The Crimson Ranger (Dino Thun...

By camposa9

14.6K 248 137

Jaiden leaves Blue Bay Harbor behind and moves to Reefside with Tommy. There, she plans to lead a seemingly n... More



2K 41 36
By camposa9

*Friday Morning- Day of Homecoming*

"Alright Cam, I'm in Reefside," Hunter spoke into his phone. He carried a small bag, inside being his clothes for the weekend as well as the scroll the former green ranger had given him. "Where exactly do I go now?"

"I just sent the gps location to your phone, it'll lead right to their base. Apparently it's under Jaiden's house, their basement. Shouldn't be hard to find."

"Got it, thanks." Hunter then hung up with that, and vanished as a streak of crimson.

Arriving at the middle of nowhere, his brows were furrowed, looking back and forth from his phone and the small house in the woods. This had to be it, he thought. Parked outside was a red convertible and a black Jeep. Since when had Jaiden gotten a red convertible?

Oh well, he hurriedly walked to the front steps and quickly knocked on the door. He could picture Jaiden coming to the door and just freezing at seeing him.

Instead, after three knocks, there was no answer.

Frowning, he tried the door and was pleasantly surprised to find it open. Slowly he peeked inside.

"Jai? Guess who?" He let out loudly, but even as he waited moments after this, there was no response. So she must've left for school already.

But then who's cars were outside?

Stepping inside, he looked around carefully. There was a single door left ajar that led downstairs, which was where Cam had said to go. Hopefully this Hayley person was there and he could hand over the scroll quickly, then go surprise Jaiden at school or something.

So Hunter opened the basement door fully and headed down the stairs.

Conner had gone to HQ before school to review his fight with the white ranger, since Hayley tapes all of their fights. As much as he hated training, Conner knew it was the only way for him to beat Trent. He wasn't strong enough, even with Super Dino Mode. So he was monitoring himself closely to see how he could improve for next time.

You could imagine his surprise when a complete stranger came down the basement stairs.

"Uh, hello?" Hunter rose a brow at the guy sitting before the computer monitors. Conner shot up from his seat, his eyes bulging in shock.

"Who the hell are you?" Conner blurted out, subconsciously raising his fists.

"Lemme guess, red convertible out front is yours," Hunter snapped back, though he didn't see this stranger as putting up any sort of challenge, so he didn't take a defensive stance. Instead he dropped his bag onto the floor and faced Conner with a cocked brow.

"I'm here to meet a Hayley, is she around?"

"You didn't answer my question. Who are you and how'd you know about this place?" Conner's faze narrowed. Hunter rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Let's see: cocky, arrogant, wearing red..." Hunter listed off, now wearing an amused smirk, "you've gotta be the red ranger." Conner took an assertive step toward the blonde in warning.

"Easy, kid. You don't wanna hurt yourself," Hunter mused, "since you're the red one, you know Jaiden, right?"

"What does it matter?" Conner was still on high alert.

"Uh, it matters a whole hell of a lot," Hunter smirked cockily his way, "she's my girlfriend." Conner blinked in shock, and for a moment he was frozen.

"You're... the boyfriend?" Conner asked aloud, "so that means, you're a power ranger too."

"Kind of; ex-power ranger, now ninja master, still kicking ass," Hunter rambled, "anyways, where's Hayley?" The blonde bent down and grabbed the scroll from his bag, "this should help the whole Tommy situation." Only then did Conner ease and drop his fists. Conner eyed the older boy, mentally cursing that he was taller than him.

"She should be here soon," Conner sat back down onto the chair, though still eyeing Hunter apprehensively, "till then, make yourself at home."

"Was planning on it," Hunter said slyly, pulling up another chair and sitting back into it, "so, Jai tells me the team isn't too bad."

"Yeah well, we manage," Conner wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else but with Jaiden's boyfriend. He seemed like a real cocky bastard, Conner didn't know what Jaiden could ever see in him.

"You, uh, you knew Jaiden growing up?" Conner cleared his throat mid question, the awkwardness in the air undeniable. At least to him, Hunter didn't seem to mind this interaction one bit.

"Yeah, since we were little," Conner picked up the slightest change in Hunter's expression. His eyes softened at the mention of the girl. "I can't believe she's wrapped up in all this again, right when we thought we could put this all in the past." Conner frowned in understanding. Hunter's gaze fell slightly when he said this, and it pained the red ranger a bit. Jaiden didn't talk about her past battles, he could only wonder if they were as challenging as the ones now, or more so.

"If anyone can handle it, it's her." Conner replied, and as if satisfied with that response, Hunter's smirk made its way back onto his face.

