
By Inconvenient_Ideal

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For as long as she could remember, Liruliniel had one goal, one hope, one thing she wanted to aspire to be an... More

Author's Note.


440 33 4
By Inconvenient_Ideal

To say that the coronation and the banquet afterwards wasn't lavish, or as lavish as it could be right now, was an understatement. Truly, although everyone did not seem to have much, everyone had tried their very hardest and best to pull together again for this moment, for this celebration. It was amusing to Liruliniel, Thorin, though somewhat awkwardly humbled by what everyone had done, clearly enjoyed it regardless. Whereas she was more than privy to knowing that earlier in the day before, those within Dale had appointed and celebrated in their own way, of Bard being well and truly their leader. Liruliniel had great fun, whenever seeing the stern faced male, in bowing and addressing him as such; "It is good to see you, sire." Or even; "Whatever brings the King of Dale here?" If he happened by somewhere she was, without much of a reason. He had appeared in the forge at one point, hence why she asked such a question much to the amusement of the dwarves.

Bard as ever, quick as anything, had merely smirked, looked at her and tilted his head. "Perhaps for the same reason why a Princess is here too." Bard had come here to help, he was a quick learner and aided where and when he was needed.

Liruliniel was more than certain that the dwarves and elves knew about his sudden, and little private coronation, but no one made a fuss about it; mainly because it was not what Bard seemed to wish. He was a private person at the best of times, Liruliniel didn't blame him for not wanting all this fuss. It was incredibly...well, incredibly dramatic. Her head was dizzy, and she was just a guest!

Truthfully, the presentation and coronation of the crown and the new king was something. It was truly something, and Liruliniel felt herself smiling throughout the ceremony. Thorin's family, and his friends too were looking on with rather similar tearful eyes and watery smiles. It was fulfilling, wholesome even. It was also beautiful, and felt like an end, in a way. Thorin was finally where he belonged, what he had fought so hard for, almost given up, was now his; he had his home, he had his kingdom and his family, and he now had his throne and crown.

The dwarves naturally made the most noise, seeing as how there was so many of them present for the ceremony. The cheers, shouts, both in the common speech and their own was practically thunderous. The elves were more reserved, bowing their heads in recognition to Thorin and his new title, the mortals from Dale just sort of followed suit with the elves. No one made as much noise as the dwarves, and no one present seemed to wish to compete with them to do so.

Thorin had given a speech, small, to the point and honest. He had been very honest, and apologetic, yet he had promised that he would do his utmost to keep the peace here, that no other foul creature would take Erebor away from them again; this if anything had the dwarves cheering even louder, if that was possible. But his words had struck a chord in everyone, there was an underlining meaning, that he was not removing himself from his kingdom ever again, and nor should those within Dale do so, or need to either. But for the moment, those that were calling the city home, were welcome within his home until theirs was stable. The people had cheered and shouted then, quite openly.

It was all very heartwarming, and peaceful. There was something so heartwarming and endearing about the acceptance, the open trust and truce amongst them all. Yes, they had almost squared off against each other, but they were now friends. Liruliniel smiled at it all really, here she was a part of another alliance, fought against the same enemy, but it was another alliance which had hit him back to the lands he came from. It felt different though, perhaps because she was older and she fully understand everything now. But it was still rather prideful of her to take such feelings in being present and accountable for this.

She was rather pleased, or rather, she laughed to see her words about the food being hurriedly shared out was right. The drink did not take long to appear, a drinking game soon followed suit and some mortals thought they'd try their luck, got totally joked and laughed at, but eventually everyone was loosened up, having fun, laughing and dancing about. Someone had found and cleaned up some instruments, a fiddle was being expertly played, but other instruments too were present. Quite a merry tune was filling one of the many large halls of Erebor.

