Beside You - RamKing

By real__ia

32.9K 1.1K 274

this story starts after the camp at the end of S1 of my Engineer. Ram and King just become a couple when Kin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 11

1.1K 43 2
By real__ia

《Hello lovelies,

I know it's been a while and I couldn't quite hold up my promise on the other updates, especially this one and on Opia. Well a lot is going on right now, I can't say more then that, but everything is changing for me right now. And that happened so unexpectedly that I can't grasp everything yet. Well... Now y'all finally get the update you waited for.

Thanks to everyone to get closer to 5K views everyday. I can't tell you how happy and thankful I am. Love you all♡


I feel bad having to write a second "welcoming" paragraph, because the old one is too outdated. I don't want to go too much in detail, but between the last update and now, I kind of moved to a different country for an internship, which I started on Oct 5th. It has been three very busy and full weeks and I couldn't really find time to think about the story or come up with what I planned. Originally, this was going to be Kings first session with Tong, but due to being away from the paper so long, I just can't seem to get myself into the scene, and I am very sorry. If, at some point, I get a huge inspiration for it, I will definitely write that part and either make it a special chapter or put it in between.

I am aware, that it hasn't been too long since the last time jump, but please bare with me, since I really wanna update this. 

* Rams PoV *

With a satisfied smile, I had a last look at my work before King turned around to us, his back with the scars covered under a creation I called 'the cocoon'. 

Well... to be honest it was just a long bandage being carefully wrapped around his body that would keep the cream on the scars from being wiped off. 

"I'm quite impressed by how good you became in this, Nong. One could think that you are actually a caretaker or something."

The chuckle in P'Tharas voice was a little too obvious to go by unnoticed, but I didn't really care much about it. With King being here for quite some time, I got used to the older teasing faster then I would have had expected. And with Phis condition improving to our liking, the time had come to be a bit more carefree and joke around. Well, at least for the others. 

More than anything, I was relieved that his physical condition had improved a lot. His right hand was almost completely healed, and though his ribs weren't 100% okay yet, King wouldn't have any problems as long as he would do everything slowly and refrain from sport. The scars left behind on his neck did fate a little, leaving just a decent lighter coloured line behind. Sadly, you couldn't say that of his back. The smaller ones had closed up and were in a good condition while the big ones were still a big step away from being in a good shape. 

To make sure, that they would continue to heal, P'Thara had taught me how to take care of them. Washing them out with water carefully, using a certain cream and bandaging Phi King was now a discipline I had become quite good in, during the one week of training I had undergone in.  If it taught me anything additionally, definitely the difficulty of how hard it is to dress up a wound perfectly, with it neither being too loose nor too tight and where exactly to start with the bandage. My first trial still felt vivid, when I had started right under his navel and the bandage ended around 5cm below the last scar.

"I really hope you won't need this knew knowledge after King is completely healed. But for now, it is definitely a pass."

A smile was plastered all over my face and a quick look at my love made his feelings obvious too: We were both more than just thrilled to have this important stage.

When the trip, the one King had planned before everything went wrong, came closer, the doctors set up some qualifications we had to fulfil, in order to be allowed to go on that trip. Me learning how to take care of his wounds myself was only the first one, there was in the end a whole list of it. In the two weeks that we were planning to stay there, we had to get two check-ups in the closest hospital there, to make sure the healing process was still going well. We got Doctor Tongs number for any emergencies, we made sure to cancel the parts that actually had involved sports, like the climbing forest and the snorkelling we were going to do on the nearby beach. Well, we still had the nice pool on the ground of the house we rented, that would stay the only thing he really won't be able to participate in, and he said that it would be no problem to just sit nearby and we roll a ball between the two of us. For outsiders, that might have sounded like something boring and lame, but after being confined for more than a month here, every single second with the sky right above him and fresh air filling his lungs, must probably be a paradise to imagine for King. We did start to bring him out a little in the past one and a half weeks, but it were mere 30 minute trips to the roof garden or to the hospital parc around the building. Still, they were better then nothing, but if you compared it to the hours and hours he would spend strolling through parts, his parents garden or any places with a fauna, well... it must have felt like being stranded in a desert, without any oasis in your reach. The nicer it was, that our vacation house was actually on a cliff, surrounded my forrest/jungle, but still connect to a main road, that could lead you to the closest town in 10 minutes. 

The psychological session with Dr. Tong seemed to help King a big deal too. On his wish, I had accompanied him to the first three sessions, number one being mainly just for them to see if they hit it off. On a psychological and comfort level, of course. The psychiatrist, who seemingly happened to be my bodyguard Mews older brother, tried to keep me a little updated on the progress of the sessions. Though he wasn't allowed to share any information with outside people, King had wanted me to know a little bit and allowed the doctor to talk to me and share some information. 

In the past two weeks, and the four appointments, they had talked about the day of the kidnapping. How he left the camping place and started his trip. They came to the point of him getting some lunch and a new plant at the rest stop, and going outside again, when King stopped and didn't want to talk more about it. The older reassured me, that even mentioning that day was a good sign of King slowly opening up, even though he hadn't said a single word up to this date. The other topics they had were mostly about how he felt now and the nightmares, King seemed to have. Everything I knew was, that he would see memories from the incident, and that it was the reason he tried avoiding sleeping during a day, which was understandable. 

"Earth to Nong Ram."

I raised my head and looked right to Bohn, who was standing around two meters away from us and had just Duen with him.

"Come on. We still have to pack some things and fill out the discharge forms, or else we can't leave for the trip."

Sorry for this being so short, but I really wanted to get a new Chapter out in one sitting, before it would get pushed further away. You waited long already, and I will give my best to update more regularly. Thank you for your amazing support everyone. 》

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