File: Marchen Morder

By LexxRain126

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These files contain stories from all over the world that are under the... odd and strange category. But are f... More

File A: Natalie Outlette
File C: Selena Gertrude Williams
File D: Matthew Inel

File B: Jackson Tyler Hemmerson

6 1 0
By LexxRain126

(This is a rewrite of the Eyeless Jack Story from a user named La-Mishi-Mish. All credit for this story goes to her. Now, I am making some changes, like the scenes that don't go anywhere and adding more onto it. The facts I am adding on were found by my favorite creepypasta youtube Puppet Strings and some of my own ideas.  All credit goes to her for the facts. Again, all the credit goes to La-Mishi-Mish and Puppet Strings. Thank you so much, and I hope you all like this version than the past ones.)

Jackson Tyler Hemmerson, AKA Eyeless Jack 

January 31, 2009

The Second Incident

Jack Hemmerson's file is no longer with us. However these are all the eyewitness accounts I could get to form a case.

Jack's Mother wasn't nervous about him starting collage at the Universaty of Massachusetts for a doctrate degree as much as he thought she would. It surprised Jack. Given how his Mother never would leave his side all throughout his life.

She had remained in Seattle, Washington while he took a plane from there to Massachusets after winter break had finished up. 

The first day on campus, his favorite cardagan with cold coffie. 

That's when he met his dorm mate and close friend Buddy Manson.

Click, click, click, 

Jack continued pressing the button on the remote, idly watching the different channels pop up before changing again. Nothing really came on during the weekends, surprisingly. Nothing but paid programing and other TV shows he didn't enjoy. Jack rose up from his sofa, making his way to the desk resting against the wall next to his bed. He was already done with homework, finishing most of it in class that day. Unlike his roommate Buddy, Jack could get his shit done fast enough to have the rest of the day to himself to do whatever.

" Are you monaloging again?" Buddy asked, coming into the livingroom. " And do not say you weren't, I saw you doing it." 

Jack scoffed. " Your telapathic now?"

" It's all about reading body language my brother. Wanna play some L4D?"

" Nah man. I think I'll go for a walk." 

" Aight. But if you get the flu, I aight taking care of your sick ass." 

" Goes for you to, lazy fucker."

Jack slipped his black hoddie on and grabbed his dorm keys shoving them in his pocket after closing the door behind him. A nice walk around the campus should do the trick. Fresh air usually calmed him, if not helped him think. Lately he'd been feeling... different. He knew it wasn't his body, or college itself. He just felt different without any explanation. It gave him a headache he was thinking so hard. Jack rubbed his temples, pushing the door leading outside with his foot. A gust of wind swept across slamming the door behind him.

That Night

" Babe?!" Jack looked up to see his girlfriend Jenny. She most likely left class, considering she still had her book bag on her shoulder. Jack half smiled and rose a hand to greet her. 

"Hey love. Just now leaving class?" Jenny smiled and nodded her head, adjusting the strap. "It's pretty late, what made you stay so long?" 

"Oh... Just a study session. We have finals comeing up soon y'know. Best to stay on the ball." She giggled before tucking her hair behind her ear. "What are you doing out here anyway? It's gonna storm tonight." 

Jack shrugged his shoulders before eyeing the sky, smelling the air for moisture. " You know me. The creep that likes getting drenched." 

 Jenny nodded her head every so often, showing him she was paying attention, and smiled again. " But you are my creep, and my creep alone."

 Before Jack could reply with a goodbye, Jenny peked his lips and darted towards the girls dormatory.  Jack rose a brow in curiosity, his mind zipping with questions. Only to have it cut off by a drop of rain-- then another, and another.

It was a nice constant dribbe for a few minutes, then Jack began to gets oaked.

"Shit." He muttered, running back to the door to get back inside, not wanting to get too soaked in the rain. Another slam of the door rose up behind him. Jack started shaking his fingers through his hair, sending water droplets everywhere while wiping off the rain from his face and jacket. As he made his way back up to his dorm room Jack began fishing through his pockets for his keys, whistling a random tune while he traveled up the two flights of stairs. Listening to his tune echo out in all directions. It was kinda creepy, now that he thought about it... Where WAS everyone? It was too quiet for a Friday evening. There was usually people up and about... maybe lots of students staid behind for tutoring. Maybe some went home for a weekend. Maybe people are already in bed, or in their dorms. Being very... very, quiet.

