Deadliest Sins (Discontinued)

By kailynwrites19

213K 4.9K 9.1K

Sex, Lust, Nightmares, Daydreams. ***(DISCONTINUED)*** Korra and Asami have an everlasting lust and love pat... More

Part 1 - The Beginning
Part 2 - Embarressment
Part 3 - A Small Gift
Part 4 - Intimidation
Part 5 - Freak Out
Part 6 - Talking
Part 7 - Opening Up
Part 8 - First Kiss
Part 9 - Making It Offical
Part 10 - The Press
Part 11 - Crystal Clear
Part 12 - Tension
Part 13 - Jealousy
Part 14 - First Time (Explicit Content)
Part 15 - The Morning After
Part 16 - Old Wounds (Trigger Warning)
Part 17 - Taking A Break
Part 18 - A Day with Asami Sato (Updated)
Part 19 - Surprise
Part 20 - Sex Talk
Part 21 - Brewing Ideas
Part 22 - Bad Memories
Part 23 - Buisness Partners
Part 24 - Buisness Partners (Pt. 2)
Part 25 - Kuvira
Part 27 - Exposed
Part 28 - Apologies (Explicit Content)
Part 29 - Turmoil
Part 30 - Early Morning
Part 31 - Korra's Round (Explicit Content)
Part 32 - Burns
Part 33 - The Process
Part 34 - The Southern Water Tribe
July 2022 Update

Part 26 - Kuvira (Pt. 2)

4.3K 106 323
By kailynwrites19

Korra looked over at the tall girl and sighed "I'm sorry Asami... I know how you feel about her but-"

"You know how I feel about her??" Asami interrupted "Then why the hell did you take her out of her cell?! You know what she's capable of Korra!! I HATE her!!!" Asami frowned as she faced the avatar "She killed my father!! And she almost killed me too! Along with you and everyone else! She's a goddamn monster!! She doesn't even deserve to see the light of day ever again!!" Korra stayed silent as she stared at her girlfriend, letting her blow off some steam "Do you know how hard it is to deal with that kind of loss Korra?! And then be face to face with the person who caused your trauma?!" She continued before facing the steering wheel again, now gripping it tightly "No! You wouldn't know! Because you haven't lost a got damn thing in your life!!!" Asami yelled as she was now breathing heavy out of anger. The avatar was taken back by Asami's unnecessary, hurtful words. Everything she was saying was just spilling out of her mouth before she could even stop it. After rethinking what she had just said, she turned her head to the avatar and spoke again, but softer "Korra wait, I didn't mean-"

"I never lost anything??" Korra interrupted her "I might not have lost my parents Asami but I lost a lot too! None of them do I need to remind you all have haunted me for the last 3 years!!!" Korra frowned as she looked at Asami "I'm aware of what Kuvira did! And I'm aware that she almost killed all of us!!"

"Then why are you allowing her to work with us?! Why do you need her help?!"

"She's powerful Asami! I need that help! It's not like you could help me!" Korra snapped.

"What the fuck does that mean?! I've been helping you for the past 3 years Korra!! Why would you-?!"

"You know what I meant Asami!!!"

Asami groaned in frustration as she threw her hands up a little "Why can't you just see where I'm coming from!?!"

"Asami, I am so sorry you lost your dad, I really am!" And I understand your hatred for Kuvira but that does not mean you can take it out on me!!! I am sick of being full of hate and regret over everything that happened, so I'm giving her a chance to try and fix what she caused!!" Korra yelled as she stepped out of the car "Kuvira is going to be working with us until we're done building that town! Whether you like it or not!!! And if you're going to keep being bitter about is your fucking problem! Not mine!" Korra snapped as she slammed the car door shut and spun in her heels,  heading up the steps of the estate and through the front door.

"Korra!!" Asami called after Korra as she watched her run inside before screaming to herself "Goddamn it!!"
In the morning, despite all the anger the two girls had formed for each other, Asami offered to assist Korra in bringing Kuvira over to the work site. Once they had reached to the prison Kuvira was being held in, Asami parked the car right out front. With Asami staying in the drivers seat, Korra stepped out as she watched Kuvira get escorted towards her by the chief of police

"I hope you know what you're doing here, Kid." Lin said as she pushed Kuvira towards the avatar. Kuvira groaned as she stumbled forwards, tripping over her tightened chains.