"Couldn't agree more." He nodded only now in acknowledgement, "Hunter." Finally he introduced himself.

"Conner," the brown haired nodded back. "Well, Hayley should be here soon, and I've got school, so..." Conner stood, flashing the blonde a half smile.

"Look, we just met and you don't owe me anything or whatever," Hunter stood to face Conner, "just... look out for her for me. She's reckless, she'll do anything to protect her friends." Conner almost snorted, boy did he know that. He didn't scoff or anything, though, he looked to Hunter with just as serious of an expression as the blonde looked to him.

"You have my word." He turned to leave, but stopped himself, "there's a dance later tonight, it's be nice if you surprised Jaiden there." Conner glances behind his shoulder to see Hunter nod his way with a grateful smile, and with that, the red ranger was off.


*Next day*

"Woah! Now that's a beast!" Hunter marveled at Jaiden's Spino Sword. It was Saturday morning, the day after the homecoming dance, and Hunter had told Jaiden that he wanted to see her new 'toys'. He was staying for the weekend, and the girl couldn't be happier. "Little different from your old katana, huh?" Jaiden swung her large sword effortlessly, sticking it into the ground.

"You have no idea," Jaiden shook her head. The two were outside of her's and Tommy's house while Hayley was down at HQ working on a device that could transfer the scroll's power through it and at the amber that was trapping Tommy.

"Seriously, I can't believe you stole my color," Hunter huffed, looking at the crimson sword. "Can't say it doesn't look good on you, though."Jaiden waved the boy off, and Hunter went over to stand beside her as they looked out to the woods.

"Are you gonna tell Shane and the others?" He asked without looking at her.

"Yeah, eventually." Jaiden shrugged, "they're doing good right now, I don't want to bother them."

"You do know you aren't a bother at all, right?" Hunter rose a brow to the girl, but she just let out a sigh.

"I know, it's just..." Jaiden couldn't think of what to say, "hard." Hunter scoffed. He then leaned over and nudged her lightly with his shoulder. Jaiden looked up at him with a scrunched face, and he did the same thing back.

"C'mon, like old times," Hunter instigated, walking toward the forest.

"Fine, if you want me to beat your ass again," Jaiden teased, shrugging as she smirked.

"We'll see about that," Hunter grinned, and then vanished. Jaiden couldn't help her own excited smile, and she became a blur of white.

The two were Ninja Streaking through the forest, leaping from branch to branch high above in the trees, moving at superhuman speeds. Hunter was fast alright, quick as lightning literally, but Jaiden could always hold her own with her Ninja Streak. She was close behind him, but all she could see was a blur of crimson.

She then couldn't help a devious smirk creep onto her lips as she got an idea. Concentrating, Jaiden extended her hand out to said blur, and used her Dino Gem ability.

"Huh!?" Hunter lurched forward, no longer a blur as he stumbled on a tree branch and tumbled downward. He landed on the ground with a loud 'oof', and a groan.

Jaiden landed on her feet beside him with a triumphant smirk.

"You...cheater..." Hunter groaned as he rolled onto his back, and picked himself up.

"Cheater? No~ I'm just resourceful," Jaiden grinned his way. Hunter scoffed, and lunged for the girl. He wrapped his arms around Jaiden's waist and lifted her in the air, spinning around. The beauty couldn't help her laugh, Hunter then slowing and lowering her down so his arms were still around her waist and Jaiden's were around his neck.

Just then, Jaiden's bracelet beeped, and the coms turned on. Hunter rolled his eyes, but the two parted as Jaiden clicked on it.

"Hayley?" Conner's voice rang through it.

"Guys, I finished the device, get here as soon as you can," Hayley's voice then rang.

"On our way," Jaiden gave Hunter a determined nod.

"To be continued," he hummed, and the two vanished into blurs, back to the house.

When they arrived at HQ, Conner, Kira, and Ethan were already there with Hayley.

"What do we need to do?" Jaiden asked immediately as she eyed the strange device now pointed at the amber where Tommy was trapped in.
"I used Cam's notes that you translated, and built this device that'll be powered by Dino Gem energy. Originally it would've been powered by Ninja powers, but I switched it up for our case," Jaiden nodded to the woman in gratitude.

"Right, let's do this." Conner nodded, looking to Jaiden. She then lined up beside the red ranger, with Kira and Ethan at their sides.

"Ready?" Jaiden led, and she fought a proud smile as Hunter watched her with his own prideful gaze.


"Dino Thunder!"
"Crimson Power!

"Power Up! Ha!"

