(discontinued) ᴇʟᴇᴄᴛʀɪᴄ ʟᴏᴠᴇ...

By carlasdeadlmao

968 62 295

discontinued because it was my first book and I hate my writing in it 💀 Raised by her older brother, Kaya ne... More

OC Introduction
The × First × Phase
What × Do × You × Mean × Cooking?
New × Friends?
50 × Hours
Waiting × For × The × Final × Phase × To × End
Searching × For × Our × Runaway × Friend

The × Hunt

94 9 86
By carlasdeadlmao

25 of us passed. We all met outside of the Trick Tower, waiting for the next phase.

"Congratulation on your escape from the Trick Tower. Now you only need to take the Fourth and Finale Phases." A guy with a mohawk said. Finally, we have two more challenges left. I couldn't wait until the exam was over.

"The Fourth Phase will be held in Zevil Island over there. Please cooperate." he snapped his fingers and someone approached a cart with a small box on it. 

"For the next phase, we will need you to draw lots. It's to decide who will hunt and who will be hunted. There are 24 number cards in this box. In other words, these numbers represent all the current candidates. Now, I need you to come here and draw your number cards in the order you escaped from the tower. The first place, please."

Hisoka advanced toward the box. That wasn't a surprise. But he had a cut on his arm. Seems like Gon noticed too. That's pretty surprising, who could have injured him? Pin guy was next. The way he took his card was weird. He literally just smashed the interior of the box. Then it was Bald Ninja Wannabe, and it continued like that.

"Ne, Killua, Kaya. When he said who will hunt and who will be hunted, did he mean for us to fight each other?" Gon asked.

"Probably." Killua and I both answered.

Snowball advanced toward the box. My turn was right after Tonpa's. So that means in 3 turns. I seriously don't want to pick Pedoclown or Pin Guy. 

It was finally time for me to pick my card. I walked to the box and took a card out. I came back to Killua and Gon after that. 

"Are we done? Then, peel the stickers off your number cards. They are your targets."

I carefully retired it. Thankfully, it wasn't number 44 or 301. It was 80. Which was a good number. Since I was number 72, she came 8 numbers after me, and I remember her clearly. She had red hair in a low ponytail and black sunglasses. She had a sniper with her, which probably means she's better with it than hand combat. I have my chances.

I didn't really care about removing my badge now. The person who is hunting me probably already saw it. 

"The numbers you just picked have all been recorded in this box. Therefore, you can do anything you want with your own badges. What you need to do is take the number badges off your targets." The examiner said. 

"Your target's number badge is worth three points. Your own badge is worth three points each as well. Extra number badges are one point each. In order to advance to the Final Phase, you must have six points."

We all embarked on the boat, and I sat with Gon and Killua for the next two hours.

"What number did you pick?" Killua asked.

"I'll only tell you if you tell me yours." I told him. 

"It's a secret."

We all became silent for a moment and laughed.

"Don't worry, you guys are not my target." Killua said.

"You're not my target either." Gon responded.

"Same here." I told them.

"On the count of three, should we show our number cards together?"

I and Gon agreed.

"One, Two, Three." We said at the same time.

I showed them my card. Killua had number 199, and Gon, 44. And we all remember who 44 is. I feel bad for him. I hope he won't get killed, he's my new friend after all.

"Who is number 199?" Gon asked.

"You don't know either?"


"I can't possibly remember everybody's number."

I entered the conversation.

"I don't know either, guess you'll have to find out yourself."

"But what about you, Kaya, who's number 80?" Gon asked.

"It's the sniper girl. It's gonna be pretty easy to beat her."

The conversation changed and they started talking about how Gon felt toward beating Hisoka. I wasn't part of it. I was thinking about something else. Killua was about to leave when I spoke.


"Huh?" He and Gon said at the same time.

"I want to ask you guys something."

"Go ahead." Gon said.

"So, I was wondering... can I stick with you guys after the Hunter Exam? You guys are really nice and I want to become friends with you..."