"You and me both, Chief." Asami said from the car, keeping her focus ahead of her. Korra frowned as she threw a dirty look at her girlfriend before looking back at Lin "I do. Thanks for the support, Lin." The avatar mumbled as she pulled on the handle for the back door to allow Kuvira to get in, but it didn't budge. Korra looked down at the car, realizing m the door was locked and looked up at Asami for assistance "A little help here?" Korra said.

"You're the avatar. Do it yourself." Asami spat as she kept her eyes on the road. Korra frowned as she looked at Asami, annoyed with her petty behavior.

"You could just do it yourself." Korra mumbled as she reached into the car through Asami's window. Korra pressed the button that unlocked the entire car before opening the back door to let Kuvira in. 

The chained girl looked up as she heard the attitude being thrown around from both girls "Did.. I miss something..?" She asked, watching the tension form between the two girls. Asami's grip tightened on the steering wheel as Kuvira spoke. She hated hearing her voice.

"Don't worry about in. Now get in." Korra mumbled as Kuvira sat back in her seat. She was aware that it was her presence that made the couple act like this. Korra slammed the door shut before she walked around the car and got in the passenger seat.


For the next couple of days, Korra and Asami's relationship seemed to be falling apart at the seams. Asami took away her offer to help the avatar handle Kuvira to and from the worksite. This only lead to the two girls treating each other like they were nothing more than business partners. The couple would constantly go to bed arguing, if they even spoke at all. And in the morning, Korra would already be gone to get Kuvira before Asami had the chance to even apologize. On the worksite the two barely spoke, and if they did it was nothing more but short sentences filled with attitudes, The others around them became concerned for them.

It's been exactly two weeks since Future Industries began their housing project, and everyone was moving with great time. It was 10 in the morning when everyone was inside the trailer, waiting for the young CEO to give her instructions.

"Zhu-Li, Varrick, Bolin. Focus on leveling out the rest of the land on the east side. Korra, take Kuvira and clear out the debris with the over grown spirit vines. And Chin you take your group and start placing down the materials we brought in." Korra admired the way Asami worked. She was always strong with her words and knew how to organize just about anyone and anything. One thing that ticked off the avatar about her girlfriend, was how she was able to act like she didn't exist. Asami barely looked in the avatar's direction anymore, which she knew had gotten under Korra's skin.

As Asami had finished assigning everyone to their positions on the worksite, Korra decided it was best to try and speak with her, An attempt to make amends to fix their relationship. She waited for everyone to leave the trailer and start their work, leaving herself, Asami and Kuvira alone "Hey... Can we talk?" The avatar asked softly as she looked at the tall girl.

"I'm kind of busy here Korra." Asami said as she turned her back to the avatar while going through some papers.

"Asami come on... how much longer are we going to keep this up?" Korra asked as she walked to her girlfriend, taking one of her hands and squeezing it lightly "I'm tired of this. Please, can't we just-?"

"I said I'm busy, Korra." Asami said more sternly as she pulled her hand away "There's nothing to talk about. Now go. You have work to do." She snarled. Kuvira awkwardly watched the two girls argue from a distance, deciding it was best not to say a word.

"You know what? Fine." Korra frowned as she walked over to Kuvira. The avatar reached into her pocket and pulled out a key before grabbing Kuvira's arms and pulling them close to her body "Don't. Make me regret this." Korra mumbled as she looked the girl in the eye. Kuvira stood there with a shocked expression on her face as she watched her chains fall from her wrists to the floor. Asami widened her eyes at the sound. She's insane. She thought to herself as Korra kneeled down and freed the girls ankle's as well.

"What are you doing..?" Kuvira asked as she rubbed her wrists lightly where the cuffs once were.

"Come on. We have work to do." The avatar said? Ignoring the question as she grabbed the ex-uniter's arm and dragged her outside.

"Korra!! I swear to god!" Asami yelled as she watched the two girls leave the trailer. A smirk grew on the avatar's face as she knew she had gotten under her girlfriends skin.

"Can I please not be apart of your relationship problems?!" Kuvira frowned as she let Korra pull her.

