Obsession [Errorfresh] [Fgod]


3.1K 170 224

[Cover doesn't belong to me] Error, the forced god of destruction, forced by Fate to destroy worlds and preve... More

Chapter 1

3.1K 170 224

[I don't own the pic, it belongs to it's respectful owner]

[Forced God Of Destruction! Error belongs to harrish6]

[Start Chapter]

Blue, blue, and more blue, it was painful, but if felt much better than the endless white and the screaming of the voices.

Error let himself drown deep into the depths of the ocean, the blue becoming darker as he sunk deeper, a giant rock tied at his feet with blue strings and pulling him down into the dark abyss. His clothes fluttering with the gentle movement of the water. He closed his eye sockets, peacefully sinking.

His bones began to feel like they were being crushed as the pressure underwater became stronger, but he was already so numb to pain he couldn't be bothered by it anymore.

He sunk until he couldn't sink anymore, the rock touched the ground of the dark abyss. Everything was completely black, it almost felt like it could hide him away from them. But he knew that was impossible, they will always find him no matter where he runs to.

Error stood like that for hours, maybe days. The pressure crushing his bones. The feeling of forever losing his breath but never dying or losing consciousness, sharp teeths biting and piecing his bones before giving up and swimming away, small creatures making their homes inside his ribcage and crawling inside his eye sockets. While he peacefully slept hoping to never wake up. Death sounded so peaceful and nice.

But that peace didn't last, it never does. A sharp pain pirced his SOUL, a pain that he could never ignore no matter how high his pain tolerance became.

Error opened his eyes. His multicolored eye lights glowing in the dark abyss.

Fate was calling him back to work because the Balance was tripping again. Break time was over. Even though he had destroyed a bunch of AUs and was ahead of schedule before trying to drown himself in OceanTale. Damn Creator.

Error activated his magic, sending a huge wave throughout the ocean, as if he was stretching after staying inactive for so long.

The small creatures sleeping inside his ribcage and eye sockets hurriedly crawled out and swam away. The bizarre and big creatures of the abyss swam away in fear. As if they had felt it, a beast had woken from its slumber.

Error growled scratching his skull, opening new and old wounds, blood mixing with the water. Fate stabbed his SOUL again urging his to get to work. 'Alright, alright, I'm going damnit!'

It was pitch-black, except for some creatures that had their own light, but Error could 'see' just fine, it came with practice after being blinded so many times.

Error moved a hand to the side and opened a portal to a random AU, light came out from the other side of the portal, the white snow making it all the more bright, and not a second later water began flowing inside the portal, the current was strong and fast, pulling inside creatures and bolders.

Error stared blankly at the portal, watching as it sucked in the water and everything inside, he began hearing screams and cries coming from inside the portal. '...Whoops.' He had forgotten he was in the depths of the ocean. Was it because he slept for the first time in years? He was so out of it, more than usual.

Error hummed in thought, scratching his skull out of habit, opening more wounds. 'Ah... whatever since the damage is already done, I might as well begin with this one.'

Before anything else, Error checked the coordinates of the portal. 'UnderTale#673. Good, a copy.' It would be bad if he accidentally hurt an Original. -When an Original dies all its copies will also die. You would think that destroying an Original would be a good way to quikly make space in the Multiverse and restore the Balance, yeah no. There was so many copies of one Original, hundreds if not more, destroying that many AUs at once would cause the Balance to trip to the other side, just like how too much Creation is harmful so is too much Destruction. The Multiverse was already so used to being full, so losing that many AUs at once would make it unstable and at risk of self destructing. Not to mention Fate would punish Error with a pain not even him could ignore no matter how numb to pain he had become, and such pain would last until the Balance was once again tripped on the creation side, as to not give him any time to rest... He didn't want to experience that again.

After making sure it was a copy, Error expanded the portal, the light grew bigger and the water flowed inside faster, threatening to empty the OceanTale copy and killing the aquatic creatures while drowning the inhabitants of the other AU.