Liruliniel climbed over the bench and sat at the end of the small group, Fíli was beside her, and beside him was Bilbo. Bofur soon appeared on her other side, with Bombur following suit with a large stacked plate in his hands. Shaking her head, she tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. Liruliniel leaned forwards a little when an arm rested against her good shoulder, though her other had healed it was still a little twinging. She glanced up, seeing Dís look puzzled too. The small group were just sitting and watching as Kíli seemed to be struggling to think up the words to ask Tauriel to dance.

Liruliniel took a sip from her goblet, "She isn't a dancer, as such." Truthfully, she hadn't ever seen her friend dance. Whenever festivities were on, Tauriel, along with most of the guards, would still have to work and protect the borders.

"Nor is my brother." Fíli muttered and took a swig from his own drink, his own drink being in something more akin to a tankard.

Liruliniel clicked her tongue in thought, Bilbo shifted and drunk some of his drink and watched wide eyed as, clearly having enough of the pussyfooting, Dwalin just placed a hand on both of their shoulders and pushed them towards the dance floor. The group watching laughed, it was even more funnier because Dwalin had stopped taking part in the drinking game and went to sit back down, only to almost sit on a person who had clearly flaked and fell into his chair.

The poor man got rudely shoved out of the way before Dwalin returned to the game. It looked painful, but the man just crawled under the table, which caused the group to laugh. The poor man didn't stand a chance, but it was his choice to take part in the game, no one forced him. It was no surprise that no elves were taking part, though some were more than content to stand by and watch. Liruliniel couldn't help but smile, curiosity was too much and they lessened the distance to watch, she wouldn't be surprised if some weren't secretly taking part in the bets on who would win.

Much like it had been, everyone shared and helped each other; as such, most present had swapped, shared, fixed and cleaned clothes so everyone looked reasonable for this celebration. As such, Liruliniel found herself dressed within a rather simple cream coloured shirt, she hadn't cut the sleeves off because it wasn't for a male and long and annoying. But this shirt had simple ties at the neckline, and it was tucked into a layered skirt of dark green and black, the underlay being black with another, thiner piece of material on top being a lovely forest green. Her hair she had left down, soft curls of amber and auburn flowing down her back, the circlet which Thranduil had gifted her was upon her head. It was an odd mix, the elvish jewellery and her clear elvish looks, but the very un-elvish clothing, but Liruliniel wasn't complaining. She actually liked the simple attire, others were dressed as similarly.

Of course she'd have loved to have dressed up for this, but it wasn't possible. Thranduil had not bought a full wardrobe with him, a few tunics for himself, a few for herself, one of which was ruined in battle and the other she just forgot about. Everyone seemed happy though. Despite of the differences between them all, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, joking, singing, dancing and conversing. It really was quite pleasing to see, Liruliniel felt at ease with the relaxed air that surrounded her. The tension which had been between the three races had been so uncomfortable. It was a shame that it took a war to bring them all together. But it was a common cause, and a common problem, and a celebration further relaxed whatever tensions may still have been lurking.

"This is just uncomfortable to watch, I'm getting another drink." Fíli stood, he was shaking his head sadly. It wasn't that his brother and Tauriel were bad at dancing, it was just awkward to watch. Both although coordinated in battle, fast and quick with attacks, they were clueless out there. Fíli slipped from his seat and walked away, Bofur exclaimed after him and practically scrambled to catch the younger dwarf up. It seemed he too wished for another drink.

Dís took Bofur's seat, looked at the plate in Bombur's hands and took something from it blatantly. The redhead looked at her with wide eyes, yet she sent him a charming smile before holding something out for Liruliniel too. She took the piece of, what seemed to be bread smothered in something which she supposed was honey, it was hard to tell because of how much was on it. Regardless she nibbled it, awkwardly licking honey from her wrist when it trickled downwards. Looking to the side, she slid along and sat next to Bilbo. He seemed happy to sit there watching everything.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Bilbo?" He startled a little, lost in his people watching he hadn't noticed her come closer. He looked up with a wide smile, Liruliniel smiled too. "It is good, isn't it? To see everyone get along so well. It makes me happy. Are you staying long?"

