Everything Changes

By Upallnight19

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Aria had a simple life, she had her friends, her brother, and her parents. At the time she thought life could... More

Author's note
Chapter 1: THE BEGINNING-Opening a closed door
Chapter 2: Slice Of Sass
Chapter 3: Mall and torture time
Chapter 4: Family time
Chapter 5: Bad Memories
Chapter 6: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Chapter 7: Is there something wrong?
Chapter 8: Make-up and torture time
Chapter 9: Thanks for the Memories
Chapter 10: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 11: Is this my own personal hell?
Chapter 12: Stop reading my texts JERK!
Chapter 13: today has already started out shitty, so why not?
Chapter 14: Who knew volleyballs could leave a mark?
Chapter 16: Ripped pants?
Chapter 17 I'd Rather Not & Time to be selfless
Chapter 18: Who knew he had a sweet side?
Chapter 19: You could be the moon and I'll be the sun
Chapter 20: Nothing more
Chapter 21: I didn't know she was THAT scary
Chapter 22: It seems my luck has run out
Chapter 24: Just leave me alone, Zack!
Chapter 25: Blushes with a side of cold pizza
Chapter 26: Bad Decisions, Good Intentions?
Chapter 27: Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me.
Chapter 28: The Aftermath
Chapter 29: Forgiveness
Chapter 30: Everything Changes

Chapter 23: Decisions and painful consequences

29 7 2
By Upallnight19

                                                                    Ryders P.O.V

      I did my best to avoid Derek and Aria as well. I needed to figure out my next step. Plus, I needed some time to deal with all the other bullshit in my life.

      So I ditched the classes we had together, and I avoided going down the hallways that their lockers resided.

      The Derek situation was something I had no control over. He would have to come around on his own, but we needed to hash out this bad blood between us and just squash it.

      I couldn't fix the past. He was going to have to understand that and we will just have to get over it together. At least I hope that we will.

      As for Aria, the situation was simple. I needed to lie down one important guideline. Kind of like I did with Alison before we started hooking up.

      Aria had to understand under no circumstances could she fall in love with me.

     Now usually I wouldn't even bother with this. I just know she doesn't have anyone else to talk to and I don't want to just ditch her like that.

    Plus, I saw something yesterday that I knew I had to do something about. No matter what, I wasn't going to let history repeat itself.

    Aria was in the backseat with Zack, all cuddled up together from what I could see.

     I didn't stand around long enough to see what happened. I'm not some sort of creep.

     If Zack thought I was going to sit around and let him do the same thing he did before. The bastard had another thing coming to him.

    I hate him with a passion. The only reason I haven't done anything about it is because of her.

    Other than that, I could give a shit. Pigs get what they deserve and he will get what he deserves one way or another.

    All I know is that I will not fail Aria. She's got such a big heart. I can tell that she still has feelings for him and I don't know if she's going to do anything about them or just leave them be after what he did to her.

    It's not that I care if she does or doesn't still like him. I just have to make sure that she doesn't get involved with him in that way. He's a piece of shit and he didn't even deserve the chance he got to hurt her in the first place.

I know I should tell her about my past with Zack but I just wasn't ready for her to look at me differently. What if she hates me? What if she never talks to me again?

I hate to admit this because I haven't spent that much time with her but I have come kind of dependent on our conversations. She's so easy to talk to. Even though I haven't done much talking but I feel like I could almost tell her anything.

That's a dangerous thing for me. To get so close to someone, close enough that I have the chance to hurt them. That's all I do is hurt, people. I don't want to hurt her, no I won't hurt her. I promise that I will never give myself the chance to hurt her.

Aria: Hey, just wanted to see how you were doing. I hope you didn't get sick hanging out with me this weekend...

Ryder: No just had some stuff to take care of today. I will see you tomorrow.

Aria: Okay. See you tomorrow.

I hope that this doesn't end badly for either of us but mostly Aria. I wish I could tell her everything. I wish I could tell her about Winter.


Without realizing it I ended up at my house which is a bad idea. It's not the right time of day to be coming home. I want to turn around and leave but too late. He's looking at me through the window. Beckoning me to come to him.

Well fuck I could just leave but doing so next time he catches me it will be 1000 times worse then it will be to just go in there and get this over with. Grabbing the knob to the front door I walk in.

"Well long time no see. Where have you been?" I didn't answer because whatever I say will piss him off. He thinks that I never come home but he doesn't know I have been sneaking through my window.

If he knew that I could never come home. "Well, are you going to answer me, boy?!" He was pissed and I could smell the alcohol coming from my father's breath. Great.