And no second later were the rangers fully morphed and with power coursing through their veins. Hunter admired his girlfriend, taking a step back to let her do her job.

"On my signal," she commanded, and the three rangers nodded to her. "Ha!" She extended her hand out, and from it emitted a crimson colored aura aimed at the device. Conner quickly followed, his own power of course being red, and then Ethan and Kira.

Not long after was the device almost glowing, and it beamed out a powerful energy surge at the amber. Jaiden gritted her teeth, continuing to feed it energy for moments after.

"Woah!" Kira yelled out and everyone backed off as the device exploded, sparks going up everywhere and smoke filling the room. Jaiden immediately looked over to check on Hunter, who was unscathed at the back of the room. And then she turned to the amber, though with the thick smoke she couldn't really make it out.

"Guys!" Jaiden hadn't felt more relived than when she heard Tommy's voice.

"Dr. O!" The three cheered, and the smoke cleared gradually.

"Woah!" Jaiden wasted no time in half leaping into Tommy's arms, hugging him tightly. "Hey kid." He hugged back just as tightly.

"Not that we don't love seeing you in that shiny suit of yours, Dr. O,' Ethan commented, motioning to his ranger suit.

"Right. Power down!" Tommy spoke, but nothing happened. "I said, power down!"

Again, nothing.

"Dr. O, quit kidding around," Kira brushed off.

"I wish I was, Kira. Somehow, when Trent froze me in that amber, somehow my Dino Gem in my morpher must've re-molecularized." He pondered, staring down at his Morpher.

"In other words?" Conner cut in.

"He's stuck." Hayley concluded.

"So, this may be a bad time for a reunion?" Tommy turned, and was beyond surprised to find Hunter behind him, wearing a sheepish smile.

"How long was I out exactly?" Tommy looked to Jaiden.

"Just a few days," Jaiden shrugged.

"Well, either way," Tommy shrugged, and extended his hand out to Hunter. The blonde shook it.

"Good to see you again," he nodded, and Jaiden realized that this was the first time she's seen the two meet. Yeah, they met before at Blue Bay, but she wasn't there to witness it.

Not as awkward as she'd thought it'd be.

"Speaking of Trent," Hayley looked toward her main monitor, where the White Ranger was indeed terrorizing the city.

"Great, let's take care of this poser." Conner huffed.

"Yeah," Ethan agreed.

"Right," Kira nodded.

"I'll get the people to safety." Jaiden declared, then turning to Hunter and cocking her head apologetically. He, on the other hand, was smiling fondly.

"Go get 'em." He rose a brow, now smirking confidently as he crossed his arms over his chest. Jaiden nodded, and followed her comrades out.

She reached town on her Raptor Rider, and watched as the three took off onto their megazord. She really needed to get one of those, and pronto.

"Okay," she huffed to herself, and led her Raptor toward the center of the commotion, which happened to be at the white ranger megazord's feet.

"Every one, come this way!" Jaiden urged, seeing people running frantically in every direction. Jaiden then hopped off of her Raptor, and pet its side, "lead them away from here, buddy." She told it, and he cooed back. Looking to the people, she pointed to her Raptor, "Follow him to safety!"

She was pushing and urging those that stumbled to run as quickly as possible. She had to dive out of the way a few times to keep from being trampled. Once more she dove out of the way of a blast, cursing at seeing her friends taking a beating.

Though as things were getting rough, the white ranger's megazord vanished. Jaiden paused for a moment, looking at the far distance to see if it had just moved locations. But no, it was gone.

"Guys? What just happened?" Jaiden spoke through her com.

"Beats me!" Ethan let out.

"Let's regroup at HQ," Jaiden told them, and from there vanished using her Ninja Streak.

Coming back to find Hunter helping Tommy and Hayley was definitely foreign, but she didn't mind it whatsoever.

"What happened?" Jaiden got back to HQ first, and she took her helmet off. Hunter, Hayley, and Tommy were all in front of the monitor, and the blonde stepped to the side a bit so Jaiden could see. He was looking to her worriedly, but she sent him an assuring smile.

"The zords, Trent put them in some sort of force field," Hayley explained, "it's no use, I can't break through to them." Just then, Conner, Kira, and Ethan came in, their helmets at their hands.

"Just great," Conner huffed out, looking to the screen with an eye roll.

"It's not Trent's fault, the gem is making him this way," Kira had to say.

"I don't care who's fault it is," Conner snapped, "we find a way to deal with him, or things are gonna get ugly."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Conner," Jaiden straightened out, looking to her team, "if we don't find a way to save him soon, then the city's gone."