Jack sighed as he began unlocking the door, shoving his keys back in his pocket after the door closed behind him.

"Yo Buddy! You here?" 

Nothing. No response. Just the sound of rain hitting against windows. 

"Huh.. guess he's studying too..." That's a first. Jack made his way over to his bed, slumping down to get ready to sleep. He pulled off his hoody, kicked his shoes off, and rolled over to face the wall, not bothering with the covers. He just wanted some sleep. Closing his eyes, Jack slowly began dozing off. The rain practically lulling him to sleep.


Jack let out a gut wrenching gasp for air, waking in a cold sweat. His eyes darted from one corner to another before rising up from his spot. He panted, feeling his hands tremble from the dream he just had. Jack looked around his room, relieved that his roommate Greg was in his bed. He could tell he was fast asleep from the dreaded snoring that came out of him. He himself was surprised he could sleep through it. Slowly exhaling through his mouth, Jack rose up from his bed, staggering to the mini fridge on the other side of the room. His mind churning questions. 

" You ok dude?" Buddy asked, his signature Adams Family rubber coffee mug in hand.

" Man... What the fuck..." He murmured, running his hand across his forehead to wipe away more sweat.  

" It was that bad?" 

Jack looked at Buddy. " Yeah. Some cult was chanting Charg... some or other, and I was chained to a stone piller...

Jack looked up ar Buddy, his eyes were wide with fear. " They were pouring tar in my eyes while they were dinning on my organs man!" 

Buddy glanded over at the clock. Jack's eyes followed. It was only three am.

" Think you can go back to sleep?" 

" Not after that."

" I'll fix you something to eat, and some hot chocolate lased with some whisky, that usually keeps me up." 

" Thanks." Jack said, slowly gettingout of bed. 

This shit's getting terrifying. 

" Man, that movie sucked." Buddy yawned. " Fuck, it's only 5..." 

Someone softly pecked on our dorm's door. " Guys? Buddy, I'm here."

" Why the hell did you wake her up?" Jack whispered.

" She texted me asking if you were alright. I didn't invite her over," Buddy whispered back. " It's open." 

Jenny came in, and came to the couch where I was sitting, pulling my head into her chest. 

Jack relaxed. Jenny always calmed him down.

" Any movie suggestions?" Buddy asked, plugging a flash drive into the side of the TV.

" What about the Thaw?" Jenny asked. " I heard it's good."

" Alrighty. Be right back." 


Jack spent most of his morning studying for finals, wanting to get school-related things out of the way before he could enjoyed his weekend. Buddy left to meet up with his girlfriend, telling Jack he'd be back around 6. It was usually on Sundays when the two sat down together and played one of the many video games that had until it was time for bed. For Jack that is. Sighing, he turned the last page over on his notes packet, memorizing his handwriting slowly. Suddenly, a knock at the door tore him from his studying. Jack turned his head and eyed the door, then rose up from his desk to answer the door. Pulling it open, he was surprised to see Jenny standing in front of the door. "Oh... hey love." 

Her eyes locked onto the books that were pilled around the floor, then back at me. " What did I say." 

" Ba-" 

" No. Clean it up. We are going out for dinner. Don't argue. And get your jacket, it's cold." 

Jack obayed without any backsass, knowing Jenny's wrath was horrifying.

April 29, 2009 

"Jack. Jack wake up! Wake up Jack!" Jack felt Buddy shake him, groaning in anger.

" Uuugh what?? What is it??" Jack asked, looking up at a nervous Buddy as he looked over to the window.

" Dude, there's lighting fires." Jack rubbed his eye with his palm.

" Do what?"

"Someone, is outside, lighting fires. Look!" 

Buddy pulled him out of his bed and pointed out towards the forrest. Jack sighed, still rubbing his eyes before looking out the window. To his surprise, there was a fire lit. But it was far back into the woods. Almost around the area where Jenny's base was.

" Well I'll be damned... There is a fire." Jack muttered, noticing that the storm had stopped. "What time is it?"

" 2AM."

" We should go check it out. That looks like it's where their little hideout is." Buddy gave Jack a freaked out look of  'you're out of your fucking mind'. 

"What? I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation why someone's out there lighting fires."