Bilbo took another sip of his drink, he looked thoughtful. "That depends," he paused and fidgeted a little in his seat, Liruliniel smiled and looked around when she heard an exclaim from the drinking table. Someone else seemed to have just passed out. Liruliniel laughed quietly and looked back to the hobbit. "I haven't bought the topic up, of me going home I mean. I think that I will do so soon, you know it is funny, in the early stages of this...I missed my home so much, so much happened that my home grew further away and even more so in my mind. But, seeing this all happen, everything has come to fruition and I think it is time, or soon enough." He nodded slowly, kick his legs on the bench, his feet barely touching the ground as he looked around the large hall and then looked back up at her with a smile. "I have seen the beginning, and the end of this quest and I think I am about ready to go home."

Liruliniel looked around thoughtfully before frowning slowly. "I do not wholly miss my home. I think that is because I have had so many temporary homes in my life. I know that when I return, I return to boredom."

Bilbo looked confused, shifting to turn sidewards and look at her curiously. "But surely there must be something to do?"

Liruliniel shrugged, "All my life, it has been building up to moments. I had the War, I had this one too. I want peace, and it seems peace is here now. But I do not know what to do with peace. Do you know what I mean? I am not saying I am restless, but I do not know what to do with peace."

Bilbo looked thoughtful again, "You mean to say you are not going when the elves leave?"

Liruliniel raised an eyebrow and shook her head, sipping from her drink as she looked away from the dancing couples. "No. I am helping rebuild the kingdom here." Bilbo looked wide eyed and Liruliniel laughed, "You cannot be surprised by that!"

"No, I suppose I shouldn't be. But it means you will be travelling back home alone."

Liruliniel pouted in thought before placing a hand gently on his shoulder, "Let us coincide our journeys, yes?" Bilbo looked up at her with wide eyes, yet a smile slowly crept on his face as he nodded agreeing with her. She held out her goblet, his tankard which was far too big for his small hands clunked against her drink in return. "That way you can figure out how to bring the topic of returning home up, and I can continue to help. Then once we are both done, we can move on. You should be able to follow the path through Mirkwood with ease now. But I can guide you some of the way, maybe I can send you Beorn's way?" She giggled, the skin-changer had long since gone home, he explained that he was worried about his animals and that he wished to return to the peace of his cabin and to caring for them. No one stopped him, not that any could or would dare. He was thanked, he declined any of the treasure and went on his way.

"He didn't like visitors the first time!" Bilbo exclaimed with wide eyes and looking uncomfortable all of a sudden. Just remembering the run in with the bear had him shuddering.

"Times are different now." Liruliniel stated, "And I doubt there are any dwarves to surprise him with." She laughed, she didn't know what happened, but she could bet a guess. Bilbo's expression said it all, which had her laughing more. Patting his shoulder, she moved away, the long skirts rustling as she moved, happily she walked away from the small group and dancing, before hearing her name being called.

Tilda had been changed into a simple, yet pretty little dress of navy and cream, she looked up at her fresh faced and smiling. Her doll was naturally gripped in her arms, "Lark, would you like to dance?" She was rocking on her heels, a bashful smile on her face as she looked up at her.

Liruliniel crouched down, "You will be my first dance partner of the evening."

"You'll probably be my only one. Bain is...somewhere, and Sigrid said she would dance with me later." Tilda pouted a little and looked put out. Liruliniel could only guess her older siblings had ushered the smaller girl away, because they were currently caught in other conversations. She sympathised, she had been the youngest sibling and knew what that felt like. Only, Thalion always shirked her to spend time with Thranduil, and that was forever irritating.

"Come, we'll make them jealous when they see how much fun we are having. Once they do, they will wish to be as happy too!" Liruliniel beamed, she stood and grasped onto the small girl's hand, her other still held her doll to her chest. Liruliniel waved a hand, she took a hold of the doll's hand too and Tilda kept hold of the other. It was only fair her beloved doll got involved too, the doll hung limply as they twirled and laughed as they adjusted to whatever pace of music was played.