"Hey, I was in his shoes once," Tommy said, and then looked to Hunter, "we both were. If it weren't for our friends having faith and not giving up on us, then we wouldn't be here today."

"Tommy's right. When all hope seemed lost for my brother and I, our friends never gave up on us." Hunter added.

"Okay, so we don't give up yet, what do we do?" Ethan questioned.

"For now, keep a low profile. Go back to your normal activities, school, clubs, all of that. Hayley and I will figure something out." Jaiden nodded, that did seem like the best play at the moment. No use in sitting around waiting for an attack to happen. And Jaiden trusted Hayley and Tommy fully.

Jaiden and her friends shared silent nods of goodbye, and the three headed out.

"Power down." Jaiden spoke, and returned to her regular clothes. "I know the timing probably sucks, but having a zord right now would be pretty convenient."
"Trust me, I've been on it," Tommy sighed, "I don't get why your zord hasn't come up on the radar. But know that if and when it does, we'll have it." Jaiden sent him a small smile.

"I'm glad you're back," she said this genuinely, and Tommy turned her way, squeezing her shoulder fondly. She could picture him smiling under his helmet.

"All thanks to you," he said, then looked to Hunter, "give my regards to Cam. You're welcome to stay as long as you want, Hunter."

"Thanks, Tommy, I appreciate it." Hunter nodded gratefully at the man. Jaiden nudged her lover to follow her upstairs, and with last nods to Hayley and Tommy, the two left HQ.

"It's frustrating," Jaiden admitted. She'd brought Hunter into her room and she changed in her bathroom with the door slightly open so that he could hear her, "Trent would be such a powerful ally, he just doesn't know what he's doing."

"Trust me, you just have to keep trying. There was a point where Blake had snapped out of the evil curse, while I'd only gotten worse. It seemed impossible for me to snap out of it, but with a few kicks to the head courtesy of Shane, I managed to." Hunter laid back on Jaiden's bed, and she left the bathroom now dressed outside of workout clothes. Hunter himself had just thrown on a crimson tee and jeans.

"I wish I could've been there," Jaiden's eyes filled with a bit of guilt, but Hunter wasn't having it. He leapt up and was in front of her in seconds, grabbing both of her arms in reassurance.

"Hey, I turned out just fine." He made sure to say, "and I know Trent will, too. He's got some pretty capable friends fighting for him." The beauty smiled.

"Yeah, you're right." She decided, and she really wondered what she'd do if Hunter wasn't here right now.

"So!" Hunter clapped his hands together, determined, "what do you want to do on this lovely Saturday?"

"Hmm," Jaiden hummed with a risen brow, going closer and taking Hunter's hand in hers, "why don't I show you around this lovely, not-Blue Bay Harbor, town?" The blonde chuckled, but happily complied as the beauty led him out of her room.

Jaiden wished she could stop time. Being with Hunter and spending a day like a normal teenager was beyond rare, almost unheard of. Hunter too, he'd find himself staring at the beauty as they walked through town, memorizing every detail of her features. How her nose crinkled when she grinned, how her eyes shut fully when she laughed, and that gorgeous smile when she looked to Hunter. He didn't know when he'd see her next, especially since she's involved as a Power Ranger once more.

He suddenly looked forward to the future more and more; to that cabin in the mountains for the two of them.

"What're you thinking about?" The day had flown by for the lovers. Jaiden had taken Hunter to lunch, and then simply walked around all day until now, the sun setting behind them.

"Our future cabin," he mused with a small smile, earning the same expression from the beauty.

"Soon," Jaiden replied, the two having found a bench downtown and had taken a seat. Jaiden laid her head on Hunter's shoulder, and he turned and planted a fond kiss atop her forehead.

On their way back to Jaiden's house, she received a text from Tommy.

'Won't be home tonight, Hayley and I are running tests at the lab until the morning. Don't have too much fun'

Jaiden rolled her eyes, putting her phone away.

"Do Tommy and Hayley need our help?" Hunter asked when they got back home.
"I doubt we'd be of any use," Jaiden scoffed, "maybe if we were Cam. Either way they're gone until tomorrow at a lab running tests." Hunter whistled, and leaned against the kitchen counter with a smirk.

"Oh, I wonder how we could pass the time," he hummed teasingly, eyeing the girl now with hooded, cocky eyes.

"I wonder," Jaiden played along, making her way over to stand in front of him. They hovered just inches from one another, and Hunter wasted no time in leaning down and capturing Jaiden's lips in his. This wasn't like his usual kisses, no, it was hungrier, more aggressive. He brought his hands to the sides of Jaiden's face to deepen the kiss further, and the girl wrapped her own around the blonde's neck.

