By LyssahTraicey

23.1K 1.8K 189

All Alanna ever wanted was to be normal. She wanted to be like everyone else but that became extra hard when... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Final Remarks

Chapter Nineteen

580 54 1
By LyssahTraicey

A month later Alanna found herself pacing back and forth in the field waiting for the results to be put up. They had been working effortlessly with Ryan and the rest of the gang to study and get good grades and today was the day they'd find out if their hard work would pay off. Two weeks of endless studying plus two weeks of non ending exams all led up to this moment.

The only moments Alanna had felt at ease over the last month was when Ryan declared they had studied enough and they cuddled on the couch in her house talking or just listening to music. They grew closer and closer each day and Ryan was definitely her dream boyfriend in more ways than one. He was always there for her when she needed him and he always found a way to make her smile. They had their little fights but with Ryan being the goofy person he was always found a way to quickly diffuse the situation and end the fight.

He was actually checking their results right now on the notice board because Alanna didn't have it in her to check them herself. She knew she hadn't passed that much but she also hoped she hadn't failed terribly as well. She played with the bracelet Ryan had bought her for their one month anniversary. He was dorky like that always wanting to celebrate the little things. It was a beaded bracelet with all white beads but the middle one was black. Ryan had a similar one but all his beads were all black but the middle one was white. Alanna was starting to like all these couply things Ryan was introducing her to.

Ryan came running outside towards her. When he reached her he picked her up in a hug and started twirling her around. He liked doing that a lot to show Alanna that he could actually lift her. She'd been scared the first few times but now she actually liked it. He was in the process of convincing her to allow him to give her a piggy back ride and she hadn't quite given in yet. She would though because Ryan had many ways of convincing her to do things.

"You my darling are a wonder. You got a B." Ryan announced when he finally put her down.

Alanna squealed in happiness and pulled Ryan into another hug. That may not have been high for many but in the last exam she'd scored a D+ with the plus out there because of  home science so a B was definitely the best thing to happen to her results wise.

"Mom and dad will have a field day with this." Alanna announced.

"I'm proud of you baby." Ryan said pecking her lips.

"Thank you. What did you get?" Alanna asked him.

"An A." He replied and Alanna hugged him again.

"That's awesome, good job." Alanna complimented feeling very proud of him.

That was all his hard work paying off and he deserved it.

"Okay lovebirds if you're done with all the mushy stuff you're welcome to join us back to reality." Sam said earning a glare from the beautiful couple.

"Geez any more glaring and I'll disappear in a puff of smoke." Sam commented looking away.

The rest of them joined them outside and they shared their results. They had all passed and another round of hugs was exchanged.

"So what do you guys say we treat ourselves to pizza in celebration of our victory." Liam suggested.

"I like that idea. They have no issue if we leave now because there's no studies going on so we can even go now." Sophia replied .

"All in favor say I and all opposing say they." Sam asked.

"It's doesn't work that way stupid." Tony corrected him ever so unkindly and the rest laughed at him.

"Let's just go I'm hungry." Ryan whined.

"You're always hungry." Alanna replied and Ryan stuck his tongue out at her childishly.

She hadn't made lunch that day having been too nervous to hold the utensils right and she didn't want to risk chopping off a finger.

They all walked back to class to get their backpacks before walking out of the school compound together. Alanna hadn't used her board or the skate shoes knowing she'd be too distracted to concentrate. She'd walked to school that morning.

Ryan had his hand around Alanna's shoulders pulling her closer to his side protectively. Another thing Alanna had noticed about Ryan was that he was very possessive and protective. Before he used to touch her all the time and call her sweet names. But ever since they started dating it's like had turned it all the way up. They always had to be touching in some way and he always found some new place to kiss her. Her hair, her face, her hands and don't get her started on all the hugs he gave her. They were definitely living the couple goals seen online. It's like Ryan had been waiting so long to date her and now that he finally was he had unleashed everything he had been holding back. Alanna let him be though because he always respected her boundaries and never did anything she wasn't comfortable with. He always made sure to attend to her needs before his and treated her like the perfect gentleman. Alanna definitely won the jackpot when it came to having the perfect boyfriend.

They arrived at the cafe after a fifteen minute walk. They got in and found a table at the furthest corner and made themselves comfortable. A waitress came to attend to them moments later and they all ordered their drinks and two pepperoni pizzas.

"What's everyone planning on doing in the two weeks we have off from school?" Sam asked.

"Sophia and I are being shipped off to visit my grandma." Liam replied with a groan.

Not that he wasn't looking forward to seeing his believed grandmother but because she lived in a remote village with no electricity and poor network.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad. You'll get to swim in the river and take hikes." Alanna encouraged.

"That gets boring after three days and if you're so into it why don't you join us. The more the merrier." Sophia suggested.

"No can do. My queen and I are going to enjoy two weeks of relaxing and being lazy as before school starts back up again." Ryan replied.

"Good for you guys. I get to spend two weeks baby sitting my cousins." Tony complained.

"Sucks for you guys. I am going to visit my big brother on campus so you know what that means. Booze and girls." Sam declared proudly.

"Yeah until you say something stupid and they realize you're a high school student." Sophia replied.

"That's the jealousy talking." Sam replied.

Before they could bicker anymore their drinks arrived together with the pizza and all conversation was forgotten as they dug in.

Ryan and Alanna had been discussing what to do with their break and since it wasn't that long they decided to just spend it together just being lazy. They would go on dates, walks, picnics and anything that would bring them closer.

"Queen Helen and her followers just entered." Sophia announced in a sarcastic tone since she and Tony were the ones facing the door.

You'd expect them all to turn and look but they paid no heed to her. As long as she didn't bother them they wouldn't pay attention to her.