When Tilda's little legs were starting to tire, Liruliniel picked her up. She was quite light and laughed as she was twirled about too, her small hands held onto Liruliniel as her laughter grew in volume when Liruliniel tickled her sides slightly. In the end she rested the small girl against her hip and swayed and twirled about that way, it still amused Tilda as she laughed and beamed her way.

"Is Princess Tilda enjoying herself?" Liruliniel asked, watching the girl laugh and rub her eyes a little tiredly. Using the title amused the younger girl, Liruliniel had remembered all too well her reaction to finding out that Liruliniel was royalty. Now it was her turn really, laughing quietly at calling the girl a princess, she, much like herself, had literally fallen into owning that title.

"This is fun. But I do not think your idea worked." Tilda admitted with a small yawn, Liruliniel didn't know the time, but had surmised it was late because from the windows around the hall, she could see the brightness of the moon and the stars shining.

Liruliniel shrugged and readjusted her hold on the girl. "Oh well, it does not matter. Believe me when I say there will be many more dances for you. As a Princess, you will forever find yourself invited. And there will be many who will want to dance with you! Princess and Princes alike will want to dance with you. Perhaps even Kings and Queens. Doesn't that sound like fun?" Liruliniel asked in a quiet tone, even with the noise of the music Tilda could still hear her, she was tiredly resting her head on her shoulder as she nodded. "I hope you like pretty dressed too, Tilda, because you will be wearing many of them." Liruliniel looked down at the girl's face, she was tiredly staring at nothing in particular. Liruliniel sighed, it was past someone's bedtime clearly.

"Is that what you do? Will you come to dances here, if you're invited?" Tilda's voice was as sleepy sounding as her disposition, she looked up at Liruliniel with a hopeful expression.

Liruliniel smiled, "I like dances, the dresses I could give or take," she whispered with a wink, earning a tired laugh from Tilda. "But yes. Though, much like you, I usually only have one dance partner. But I find that is enough for me." She admitted, using her spare hand to sweep a stray piece of hair from Tilda's face. "If you invited me, Princess Tilda, I would come in an instant. Because we're friends, aren't we? How could I miss the opportunity of seeing my friend?" Liruliniel watched a wide, albeit tired smile appear on her face as she listened to Liruliniel's honest tone. Liruliniel in turn smiled and looked up, she should really find her father.

"You only dance with your King?" Tilda asked, sounding almost wistful as she was thinking of some tale she had been read before bed.

"He is the only partner I ever truly need in my life." Liruliniel admitted, watching Tilda's expression turn even more wistful as she smiled sleepily, "He never wanted to dance with me when we were children though. And I always teased him for not being able to dance, and that I would outshine him." This had Tilda laughing as Liruliniel made her way off and away from the dancing couples around her. They were getting rather rowdy again seems some drunken dwarves had joined the fray.

"And now?"

Liruliniel smiled slightly in thought. "He'll always outshine me. He's annoying like that. But shh, our secret." She joked with a wink, Tilda laughed and nodded against her shoulder, her face burying against her doll's hair. Liruliniel teased in earnest, Thranduil could be annoying but she loved him dearly. Thinking of such, he seemed to be walking towards them with a curious expression on his face. "Have you seen Bard?" She asked, hoisting the almost asleep Tilda in her arms. Actually, with the way her breathing had changed and the weight of her, Liruliniel was sure the girl had suddenly just flaked. She was surprised, they literally were just talking, how exhausted was the girl?

Thranduil couldn't help but look at her with the distant expression on his face. There was just something about how she looked, how she held the girl and seemed worried about her that just struck something within him. Looking away from the pair, he placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her. Liruliniel's eyes landed on Bard, with a relieved sound she sent him a smile before hurriedly leaving his side. Thranduil watched the exchange from the distance, the way she carefully deposited the girl in her father's arms and bid the barely awake Tilda a good night, the movement had woken her clearly. He was without any doubt in his mind sure that she would be an excellent mother. Just thinking of how she cared for the small girl in her care, and even how she was with both Legolas and Tauriel had Thranduil very sure; Liruliniel was the most caring elf he had ever met, her compassion and ability to care outdid anyone he had ever known, but this predominantly seemed to shine through and show the most when children were present.