Hunter pushed off of the counter and brought his hands down to Jaiden's waist, all without breaking the kiss. He tapped at her thigh, and she got the hint and jumped. Hunter effortlessly held the girl as she wrapped her legs around his torso, deepening the kiss further.

Hunter was making his way toward the stairs when Jaiden's morpher beeped.

"Guys! It's an emergency, meet at the school soccer field, now!" Jaiden had never hated hearing Conner's voice more than at this very moment. Hunter let out an annoyed groan when the two parted from their kiss, and he set the beauty down onto the ground.

"I'm gonna kill them," Jaiden huffed, straightening out her shirt.

"Think I'll beat you to it," Hunter was scowling as well, but he motioned for the door, "go, I'll be waiting when you come back." Jaiden smiled at that, and pecked his lips once more before darting out of the door.

Jaiden Ninja Streaked through town and made it to the school in minutes.

"Jai!" Ethan and Kira had to have been nearby, since they beat her to it.

"I swear to god if this is some kind of prank or something, he's dead." Jaiden huffed, and Ethan and Kira glanced to each other in caution. She walked with the two rangers at her side, her glare prominent as they met Conner behind the field bleachers.

"This better be good, McKnight," Jaiden said first.

"It's Trent," he said, and Jaiden immediately eased, her glare gone. "We fought earlier today, and I think he overcame the evil! He's reformed," Conner led them onto the empty bleachers, and lo and behold, Trent sat there facing away from them. Jaiden's gaze narrowed, still suspicious. The sunset was fully gone now, the field illuminated by the lights scattered about. The bleachers were dark, however.

"Trent, it's really you?" Kira asked as the four met him. Trent stood and looked to them with the kind gaze Jaiden remembered him having before all of this.

"Yeah, it's really me." Trent smiled to them.

"One of Mesogog's monster's attacks backfired," Conner explained.

"I think it released the Dino gem's hold." Trent then added.

"That doesn't make a whole lot of sense," Ethan questioned, looking to Trent with furrowed brows.

"Guys, look, I'm really sorry for everything I've done to you," Trent said this sincerely. "Please know it wasn't me."

"Don't worry, we know," Jaiden nodded reassuringly to him, knowing how Hunter and Blake felt about hurting their friends when they were under Lothor's control.

"If there's anything that I can do to make it up to you..."

"How about returning our Zords?" Ethan rose a brow.

"Meet me in the warehouse at the edge of town tomorrow," Trent smiled kindly to them. "I'll give you back your zords, and I may have a peace offering as well." The four rangers looked to one another and nodded.

"Alright," Jaiden smiled to Trent, and the four walked out of the bleachers.

"What do you think, Jai?" Kira looked to the girl, "you've had people close to you under evil's control, is he lying?"

"I'm not sure, honestly," Jaiden admitted, "we'll go meet him, but we'll stay cautious." As much as Jaiden would love to believe that Trent is fine and that everything will be normal, she couldn't help but have a bad feeling.
"Thanks for coming so quickly," Conner stopped and faced the three.
"We're a team, right?" Ethan let out smirking.

"Well, I have places to be, so..." Jaiden sent the group a halfhearted wave and turned. Kira snickered, watching Jaiden vanish.

"Did I miss something?" Ethan looked to Kira.

"Dr. O and Hayley are out running tests until tomorrow," Kira said, and with that began walking away.
"What does that have to do with-" and then it clicked in Ethan's head, "oh~"

Conner still blinked in confusion as he saw Ethan leave, and it took him an extra moment for it to click. Right, Hunter was still here...

Conner had never been in such a sour mood as he went home that night.

Jaiden made it home in minutes, and she huffed out in frustration. she swears, if there are any more interruptions...

"Oh, you're back sooner than I thought," Jaiden came into the room to Hunter coming out of the bathroom, a towel around his neck as he dried his damp hair. He was shirtless, exposing his toned muscles, and wore black sweats. "Like what you see?" Hunter rose a teasing brow, a smirk playing at his lips when he saw that Jaiden had been staring.

"Not complaining at the view," Jaiden shrugged, going up to him and knotting her hands in his hair, "now...where were we?"


The next day Jaiden was with Conner, Ethan, Tommy, and Kira entering the warehouse where Trent said they'd meet. Jaiden had told them to stay alert, she wanted to believe that Trent was good, but again, she had that bad feeling. They'd gotten there on the three's Raptor Riders, fully Morphed; Jaiden sat behind Ethan while Tommy behind Conner. For some reason, Conner hadn't even looked at her that entire day, but she dismissed it, there were bigger things to worry about.