"Too late." Korra said as she tugged the girl to their position on the work site.

As the day went by, the two muscular girls focused on clearing out the debris around the spirit vines cautiously, not wanting to upset the spirits. The two girls were moving fluently together once again. Although Korra was keeping a good pace with her movement, her focus was completely scattered. How could Asami be so rude to me? So obnoxious? Is what I do not good enough? Is what I do defined by this one damn thing? Korra began to bend with anger as she got lost in her thoughts, making it hard to keep up with.

"Korra..!" Kuvira called out as the avatar started moving at a faster pace.

I know I'm not crazy. I'm aware of what she's done. No one else is questioning me or my decision. Why is my girlfriend my biggest issue right now? It doesn't make any sense!!! She's the damn problem!!
Without realizing it, Korra began throwing boulders off the the side as she let her thoughts get the best of her. Every time one of Korra's rocks hit the ground, it created more of a mess "Korra!!" Kuvira yelled as she stopped bending with the avatar completely, standing to the side as the avatar threw everything in front of her around like a child. Korra hadn't realized that at this point she was hurting the situation then helping it. 

The green eyed girl groaned loudly out of frustration as she watched a Boulder that was thrown by the avatar,  shatter into a million pieces. Kuvira began making her way over to Korra before quickly dodging a rock that was thrown at her, almost hitting her square in the face. With wide eyes Kuvira watched the rock land heavily and split into two.

"Alright! That's it!" Kuvira snapped as she was getting full of the avatar's crap. The short girl picked up a small rock off the ground and began tossing it in her hands. An evil smirk grew on her face before she threw it towards the avatar's head, hitting her right in the temple.

Korra widened her eyes and groaned as she dropped all the rocks she was bending to rub the side of her head "What the hell Kuvira!?!" The avatar snapped as she looked back at the girl "What's your problem?!"

"I don't have a problem! You almost hit me with a Boulder!! And you're making our job harder!" Kuvira said as she pointed back to the mess Korra had made. The avatar look down in defeat, realizing her thoughts had gotten the best of her (once again). "What is going on with you?" Kuvira asked as she walked towards Korra "Are you alright?"

Korra sighed as she looked up at Kuvira. She actually sounded.. concerned for the avatar's well being. 'Does she actually care?' She thought to herself.

Before Korra could speak, she heard the door to the trailer swing open and Asami's voice call out "Alright everyone! You can take 30! I have a catered lunch set up for you in the trailer!" Everyone cheered in excitement for their break as they all rushed inside to get something to eat.

Korra watched Asami carefully before looking down, feeling defeated and worried that their relationship was in jeopardy. Kuvira followed her line of sight before placing her hand on the avatar's shoulder "Hey.. go talk to her. I'll stay out here where I won't cause any trouble."

Korra raised a brow as she looked up at Kuvira "I'm not an idiot."

Kuvira chuckled as she shook her head "If it makes you feel better you can tie me down in spirit vines while you head inside. But I'm not going anywhere."

Korra sighed as she rubbed her head "No.. I trust you just.. wait here.." She said as she made her way over to the trailer. Kuvira widened her eyes a bit as she watched the avatar walk away, surprised that she actually trusted her.

Korra walked into the trailer to see everyone filling their plates with food eagerly. They all definitely deserved it, everyone was working hard to help the people of the city. Korra was looking around the room when she caught Asami talking to Bolin by her desk. The avatar took a deep breath as she grabbed a plate and filled it up with a bunch of food before walking over to her girlfriend and Bolin "Hey, um... Asami... ? I really think we need to-"

Asami looked down at the avatar and a look of concerned took over here face "Where's Kuvira?" She interrupted.

Korra frowned a bit as she looked up at the tall girl. She was getting tired of her constant rude behavior towards her "She's outside, anyways, like I was saying. I want to-"

"You left her outside?? Korra are you fucking serious??" Asami snarled.

Bolin widened his eyes a bit as he watched the tension between his two friends grow even larger. He took a single step back before completely walking away, not wanting to be stuck in the middle of their argument.

Korra frowned at the way her girlfriend was speaking to her, she was truly taken back. Korra's never seen Asami act like this, at least not towards her "What's the big deal?! She's not going anywhere! She's proved herself to be-!"