"That is the first time I believe my dance partner ever fell asleep against me!" She laughed when she stopped in front of him again straightening out the borrowed skirts and shirt. Even within the simple attire, she still seemed rather beautiful to him, Liruliniel looked at the hand which was held out to her with a raised eyebrow.

With a grin, she grabbed a hold of his hand and backtracked quickly. Thranduil didn't appreciate being practically pulled, but he accept it only to reign her in and hold her close to himself when the pace of the music changed. "She is really quite taken with you." He said after a few moments of silence, both had seen Bard return. He sent Liruliniel a thankful look and a nod, Liruliniel smiled back and waved a hand his way. Thranduil was rather stoic faced throughout the exchange, he played no real part in reuniting father and daughter and saving Liruliniel from being a pillow all evening. Truthfully, Thranduil remembered the heart wrenching noise which came from Tilda upon seeing Liruliniel's lifeless body. It was the most heartbroken sound he could recall ever hearing, other than when Liruliniel was told of her father and brother's passing. It was the sound of despair. He was under no illusion, Tilda loved Liruliniel in some part or another.

Liruliniel smiled, "She's dear. I know what it is like to be the youngest, and I sympathise. But, they are all a close family, I suppose I have taken to her too, because she reminds me a little of myself. I do not need foresight to know that there is a good future for her, one of peace, and love. I haven't seen her future, I can't, but good people deserve good things in turn, and there isn't a malicious bone in her body."

Thranduil nodded, he could see the parallels. Liruliniel came to tuck her head under his, Thranduil rested his chin against the top of her head and shut his eyes slowly. He felt her arms encircle him, as he did the same to her, just enjoying the warmth of her body against his as they danced slowly. Others were in a similar situation, some by force and some on their own violation. Either way, from her resting position, Liruliniel watched as dancing pairs flitted by every so often, it was amusing to watch the struggle of those that didn't wish to dance.

Leaning away, she looked up at Thranduil. "You will be leaving soon, won't you?"

"In the next few days, why?"

"Didn't know if you had changed your mind."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow, he looked around themselves, he listened to the merry tune being played. There was so much for the senses to truly take in, that any other person would surely be overwhelmed. He couldn't say the dwarves did not know how to throw a party, they were definitely the life and soul of it right now. "Or you," he retorted simply a few moments later. Liruliniel sent him a dry look, she had waited for his reply only for it to be this simple. Thranduil also knew her expression was because of what he had said.

"Perhaps this is a topic I shouldn't have bought up. At least now, of all moments. I am happy, are you happy? I think everyone's ease and good spirits is rubbing off on me." Liruliniel admitted with a smile, honestly, it could've been from the heat of the room, or the wine she had consumed, but she did feel a little giddy. There was even a small rosey tint to her cheeks, it was the most flushed with colour that Thranduil had seen for a while.

"I think someone else wishes to dance with you." He decided to say instead, he could see the figure slowly lurking on the sidelines of the space. Liruliniel looked confused before turning and looking in the direction that he was sidelong looking in. She let out an exclaim, Thranduil let her go, missing her warmth and her presence yet found himself quietly scoffing as she pulled Bodur to dance. The dwarf did not look amused. Thranduil smiled and stepped back, his hands clasped behind his back as Bodur shot him narrow eyed looks.

He was calling this just rewards for the commentary from the few past days. Bodur seemed to enjoy irking Thranduil in some way or another, he was blunt, didn't hold back and clearly knew what to say to get Thranduil reacting in some way or another. Not so much with words, but more with facial expressions and icy looks. It wasn't that either disliked the other, more, they were coming from different avenues and care for Liruliniel. Looking downwards when someone else appeared at his side, Thranduil wasn't all too surprised to see Thorin. The dwarf-King had abandoned the thick fur lined cloak from earlier, standing simply in a cobalt tunic and dark trousers, he looked rather casually around before looking at Thranduil plainly.