" Yeah, for cults." Jack shot him a look.

" Dude get over yourself. There is NO cult."

" I call bullshit. I'm not going." Jack smirked.

" You chicken?" He asked, watching Greg get flustered.

" Dude, seriously, don't go. Last thing you want is getting in trouble..." Jack rolled his eyes.

 " Whatever, I'm going to check it out. If there's anything wrong, I'll report it to the headmaster." Jack changed out of his pajamas, dressing in jeans, a blue t-shirt along with his black hoody and shoes. Pulling out their emergency flashlight from the desk drawer, Jack walked over to the door. "I'll see you in a bit." He called out, watching Greg shake his head.

" Curiosity killed the cat man, killed the cat!" He called back, watching the door close.

Jack pulled his hood up over his head and began making his way down the stairs. It was probably just Jenny and her friends hanging out at their spot late at night. I mean, loads of people do that, right? The second he walked outside, Jack felt the air shift from normal to damp and chilly. He began making his way towards the forrest, using the flashlight as much as he could to follow the path Jenny led him down the previous day. Jack started growing nervous, listening to the sounds of life of night in the forrest. Easy now Jack, there's absolutely nothing that can hurt you in this forrest. Nothing.

Minutes passed as Jack finally began getting closer to the cave Jenny showed him before. He could see the dim light from afar, and talking. Loud talking, but it didn't sound like Jenny or Bobby, or anyone else from their group. The closer he got, the clearer the voice. Turning off his flashlight, Jack peeked around a tree. What he saw shook him to his core. There, standing outside of the cave was a group of robed people. Judging by their height, they were students. Both male and female. They all wore black robes and blue mouthless masks with big eyeless holes. One of them began stepping up to a podium. He rose his hands up in the air.

"Thank you, my brothers and sisters for joining me this night of nights. Tonight is the night when we summon our lord and savior, Chernobog!" The group below him cried and called out things like 'Praise Chernobog!' and 'All hail Chernobog!'

Jack took out his phone and started recording them. 

"Tonight is the night, when Chernobog will choose his sacrifice! The one who will lead us to paradise and free us from this Hell!" The group of students began cheering, chanting the name of 'Chernobog'.

After he got enough evidence, he worked his way back to the dorm, calmly, then called the canvas police. 

" How'd it go?" Budd asked from in the kitchen.

When Jack didn't answer, Buddy looked around the corner at the freaked out looking Jack.

" Dude?" 

Jack looked up. " It was a cult." 

" Dude, really?"

Jack gave him his cell.

" Oh my god... there really IS a cult!" He murmured. " Did you call the canvas police?"

" Yeah." 

" Alright, whisky, L4D, and juckfood time." 

" I don't think I can. There's a fucking cult outside man! THOSE ARE THE FUCKERS I SAW IN MY DREAM!"

" Please tell me your not joking." 

" Dead. Fucking. Serious." 

" Then that's not a dream man, it's a vision." 

Jack staired blankly at Buddy for a few minutes straight. Dead silence filled the room. 

" Alright. From now on, we are inseprable, alright?  Where you go, I go." 

" Promise?" 

" I promise." 

That Evening

" Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Jenny asked as she plopped down meside me and Buddy at our lunch table.

" I was just to freaked out to, sorry love." 

" Hey, there is nothing wrong with you. Alot of people have visions. It just makes you cooler." 

Jenny kissed me. I calmen down, but something inside me screamed to keep my guard up, so I did. 

" How much as he ate?" She asked, looking at Buddy. 

" Alot actually. He's still hungry." 

" His adrenaline must be freaking out his matabalism, burning it to fast." 

" That's what we think. But other than that. He fills fine." 

" Go ahead and eat a little more. Not to much though. If it's to much,you'll vomit it up." 

" Your wearing it?" Jack asked, referring to Jenny's engagement ring. 

" Only because one of my friends ratted me out." 

" Love, if you don't want to wear it, you don't have to. You said-" 

" I thought about it, and I want to." 

" You guys want some time alone?"

" Please. Thanks for looking after him all this time." 

" It's what family's for." 

Buddy got up and left Jenny to smother me. To be honist, it sometimes did get annoying, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her. 

" Hey, so, I wanted to ask... would it be ok with you, if we had a date in the forest? Don't worry, were not going near the cave. Just a little bit past the school grounds."