"Proved herself?!" Asami set down the plate of food she's been holding "Korra she's been working here for us by force. And for only two weeks!! Taking her shackles off is one thing, but leaving her outside unattended is another! We can't trust her!"

"Well I trust her! For the last two weeks, she's been treating me better than you have!!" Korra yelled as she placed her free hand on her hip. Everyone in the room was now watching the couple argue, awkwardly. Asami widened her eyes as she looked at the avatar, feeling offended (possibly because she was right).

"How?! She was destroying the earth kingdom for 3 years Korra!! Just because she's been acting nice for a few days doesn't me she-!"

"You've been nothing to a bitch to me Asami! You're not trusting me like you're supposed to! Kuvira's hurt everyone here, including me! But you seem to be the only one who can't push past that for this one project!!"

Asami's faced softened a bit as she began to realize how harsh she was being towards the avatar "Because she's insane Korra! She's tried to kill you multiple times! I can't lose you to her as well!"

"Whatever Asami!! Don't act like you care about me now!" Korra frowned "I'm tired of fighting you! You don't trust me anymore!!"

"Korra I've always cared about you! And it's not like that! I do trust you, I just.. I don't trust your judgment at the moment!!"

"Same thing!" Korra snapped as she practically spun on her heels and walked out through the front door. Everyone watched the avatar leave before they all turned their heads to look at Asami, who was looking at the ground feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

Korra groaned angrily as she made her way down the steps and towards Kuvira who actually kept her word and stayed on the worksite. Kuvira was sitting on a rock, tossing a pebble in her hand as she patiently waited for everyone to start working again. The avatar huffed as she sat down next to Kuvira, looking down feeling defeated.

"I'm guessing it didn't go so well?" Kuvira asked. Korra sighed as she shook her head "I didn't mean to interfere with your relationship Korra.."

"For once... this wasn't your fault... it's mine..." The avatar looked down at her plate "Asami's so damn stubborn and she think I'm going behind her back. She should just be able to trust me like everyone else does." She mumbled.

"I mean... she has a right to be upset.." Korra looked up at Kuvira as she spoke "You're being kind to me after all the things I've done. Personally, even I question why you're so nice.. everyone else hates me."

"I don't know.." Korra set her plate down on the rock between her and Kuvira "I guess I just... feel guilty.."

"Why would you feel guilty??" Kuvira asked as she looked at the avatar, with complete confusion on her face.

"Because.. if I just came back to Republic City on time like I was supposed to, maybe you wouldn't have gone too far. Maybe Republic City wouldn't be a giant dirt pile and maybe the world wouldn't be falling apart as we speak." Korra said as she wrapped her arms around her legs, bringing them close to her, then resting her head on her knees.

"Well.. if it makes you feel better.. you coming back earlier wouldn't have stopped me." Kuvira said teasingly, only causing the avatar to give her a dirty look "Sorry. Not the time." She admitted.

"Yeah." Korra mumbled before groaning loudly "Why does everything have to be so complicated?!"

"You're the avatar. Everything's going to be complicated for you."

"Yeah, but people like you are making everything harder!" Korra yelled before quickly looking at Kuvira "Sorry."

Kuvira chuckled as she shook her head "None taken.."

The two girls sat in silence momentarily as Kuvira was looking off in the distance. She was soaking up as much of the outer world for as long as she could. She knew after she was done assisting the avatar, it would be a slim to none chance for her to ever step out into the real world again. Korra turned and looked at Kuvira who was completely consumed by her surroundings. Somehow Korra actually... felt bad for Kuvira. Korra knew she deserved to go back to prison, but the idea of forcing her into a dark hole for the rest of her life, didn't seem like a good idea on her part. She didn't understand why.. maybe it was because Korra could see herself in her, or maybe because she was actually going insane like Asami had suggested. At the end of the day, she still felt bad.

Korra sighed as she picked up her plate from between the two of them and handed it to Kuvira "Here..."

Kuvira turned her head to look at the avatar, with another confused look "Why are you giving this to me?"

"You're working here too. You're allowed to eat." Korra said as she pushed the plate even closer to her "Besides, I'm sure this will be the best meal you'll have in years." The avatar teased. The two girls really had a thing for making inappropriate jokes.

