~ Kenhina Oneshots ~

By Krimzon_Wolf10

31K 1K 1K

A book for random oneshots of Kenhina ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’› + Plus some with extra people or ships at times This ship is adora... More

- Stream Crasher -
- Warm Weather -
- 3 Cats + 1 Crow -
- I love you - Prince Au -
- Mirror Meetings -
- Mirror Meetings Pt 2 -
- Mirror Meetings Pt 3 -
- By Your Side - Yokai Au -
- Good Luck Charm -
- Gaming and Cuddles -
- Beginnings - Demon Slayer Au -
- 2 Owls + 1 Cat + 1 Crow -
- Prophecy - Soldier, Poet, King -
- Prom Dance -
- Among Us -
- Hair Tie -
- Romeo and Juliet - Animal Au -
- Redecorating -
- A Different World?! - Alternate Universe -
- Trail of Destruction - Magic Au -
- New Dorm, New Guy, New Crush - College Au -

- Sick Day -

925 36 22
By Krimzon_Wolf10

Credit to the artist!

Inspired by this comic!


Shoyo stood waiting at the subway station, he was suppose to head to Kenma's for a sleepover at the weekend. He stood with his bags and his usual bright smile plastered all over his face as rocked back and forth waiting. Just as it as turning 1 o'clock his phone went off.

From Kenma:
Sorry Shoyo I have to cancel
the sleepover. :(
I got sick and have a fever,
And I don't want you to catch it.
I would of texted you early but
my phone died :(

From Shoyo:
I hope you feel better soon Kenma! ♡
We can always reschedule!
Your health comes first! :)

From Kenma:
Thanks Shoyo.
I really wanted to see you though.

From Shoyo:
There's always next week!
Or whenever we're both free again!

From Kenma:
Sorry again Shoyo.

From Shoyo:
No no no! Your health comes first!
I want you to get better! :)

As Shoyo texted his lover he completely forgot he was at the train station, the hustle and bustle disappeared when he was talking to Kenma. He was snapped back to reality when the subway appeared, the sound and the constant shoving from people meaning the train had arrived.

He couldn't hang out with Kenma anymore today. He was sick. However an idea came into his head and he climbed into the subway at the last second. Travelling through he eventually found a seat and claimed it.

From Kenma:
Your so sweet Shoyo. ♡

From Shoyo:
Change of plan!
I'm coming to visit you!
And I'm going to take care of you :D

From Kenma:
You still want to come even though
you could catch it?
Shoyo you really are interesting.
My mom will be pleased, she really
like you

From Shoyo:
I want to help my boyfriend feel
better again plus I want to see you :)
I'm interesting? Thanks!
Your moms really nice :)

From Kenma:
I'll tell her.
Thanks for coming ♡

From Shoyo:
Anything for you ♡

The ginger boy blushed but smiled brightly, he was going to get to see his boyfriend. They have trouble meeting because they live so far away and their schedules don't aline much so when they have a chance to see each other its a blessing to them both.

Looking around the subway he saw loads of different people from toddlers to old people to teens and adults, there was a wide range of different people. A buzz from his phone caught his attention again.

From Kenma:
My moms happy your
coming over.

From Shoyo:
Your mom really is
so sweet :)
Just as sweet as you ♡
I feel like I'm being cheesy

From Kenma:
A little bit.

From Shoyo:

From Kenma:
I like it.

From Shoyo:

From Kenma:
Are you bringing your Switch?

Shoyo laughed at the sudden conversation change, this meant the older was embarrassed. Chuckling and smiling he started to text out a response.

From Shoyo:
Of course!
I thought we could
play Mario Kart or something
I swear I'm going to win!

From Kenma:
You say that everytime.

The two teens continued to chat for the whole journey, every now and then Hinata would ask how the other was doing. After awhile that seemed like a year to both boys the subway came to a stop in Tokyo.

Quickly hopping off the subway he quickly made his way to exit, glad to finally be close to his boyfriend. Sending a quick text to say he was on his way the small boy started to head through the massive crowd. Shoyo had been to Tokyo many times now and had mesmerised the way to house, even though Kenma knew this he still met up with the ginger at the exit of the train station everytime. However today was different, Kenma was sick amd Hinata was going to give him all the attention in the world.

Taking a turn and then another turn Shoyo started to get a little lost, that was until he recognised the little game shop that was near Kenma's house. The pudding head had shown Hinata that shop and they had both bought Mario Kart from it.