"Silly, you're already our friend!" Gons said.

"Huh? I am? But I met you just a few days ago." 

"It doesn't matter! Few days is enough to be friends."

Killua didn't say anything at all and just left. I guess he didn't feel included when Gon said he was my friend. 


"We have finally reached Zevil Island! Now, starting with the candidate who took the least time to pass the Third Phase, please get off the boat in order. You can only get off the boat two minutes after the candidate before you got off." This girl named Khara said.

"You will be staying here for an entire week. During this week, you have to collect six-point worth of number badges each and return to this place. We'll now start with the first candidate!" 

Yay. Another 48 minutes of waiting. I'll just stay with the other two for now.


"The twenty-fifth candidate may start!"

Finally. I shove my hands in my pockets and started my hunt. I have to stay on my guard at all costs. 

Now, how to find #80? First of all, I'll have to move hidden in the trees. Second of all... I have to think of a second point. 

If I knew who her target was, it would've been a bit easier because I'd have to find her or her target which means 2x chances. Well, guess I'll stick with my first plan. I have to find her, knock her off or kill her, and take her tag. 

I quickly climbed to a high tree and looked at my surroundings. Because of the trees, I couldn't see much. When I got down the tree, I caught Gon sitting on a tree. I had my hunt to think about and him too, I couldn't go bother him right now.

I jumped on another tree and progressed like that until I reached a lake. It would've been pretty dumb of my hunter to attack me now. Since the phase just started, everyone is on their guards. 

I sat on the edge of the water and looked at myself. Damn, I was pretty ugly. My short black hair was dirty. I should clean it. I bend so my hair would be fully in the water and rubbed them. I didn't have any shampoo on me, so I'll have to do with what the water only.

Once I was done, I styled it in a messy bun. It was lame but better than have my hair on my face while trying to find my target. Now, I was ready to go.

I'd have to start with other water points and places to get food. It's the base. I'll also have to make and put traps. Since she's a sniper she will most definitely be either in the trees or hidden in the bushes. 

The sun was about to set. I have to find a safe place to spend the night, or else, my tag might get stolen. I can also not sleep at all. Which I won't do. I need strength. I was the last person to leave the boat so I'm probably being followed or they're just dumb. 

If I'm correct, I'll have to fool the person that hunts me before going to sleep. I jumped on a tree, sat, and close my eyes, concentrating on ambient noises. I had normal hearing, unlike my sight, but if I was concentrated enough, I could likely hear someone. 

There was nothing but I knew someone was here. I felt eyes on me. They're skilled, but not enough.  

Now, how to get away. I'll have to outsmart them. 

I jumped on the ground and started walking on the route. When I was sure they were following me, I started running on my right. I crawled under the bushes and took some wood that was there. I put them in a small pile and made a fire. I'm not dumb enough to stay here though, so I quickly ran away in the opposite direction. Seeing the fire must have distracted them.

I climbed on a tree that had a good view of the fire I made. That wasn't who I was expecting. 

The white-haired boy was standing there, looking around. 

"Killua! What are you doing here?" I yelled.

"Kaya? What are you doing on that tree?" He asked.

"Were you chasing me?"

"Huh? No, it wasn't me."

"Then, did you notice anyone looking suspicious?"

"Yeah, I did. I think he was looking for you. I scared him off, I don't think he'll come back. It was number 371."

"Where did he go?"

He looked quite surprised but pointed at my right.

"Okay, I'm gonna sleep. Are you staying?" I asked.

"Sure. I can guard you if you want."

"It's fine, but you do what you want."

I laid on the ground and closed my eyes.


"Ohayogozaimasu Killua." I said.

"Ohayo. Are you gonna continue your hunt?"

"Yes, but first, I'll follow the guy who was hunting me. Since it was just yesterday, the footprints must be fresh. You don't have to come with me, just continue trying to find your target."

Before hearing his answer, I ran in the direction he pointed to me yesterday. The guy must've slept too, so he's probably not gonna be far away.