Kuvira chuckled as she took the plate from Korra "And what are you supposed to eat? You're clearly putting in more work then me." She said, referring to the mess the avatar had made.

Korra chuckled as she shook her head "I'll be fine. I'll eat when I get home.. I'm not all that hungry right now anyways.."

Kuvira smiled softly as she looked up at the avatar. It was a genuine smile. Not an evil smirk, not a smile with a plan or any pain behind it. It was an actual human smile "You're very admirable avatar Korra." Kuvira said as she began to eat "I can see why Ms. Sato likes you so much.."

Korra chuckled as she stood up while dusting off her pants "Are you flirting with me Kuvira? That's bold of you."

"Remind me to never give you a compliment again." The green eyed girl laughed as she rolled her eyes "But no. I was not flirting with you, nor would I ever. I'm not really... 'interested' in other females..."

"Really? Could've fool me." Korra teased as she looked down at Kuvira. What the hell am I doing? What is going on?

"I mean.. I could appreciate a good woman like yourself." She admitted "Maybe I could go on a date, that would eventually turn into an interesting night for sure. But I prefer to keep my train on the right tracks." Kuvira teased back "Besides, I wouldn't go out with someone who looks like me." She continued before the two girls started laughing together. Surprisingly, the got along pretty well. Somehow they both had a non spoken respect for each other. Korra began to genuinely enjoy Kuvira's presence, which made the avatar nervous. If it hadn't been for Kuvira's insane plan to take over the world, they could become great friends. Possibly even best friends since Kuvira did save Korra's fathers life.

"You know Korra..." Kuvira spoke as their laugher died down "I am truly grateful for your kindness. It's been... a really long time, since I've had someone be compassionate to me. With it coming from a genuine place I mean, not from me threatening their lives for it. It feels nice to have a friend again.."Korra widened her eyes a bit at Kuvira's words. Friend? Good job Korra. "Why are you being so nice to me anyways? Lord knows I don't deserve it."

Korra shrugged "I'm not I'm just... Asami is being hasty.. she's full of so much rage that she's taking it out on me. I just needed to stay away from her to clear my head."

"So you're being nice to me because your girlfriend is pushing you away? And you think I'm a better option right now?"

"Right now? Yeah. But don't flatter yourself."

Kuvira chuckled as she shook her head "That still doesn't explain why you're so forgiving on my part..."

The avatar sighed as she sat back down next to the green eyed girl "I guess" She paused a moment before she found her words "I'm just... tired of letting all my past problems take over my life. What kind of avatar would I be if I couldn't help save the world because I couldn't solve my own problems??"

"You are still human Korra."

"Right..." Korra mumbled as she looked away. The avatar knew she was still a human that functions the same way everyone else does, but at times she didn't feel like a person.

"I'm so sick of there being so much loss in the world all the time... and I'm tired of my anger letting me make irrational decisions" She looked down "I guess that was my motivation to save you back in the spirit wilds..."

Kuvira looked down as well as she thought about the day she attacked Republic City. She had lost so much. She lost everyone's trust, all her hard work, her army, and almost her life if it wasn't for the avatar. If she hadn't taken things so far and did everything the right way, she wouldn't be in prison, and the city would still be intact  "I never really got to properly thank you Korra.. for saving my life.."

"You don't need to thank me for any-"

"Yes. I do." Kuvira said looking up at Korra "You could've just let that thing take me out. All of your problems would be solved. You weren't even sure if your own life would be taken! And you still risked it for someone like me." Kuvira looked over at the spirit portal that her and the avatar created "You amaze me Korra. You have the power and compassion I could never possess. It's what makes you an amazing avatar, and a good person."

Korra smiled softly as she looked up at Kuvira "You know... I don't think I've ever heard you speak so well about me. Are you sure you're not flirting?" She teased.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself." Kuvira responded, making the avatar laugh. As the two girls settled down a bit, Kuvira spoke once more "I really do hope that you and Asami turn out okay." She said now looking at the avatar again "I didn't mean to ruin what you two have..."

"You didn't ruin it... I'm sure we'll be fine." Korra said as she looked up at the trailer, where Asami was residing "We'll be fine.." The avatar whispered to herself.


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