"You don't do shit around this house and you never come home. The least you could do is answer me when I ask you a question." He slams his fist into the table. Slowly walking towards me. "I've been staying with a friend for a bit."

"Yeah? Well, why did you come back then?" Why did I keep coming back? I mean Erik told me that I could just stay at his house permanently. Yet for some reason, I didn't want to leave the old geezer completely alone.

"I just came back to check on you." That was a lie and we both knew it. "Check on me huh? You leave this house without my permission and come back only when you want to and now you are acting like you are checking on me?"

"Can you blame me? We both know it's better when I don't show my face." He seemed pissed when I said that. Every time he sees me he's pissed. Ever since my mom died. He has hated me. The first few years after her death. He was the same dad he had always been.

I guess it finally got to him that she wasn't coming back and I look just like her so that's my curse. "Why can't you show your face? Are you saying it's because of me?! What am I some sort of bad father?" He was inches from me. I could feel the heat coming off his skin.

"No, I take care of your sorry ass. I pay for your clothes and food even when you don't show up. I put a roof over your ungrateful ass. Don't dare act like I am a bad dad." My face instantly felt the sting as he landed a blow against my cheek.

His arm was still pulled back like he was about to strike again. I knew I shouldn't open my mouth but I couldn't control it because I was pissed at this point. "You mean with the money mom left? The one you have been living off of like a bum?"

He landed the next blow as well but this time he aimed for my gut hitting me over and over again. I doubled over grabbing my stomach. That actually hurt.

"Aww what can't handle a few punches like a real man? You were a mistake." Seeing another opening he kicked me. Pain shot through my side as he kicked me over and over again. I grabbed his foot to stop him but he just yanked it back and kneed me hard so many times I lost count.

Coughing and clutching my side trying to not lose consciousness. I managed to roll away from him. I wanted to hit him so bad. To knock the smirk off his crappy face. Yet I couldn't do it.

He had been a good dad. My best friend at some point. I don't know what changed that. Plus my mom would never have forgiven me if I hit my father. She would never have looked at me the same way.

Even if she isn't here. I still wouldn't want to disappoint her. It took all my strength to get up before he managed to catch up for me. My feet led me to the front door before my mind caught up.

My head was hurting and my sides were on fire but I had to keep moving. A few raindrops hit my face. "Where the hell do you think you are going?"

I got on my bike before he even reached the driveway and I was off. The pain was intense and I was slightly dizzy.

It was going to be dark soon and I knew I couldn't drive around on my bike forever. Pulling over I reached for my phone and attempted to call Erick but he didn't answer.

Fuck there was a sharp pain in my rib cage. Why did I have to open my mouth? You are such a dumbass Ryder.

Since Erick isn't answering and Derek and I were not talking. Where could I go? The perfect place came into my mind. I just hope she didn't ask questions.


Standing at her front door with my hand frozen over her doorbell. I started second-guessing my choice of coming here. Would she ask too many questions? Would she make her own assumptions about what happened?

Yes, I had a bit of a reputation but I wasn't exactly that guy. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea of me. Fuck this was a bad idea. I was full of them today. I should just go.

"Ryder what are you doing here?" Well, the front door opened up before I had the chance to leave. "Oh my god, what happened to your face?" Her eyes were wide and I could see the panic behind them.

"Am I that ugly?" She didn't smile or laugh at my joke at all. If anything she started panicking more. "Wipe that concerned look off your face okay? It's not that big of a deal. Okay? Just...I don't really want to talk about it." I hope she understands.

She was biting her lip and just staring at me. One look into her eyes and I could tell her mind was racing like it always is. "Okay. Let's get you inside and cleaned up." She grabbed my hand. Her hand was warm and super soft. It felt good.

Wait, what was I thinking? Must be the blows I took to my head. She guided me to the couch and shot up the stairs after I was settled down. She was faster than I expected coming down the stairs with what I can only presume was a first aid kit.

"Okay let's take care of the bleeding and see what we need to do from there." Wait bleeding? I touched where my face hurt and when I pulled my hand back there was blood on it. Guess he did some damage. "I'm sorry about this."

"Don't worry about it. Let's just get you cleaned up okay?" She pulled out some gauze and started dabbing at my head. "Ouch." She just smirked and kept patting at whatever damage my father had done to my face. I hadn't looked in a mirror yet.

"Someone really did a number on you." She didn't look me in the eyes. I could tell that she was trying hard not to ask. "Fuck" a sharp pain went through my side. Aria jumped at my slight outburst. "Sorry, it's just your arm brushed against my side."