"Got usurped by another, I see."

Thranduil inhaled slowly. Perhaps it was just dwarves in general, maybe they just knew what and how to say things to get him despairing in some way, and feeling annoyance in another. "She is popular." Thorin scoffed as he slowly drunk from his cup, Thranduil frowned down at him. "I do not see many lining up for you."

"About as many as there is for you."

Thranduil just rolled his eyes. "I do not think you came here, to exchange petty words." The last he saw Thorin, he was with his sister. He was nowhere near the dance floor, he was across the room if anything. Which meant that Thorin had come over this way, for a reason. Thranduil did not think it was for him, but for Liruliniel perhaps. She had well and truly bewitched everyone, there was no doubt about it.

Thorin looked over the rim of his cup, lowering it and placing it on a table, he inclined his head. "True, no I did not. Will you follow me?" He asked, turning on his heels and not even watching or seeing if Thranduil was following. The elf in turn looked at Liruliniel, full of life, rosey cheeked and laughing as she turned and twisted in the space, her hand gliding across and linking with different partners as the dance permitted. She was happy, she was enjoying herself and Thranduil wasn't going to take that from her. She deserved the happiness, truly she did.

Thranduil turned away, Liruliniel had somehow managed to pull poor Bard in for a dance and the man looked about as enthused as Bodur did. Bodur was currently stuck with Dís as a partner which was amusing seems Bodur was still trying to look grumpy, yet he evidently was enjoying himself. He just wasn't allowing this to come through. Thranduil's ears rung a little, the aftereffects of the loud music lasted even when not in the hall. The lulling melody echoed throughout the corridors as the two walked down it. Torches lit the way now, the night sky was fully visible through the windows that the pair walked past.

Thranduil did not ask where they were going, nor what Thorin's intentions were, he just followed after him; past the almost floor touching tapestries, the large windows with the streams of silver light, and past many doorways and alcoves. Thorin soon came to pause at a door, he sent Thranduil a curious look before pushing it open. He was coming off quite secretive, and Thranduil found himself frowning. He did not really wish to witness Thorin transforming back into that figure he was before the battle. He may not have been the dwarf's biggest fan, but it was painful to see what had become of Thorin. Thranduil knew particularly it had hurt Liruliniel gravely to see her friend like he was.

Thranduil followed silently, Thorin stood to one side and watched as Thranduil looked over what was before him. He did not think that Thorin would so openly bring anyone to a part of the treasure horde. He, along with everyone else knew, that the dwarves had already divided it all up, stored it in different places on accordance to who it belonged to. From the fact that Thranduil was within this room, he could only surmise this was what Thorin was willing to part with, for the elves and for himself. Silently moving forwards, Thranduil looked around the small collection, pausing and reaching out his fingers skimmed over an all too familiar necklace with shining jewels attached.

"I do not suggest gifting your Princess that."

Thranduil's expression went deadpanned as he heard Thorin speak bluntly from behind him. Yes, he sounded blunt, but also like he was trying not to laugh. Thranduil turned on his heel, frowning his way and looking at him expectedly, "Yes, because I would do such a thing."

Thorin raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't put it past you."

"Meaning?" Thranduil was very curious, what was Thorin trying to get at exactly?

Thorin sighed heavily and moved from his spot against the wall. He gestured a hand, scooping up a small handful from the trove he dug his hand into. "Just, not a wise choice. But this is yours. I have sought to separate what my grandfather collected, each is equal, everyone has the same amount. It is fair, and it is only just that you, much like Bard, take this back with you, when you go." Thorin said while putting his handful back into the trove and turning to look at Thranduil. "I heard word you are to leave in a day or two. Thought it best to pack this up sooner rather than later. I hope that it proves you well. We all know that it has caused enough problems, and hopefully those problems have gone now." Thorin said while casting a wary eye around the room before looking back up at Thranduil.

