endure and survive. | tlou

By -starlightwatch

368K 4.7K 1.5K

The one where I write imagines and preferences of your favorites from The Last of Us 1 & 2 character x femal... More

. preface
preferences. โ†ด
โ› 001 โžฃ preference.
โ› 002 โžฃ preference.
โ› 003 โžฃ preference.
โ› 004 โžฃ preference.
โ› - โžฃ dina.
โ› - โžฃ abby.
โ› - โžฃ jesse.
โ› 005 โžฃ preference.
โ› 006 โžฃ preference.
โ› 007 โžฃ preference.
โ› 008 โžฃ preference.
โ› 009 โžฃ preference.
โ› e โžฃ preference.
โ› 010 โžฃ preference.
โ› 011 โžฃ preference. .
โ› 012 โžฃ preference.
โ› e โžฃ preference.
โ› j โžฃ preference.
โ› 013 โžฃ preference.
เฟ” joel preference !
เฟ” preference.
เฟ” preference.
เฟ” preference.
โ†ท imagines.
drunk | ellie.
abby ( cherry wine. )
เฟ” ellie ( tattoos. )
เฟ” ellie imagine.
เฟ” tommy imagine.
เฟ” abby imagine.
เฟ” ellie imagine.
เฟ” abby. ใ€” solo. ใ€•
เฟ” joel. ใ€” this time. ใ€•
เฟ” ellie ( cold. )
เฟ” ellie ( nothing left of me. )
โ› imagine โžฃ abby anderson.
เฟ” jesse ( his face, her eyes. )
เฟ” ellie. ( dreamland. )
ellie. ( after dark. )
เฟ” ellie preference.
โ› ellie imagine.
author's note & vote.

โ› - โžฃ henry & owen.

4.6K 36 19
By -starlightwatch


𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: catch ups for henry and owen because some people have asked about these two!


how you met:
- he met you back in the old group with sam!
- you were one of the people around who tended to help out when people needed extra help so, he asked you to watch sam a couple times.
- at first he was very hesitant to trust you but after seeing how well sam got along with you he warms up to you quickly.
- he's very serious at times so it definitely takes you a bit to read into his personality and know when he's joking around.
- he thought you were pretty of course but, he was too focused on keeping sam safe to actually realize it.
- he did try to be funny around you though, just to make you laugh.
- quickly became close friends & you were the only other member of their little group to survive.
- you're definitely the playful one in the relationship, you have to remind him to relax sometimes and let sam be a kid- as much of a kid as he can be in the apocalypse anyway.

how you sleep:
- i feel like he loooves being the big spoon, he enjoys making sure you feel safe.
- however, he will be the little spoon on rare occasions if you want to switch things up.
- sometimes he talks in his sleep, like about the stupidest things. three o'clock in the morning and he's talking about barbecues and motorcycles.
- sometimes you guys have to stay up a bit and keep sam company so you end up falling asleep on his lap or with your head on his shoulder.
- surprisingly he does not hog the blankets, in fact he always makes sure you have plenty if he wakes up in the night.
- he'll watch you sleep if he can't sleep, always calms him down to watch you peacefully dreaming away.
- often times sam has to stay with you guys because y'know, traveling a lot but that's fine with you, you love sam!!

going to the beach with him:
- oh my god at first he's like "yeah let's scavenge around a bit!" but you wanna relax and let sam have some time to feel "normal."
- at first he's all tense, keeping an eye out for clickers or infected but then he mellows out.
- you eventually drag him into the water with you and sam
- splashing war commences
- henry dunks you at least once.
- him vs trying to throw seaweed on you.
- him getting his ass kicked when he does & sam laughing about it.
- falls asleep with his head on your legs.
- v soft moment

when he says 'i love you':
- took him a lil bit just because you know, it's always been him and sam.
- at first he was worried a relationship would distract him from taking care of sam but hey, you proved to be a lovely caretaker for him too.
- he first realizes it when he finds you passed out with a book in your hand, cheek pressed on the floor from exhaustion.
- he chuckles and takes the book, covers you up with a blanket or jacket and sits with you for a bit.
- quietly talking about how much his parents would've loved you
- may or may not slip up and say how much he loves you
- so you never heard him say it the first time but he did say it.
- later on when he finally does confess you're like "y'know common courtesy is to wait until i'm awake.'