" Can it be the closest to the Guards?"

" Course. And I'll being all of your favorite. I would hang out with you but I have-"

" Class love, I know. I'll meet you there at 10." 

She kissed Jack deeply, then she did something out of the ordinary. 

She gropped Jack's private parts, then leaned in and whispered " Don't bring condoms." 

She giggled as she darted off, leaving Jack with a bulge. 

" Dude, she what?" Buddy asked. 

" Yeah. She groped me, then just darted away. And she said not to bring condoms. I know she's on the pill, but still, should I still put one on?"

" There are one's that are smooth, but there expensive." 

" Like how much?" 

" I think six in a pack for ten bucks." 

" It's worth it."

" Well man, good luck."

" Thanks dude." 

That Night

" Jen?" Jack asked, seeing the set up, but no Jenny.

Jack started to take out his phone, but was stopped when something hard his his head.


Jack awoke from a bucket of cold water being dumped over his head, blood trickling down the side of his head onto his ear and side of his face. He winced, feeling his head throb in pain. The second he remembered the last thing he saw, he gasped, looking up to see that he was sitting in front of everyone. His arms and legs, along with his torso were chained down. The leader of the cult walked up in front of him and smiled under the mask.

"Chernobog has found his sacrifice! Hail Chernobog!" He called, listening as the group repeated the phrase. Jack attempted to struggle, the pain of his head fighting against him. "You shall become one of Chernobog's sons, the chosen one to live upon this wretched world and do his bidding." The group cried the phrase once more. Jack shook his head as fast as he could.

"N-no... No! Listen, OK!" He yelled, letting out a yelp of pain from his arms being twisted. The leader laughed, turning to the group behind him.

"Come! My brothers and sisters, help me change this nonbeliever into the son of Chernobog!" The group chanted the phrase, stepping closer to form a large circle around them. "Praise Chernobog, for his bloodstained hands will bring salvation to us all! HE shall bring us closer to our everlasting paradise! HE is our lord and savior! Praise Chernobog! Praise Chernobog!!" He cried once more. Jack listened as the group began chanting in a different language, he felt his heart beat grow faster, watching one of the group members walk before them with a tray of tools and other queer objects. The person pulled their mask off, revealing it to be Jenny. She smiled taking a spoon from the tray.

"Isn't this great Jack? The great lord Chernobog has chosen you to be his son!" Jack shook his head, tears flooding his eyes. "I never knew you'd be the one."

"No! Love no! Please, please don't do this!" He begged, watching her stop in front of him. She giggled placing her hand on his forehead.

"All hail lord Chernobog~."

Jenny then stabbed the spoon in his left eye, ignoring the cries of pain Jack let out. He squirmed and struggled agains the two who held him down feeling his eye being gorged out from it's socket. "Hold still Jack! You'll make me kill you." Jenny said with complete calmness as she began working on his other eye, watching blood spirt and trickle down his face, still ignoring his cries and pleas. The leader stepped in, holding a bowl of black hot ooze in his hands.

"Behold, the sight of Chernobog!" He called, watching Jenny hold his head still and began pouring the tar-like liquid inside his eye sockets. Jack let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain, feeling the substance overflow and trickle down his eyelids. Placing his hand on Jack's forehead, the leader began chanting the same language as the others, watching as Jack's body become limp and lifeless. He watched as Jenny held a book open to a passage of a different language.

Rise great lord Chernobog
Rise and take vessel of the sacrifice we give you
Give yourself to this vessel
Be one with this vessel
Rise great lord Chernobog
Rise, Rise, Rise, Rise

With one more bloody scream, Jack's now empty eye sockets were filled with a hot liquid, then was sliced open, feeling his chest and stomach being fingered. 

Bones and muscle crackedand popped as his organs were taken out.

" Please! Jenny! Help me!" 

Jenny popped up beside of him. " Oh love. I'm not important. Becoming something greater is way better than fucking me." 

Blood started gushing out as Jack's heart was ripped out. 

" Just let it take over." A man's voice said. 

A dark feeling came over Jack, making the pain fade away. 

The screaming of thepeople that had did this to him filled the air, the feeling of warm blood aginst his shadow spikes made him feel orgasmic.

It feels great to be dead.

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