Her hands went to the edge of my shirt. She paused and looked up at me. Her cheeks were red as hell. She was embarrassed and it was cute as hell. Brushing passed her hand, I lifted the edges up.

I watched the color disappear from her cheeks and the horrid look that took its place. Was it that bad? "Oh fuck maybe we should get you to the hospital or something that looks really bad." Yeah, not happening. I yanked my shirt down. "No, it's not that bad just a little sore don't worry about it okay?"

She wanted to protest so badly; I could see it written on her face, but she seemed to let it go. "Okay well, this is going to sting a little." She was wrong. It stung pretty bad actually. "Stop squirming and being such a baby." She was trying to smile and joke around.

"What the hell happened?" Yanking away from Aria. I noticed that Emma was walking down the stairs. "Sorry I didn't know anyone else was here." Great another witness to this mess that I am in. I thought that Emma was going to look at me with a judgmental face but like Aria, I only saw concern in her eyes.

"Just got into a bit of a jam. I think I should get going though. Thanks for the help Aria." Time to bolt. I don't know why I thought coming here would do any good. "Ryder, wait." She grabbed my hand and pain shot through it. I looked down and noticed some bruising on the top of my hand.

He must have stepped on it at some point. I guess I didn't notice it because of the adrenaline running through my body at the time. "Sorry." She was looking down at my hand as well. Her tumb slowly and softly rubbed across the bruises. I felt a shiver go up my spine.

She yanked her hand away. Did she feel that too? "You shouldn't leave. My mom is a doctor and if you won't go to the hospital at least wait here until she gets back so she can look at you. Please." No. That doesn't seem like a good idea.

"Before you protest. I know you don't want to talk about what happened but let's just come up with something okay?" Aria was willing to lie to her mom for me? "I can't make you lie to your mother Princess." She narrowed her eyes at me calling her princess. For some reason she hates me doing that.

I can't help it though. The cute way she tries to look tough and the way I can tell she gets worked up over it. "I am not technically lying to her okay? I don't know what happened for all I know you are telling the truth. So, please...Ryder, stay." The pain in her eyes was killing me.

"She's right. We don't know what happened but you can't leave here in the condition you are in. Honestly, I don't know how you even got here with those injuries." Were they really that bad? Aria grabbed my other hand and led me to a bathroom. She pressed her lips together before walking out and closing the door behind her.

I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. My forehead looked as if it had been bleeding which explained why Aria was dabbing at it. I definitely had a black eye and possibly a broken nose. The bruise that surrounded my eye went all the way down to my cheekbone. I didn't think he hit me that hard. My bottom lip was busted. Next, I pulled up my shirt. I hadn't fully realized how stiff my side felt and when looking in the mirror I could understand why.

There was dark purple bruising around the right side of my ribs leading down my stomach. Not only that but my side was starting to swell. All the pain I guess my body had been trying to hide, came rushing at me. I had to grip her bathroom counter. "FUCK."

Aria came running in. She paused. Her hand covering up her mouth. Taking in the full effects of my injuries. "Holy shit, Ryder." Emma walked in right behind her but she stayed silent. "Please, please let my mother look at you, Ryder." I don't think I have a choice. The pain in my side was getting increasingly worse by the minute. "Okay." That's all I could muster up.

They both helped me back to the couch so I could sit there and wait for her mother. Who would be home in an hour? Despite my telling her I wasn't hungry or thirsty she went and grabbed me something anyways along with two ice packs. One for my head and the other from my side.

This really just shows me how genuinely good-hearted and caring Aria was. She really is an amazing person. Not once has she said anything judgmental towards me or looked at me like I was some horrible guy. She actually seems concerned about me more than anything.

This is why I can't allow Zack to do any more harm. I don't want that smile to disappear. No matter if she fakes it sometimes. Because when it's a real smile it can light up a room. "Are you cold? Well duh, you have an ice pack against your stomach. Let me get you a blanket." She didn't even give me time to protest.

"She's really worried about you. Anything with injuries these days really freaks her out. Ever since the...." Emma trailed off but I knew what she was going to say. She gave me a pointed look and grabbed the sandwich that Aria had made me as Aria came rushing back. "Here you go! EMMA!!! Are you EATING the sandwich I made for him? NO! Bad Emma." She started swatting Emma's hand while she tried to shove as much of the food into her mouth as she could before Aria took it from her.

"You two are like an old married couple, you know that." Aria scowled at me causing me to laugh which was a bad idea since it quickly turned into a coughing fit. Her face softened. She handed me my drink. I nearly jumped at the sound of the front door opening. Aria races towards it.