Skipping the first-year started to hum until he finally arrived at his boyfriend's house. Hopping up the path he arrived at the door and gently knocked.

"Coming!" Was yelled from behind the door and soon enough a woman who looked similar to Kenma answered the door. The woman had black hair and grey eyes, Kenma had inherited the hair and a few other features from his mom but he mostly followed his dad.

"Mrs Kozume!" Shoyo greeted with a smile, "It's nice to see you again!"

"Shoyo I've told you before! No need to be so formal!" The woman quickly moved out the way to let the shorter inside. Shoyo had become like a son to the mother, she absolutely adored the little red-head.

"How is Kenma doing?" Hinata asked worridely. "Is it bad?"

"It's just a little fever but we're running low on medical supplies so I need to pop to the shops. Thankfully I won't have to leave Kenma alone with you here." Kenma's mom explained.

"Is it alright if I go up to him?"

"Yes yes! No need to ask. You've been here before, think of it as a second home." Smiling the woman walked off.

Quickly taking of his shoes Hinata headed up the stairs to the the pudding head's room. Knocking on the door gently he opened it slowly. There wrapped in blankets and duvet was his boyfriend, Kenma Kozume. The second-year had his nintendo switch in hand and looked focus.

"Hey Kenma! How you feeling?" The ginger asked surprising the older. "I hear you have a fever..."

"Shoyo. Thanks for coming. I'm doing alright." The pudding head greeted. "I missed you."

Flushing the first-year smiled. "I missed you too!"

Placing his stuff down next to the bed Hinata kneeled down next to the bed and rested his head on his arms. The pudding head's eyes watched these actions and a small smile made it's way on his face.

"What are you playing?" Hinata asked with curiosity. "It looks fun!"

"I was playing Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild. It's a fun game." Kenma said as he showed the other his screen.

Suddenly the ginger moved and kissed the other on the forehead causing Kenma to blush. Stuttering the second-year touched his forehead. "Shoyo you'll get sick if you do that..."

"I don't mind! I wanted to do that since I got here plus I do that with Natsu when she gets sick...."

"You say you don't mind but you'll complain when you catch it. You won't be able to play." This response caused the shorter to pout.

"Did you catch it from someone or..."

"I caught it from Kuroo." The pudding head sighed. "He had a fever and he caught it from Yaku and he caught it of Lev and so on..."

"Sounds like trouble." Hinata laughed. "Do you want to play some Mario Kart together?"

"Yeah sure, let me just save..."

As the ginger got his Nintendo Switch out he heard his name being called from downstairs. "Shoyo! Can you come down for a second please?" Kenma's mother yelled.

"Coming!" The first-year yelled back. He quickly placed the Nintendo Switch on the bed and left Kenma to get set up. Heading down the stairs quickly he came to the mother who was placing a purse and keys in her bag.

"Shoyo. Can you take care of Kenma for a bit while I pop out to the shops? There's soup on the table as well as medicine and a towel to put on his head." The mother explained.

"Yes I can do that! I'll take good care of him!" Shoyo said with a smile and a nod.

"I know you will. I'll be back in a bit, bye Shoyo."

As the mother left and locked the door behind her the teen wandered into the kitchen. The kitchen was nicely decorated with pictures of the family littered on the wall as well as a vase of flowers on the kitchen side. Walking over quickly he grabbed the tray which had everything he needed on and slowly started to mover towards the stairs.

Step by step the small teen slowly made his way back to Kenma's room and once he reached it and gently pushed it open with his foot.

"Shoyo I set it up for you I hope you don't mind." Kenma spoke as Hinata entered. "Is that soup?"

"Yeah your mom said to bring it up for you. She popped out to go the shops but she'll be back soon." Hinata explained.

"Ah I see thank you."

As the pudding head slowly started to sip some of the soup, Shoyo replaced the small towel that was resting on Kenma's head. "I'm just going to put this over here, don't forget to take your medicine."

Kenma cringed at this and frowned meaning he dosen't want it, this made the first-year laugh. Shoyo pouted then and sat on the bed then next to the second-year.

"You got to take your medicine if you want to feel better!" Hinata tried as he snuggled in the duvet as well. "I want to snuggle with you."

"You shouldn't get so close. You'll catch it." The pudding head argued. "I don't want you sick."

"I won't get sick if you take your medicine."

"..." Kenma stayed silent until he sighed and took the medicine. "There..."

"Now you'll get better!"

