The Travelers of the Tree

By EKimNolnacs

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The next world over is still a world away. Almost a year ago, 12 year old Tommy Brinn ran away from Katy in t... More

Chapter 1 - The Bully
Chapter 2 - Where Are We?
Chapter 3 - The Bully and The Hero
Chapter 4 - The Carriage
Chapter 5 - The Long Walk
Chapter 6 - The Rescue
Chapter 7 - The Chase
Chapter 8 - The Promise
Chapter 9 - The Birds
Chapter 10 - The Field
Chapter 11 - Mr. Mise
Chapter 12 - The Fear
Chapter 13 - Ms. Fripp
Chapter 14 - Don't Bully the Bully
Chapter 15 - Toby
Chapter 16 - Hard Labor
Chapter 17 - The Director
Chapter 18 - Rough Ride
Chapter 19 - The Castle
Chapter 20 - Matt and Katy
Chapter 21 - The Doppelganger
Chapter 22 - Backstory
Chapter 23 - The Same Face
Chapter 24 - A New Best Friend
Chapter 25 - The Arena
Chapter 27 - The Fight
Chapter 28 - Trust Issues
Chapter 29 - The Choice
Chapter 30 - The Water
Chapter 31 - David and Matt
Chapter 32 - The Decision
Chapter 34 - The Rematch?
Chapter 35 - The Imposter
Chapter 36 - Escape Plan
Chapter 37 - Race to the Tree
Chapter 38 - The Right Side

Chapter 33 - The Confrontation

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By EKimNolnacs

Tommy sat huddled in the corner of a cell in the basement of the Hard Labor Camp. He couldn't believe what had happened. Just when he thought that everything was going to work out, the rug had been pulled out from under him, and everything was worse than it had ever been.

The others were never going to be allowed to go home. Had he decided to choose to stay with Ramsey, they would have been Servants for the rest of their lives. Even though he had not chosen to do that, this was their fate anyway. And his along with them. He felt ashamed that he had even considered for a moment staying with Ramsey, and betraying them. Katy had never been anything but kind to him, and Matt and David had voluntarily come with him to try to rescue her.

He also felt hurt that his brother, who he had been so happy to have found, had turned out to be such a bad person. The happiness of finding him had blinded Tommy to some of the bad traits that his brother possessed. When Tommy was being honest with himself, he also knew that it was the prospect of all the money and power that Ramsey promised him that really had blinded him. There was a short while where Tommy had been able to convince himself that this world's system of slavery was just.

He could see how Ramsey, even though they were identical, could be so different from him. This was the way that he had been raised. Had he never been kidnapped, Tommy was sure that they would have grown up together as a normal family, and been best of friends.

The thoughts of his friend's bondage, as well as his own, coupled with the fact that he had for all intents and purposes lost his brother, again, was too much. Tommy started to weep lightly. Then the door opened.

Tommy was shocked to see who was on the other side of the door. "Ms. Fripp," he exclaimed. Ms. Fripp came into the room and slapped Tommy with the back of her hand.

"That is Director Fripp to you, you lousy punk," she yelled.

"Director?" Director Fripp smiled.

"Yes, thanks to the kind and great Master Ramsey." She shoved Tommy again, and he was afraid she was going to slap him again. He put his hand up to block, but she didn't strike.

"In a weird way, I guess it's thanks to you. Master Ramsey blamed the now ex-Director for finding you in the first place. He sentenced him to twenty years in a Hard Labor Prison." She laughed. "Me. He seemed to have a new appreciation for how I handled you. He pardoned me, gave me my "mark" back, and gave me the Director's job." Tommy couldn't imagine how much more horrible the Hard Labor Camp would be with Fripp in charge.

"Get up," Director Fripp commanded. "Master Ramsey wants to see you." Tommy stood. As he began to walk towards the door, Director Fripp pushed him down to the ground. Tommy's face hit the side of the door.

"Now listen, boy. You're mine now. You'd better be less clumsy!" She started laughing uncontrollably. Tommy exited the room. He saw that a large Grunt was waiting. To his left, he saw the rooms where the other three kids had been put. Ramsey had not had them all put in their separate camps for some reason, and Tommy wasn't sure why. Director Fripp led him down the hallway, and she began to speak.

"Oh, we are going to have so much fun together, you and I. Ramsey has assured me that you will be staying here. I have so much planned for us." Tommy thought about the room in the basement with the two tables. "I'm sure you're imagining that room that we've already been to. Yes, we'll visit it again. But there are so many other rooms that we have not been to yet." Tommy saw her smile and lick her lips. "Yes, so many other rooms." A shiver ran down Tommy's spine. The nightmare that was reality continued to get worse and worse.