Error ignored the screams like it was background music. He was already so used to it, so numb to it, disgusting, he was disgusted with himself, but also with Ink. There was so many AUs, thousands of them, and Ink kept creating more. Did Ink enjoy forcing him to kill so many innocents? Only so he could act like a hero in his sick game and torture him. Fate had broken his mind while Ink had broken his bones, in the end they were both the same to Error.

It didn't matter anymore, Error had lost his anger a long time ago. He still hated himself for what he had become, he still hated Ink and Fate for what they made him become, but he was tired of caring, he only longed for death.

'This should keep Ink busy for a while.' Error decided to use the UnderTale copy as a distraction to keep the creator out of his way, Ink would be busy saving the AU while Error does his job. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with Ink right now, he just wanted to finish the job fast and go back to try dying. He didn't need a fight with Ink, it was meaningless, that useless creator couldn't even kill him, it would only add more scars and cracks to his bones and SOUL, and Error wasn't allowed to kill Ink, if he could he would've already done so long ago.

Error didn't really care about the methods, as long as the job was done. Destroying some AUs that were close to touching and make some room for them to grow in, maybe even destroy some extra AUs to make more room for new ones Ink was sure to create right after their battle, so it would take at least some more hours before the balance tripped again.

While Error hated his job, he didn't really care about the AUs. There was a time he enjoyed killing and wanted to destroy them all out of revenge and rage; there was a time he felt pity and regret, apologizing to the ashes and futilely trying to fight against his fate only to get more broken. Although that was many years ago, now he could only feel numb and tired. Life was so easy to take away from others, with a simple snap of his fingers, yet he couldn't take his own life, no matter how many times he tried, no matter how many different methods he tried, he could never die, -it actually had the opposite affect, it only strengthened his bones and magic, making him immune and harder to kill. As well as add more scars and marks, and pain that he just learned to ignore.

Error left the large portal open with enough magic so it would close after some hours, and released the strings that were still tying him down to the big rock, before he moved above the water.

OceanTale was pretty different from most AUs, rather than being sealed underground the Monsters lived underwater and most of them were aquatic creatures. There was more water than land so it usually took longer to kill everyone.

Error stood on top of a black glitchy gaster-blaster and looked down. The level of the water was going down fast, and beginning to reveal some rocks and corals, while the fish swam to deeper parts. That was how fast the water was running inside the large portal. It was only a matter of hours before the underground of the UnderTale copy became full and drowned all those who could not breathe underwater; and the ocean of OceanTale became dry, and without water most of the Monsters would eventually die.

Error opened another portal to a random AU and jumped in. He was off to destroy some other AUs before coming back later to finish this one.


The moment Error landed on the snow, he felt like turning right back around and jump back into OceanTale to drown himself again. There was a ton of dust floating in the air followed by a strong smell of blood, and right in front of him was a half dead Human, yellow flowers blooming all over their body and blinding their eyes, but they didn't seem to care as they crawled on the blood covered snow trying to reach the reset button, while calling for their Sans.

As Error looked at the suffering human he could only feel numb. He let out a sigh. He just hoped whoever did this won't make his job harder.

Error walked closer to the Human.

Frisk turned their head towards the sound of snow crunching, but they were blind and couldn't see who it was. "S-Sans? I-is that y-you-"

Before they could say another word, sharp red bones shot from underneath the Human, killing them in an instant and preventing them from resetting. The red SOUL came out, floating above the dead body. Error wrapped the SOUL in strings and opened a portal to the Anti-void to put it together with the others.

He then looked around the dusty AU. Error could feel only two other presences in the whole AU, everyone else was dead. One of the presences he could recognize as the judge, but the other he couldn't identify, it was someone new that he has never encountered before. He wondered who it could be. Whoever it was, Error had a feeling they were the reason this AU was in such state. He was a bit curious- No, he didn't have that much free time. So what if everyone was already dead, it makes his job easier.

Error looked in the direction of the only two survivors. Before be began walking. "lEts geT tHis OVer wiTH So i cAn Go diE."