how he reacts to your death:
- devastated.
- let's just say that THAT scene didn't happen in the first game and you guys make it to tommy's dam. afterwards during the ambush at the university, you get separated and pinned down by some guys.
- he finds you of course, and he's just so broken up about it.
- "y/n? hey, hey you're okay. you're good, look at me."
- tries his hardest to stop the bleeding but it won't stop, it's just too much
- when he knows you're not gonna make it he comforts you until your final moments.
- quietly talking to you about how much he cares about you and that one day he'll see you again.
- he definitely gets your body out of there if he can and buries you somewhere sunny, he knows you'd like that much more than some torn down university.

how he reacts to someone insulting you:
- oh girl he doesn't like it at all.
- he'll get mad of course, he might even threaten to beat their ass about it.
- makes sure you know it isn't true at all.
- if it's something you're insecure about he does whatever he can to make you smile again.
- oh yes he does pull out the motorcycle impression if he can't get you to laugh.
- "vroom vroom vroom."
- "shut up, henry." but you're laughing so he's all good
- he's protective of you like he is sam so it never goes over well
- but he won't make the situation worse for you if you ask him not to.
- a gentleman.

how he proposes to you:
- oh my god okay, remember sam's robot??
- he finds some batteries and puts a ring in the hand, makes it walk over to you all quietly.
- "hey y/n, you got something there huh?"
- sam is in on this too so expect him to be all giddily watching from somewhere
- it's his mom's ring too so be careful with it thank you in advance.
- you probably start crying about it when he asks
- he's all smiles and cracking stupid jokes while he waits for your reply
- you say yes, of course.
- since there's not really a place for a ceremony (unless you make it to jackson) you kind of just deem yourselves married.
- he'll refer to you as mrs. and you'll refer to him as mr.
- sometimes you wear the ring on a necklace just to make sure you don't lose it while out and about
- sam is your lil brother-in-law now so expect tons of shenanigans with him.

game night:
- okay tell me this man would not be killer at chess??
- also he loves a game of cards.
- sam is always there too, charades are involved sometimes too.
- game night is big for you, you like giving the boys a chance to relax and unwind.
- always finding new games to play or learning games you played pre-outbreak.
- i just feel like he likes drawing too so maybe you guys find some wacky glasses and play that "guess what i'm drawing game?" (please tell me you know the one)
- hide and seek just so he can tease you about it while hunting you
- "i'm gonna find you!" dramatic growl ensues
- you laughing and giving away your place.

how he deals with your panic attacks:
- always prepared.
- he'll get sam to get you some water while he tries talking to you in a calm voice.
- quietly counting to ten and down so you can steady your breathing to the pattern of it.
- i know he's big on the 'only take what we need' but he'll find your favorite things during these occasions.
- always makes sure you're good to go and that you're feeling better.
- if not he'll let you stay inside (if you're okay to be alone) and he'll do the scavenging that day.
- sam tries to make you laugh too, lil bean
- hugs if you're up for them.
- never harsh with you about it, he knows you can't help it, he tries to be as understanding as possible.

what he loves about you:
- he loves that you keep him steady.
- from what we saw, henry can be pretty serious at times and only gets to enjoy little moments every now and then
- you, however, always try to give him and sam these moments of peace and normalcy. his birthday? you remember it and make him something if you can.
- he also loves the way you treat sam.
- whenever he's too caught up in worrying about supplies or such you'll calm him down and steady his thoughts.
- he appreciates that so much because he knows he does need to enjoy the little moments at times

how he reacts to you speaking negatively about yourself:
- absolutely hates it.
- maybe you criticize yourself about something you don't do as well as he does and he overhears it. automatically reassures you that you're doing fine and getting better at it every day.
- if it's something he accidentally said to you in a moment he'll apologize of course.
- doesn't want you to feel bad in any way, so he tries his best to make sure you know how amazing you are to him.
- from what sam said in the radio station, henry can be a little harsh at times but always tries to comfort you during these moments.
- he just wants you to feel good about yourself because he knows how wonderful you are.

date-ish things with him:
- oh man
- if you guys end up staying in jackson or with the fireflies after all, he eventually ends up finding a damn motorcycle.
- you spend a lot of time helping him fix it up so it becomes your date night to work on this motorcycle of his.
- you'll listen to him ramble on about how badass this thing is gonna be when it's done
- don't get him started on how good he thinks you'll look sitting on it.
- it becomes a traditional thing to work on it whenever you have spare time.
- other nights you watch movies or anything with sam! you never mind him being around unless you're tryna get that spicy time.
- swapping stories about pre-outbreak life and the stories your parent(s)/guardian(s) told you.