They walked up the stairs to the first floor. They went through the big room where Tommy had seen kids building and breaking up stone walls. They entered a long hallway and walked through another door at the end of it. This door led to another hallway, and at the end of it was an open room with a light on.

"These are my quarters now," Director Fripp said. "Master Ramsey is staying in them tonight." When they got to the open door, Tommy saw that Ramsey was inside, sitting at a small desk by a large bed. There were other rooms beyond this one that Tommy could see through a doorway. When Tommy entered the room, Ramsey did not look at him. Instead he talked to the two adults.

"Leave. Now. Go away. I will bring him to you when we are done." The Grunt and Director Fripp followed his order without response. Tommy stood, not knowing how to feel. Even now, as he looked at his brother, a part of him wanted to reach out to him, and appeal to him to change his mind. It just didn't have to be this way. Why couldn't Ramsey see this?

"You." Ramsey spoke slowly, with hatred spilling from every word. "You have betrayed me." Tommy shook his head.

"No, Ramsey, I haven't. I just couldn't do that to those others."

"Then you are weak! How could I have ever thought that a weak boy like you could share my power? I was made a fool by my emotions!" Ramsey threw a paper weight off the desk as he said this.

"Ramsey, I didn't mean to make you angry. I still want us to be close." Ramsey spit on the floor.

"That is what you are to me now!" He stood. "You made your choice when you chose those... those people. Over me!" Ramsey put his face in his hands. Tommy could see that he was almost crying.

"I didn't choose them over you, Ramsey. I just couldn't make them Servants. They just didn't deserve that!" Tommy wanted Ramsey to understand why he had done what he had. Ramsey took another paper weight off of the desk, and this time hurled it right at Tommy. Tommy ducked, and it missed him narrowly.

"Tomorrow, your friends will be moved to another Province." Ramsey smiled. Tommy was aghast.

"No, Ramsey, don't do that." Ramsey became incensed. He ran at Tommy, and pushed him up against the wall.

"Don't you dare tell me what I will do or not do!" He tightened his grip on Tommy. "They will all be moved so far away from here, that you will never see them again! You will stay here. If you survive Director Fripp, you will be able to become a Servant in my Province." Tommy's collar bone began to hurt where Ramsey was grabbing it.

"Ramsey, keep me here. But please, let them go." Ramsey's screamed in frustration.

"You would give up yourself for them, but you wouldn't sacrifice them for me? The boys I will send away. But maybe I will keep the girl for myself." Ramsey tightened his grip even harder on Tommy, and leaned in close. "Your Katy can wash the dishes at my castle for the rest of her life."

Tommy literally saw red, even though he had closed his eyes. Then he did something he had never done the countless times in his life when a bully had held him they way Ramsey was holding him right then. He pushed back. Ramsey lost grip on Tommy, and was forced back a couple of steps. He looked shocked.

"How dare you put your hands on me!"

"Shut up!" Again Ramsey was in disbelief.

"What did you say to me?"

"I told you to shut up." Ramsey's face twisted with hatred.

"No one has ever dared make the mistake you just did. Now you are going to be very sorry." He clenched his fist. He came towards Tommy, and threw a punch. Tommy tried to move but was too late. The punch landed between his shoulder and his chest.

Tommy was shocked by the blow. But not because it had hurt. He was shocked because he had hardly felt it. It was the weakest punch that had ever been thrown at him. Ramsey tried to throw another one. Tommy easily stepped back and dodged it. Tommy threw his own punch. It landed to the side of Ramsey's forehead. Ramsey immediately sank to the floor, holding his head. He began crying. Tommy was not worried about the noise. They were alone in the Director's quarters, and Tommy could tell, by the way they had walked through the winding halls to get here, that the Director had enjoyed his privacy.

When Ramsey tried to get up, Tommy threw him to the floor. It was too easy. Tommy realized that because Ramsey had been pampered all of his life, he was very weak, and not accustomed to any pain. When Ramsey stood, Tommy measured him.

"This one is for all of the bullies that got me ready for this moment," he said, and then landed a crushing blow to Ramsey's jaw. Tommy watched his brother fall onto the bed, unconscious.

Tommy looked around, unsure of what to do. On the desk, he saw a bunch of envelopes. Next to them was a pair of scissors, and glue that was used to keep the envelopes sealed. He had an idea.

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