[Judgement Hall]--

"AAAAHHG!" Sans screamed in pain curled on the floor and holding his broken right arm, blood painting the golden floor red. He glared up at the colorful Monster that approached him with a grin.

"Whoa look at what ya made me do! Totes unrad brosky!" The brightly dressed Skeleton Monster grinned down at Sans.

The Monster was dressed in a colorful bright jacket, a purple shirt underneath the jacket, orange shorts, shades over his sockets, neon colored shoes, and a multicolored hat. His shades having the letters 'YO-LO' on them. Sans growled in disgust as he looked at the colorful lookalike, he didn't even wanted to imagine himself dressing like that.

Sans had managed to drive this colorful impostor away from Frisk, for some reason this Monster was aiming for him. He clenched his teeth as he remembered the kid half dead on the snow. Sans glared at the colorful freak, he just had to buy enough time for Frisk to reset. "Who the funk are you! What do you what?!"

"Woah watch yar unrad lingo brosky!" The colorful Monster walked to Sans and stopped in front of him. "Or I'll have ta do somethin about dat dirty mouth of yours." He bend down slightly so that he was towering over Sans, looking down at him with a dark grin and purple smoke swirling from behind the shades.

Sans flinched and teleported away from him.

"Nah bro, I'm just messin with ya!" The colorful Monster laughed. "I'm just ur cool funky neighbrohood cool bro mah bro yo!" He introduced himself with a bright grin pointing fingers guns at the bleeding Sans. "But ya can call me Fresh!"

Sans growled in anger, he summoned his gaster-blaster and he fired at the grinning freak.

Fresh dodged with a chuckle. "Bro, ya should totes chill yo." He then disappeared with a fresh poof.

Sans looked around, searching for him with his eyes. And before he could react, Fresh appeared behind him and grabbed him by the skull with a hand from behind.

Sans moved his eye lights to look behind only to see Fresh grinning at him.

"Seriously bro, ya wouldn't want to lose the other arm, now would ya." Fresh said as his grin darkened, lifting up his shades and revealing his eye sockets. A cracked upside down SOUL was inside the left socket while inside the other was a purple eye light, and a large crack ran across one of the sockets and kept growing lager as purple mist swirled from them. He glared down at Sans threateningly.

Fresh rather not damaged the Sans's body any more than he already did since he was planning to take it as his new host. But he was in a bit of a hurry right now, his current host was at its limit and starting to slowly fall apart. The crack across his eye socket grew more, running down his cheek, small pieces of bone falling off, the same was happening in the rest of the body, the host wouldn't last much longer since the SOUL was almost completely drained of all its magic.

He wouldn't have waited this long to get a new host if it weren't for those unrad funkers getting in the way of his fun. Fresh had no choice but to feed slowly so the host lasted longer. -A parasite needs a host to survive, to use it as a shell to protect the fragile small body as well as to feed on the SOUL as he didn't have one of his own. While Fresh could survive without a host for some days he would starve and be vulnerable.- There were already plenty of unrad bros hunting him down, especially after he threw that super radical party in DanceTale. Fresh didn't understand why stain face was so mad, everyone was looking cool and having fun, sure, they all died at the end of the party because they couldn't handle the freshness of his fresh virus, but they died having fun so what's the big deal? 'Some bros just don't know what fun is!'

Fresh looked down at the shorter Sans with a grin, small purple tentacles slowly crawling out from one of his sockets, and ready to jump out. And just as the parasite was ready to jump into the Sans eye socket, footsteps sounded out.

The parasite was startled and hid back inside the host, letting his shades fall back down to hide his sockets. '...I thought I killed everyone.' Fresh frowned and turned around only to see a figure walking into the hall, taking their time to step out of the shadows. But two mismatched eye lights could be seen in the dark.

Seeing that Fresh was distracted, Sans summoned a gaster-blaster again. "I don't know what the hell you are, you freak," He said while holding a hand up, maintaining the blaster above them and ready to shoot.

