beside Rosalie leaving the next two seats available for Alice and Jasper.

"I heard through the grape vine that you are involved in a love triangle" Emmett wiggled his eyebrows, Maggie giggled at his antiques and passed her hand around her arm to side hug him.

"I always knew you had a naughty side" Maggie exclaimed proudly, I rolled my eyes but a little blush creeped into my cheeks.

"Zip it, Hussy!" Rosalie warned her lightly, but she seemed so relaxed that her threat did not impose any danger.

Maggie acted like she heard nothing and leaned dramatically on the table, like the other two vampires wouldn't be able to hear "We have to go shopping just the two of us"

I snorted but nodded.

"Now, that is just rude" Alice danced to the table, leaving the seat next to me for Jasper that was right behind her.

The male Hale placed the tray of food in the table, with an enormous pile of food, I looked at it skeptical. He handed some to Alice, then some to me and he kept the rest on the tray.

I glanced from the corner of my eye the table next to us that was watching his actions and gossiping.

"It is working" Rosalie whisper in my ear, I bit my lip. None of her siblings made a comment about it.

"Why am I not invited to this shopping trip?" Alice pouted like this was the greatest tragedy that could happen to her, she gave her sister a look of disapproval "I feel left out"

"You can come" Maggie rolled her eyes and ease the black haired pixie, who clapped in excitement.

"Then I am going too" Rosalie stated next to me, Maggie shook her head no.

"We are talking about girl stuff, so no" Maggie wiggled her finger side to side "You do not get to come"

"I am a girl" she stated signaling herself, I couldn't help to eye her body, damn was she right.

"Girl talk!" Alice beamed, this much excitement made her look like she was on Adderall "We will talk about our relationships and go to the salon like in the movies"

"She is not telling you anything about us" Rosalie dead panned, I placed my hand on her knee discreetly under the table.

"You need to chill, Rosie" Maggie arched an eyebrow at the blonde goddess, Alice nodded in solidarity "Soff needs to talk to someone, she can't talk about it with her sister for obvious reasons and you are her girlfriend so if she has questions or she wants to gush about you, we are here for that"

I was so touched by her gesture, and I turned to Rosalie giving her puppy eyes. She stared at me for a second before sighing.

"Fine" she gritted her teeth and crossed her arms, she was not pleased with it but she was not going to give us a hard time about it.

"Can we take your car?" Maggie questioned me, I looked puzzled at her "Alice and I don't have one, we can borrow the Jeep but your car also has a lot of space"

"Sure" I agreed "It's just that it surprised me that you wanted me to drive"

By now I was used to the fact that the Cullens were speed freaks, my blonde girlfriend was in charge to keep all the cars tuned so they could go as fast as possible, even Carlisle and Esme admitted they drove way over the speed limit.

"You are not driving, I am" she corrected me with a silly giggle, and that was more believable so I just rolled with it.

Rosalie had been teaching me how to drive, and she has mentioned that I was a really good driver, I also liked to speed but I was not match for their kind of driving.

"You are coming over after school, right?" Rosalie questioned me lightly, I turned to face her, the other two couples on the table were chatting with each other.

"Yes" I nodded "Are you up for tutoring me today for the musical piece we are supposed to learn?"

Earlier we had Music, Rosalie talked me into taking that class, and the teacher had mentioned we were going to need to learn how to play at least one piece as a first project. Rosalie already played the piano perfectly, even if according to her, Edward was even better. So she offered to help me relearn how to play the piano and actually succeed this time around.

"Sure" she agreed softly, before giving me a flirty smile "Feel free to call me Ms. Hale"

Oh. My. God

I gulped.

I don't know if it was the fact that she, actually, was going to be my 'teacher' or perhaps the luring way she spoke the words, but now I couldn't get out of my head the mental image of Rosalie sitting on a piano bench next to me. Wearing the outfit, she had on right now, with the exception that a couple of buttons of her blouse were undone, giving me a better look of her...

"My eyes are up here, baby" she reminded me with a shy smile and I snapped out of my day dream, blushing furiously. I had not realized that I was openly staring at her chest.

"I'm so sorry" I quickly apologized, covering my eyes, as I felt my heartbeat in my ear drums. I knew her siblings were observing the scene unfold and that mortified me even more "I didn't mean to..."

A cold hand gripping mine under the table interrupted me, I looked at her like a deer in headlights.

"Let's go to class?" she offered me, giving me an easy way out of this situation, I sighed relieved.

We got up from the table and made our way to our next class, we were still early so the hallways were empty, everybody still making the most out of lunch time at the cafeteria.

Rosalie was acting cool, chatting with me like I hadn't been staring at her like a pervert a few minutes ago and I was really thankful for that.

"How about we go to your house first so you can pick up your car and take it to my house?" she asked me as we took our place in the next class "I want to give it a quick look to check up on that squeak sound you mentioned.

"Sure" I nodded, watching Rosalie messing around with cars was one of my guilty pleasures. 

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