"Hey," Trent called out, flashing a smile. He jumped down from the crate he sat at, and met the five.

"Hope you don't mind, I tagged along just in case." Tommy said.

"Dr. Oliver, I'm glad you're okay," Trent and Tommy shook hands.

"More or less,"

"I hate to get to the point," Ethan cut in, "but I don't see any Zords around here."

"I thought we'd start with the peace offering," Jaiden's gaze narrowed under her helmet when Trent said this. He walked behind him, where something was fully covered by a grey sheet. Trent then pulled the sheet down, and what was under had caught Jaiden completely off guard.

It was a crimson and gold four wheeler, all decked out with weapons.


"Thought you guys could use the help against Mesogog," Trent shrugged, "who wants to test it out?"

"Make way-"

"Sorry, Ethan, but that literally has my name on it," Jaiden cut in, and walked over to the four wheeler. Jaiden swung her leg over and took a seat, inspecting the detailing. "Twelve stroke engine, huh?"
"Sure is."

"Funny, they don't make twelve stroke engines anymore," Jaiden looked to Trent. She'd been around Dustin, Blake, and Hunter for too long not to know how things like these worked.

"And Mesogog doesn't make monsters that turn people nice, either." Trent snapped back, and immediately Jaiden reacted. But she wasn't kick enough when she threw her kick toward Trent. The white ranger dodged, and kicked at the back of the four wheeler, sending sparks flying.

"Jai!" Tommy and Conner yelled out as the four wheeler took off.

"I'm fine!" Jaiden called out before she maneuvered out of the warehouse. Her teeth were gritted as she avoided any obstacles. Cursing under her breath, she pressed the breaks but to no avail. "Just freaking great!" She huffed, and brought her foot up to keep the steering stable, as she turned and bent back to where Trent had damaged the vehicle. Sparks still continued to fly and it was clearly overheating.

Jaiden took in a breath, and calmed herself. She held her hand out to the sparks, and a cold mist began to emanate from it. Gradually, the mist began to tame the sparks, and the roaring of the engine died down to a normal level.

"Whew!" Jaiden skidded the thing to a stop, but she had no time to breath. Trent leapt over her in his own four wheeler, and skidded to a stop to face her.

Trent then charged, and while doing so shot out energy beams.

"Woah!" Jaiden revved her engine and drifted, managing to dodge the blasts. She was suddenly so grateful that she'd had experience in motocross and action sports where maneuvering this four wheeler wasn't too difficult. "My turn!" Jaiden aimed and fired her own crimson and gold beams. Neither stopped as they roared right for each other, energy beams flying everywhere and sending the surroundings up in flames. Jaiden then drifted at the last moment, and Trent turned, aiming the blasts at her once more.

The girl rose above a ramp, flying through the air as the blasts exploded behind her.

Trent and Jaiden were then engaged in a fierce race, Trent blasting at Jaiden since she was in front of him. She wove and dodged as much as she could, speeding back to the warehouse where her team still was.

"Take this!" Jaiden flew in from the entrance, firing at the monster that was attacking her friends.

"Wha-?!" The monster went flying just as Jaiden landed skillfully and drifted to a stop in front of Tommy and the others.

"Alright, Jai!" Kira and Ethan cheered.

"You guys okay?" Jaiden asked, hopping off of her four wheeler.

"Just fine," Tommy nodded, the five facing the weird centipede-like monster now.

"Later days!" But it fled through an invisi-portal, just as Trent came into the warehouse.

"I see my friends had been keeping you busy!" He pointed to the rubble, "someone's been careless with their toys." And it was then that Jaiden noticed the Raptor bikes in shambles

"Trent, you're making a mistake," Jaiden took a step forward, "this isn't you, you have to snap out of it! You can't trust Mesogog."

"Who says I do? I got what I wanted, and soon he'll get you." Trent pointed right to Jaiden, "I'm outta here."

"Wait!" Ethan called out, but the white ranger had revved his engine and sped off.

"Can we go over this again?" Conner was angry. They all went back to HQ, and Jaiden leaned against the far wall with her helmet at hand, and Hunter at her side. "Trent made a deal with Mesogog, pretending to let Insectollite turn him back into himself as a way of tricking us into taking the rigged ATV?"

"I can't believe he made a deal with Mesogog," Kira shook her head.

"But Trent wasn't counting on Jaiden rigging back the ATV, he was supposed to beat us. Mesogog won't be happy," Ethan added. It was then that Conner turned behind him to Jaiden with a questioning look.

"Trent said that Mesogog wanted you, you think it's about that gold power?" Hunter looked to Jaiden intently, also wanting answers.