Fresh turned back at him with a chuckle. "Yar not very smart are ya brosky. That's only gonna kill ya-"

"But you really seem to need me alive for some reason." Sans smirked while aiming the blaster at himself.

Fresh's grin fell, and he tried to move away from Sans out of instinct, self-preservation was a parasite's priority. But Sans grabbed Fresh's collar and pulled him back.

"Bye sucker!" Just as Sans was about to blast them both, blue strings came out from the shadow and warped around his body and SOUL. The gaster-blaster disappeared. Sans growled trying to break free.

"hEre's soMEthing yOu doN't sEe evErydAy." A glitchy voice sounded out in the hall. "a sAns pROudLy tRyiNg to comMit sUicide aNd, I'Ve neVEr seEn s0Meone sO... coLoRful bEf0re."

Fresh turned around. His shades went blank.

A tall Monsters, -taller than Fresh himself- stepped out of the shadows and into the light coming from the windows. He had a long black and dark blue jacket, red shirt, long black and blue pants, and a long blue scarf. His jacket and pants were stitched up with the same blue strings tying up Sans. The skeleton was mostly black from what Fresh could see but the hand sticking out, covered in blue strings, was red and yellow. The inside of his sockets were dark red, the eye lights multicolored and mismatched. Blue tear marks ran down his cheeks, making him look like he was crying. Scars and scratches covered his skull as well as his hand.

When Fresh saw the dark Monster, he felt a sudden pounding in his head, his hand immediately went to his left eye socket, he was confused, the SOUL inside was moving all over. 'What's wrong with it? It never did this before.' He frowned. 'Is it cuz it's dyin already?'

Fresh concluded it was just the host dying. He glanced at Sans, he needed to change host fast before the current one dusted and left him vulnerable. But he didn't know what this new Monster's business was. Everyone freaks out or attacks him whenever he possessed another Monster, he didn't want to take any risks. When jumping to another body, there is a short moment when he is out and completely vulnerable to attacks, and this Monster would most likely be able to catch him in the move with those strings seeing how fast they tied up the Sans.

Fresh watched the tall dark Skeleton approach them, the SOUL kept moving and the weird feeling growing stronger and spreading through his body. His confusion grew. 'No, that's not it.' Even when dying the host never did this. Fresh couldn't understand what it was, but he could tell that the dark Skeleton was the cause of it. This strange feeling- no, not a feeling, he doesn't feel, but whatever it was seemed as if it was trying to tell him something. Then it hit him.

'This bro looks strong.' A wide grin grew on his face. 'It would make the perfect host.' Right, it was probably just his instinct telling him to possess this strong looking Monster, and with the amount of magic he was sensing from the other, it was sure to last for a very long time. His shades that had gone blank going back to the colorful 'YO-LO' as he adjusted them in place.

The moment Error walked into the Judgmental Hall, he could see two Skeletons Monsters, one was the Sans from this AU while the other was a colorfully dressed Sans he had never seen before. 'How can someone have so many colors?' He thought as he looked at the unknown Skeleton.

The colorful Monster was grabbing Sans skull with one hand while he lifted his shades with the other, Error was sure he saw something purple come out of his socket. Then again maybe he saw it wrong, he was a bit far and not to mention his bad eyesight. So he walked closer moved by curiosity. Then the Sans pointed a Gaster-blaster at himself and the other Monster. Now while Error could've just let the Sans kill them both, and make his job easier, he didn't. Why? Maybe it was his curiosity, or maybe it was the weird tingling in his SOUL whenever he looked at the unknown colorful Monster.

Without realizing it, Error was already only a few feet away from them. And he could now see it better, the Monster's aparece and the painfully bright colors in which he was dressed. - Error actually did like colors unlike what Ink thought, how could he not after being trapped in the endless white for so long. The SOULs and puppets hanging by strings were the only thing giving color to the Anti-void, in an attempt to make it less... white, he hated the white. But this new Monster had so many colors, more colors than any other Monster he had ever seen. In all his years Error had seen a lot of different things and Monsters, but this was new. He thought it was interesting. Another interesting thing was the Monster's shades which were black one moment and the other where full of colors.