his birthday:
- you manage to find the ingredients to make something he remembers from pre-outbreak life.
- maybe it's his mom's recipe or something and he's just been absolutely raving about it.
- finding little gifts for him, mostly parts for that damn motorcycle of his.
- "happy birthday!"
- "no way, where'd you find this?"
- you getting pressed because he immediately darts out to the motorcycle with the part </3
- can't even enjoy his birthday for a minute smh
- you and sam sing happy birthday to him bye
- it's sooo funny.
- he eats that shit up though don't let him lie to you.

he takes care of you when you're sick:
- okay but he's probably so good at it.
- he'll use all these tips and tricks he's picked up from taking care of sam or that he remembers his mom doing for him
- makes sure you're hydrated all the time and insists that you eat, even if it's just a little.
- canned peaches
- he'll sleep with you but he won't give you any kisses because he doesn't wanna get sick too </3
- extra attentive of course.
- always making sure you're comfortable, not too hot, not too cold and so on.


how you met:
- shortly after the salt lake crew arrived at the WLF base.
- he was coming to a training session one day and bumped into you on your way to the library.
- at the time he was still dating abby of course so it was strictly a friendly thing.
- quickly warmed up to you, started inviting you to hang out with him and the rest of the gang.
- abby liked you too dw
- you catch him sneaking out to the aquarium one day and follow him.
- that's how your friendship really kicked off because of how interested you were by the place.
- became your lil hang out place too, but not very much until after he broke up with abby because you didn't want to overstep

how you sleep:
- he probably loves sleeping on his back, uncomfortable ass, so you sleep on his chest a lot.
- he'll wake up in the middle of the night and shift around so you end up crawling to lay on top of him.
- he finds it so funny because you just get up there like yolo.
- watches you sleep a lot, sometimes he'll draw you while you're passed out.
- gets lectured about it the next day by you
- "i look ugly in my sleep owen."
- "don't insult my favorite art!"
- does the stupidest things to wake you up in the morning too oh my god.
- he snores, shove a sock in his mouth if you please.
- braiding his hair while he sleeps if you can.

going to the beach with him:
- you already know he loves it.
- looking for spotted seals together and whatever other marine life you can find.
- "y/n i found a crab."
- "y/n the crab pinched me, i think it's your spirit animal."
- you question your decision on dating this man.
- skips training to stay out all day oops.
- if you're at the aquarium he'll throw some sand on the floor (makes a fucking MESS) and call that a beach.
- watching the fish swim around the floor like a child
- "i can't believe i'm dating an overgrown child."
- "shut up and come look at this fish, it looks like you!"
- gets smacked upside his head

when he says 'i love you':
- honestly he says it all the time but the first time was special.
- it was your birthday and you unfortunately had to do some rotations for jordan so, he had to wait for you to get home.
- heard there was an incident with some seraphites and got sooo worried about you.
- you end up coming in at like three in the morning and he's up waiting for you with the biggest frown.
- rambling about how worried he was when it slips out.
- "i was worried i wouldn't get to tell you how cute you look when you're mad or that i love you and all this other stuff you know-wait a minute."
- you just smile while he's going on and on
- grabbing his face to shut him up.
- "i love you too, stupid."

how he reacts to your death:
- man it tore him up.
- kinda seems like he grew tired of death towards the end so, to see you die just hurts so much.
- he'll make sure you get buried somewhere you'd like.
- visits you every single day to talk about the day or something he saw that you would've liked.
- listens to your music a lot or reads your books when he can.
- if he finds something you like he stashes it on the boat so it doesn't get lost or taken
- tries to draw you as much as possible so he doesn't forget anything over time (not that he will.)

how he reacts to you getting hurt:
- if it's not serious he teases you about. like constantly.
- "remember that time you slipped down the hill? when i told you not to do that?"
- "shut up owen."
- never lets it go either omfg.
- but if it's serious he'll make sure you're well taken care of. may get mel (oop) to get you some medicine or stuff to use for whatever injury you have.
- if you're with the fireflies he makes sure they take good care of you at all times so that nothing bad happens.
- he'll try to take care of you if he can but he'd rather someone who knows how to actually do it take care of it, just so he knows you'll be okay.
- makes a lot of jokes to ease your mind.