"Probably," the girl sighed, kicking off of the wall, "but that makes me wonder...I am his target, maybe we can make a plan and use me as the bait."



Conner and Hunter refused at the same time, and Jaiden looked between them.

"You're not doing that again," Hunter shook his head adamantly.

"Again?" Conner had to question, but Hunter only looked to Jaiden.

"Got it!" And then the group all turned to Hayley, "Insectollite blasted away your energy shields, maybe if we get him to point his blast at the shield surrounding the zords..."

"Then we can get 'em back!" Ethan finished.

"We could break through Trent's shield," Kira nodded in determination.

"Cool, but how's Trent gonna feel about this?" Ethan then wondered.
"Every trap needs its bait," Hayley hummed. The rangers all looked to one another and nodded. Conner, Ethan, and Kira slipped on their helmets and rushed out of HQ. Jaiden looked to Hunter, who's gaze was serious as he gave her a confident nod. She returned the gesture, slipped on her helmet, and was off.

"Trent? Hello?" Kira called out, the five Dino Thunder Rangers now walking around the streets in hopes of catching the white ranger's attention.

"We gotta talk, bro." Conner then let out.

"You made a deal with Mesogog, why not make one with us?" Jaiden taunted.

"We have something that might interest you!" Tommy added.

Out of nowhere, Trent appeared with a speed that could rival Jaiden's Ninja Streak, and slashed at the five rangers. The girl gritted her teeth but stayed on her feet while her friends were kicked off of the ground.

Jaiden charged at Trent in close combat, and she dodged his dagger while blocking his other hand, the two wrestling just then.

"We want to make a deal." Jaiden said as she struggled in his grip.

"I don't make deals with posers," Trent snapped back.

"Oh, get over yourself!" Jaiden threw his arms up, and spun in superhuman speeds and kicked at his chest, sending him skidding backward though doing little to no damage.

"You just won't learn, will you?" He huffed, the other rangers now regrouping with Jaiden to face him.

"Learn what?" Conner questioned.

"The White Ranger always wins." Trent said, and then vanished without another word.

"I hate to agree with him, but..." Jaiden mumbled under her breath, Tommy beside her shaking his head at her. His morpher then beeped, and Hayley's voice rang through.

"It's working! The monster is back on the other side of the warehouse."

"Got it." Tommy nodded.

"Come on!" Conner exclaimed, and so the rangers quickly rushed to the warehouse, where wondering about was Insectollite.

"There you are!" Ethan yelled, the five facing off with it.
"I've been sent to get the white one!" The monster said, but the rangers paid the comment no mind as they all charged. Jaiden timed her close combat attacks with Kira and Tommy, while Ethan and Conner attacked when the three backed off. It was a nice system, and it pushed Insectollite back.

"Brachio Staff, Energy Orb!" Tommy summoned his weapon, and shot out a powerful energy beam at the monster. Insectollite cried out, stumbling backward clearly hurt.

"Let's finish him off!" Jaiden led, "Spino Sword!" She then summoned her weapon and spun it expertly above her head.

"Right! Tyranno Staff!" Conner followed her lead.

"Tricera Shield!"

"Terra Grips!"

Jaiden charged first, combining her Ninja Streak and her attacks. She was a blur of white as she struck Insectollite repeatedly with her sword, the slashes being crimson. Kira then followed when Jaiden backed off, and so did Ethan and Conner after that, giving the monster no chance at fighting back. It cried out as it crashed into a nearby wall, too weak to stand.

"That did it, let's load him up," Tommy said, the others following him.

"Let's hurry!" Jaiden yelled, now on her Raptor Rider, the sun setting in the background as they rushed to where their Zords were sealed.

"We'll never make it!" Kira announced.

"We have to!" Tommy, him on his ATV with Insectollite tied at the back, said in a low tone.
The five dismounted upon arrival, and Tommy kicked at the monster to shoot out his beams at their Zords.
"Do it." Tommy ordered, and Insectollite was about to.

When he himself was struck by an energy beam, and destroyed on the spot.


"You're too late," Jaiden and the others turned to see Trent with his dagger up. "See ya." As he turned, he wove his dagger, and a huge explosion took place where the Zords were held. Jaiden had to shield her eyes from the brightness of the blast.

"Oh no!" Kira cried out.
"It can't be..." Tommy was dumbfounded.

But then both zords appeared from the smoke.

"They survived!" Ethan exclaimed.

The ground then shook, giving the rangers no break as Trent appeared in his Megazord.

"Dinozords, attack!" Jaiden watched in horror as Trent commanded their zords, and combined them into his own Megazord.

