Paladin Danse X Reader

By _-Spyro-_

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☆~°Armoured Heart°~☆ ☆~°Paladin Danse X Reader°~☆ ~°☆°~ (Y/N) the sole survivor from vault 111, is going to t... More

☆°~The Beginning~°☆
1. Frozen Heart
2. Arcjet Assignment
3. Paladin Pals
4. Demand for Diamond City
5. Your Valentine
6. The Boogeyman
7. Finding Him
9. Not Today
10. Man of Steel
11. Two Steps Forward...
12. Sixty Minute Man
13. The Wanderer
14. So This Is Love?
15. Atom Bomb Baby
16. Mutant Memories
17. Path Of The Synth
18. I Call BoS
19. Inevitable Institution
20. Back to Back
21. My Boy
22. Maxson Madness
23. Save the Synth
24. Safe in Sanctuary
25. Institute Issue
26. Synth Solmates
☆°~The End~°☆

8. My Sanctuary

607 28 10
By _-Spyro-_


Danse and I headed to Sanctuary which was his first time there.

When I walked over the bridge and along the road I could see many new faces,

Preston came over to welcome me with some of the original members of his group.

"You're back! Did you find help in Diamond city?"

He asked, looking from me to Danse.

Sturges came over and looked Danse up and down, seeing the Brotherhoods insignia on his power armour.

"The brotherhood..?"

He asked, giving a confused look to Danse before turning to me.

I shrugged, not sure what to say.

Did I agree with everything the Brotherhood stood for?


Did I need them?


Danse shuffled closer to me, feeling eyes on him as he hesitantly looked around at all the people watching us.

Sturges gave me one last look before huffing and going back to stand beside Preston.

"Well either way, what can we do for you?"

He asks, re-adjusting his hold in his gun.

"We need Dogmeat. We think we know who took Shaun but we need Dogmeat to track him."

I explained and Mama Murphy took my hand and started leading me to my old house.

Danse follows hurriedly, staying right on my heels.

My house has been fixed up a little. It still looks a mess but it seems someone has fixed up the roof and moved in some furniture.

Mama murphy pushes open the door from the kitchen to the yard/porch.

Theres a dog house out back that looks like it's been fixed up.

Inside I see Dogmeat, curled up around an arm bone.

He sees me and perks uo, tail thumping against the walls of his little house.

"Hey buddy."

I smile and he comes running out, sniffing at me.

His tails still wagging when he turns to Danse who looks down at Dogmeat from his power suit.

Dogmeat sniffs at Danse who honestly looks a little worried as he puts out his hand for Dogmeat.

Dogmeat nudges into his hand and I cant help but smile at the two as Danse starts petting and scratching Dogmeat who rolls around, tail wagging.

Mama Murphy came to stand beside me as I stood back up, dusting off my knees and then crossing my arms over my chest.

"He seems like a nice young man."

She tells me, referring to Danse.

I hesitantly nod.

"He is."

She gives me a grin and now I wish I hadnt said anything.

"A friend of yours..?"

She asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I know exactly what shes implying, and I cant stop the blush that creeps up my neck and onto my cheeks.

"Er... yeah. We're friends."

I say as Danse starts giving Dogmeat some belly rubs.

"Just friends?"

She asks, chuckling a little at the colour on my face.

I shrug awkwardly.

I genuinely didnt know if Danse and I were just friends!

I mean- it's not like we've kissed or anything... but we are close.

"As I suspected."

Mama murphy says and starts walking towards Danse before I can stop her.

"You two should rest for today. Stay the night and leave bright and early tomorrow. Will do some good for you two."

"Oh... that's kind of you ma'am but we dont want to let-"

"I wont hear it! You can stay in your old house-"

She says turning to me then looks back at Danse.

"Unfortunately, you may have to be staying in Miss (Y/N) home. Unless youd rather be piled between a couple of caravaners."

She says and Danse shakes his head, looking at me.

"I'll take the couch."

He says and again before I can say anything Mama Murphy interrupts!

"Perfect. You're house should be all made up, dear. And theres stew served at 8pm at the main house."

She tells me, then shuffles off out the garden.

Danse and I share a look before he let's out a laugh,

"...she seems... nice."

I crouch beside him, Dogmeats ears flopping back when I scratch his head and he gives me a derpy smile.

Out the corner of my eye, I can see Danse smiling at me.


I ask, chucking and he shakes his head looking back at Dogmeat who's now attempting to stand up and get back to his dog house.

Danse stands up then helps me to my feet.

My hands are tiny compared to his when hes in his power suit, and even when hes not.

He looks down at our hands before gently letting go.