how he reacts to someone insulting you:
- he'll overhear it when he's passing through the area and stop in his tracks to go back and ask about it.
- "heard you guys talking about y/n, she's pretty great huh?"
- loves the awkward look on their face when they realize it's owen.
- he makes sure they know not to talk shit about you and let him or you find out.
- heck he'll lowkey threaten them behind closed doors.
- if it's another female, abby can beat them up for you if you want <3
- won't hesitate to swoop in and kick someone if they're talking shit to your face.

how he proposes to you:
- obviously at the aquarium.
- sets everything up all pretty and nice with those cute lights he had up during the christmas scene.
- he'll spend the day being extra sweet to you and it's suspicious (red acting mad sus)
- "you haven't made fun of me today, is something wrong with you? are you breaking up with me?"
- "what? no, nothing like that."
- probably a little nervous about it but he wings it anyway.
- actually turned out to be a nice speech, he put the ring inside of a stuffed animal from the gift shop.
- "this very adorable otter wants to know, if you would say yes to the idiot holding it?"
- "i dunno, this otter is cuter than the idiot."
- you say yes though.
- v happy man

game night:
- oh my god the target game.
- he sets it up all around the aquarium for you two and whoever hits the most (you paint your arrows different colors) wins.
- other times you'll get the toy bows and hunt each other down.
- very intense, this man gets so into it.
- you'll be going around the corner and hear this gremlin ass laugh and then BOOM there he is
- "headshot! WOOH!" runs.
- you stand there in disbelief that this man is somehow a grown adult.
- scavenger hunts around the aquarium with items from the gift shop
- v fun

how he deals with your panic attacks:
- now despite his goofy ass always making jokes he can be serious when he needs to be.
- if he thinks you're having a bad day or notices the signs he immediately drops whatever he's doing to check on you.
- "hey, you good? wanna get out of here for a bit?"
- he'll steal you away to the aquarium where you can relax and take a minute to calm down.
- if you're out on rotations he'll say fuck it and find somewhere safe for you to rest a minute.
- tries his hardest to help you in any way that he can.
- squeezes your hands gently and talks softly.
- very considerate of your feelings and your mood.
- he'll tell anyone to fuck off if they try to bother you on a bad day

what he loves about you:
- he loves that you're one of the more open minded wlf members.
- he tells you how sick of the fighting between the seraphites and wlf and you're just nodding along in understanding.
- you learn a little bit about their past at salt lake and try to keep an open mind when they leave for a couple months. (you did not go obviously)
- you're always the sweetest, he knows he can count on you if he needs someone to talk to because you won't judge him like some of the other wlf might.
- when he decides to leave the wlf, even though you've been there your whole life you go with him on his search for the fireflies

how he reacts to you speaking negatively about yourself:
- like i said he's quite the shit head with his jokes but he can be serious.
- he can tease you but if you make one negative comment about yourself? man loses his mind.
- "how dare you talk about my favorite girl in such a way."
- always assures you that you're stunning and wonderful.
- "you know my jokes are just jokes right? i think you're actually super cool even if you are mean to me."
- does everything he can to make you see there's nothing negative about you.

date night:
- drinking that good hooch.
- likely watching movies and hanging out, just the two of you.
- for once in his life he's sweet to you and doesn't bully you <3
- spice¿
- date night where he gets to draw you like one of his french girls ooh lala. ( i hate myself )
- snuggles
- hanging out on the deck of the boat ( get that scene out of your mind rn ) together until you fall asleep
- just talking about whatever comes to mind.
- "can you believe they were obsessed with aliens back in the day? little green men, imagine that."
- "you look like an alien, owen."
- "ouch."

his birthday:
- hooch
- you make sure to find his favorite things and give them to him.
- sneaking off to the aquarium so you can spend the day together.
- sometimes you throw him a party and invite all his friends along.
- trading half your shit just to get something he likes.
- talking manny into stealing extra food from the cafeteria just this once so you can all have a party in your room.
- if you have a camera you like to give him pictures of the two of you together because he likes looking at them.

he takes care of you when you're sick:
- he's a crafty man in the kitchen to say the least.
- tries making you soup with an owen flare to it and it is DISGUSTING.
- "i love you but no."
- he'll give you kisses because fuck it if he gets sick too.
- hugs
- will fight someone for medicine.
- "oh no my weirdo is sick, be right back with medicine, you stay here."
- "yeah because i planned on going for a run!"
- "now isn't the time for negativity!"
- tries his best to make you laugh and keep you comfy.
- brings alice to see you if you're up for it.

❛  this took too long to write. my fingers hurt.

࿔ rhae. ♡

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