"What happened?!" Kira watched in disbelief.

"I thought they'd make a nice addition to my collection," Trent told them. "The starfish device was just to reprogram them to obey me."

"You're not gonna get away with this!" Tommy shouted out. "Brachio!" He summoned his zord, and Conner, Ethan, and Kira leapt into their own. Jaiden stood by Tommy, feeling more than helpless. She could only watch with gritted teeth as their own zords were used against them, and the three were taking a beating.

"Dinozord, Saw Blade!" Trent exclaimed, and Jaiden yelled out as her friends were slashed, the Megazord falling limp to the ground.

"He's too powerful with our zords..." Jaiden spoke through gritted teeth. "Tommy, what can we do?"

"I don't know, Jai..." he was just as frustrated as her.

"Now you're beginning to get it, why don't you just surrender the rest of your zords to me?"

"If you think we'd do that, you're crazier than I thought!" Conner let out, and the Megazord managed to get onto his back.

"Then I'll take them!" Trent declared, making his way over to Jaiden's friends, the saw blade up.

"No!" Jaiden cried out, but just as Trent was going to lower the blade onto the megazord, something struck his Zords' back.

"I'm back!" Insectollite was now a giant, and he squared up with Trent.

"Out of my way! Drago Winger, Strike Mode!" Trent wasted no time in hitting the monster, and it exploded no second later.

"Another day, Rangers!" Trent's zord began to vanish, and none could do anything as he got away.

Conner, Ethan, and Kira dismounted their zords as the Brachio Zord took the others back into hiding. The five then headed back to HQ after a long day.

"What are we gonna do? If Trent and Mesogog team up for good, we're gonna have a real problem on our hands," Ethan had to question, their helmets at their hips as they headed into the basement. Jaiden eased at seeing Hunter with Hayley, monitoring the battle. He immediately went over to her, grabbing both her arms fondly.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine, and to think we almost had it," Jaiden turned away from her lover in frustration.

"Hey, if anyone can solve this, it's you and Tommy," Hunter brought his hand up to Jaiden's cheek, and the girl leaned into his touch.

Conner scowled, turning away.

"For now we'll regroup; Hayley, can you fix the bikes?" Tommy went up to the woman.

"Definitely, and I can reprogram Jaiden's ATV," the beauty turned to Hayley, giving her a grateful smile.

"We can't give up, we'll find a way to deal with Trent and get our zords back." Tommy assured, "go home, get some rest. You have school tomorrow." At that, the three groaned.

"Forgot we still have to go to that," Conner whined, slouching over.

"See you tomorrow, Jai, hope to see you around more, Hunter." Kira shone Jaiden a tired smile and a polite one to her lover, while Ethan simply waved at Jaiden.

"Nice meeting you, bro," Ethan nodded to Hunter, and the blonde copied his expression without a word. The two rangers headed out with that, and Conner met Hunter's gaze.

Right, how could he forget the promise he made to Jaiden's lover?

Conner nodded knowingly to the blonde, and didn't say a word as he left. Jaiden's brows were furrowed at that small interaction, but decided to drop it.

"Tommy, thanks for letting me stay, but I have to get going." Hunter went up to the black ranger.

"Are you sure? It's late to be traveling," Tommy fought, but the blonde shook his head.

"Gotta get back for classes at the Ninja Academy in the morning," he told the man, "good luck with everything here. If you need troops, know the Thunder and Wind Academy are with you."
"Thanks, it means a lot." Tommy shook Hunter's hand. The blonde then looked to Hayley.

"Give Cam my thanks," she said before Hunter could speak, and he smiled to her.

"I will." Hunter then looked back to his lover, and without having to say anything he followed her out of the basement.

Now out back by the woods, Jaiden de-morphed and wasted no time in hugging her lover tightly.

"Don't be a stranger," he said to her, "come by sometime, once all this is over and done with."

"Of course," they parted from their hug, and Hunter looked intently into Jaiden's eyes.

"Be careful, Jai."

"Yeah, you really do sound like a broken record." The beauty chuckled, raising her hand to cup the taller's cheek. She stood on her toes while Hunter leaned down, and the two shared a longing kiss. "I love you, get back safe." The beauty spoke once they parted.

"I love you too," Hunter gave Jaiden a sweet smile, and caressed her cheek one last time before backing off, "kick some ass, Crimson Ranger, you got a lot to live up to wearing that color!" Jaiden chuckled, and with a last grin, Hunter vanished into a blue of crimson. 

A/N: Surprise lol had some free time after what seems like years and decided to continue this, bear with my hectic upload schedule, but expect more chapters soon!

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