A few minutes later, I lost the track but I caught a glance of red hair. Hold on, is it who I think it is? I hid behind a tree and looked better at the person. Red hair tied in a low ponytail with a yellow bow. It was definitely her.

I approached closer the more silent way possible. I think she was aiming at her target. That's good, that means she was distracted. She won't see me coming. 

I was gonna throw my daggers at her when someone got ahead of me. A pin went flying at her. I ran at her and listened to her heartbeat. She was dead. 

I lifted my head and my eyes met his. He was gonna throw his pin at me but I dodged him in time. I was breathing heavily out of fear. If I made the wrong move, I'll likely be dead. 

It was only the second day, I still have plenty of time to get three more badges, so there's no need for me to take the tag now.

I quickly got up and another of these golden weapons brushed against my already scathed arm. The wound I made in the First Phase was almost fully healed, but it still hurts. 

The only way I could get away from this is to run. I started moving forward and thought I could do this, but something suddenly penetrated my thigh. I tried to hold back my cry of pain while I fell on the ground.

I looked behind me. Unlike I supposed, I only advanced a few meters and his purple face was still in my sight. I couldn't stay on the ground. If I do, I'll be vulnerable. 

He was still looking at me. He didn't make any move since I fell. My leg was bleeding a lot. I have to put a bandage on it or I might pass out form blood loss. 

I crawled under a bush so when I'm gonna get back on my feet he won't have the opportunity to attack me. I used the tree to help me and I ran, ignoring the pain in my leg. I kept looking behind me to make sure I was far enough. I faced the place where Pin Guy and I once were when I was safe. 

Or that's what I thought.

A sparkle could be seen in the distance and before I knew it the shiny weapon pierced deep on my stomach. I removed it and felt blood dripping from the wound. 

I already lost a lot of blood from my previous injuries so I was pretty weak. My sight started getting blurry and I felt my face hit the ground.

I didn't have a good sleep last night, and I was tired.

I don't have any experience in medicine, how can I treat my wound? And most importantly, is it fatal? I don't think so... 

If only brother was here with me. He'd reassure me and help me. I wanna go home

The ground is so comfortable.

I'm just gonna stay here.

A/N: I actually made researches to know if a stab to the stomach could be mortal and it said it depends and sometimes yes. If there's anyone that is experienced in medicine and could light me up a bit would be nice.

Now I'm just scared my parents look at the recent websites I've used and think I'm a psychopath...







My eyes opened little by little.

"Finally. How are you feeling?"

"Um, sorry sir, my brother always told me not to talk to strangers." I told him.

"Baka, it's me Killua, not a stranger are you stupid or what?" 

"OH! Hi! Sorry I didn't saw you very well."

In the beginning, my eyes were all blurry, but now they're back to normal. The white-haired boy was sitting next to me on the side of a lake. I was lying on the floor and my body hurt so much. If I remember well, it was the Fourth Phase of the exam, we were on Zevil Island and had one week to...

"Killua, wait! How many days do we have left!" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, we have three days left. You were asleep for two days straight. You started moving a bit so I tried waking you up."

"Three days? Yay, that means I still have time to get three tags!" I said while standing up. Maybe a bit too quickly. I let out a big 'ouch'. 



"I'm sorry, but I don't think you'll be able to make this phase with your wounds."

His words stopped me from moving. But now that I realized it, he was right. Every time I moved, my body hurt like hell.

"But I'm just wondering something. How'd you get these injuries? They were pretty bad." He asked.

"It's kinda long to explain. And what about you, how did you get these things to bandage me?"

"Oh, this? I stole it from Leorio." He said with a cat grin.

I looked at him and laughed. 

"You should keep that smile of yours, it's so cute!" I said.

"H-huh? Stop saying things like that, baka. It's embarrassing."

"Ohh, is Snow-White a little tsundere?" I teased him.

"Damare." He mumbled.

And so did I. Even if I slept two days straight, I was still tired.

I closed my eyes.

I was sad that I probably didn't pass the Hunter Exam, but at least I can try next year.

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