Emma just sat in front of me. "I know mom but he really needs help and doesn't want to go to the hospital." I couldn't quite make out her mother's reply. "I know but if he won't go he at least needs to be looked at." We both heard a sigh. Aria and her mother walked around the corner. "Mom this is Ryder." I wanted to get up and shake her hand but I didn't think I could. "Hello, Mrs. Nova. It's nice to meet you." She nodded her head. "It's nice to meet you too. Aria let me go grab a few things from the closet. I will be right back."

"Don't worry she doesn't hate you or anything." I looked at Emma shocked and panic flashed on Aria's face. "The look on your face says you're worried that she's going to think you are dragging her daughter into something bad. She doesn't judge people like that."

"Alright let me take a look at those injuries." She grabbed my face gently and started tilting my head side to side. "It seems someone already cleaned up your face fairly nicely." She gave Aria a smile. She started pinching the bridge of my nose causing my eyes to water up.

"Sorry I just got to check and make sure... okay so your nose isn't broken but you did sprain it. The bruising around it will probably get worse slowly over the next couple of days and the black eyes should be better in a week or two. If you don't mind me asking how did you end up injured." I looked at Aria who looked away.

"I ended up falling off my bike." She nodded her head. "Okay, so that's your motorcycle outside. Well, you looked a lot more banged up than your bike. I noticed you are angling your body to the left side. Does it hurt there.??" Well of course my bike isn't banged up. She probably saw right through my lie.

"Yeah, he got pretty banged up on his right side, mom." She didn't even hesitate to just lift up the side of my shirt. She pressed her lips together just the way Aria does. Aria really looks a lot like her mother. They both have the same shade of brown hair and a heart-shaped face. I now know where she gets it from. "Okay this is going to hurt and I'm sorry."

She wasn't kidding because when she pressed into my side I felt my eyeballs roll into the back of my head. I could only see white. She pressed even harder and it took all my strength not to jerk away as she started pressing in more areas. "Okay so without an X-Ray I can't tell you much but it doesn't seem like you broke any ribs. I think you may have sprained a few ribs as well. Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

I shook my head. If I did they would probably call the cops. "Okay. Well let me just wrap your side up and I don't think you should go anywhere tonight. So you can stay here. Do you need to call your parents?"

"No ma'am. My dad is out of town and my mom passed away when I was little." She looked at me with a knowing look on her face and I felt guilty. "I'm sorry to hear that. Aria why don't you go and get your brother's bed ready. He's going to stay over at Zacks tonight."

I definitely didn't want to impose on them. "That's okay ma'am, you don't have to go through any more trouble. I don't mind sleeping on the couch if that's okay?" She looked at me for a minute. "It's no problem at all. Also, you don't need to call me ma'am. Mrs. Nova is just fine. If you insist on sleeping on the couch let us at least get you some blankets."

Aria left the room I'm assuming to get me a blanket as her mom grabs some bandages to wrap my side. This was a very painful experience but not as painful as the event that caused this.

It felt like forever when she finally finished her last lap around my torso. "That should do it. Okay, now I did not give this to you. I am just sitting it here next to this glass of water." She sat down what I can only assume to be some sort of painkiller.

Which I grabbed when she turned her back and quickly gulped it down. She turned around to look at me. "How long is your father going to be out of town for?" Aria walked behind her mother with a handful of blankets and a really fluffy looking pillow.

"He is supposed to be away for the next 2 weeks." I hate that I'm lying. I hate that I'm lying to all 3 of them. Emma is staring at me like she knows I'm lying but she doesn't say anything. Am I acting nervous? "Then it's settled. You will stay here until you're at least feeling better and so I can keep an eye on you. You may have a slight concussion. So I need to make sure since you won't go to the hospital that you are okay."

"You don't have to worry about-" Aria cuts me off. "That sounds like a good idea mom. Are you sure that you will be okay on the couch tonight?" She wasn't going to give me a choice, was she? "Yeah, I should be fine. Plus this is an extremely comfortable couch." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Well, kids I'm going to get to bed. I have an early shift. Ryder, I wouldn't go to school for the next few days, you are going to be awfully sore. So make sure you get plenty of rest. Goodnight sweetheart." She kissed Aria on the head before going upstairs.

"Your mom is a really kind person." She looked at the directions in which her mom had gone. When she turned back towards me there was sadness in her eyes. "She's a really great mother and she has a very big heart." I hate seeing that sadness in her eyes and not knowing what to do about it. She's really become an important friend to me.

"We should probably get to bed and let you relax. You should start feeling better VERY soon." Emma gave me a knowing look while Aria had one of confusion. "Goodnight losers." Emma flipped me the bird. Aria looked back one more time before heading up the stairs and I really hoped it wouldn't be too weird for me sleeping downstairs. I guess the painkillers kicked in because I was starting to feel very good and that was the last thought I had before I passed out.