"Erm... ahem. We should... go get settled in for the night..."

He says holding the door open for me to go inside.

I give him a thankful smile before walking inside.

He stepped out of his power armour, leaving it beside the back door.

He awkwardly stands in the kitchen as I look around the now furnished house.

I ran a hand over the dining room table... its surprisingly clean.

I see they found my old law certificate! The glass is cracked but my name is still visible.

Danse peers over my shoulder,

"...huh. You have a degree in law?"

He asks and I turn to see him,

"Yeah. Erm. Pretty useless now though."

I say and we both chuckle.

"Danse do you not want to change into something more comfortable?"

I ask, looking at the Brotherhoods classic orange suit.

He looks down at himself and shrugs.

"Err... maybe? If you dont mind."

He says, and I smile at him.

"Yeah come on."

I say and walk over to my old room...

Its... not in ruins.

I take a second to take it all in, the made bed. The wardrobe and desk.

Danse notices and lays a hand on my shoulder.

I look at him before shrugging it off and walking over to the wardrobe.

It's a miracle some of Nate and my old clothes survived the bombings.

Sure some of the stuff is old, dusty and has holes but it's still wearable.

I hand Danse some of Nates old stuff, not sure what would fit him.

He smiles and shuffles over to the ruined bathroom that seemed almost unfixable when I first got out the vault.

I grabbed some old pink pants and a green blouse, keeping my bomber jacket, from the Brotherhood, on.

I walk out into the hallway and also bump right into Danse when he steps out of the bathroom.

It takes me a moment to realise hes in Nates usual jeans and white shirt.

Danse's dog tags hang out over his shirt and he has his boots on.

Tears prick at my eyes, the similarities between the two ar uncanny and it just makes my heart break more.

He notices,

"Are you... ok?"

He asks, and I slowly nod, wiping at my eyes.

"Fine. Just fine."

I smile at him, and he goes to wipe a tear off my cheek.

We just stand in silence for a moment before someone starts yelling from the house opposite mine.

Something about dinner.

We jump apart and Danse steps aside, almost bumping into a shelf and I chuckle a little at him before heading into the lounge.

Danse follows, right on my heels as we walk across the street to where everyones crowded around Sturges and Marcy who are dishing everyone stew.

Children, elderly, ghouls and even one super mutant all stand around waiting.

Danse I hurry over to Preston,

"Woah since when did Sanctuary get so full?"

I ask, and Preston laughs.

"The recruitment beacon did wonders for our numbers."

He says, taking a spoon full of his stew.

Danse and I turn back to the crowd.

" I assume we wait for dinner now?"

He asks, and Preston nods.

"It shouldn't take too long! Dont worry!"

It took a long time to get to the front of the crowd.

By the time we got there, the stew was almost empty.

Danse and I argued over who got more or less and finally I won.

Danse got served first and the most and I gave him a smug look as I took my smaller helping.

Danse and I walked back to my place and sat down on the front steps.

"So... this is your home?"

He asks between mouthfuls of food.

"Yeah. Well it was."

I tell him, and Danse nods slowly.

" ready to find kellogg tomorrow?"

He says, starting up a conversation again.

I shrug.

"I... dont know. What if we dont even find him? Or... or Shaun's not even there."

I say and Danse puts down his empty stew bowl to put his hand on my shoulder.

"We will find him."

He tells me and when I turn to face him, his eyes are full of determination.

I nod, reassured by his confidence.

"...alright. You're right. No more negative thoughts."


We sit in silence again.

"Well... we better get to sleep."

He says standing up and taking both our bowls back to Preston and Sturges.

I wrap the jacket tighter around me as a breeze passes through, ruffling my hair.

Danse comes back, pulling me up from the steps and leading me inside.

I grabbed a blanket and pillow from my room and put them on the couch for Danse.

"Well... thank you."

He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Erm... you're welcome."

I say smiling back.

"...well good night."

I say and he nods stiffly,

"Good night. And... thank you."

He says making me stop in my steps.

"I should be thanking you. For coming with me. For helping me find Shaun and even putting up with a synth which I know you dont like..."

He smiles shyly at the ground.

"Dont mention it. Seriously dont mention that to Maxson."

I laugh at him and head off into my room.

"See you tomorrow Danse."

He smiles, its sweet and genuine.

"Good night (Y/N)."

A/N: EYYYY, so this chapter kinda got out of hand-

Danse: what-

A/N: this was supposed to be the kellogg chapter but then I got side tracked so have this fluffy small chapter.
Kellogg is coming in the next one tho! Dont u worry!! ÙwÚ
Anyway that's all for now
Love u all my guardians

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