"I didn't know her body allowed her to eat pizza." Liam teased and they all laughed.

Because of how Helen carried herself they all expected her to play her stereotype mean girl persona to the T. Seeing her there was very unexpected.

Alanna hadn't crossed paths with her ever since their confrontation and she wasn't looking forward to it. She hoped to avoid it for as long as she could and then forget all about her as soon as high school was done.

Alanna definitely regretted having had that thought too soon when she heard that annoying soprano voice talk next to her.

"Hello guys.....Alanna?" She greeted sneering that last part.

Nobody paid her any attention and they all continued with their business. That seemed to piss Helen off because you could clearly see a vein popping off on her forehead. Alanna almost laughed out loud but she just took a sip of her soda just to get her mouth to do something other than talk back or laugh.

"So Alanna how does it feel to be the dumbest in the group?" Helen asked with a mocking tone and the whole table went silent.

Alanna felt her heart pinch at that statement but she didn't let it show on her face. She knew she was the least academic able among the group but none of them ever made her feel that was so she tended to forget it a lot. Helen smirked in victory having been able to get a reaction out of them.

"Say that again I dare you?" Sophia growled startling everyone at the table.

They all started at her shocked that such a sound could come from such a tiny girl.

Even Helen looked scared at the menacing look on her face.

"Stay out of this tiny girl." Helen said trying to regain back some of the control.

She didn't though because anyone who knew Sophia well enough knew that she didn't like it when people she wasn't close with made fun of her size.

"Someone please hold me back before I tear her eyes out with a fork." Sophia whisper shouted slamming her fork into the table and standing up ready to attack Helen.

Tony was quick to catch her though and pull her into his lap his hands going around her waist to keep her in place. Helen took a step back knowing she'd over stepped the boundaries but she didn't leave. She had her whole posey of five behind her backing her up.

"Helen just leave. All I want is to have a fun lunch with my friends and you with your petty jealousy is killing the mood." Alanna said to her using the calmest voice she could master.

She was mad at Helen for ruining their peace but she happy that Sophia had stood up for her.

"Look who's talking. Eat any more of that pizza and you'll have more cheese in your head than brain cells." Helen retorted and nobody had been prepared for what happened next.

A crack went through the cafe making everyone inside in shock. Helens left cheek was pink with a handprint. Somehow Sophia had gotten free of Tony's hold and managed to get across the table to slap Helen.

"You bitch." Helen screamed holding her cheek.

"Say one more negative thing about my friend and I will do more than slap you, you witch." Sophia retorted.

"Enough!" Ryan boomed standing up and even Alanna felt a little scared.

She'd never heard him use that tone of voice before.

"Tony please keep Sophia in check before we have to bail he out of jail for assault or worse murder." Ryan requested and Tony obliged pulling Sophia back into his arms. She fought him gave in when Ryan glared at her.

Even Alanna was getting more scared about this new side of Ryan.

"Now you listen and listen good because the next time I'll actually let her have her way with you." He began pointing a finger at Helen. She smirked finally having gotten his attention but it dropped as soon as she heard his next words.

"You've been pining over me for as long as I can remember but I have always turned you down politely. This time however you've gone too far by insulting my girl in front of all her friends. I don't like you Helen and never will, I'd rather be castrated than be with you. I didn't choose Alanna over you so get that out of your head. It's only ever been her so please for the last time leave us alone. The next time you open that mouth to say anything against any of us especially my baby, I will personally beat the shit out of you, society rules about hitting women be damned. Now be a dear and tuck your tail between your legs and leave. Don't even speak just leave." Ryan seethed and his glare got harder.

I don't think Helen needed to be told twice because she ran out of there tears streaming down her face.

Everyone watched her leave together with her followers before the chatter came back around the cafe.

Ryan sat back down and as if a switch had been flicked he looked at Alanna his face full of worry.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

Alanna couldn't speak so she just nodded and hugged him portraying all she couldn't put into words in that hug. Ryan hugged her back pulling her closer against him for a few seconds. Alanna had definitely not seen that side of Ryan and no matter how good it felt to see him standing up for her she hoped to never see that side of him again.

Everyone at the table was shook at the turn of events.

"Are you okay Sophia?" Alanna asked when they pulled away.

"Yeah I'm fine. I've always needed an excuse to beat that sorry excuse of a human being." She replied and Alanna smiled.

"Thank you for standing up for me you guys." Alanna said.

"You're welcome." Sam said.

"You didn't do anything dude." Liam commented.

"Well between Sophia's slapping and Ryans savage speech there was little space left for my heroic moves." Sam replied.

"It's okay Sam. Thanks all the same." Alanna replied and Sam beamed in Joy.

"Thank God we weren't at school or Sophia would have gotten into trouble." Tony commented.

"She deserved it and it would have been so worth it." Sophia said and nobody argued with her.

Alanna cuddled into Ryans side basking even more in having friends who stood up for her. She was used to defending herself but now she had great friends and an amazing boyfriend who didn't hesitate to defend her. She was definitely one lucky girl.

After a few minutes the chatter between them was back on and its as if the whole situation hadn't happened. Ryan had definitely changed her life for the better when he offered to tutor Alanna. She just hoped Helen had learned her lesson and would never dare approach Alanna ever again now that she had people to take care of her and stand by her side.


Dramaaa!!!! That chapter took a turn even I wasn't expecting but it turned out great don't you think. Anyway I hope you loved that because I know I enjoyed the slapping and Ryans speech, isn't he just the sweetest.

Okay my lovelies that's all for this chapter and ill see you in the next one. Don't forget to Vote and comment please.

As always. I Love you 3000.

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