He stayed silent yet bowed his head slightly, Thorin took that as recognition enough and nodded in return. "You know Liruliniel is staying?"

"She did mention it to me, several times. I do not think your Princess can handle her drink all too much." Thorin admitted with a wry grin, she did seem overly merry and chipper while telling him this information. Either she was excited about the prospect of staying, or she was a little tipsy.

Thranduil smiled softly and looked at Thorin, "She is happy."

Thorin looked up suddenly, with a familiar look, he nodded. "And if she is happy, you are too?"

Thranduil half shrugged and gestured back to the door, he saw no reason to hang around in here anymore. He had silently thanked Thorin, he knew that tomorrow Thranduil would have to get some to parcel and pack this lot up for transporting. There was no need to loiter in the room. The two silently went back the way they had come, only upon entering the hall the noise seemed to have double and Thranduil could not see Liruliniel.

He had already lost her to the Mountain once, now again? He moved silently and swiftly forwards, he only spotted her by chance because of seeing the tail end of her skirt shift around the corner of the door. Thranduil followed suit, she was on a balcony, clearly getting some much needed air. She was leaning her hands against the cold brickwork before her as she looked upwards at the night sky. The stars really were shining brightly, a clear night and all of them were in view.

Thranduil moved forwards, silently as ever. He didn't mean to make her jump when his arms encircled around her waist gently. She seemed to sense and know it was him though and relaxed back against his chest within moments, her own hands placing themselves over where his rested against her stomach. Thranduil pressed a soft kiss to her temple before resting his cheek against the top of her head and looking upwards too. Every so often they would each in turn frown or look curiously behind themselves, the singing and the jeering was a new level and it was just all so loud.

Liruliniel shook her head with a sigh, Thranduil wasn't even going to comment or register the noise. "Are you tired?" He could only guess she came out here for peace and quiet, or to recover and be by herself for a few moments.

Liruliniel peered up at him and smiled softly, "I am utterly shattered, I must admit. It has been a long day, hasn't it? It seems to be nearing early morning, if my guessing is right." She looked to the moon and nodded in its direction, Thranduil couldn't say she was wrong. He had suspected that midnight had been and gone quite a while ago.

Slipping away from her, he took hold of her hand gently and led her back into the hall. Liruliniel yawned quietly behind her hand, she found Thorin and kissed him on the cheek to congratulate him again, say how much fun this has all been, but she was calling it a night. Thorin didn't deter them, he just waved a hand at them leaving the festivities behind. Liruliniel's pace was slow and she'd yawn every so often, Thranduil paused and she stopped walking too. She looked confused only to laugh when he looked each which way before reaching forwards and picking her up with ease. Liruliniel just laughed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Combing a silvery strand of hair through her fingers, Liruliniel tilted her head and looked at him. "Thank you."

"I fear if I allowed you to continue walking, you would've eventually done so while asleep." Thranduil said with a small smirk, Liruliniel swatted a hand against his shoulder. She wasn't that bad! Yet she rested her head against him and shut her eyes, joking aside this was comforting and it gave relief to her legs.

"I think I danced too much."

Thranduil nodded and nestled his face against her hair slightly. "I think you were the most popular dance partner of the evening."

"I will miss them, when it comes to leaving." She admitted, though he already knew this. At least she could drag out going, if only for a few weeks or so. Looking suddenly up at him, she placed a hand to his cheek and made him look at her. Thranduil looked over her slightly concerned face, he knew the unspoken words yet kissed her on the forehead, that seemed enough to quell her worries. Space apart caused a rift, a pull even to appear, it was a feeling that would be felt by both within their hearts and their very beings. It was something that would not go, not until they were reunited again. Thranduil knew it was something they had succumbed to and accepted before, it was something they had come through and continued on from, so he knew they could do it again.

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