I must have woken up hours later because I heard the soft sound of a stair squeaking. Was that one of the 3 women upstairs or someone new? I was going to get up when I heard the slightest sound of sniffles and I knew who they belonged to. Aria had snuck downstairs and she was crying. Do I make a sound letting her know I am awake or do I just?... I am not sure what to do in a situation like this. I heard the door open. Which I was pretty sure was the backdoor.

Why was she going out this late? Worried I got up to follow right behind her. I peaked out her blinds wondering what I was about to interrupt and saw her sitting out on the deck. Shoulders hunched over and shook slightly indicating that I was right. She was crying outside alone. I know I should leave her be but I didn't want her crying out here alone so I opened the door.

She turned around and let out a slight laugh. "Are you ever going to stop stumbling upon me crying outside?" I let out a chuckle. "Well, it was technically how we became friends right?" She nodded and the smile that she had when she saw me disappeared and the tears started flowing again. I didn't know what to say or if I should say anything. So I just sat down next to her. While she cried.

She had her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She was shivering slightly. It was cold out due to the rain earlier leaving dew and fog behind in its wake. I slowly moved closer to her wrapping my arms around her like I had done at the pond before. She went stiff at first and then buried her face into my chest. She didn't hold back the tears like she had done that day. She let them flow freely.

That's how we sat for who knows how long but I could tell the painkillers were wearing off because I could feel how tightly she was gripping onto me. I could feel her pain. The gasping with each breath she desperately was trying to get out. The way her body was shaking. I could feel her heartbreaking with each moment that passed us by. I pulled her closer to me. If I couldn't shield her from this pain I would at least make sure she didn't catch a cold.

She was clinging to me as if I was her lifeline. I wish she didn't blame herself for her father's death. That she understood that stuff in life happens and we can't control it nor should we blame ourselves. I feel like someone is watching so I look over towards the door. Emma is standing there watching us. I see her mouth the words "Thank you." She didn't need to thank me. I hope I can always be here to help Aria. As corny as that sounds.

"Every night I wake up from the same horrible nightmare. Right as the truck lights are about to crash into the side of my dad's truck. Right before the worst moment of my life happens. I can't do it. It hurts so much Ryder." The sounds of Aria's voice caused me to jump slightly. As hard as I tried I couldn't think of anything to say. For the first time, I was at a loss for words.

I did the best thing I could do. Which was to just sit there and hold her until the tightness of pain that was in her chest had loosened just a little. "I'm sorry if I'm hurting you. I know you are injured." She tried sitting up but I pulled her back down. "Don't worry about it you aren't hurting me at all." Yeah, she was but she didn't need to know that. "Thank you, Ryder." Again, thanking me. Such a silly girl.

I laid my head on top of hers. Waiting. Until finally I was pretty sure she passed out. What I was about to do was going to cause me a lot more pain than just her leaning against me. Slowly untangling myself from her. I scooped her up and headed towards the door. Couldn't let her sleep outside. Juggling Aria and trying to turn the doorknob proved to be a slight challenge but I managed to do it without dropping her. (Thankfully)

There was a quick motion from my left. Emma jumped up from the floor. Tears in her eyes just like Aria. "You okay?" She shook her head as the tears broke the surface and one rolled down her face. "I am such a bad friend. Never there when she needs me. Thank you for being there. For doing what I can't. I want to help her but she won't talk to me about it." Letting out a sniffle she raised her hand and wiped the tears with the back of her hand. "Hey, you just being here is enough for her okay? You are always around her and always sticking up for her. Don't be too hard on yourself."

That seemed to bring a smile on her face and she punched me lightly on my arm. Which she instantly regretted since it caused me to wince in pain. "Shit, sorry." I just nodded and headed up the stairs. Trying to walk as quietly as I could. "Where is her room?" Now usually I wouldn't have to ask this question but I have never been in her room before. Emma stepped in front of me and I followed. I didn't get to look around her room because there wasn't a ton of light but I was able to find her bed.

I laid her down and covered her up. Moving her hair away from her face. She looked peaceful. A look I don't know too well on her face. A look I wish was permanent. I don't know why my hand moved before my brain could catch up but I gently rubbed my thumb against her cheekbone. She really was beautiful, wasn't she?

"Ahem." Shit Emma cleared her throat. Standing up, I gave her a quick nod and stepped outside as she closed the door. What is wrong with me? It's the painkillers. It has to be. I probably need to just sleep them off some more. Goodnight Aria. 

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