After the second-year ate half of the soup they decided to play Mario Kart. Loading it up they decided to play the Leaf Cup. Kenma won nearly all of them, he let Shoyo win the last one which caused the shorter to cheer but then pout as he realised the other let him win.

An hour later they heard the door open and a voice shout, "I'm back! Sorry Kuroo's mom kept me talking!"

"Welcome back!" Shoyo shouted, "Hope your trip went well!"

"It did! Thanks for asking. I'll start making dinner in a bit. Are you staying over Shoyo?" The mother asked.

"If you'll have me then yeah!" The small ginger yelled.

"Of course Shoyo!" Kenma's mother yelled.

After communicating with the adult the two teens carried on playing but soon after they switched games to Arms to try out. Hinata won a lot more games on Arms than Mario Kart which made the shorter cheerful as he was somehow better at a game than Kenma.

As the two boys played on and on the pudding head's mother came upstairs. She announced she had dinner and brought two plates of ramen up with her. Kenma paused the game and started to dig into his ramen, Shoyo following swiftly afterwards. Even though he started eating later the smaller still finished before Kenma and yawned afterwards.

Once the second-year was done eating he hugged the duvet closer to him and groaned. The fever was really annoying. The mom once again appeared at the doorway and started to take away the plates.

"Do you want some help?" Shoyo offered.

"No no I'll be fine." Kenma's mother said, "You both should get some rest. The futon is inside the wardrobe."

"Ok thank you."

The mother left the room quickly and Kenma yawned as well. "We should probably get some sleep." Shoyo suggested,

"I guess so...but we could play more..."

"No! You have to sleep! You need to get better!" The first-year fussed. "I want you to feel better soon!"

"Thanks but....can we play just a little bit more?" The second-year asked cutely.

Hinata sighed but agreed and they started gaming again. The games went from 1-2 switch to Arms again to Snipperclips to Animal Crossing to Luigi's mansion 3 to finally Shoyo watching Kenma play Legend Of Zelda.

A cutscene was playing on the screen of a memory that Link was reliving, the second-year yawned and stretched as he watched. He then became aware of a sleeping figure on his chest. Halfway through the cutscene his boyfriend had moved to his chest but he thought nothing of it other than changing positions but no he was getting comfy to sleep.

The older smiled gently. Once the cutscene was finished he saved and exited the game. Switching off the Nintendo switch and tv the light sources disappeared from the room. Moving gently Kenma rested on his back on the bed, his fever had gone down but he still wasn't completely better but being with Shoyo made him feel fully recovered.

Taking the towel off his head he placed it on the desk next to him, he'll deal with it in the morning. Snuggling into Hinata's hair Kenma slowly started to drift away into sleep, the fluffiness of the hair making it comfy to rest on.


The first-years eyes fluttered open slowly. His face felt warm and he felt overall weaker than usual, groaning he buried his face into Kenma's chest. Fingers gently combed through the ginger hair, the action was relaxing to both boys.

"Morning Shoyo..."

"Morning..." Hinata groggily replied. "I'm comfy..."

"Mmmmm...." was the reply as the smaller snuggled closer. "You seem really warm Shoyo....are you ok?

"Yeah I'm fine I should be asking you that...are you ok?"

Shoyo looked up towards the second-year. "Yeah I'm fine..." Kenma replied and took the chance to rest his hand on the others forehead. "Shoyo your really warm."

The ginger hid his face then and grumbled. It was unlike the smaller to not want to get out of bed, normally he'd be bouncing off the walls and trying to drag Kenma out of bed. This meant that something was wrong.

"I'm getting out of bed now Shoyo." The pudding head said gently as he climbed out of the bed.

The smaller had let go and immediately shook the duvet off him, Shoyo was flushed and looked to be uncomfortable.

"Shoyo....I think you might of caught my fever..." Kenma said with a sigh. "I'll get a thermometer."

The second-year disappeared out the door and returned swiftly with his mom and a thermometer. Once his temperature had been checked it was confirmed that the smaller had a fever.

"Sorry Shoyo your going to have to stay here for a bit...I'll call your mom to let her know." The mother said as she made her way to the door. "I'll make you some soup."

The pudding head shuffled back onto the bed. "I told you that you'd catch it..."

"Yeah....but now I get to spend more time with you!" Hinata exclaimed. "Sorry for all the trouble."

"Your never any trouble Shoyo...."

The two boys snuggled together, today was a sick day.
Both boys won't be going anywhere soon.
So they decided to relax together and enjoy each others company...
They were both glad that they could be together. ♡

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