"And yar never gonna see another bro like me." Fresh grinned, ignoring the SOUL pounding inside his eye socket. "I'm the one and only, most radical coolest bro ya'll ever find, brosky. Da name's Fresh!" He introduced himself with a wide grin and finger guns.

Sans growled in disgust, before he began cursing and screaming.

"Is thAt sO?" Error steped closer, looking at the colorful Monster in curiously, while the strings curled between his fingers moved tightening the strings around the tied up Sans and more strings wrapped around his mouth -While Error could easily ignore the screaming just like he usually did with the voices, there was weird noises and beep sounds whenever Sans cursed, so he decided to just gag him with his strings instead.- "YOu dO lOok betTer thAn tHe oNes I eNcoUteREd sO fAr." Error smirked, making Fresh flinch back, the SOUL in his socket stuttered for a moment and his face warmed up, while the letter in his shades changed to exclamation marks.

Error snorted at the other's reaction, he wasn't lying though, he did like the colorful style, and not to mention the other wasn't attacking him yet, which he was thankful for. Fresh was obviously not from this AU so he must be able to travel the Multiverse, which meant Error didn't have a reason to kill him along with the AU. He also didn't seem to be on Ink's side since he just killed his precious creations. Perhaps there won't be a need to start a fight, good, Error was already busy enough as it is.

Error turned to the tied up Sans. "DO yoU stilL neEd tHis oNe? i hAve a jOB to dO." He asked remembering Fresh was trying to do something to the Sans. Now while he was curious about this new colorful Monster, he needed to hurry up and do his job so he could go die. There were too many AUs to destroy after this one, also Ink was probably done fixing the UnderTale copy and was running around the Multiverse like a mad dog looking for him.

Sans's eyes widened at his words, and he began struggling. It seems he had realized what Error's job was.

Fresh looked at Sans, he thought it was funny how desperate he looked, he didn't act like that when Fresh was the one intimidating him. Just who was this dark Skeleton? "Nah, all good bro." Well it didn't really matter. He grinned. "I think I found somethin better." Fresh said, turning to look back at the dark Monster and stepped closer to him, "But bro." stopping right in front of him.

"Ya haven't given me yar name yet broseph." Fresh looked up at the taller Skeleton, the small parasite moving behind his shades readying itself to jump out and into the other's socket. "That's totes unrad bro." He put a hand on his shades.

Error stared down at him. 'Must be from one of the new AUs. That explains why he didn't attack or ran away the moment he saw me.' He thought while moving a hand, blue strings curled around it, and with a twitch of his finger, Sans's SOUL was shattering and his dust fell to the floor right next to them.

Fresh looked to the pile of dust a bit surprised, Sans was literally killed with only a flick of a finger. He should be careful with this Monster, and if something goes wrong, 'I'll just skedaddle outa here!'

Error called back his strings, still in thought. 'Will he run away after I tell him?' It had been long since he had a talk with a someone that wasn't screaming or trying to kill him. 'No, it doesn't matter, he will eventually find out and hate me like everyone else.' Although he couldn't help but wondered what kind of AU it was to have such a colorful Monster. '...It's probably a very colorful one.' Error snapped out of this thought when he felt something grab his face. Did he get that distracted as to not feel an attack coming? He looked down.

Fresh's plan was to jump into the other's socket, but there was a bit of a problem, 'This bro is too dang tall!' -Fresh was about a head taller than your usual Sans, but his hight only reached this Monster's ribcage.- 'Funk it!' Fresh reached his hands up and grabbed the taller Skeleton's face. Two mismatched eye lights looked at him, making the SOUL in Fresh's socket beat faster, he growled lowly 'After I take his body this unfresh feels whatever it is will disappear!' He pulled the other down by the face so their faces were close.

Error stared at Fresh blankly. He blinked a few times trying to process what was happening. The shorter Skeleton was cupping his face and just standing there in silence. 'What is he doing? Is this an attack?' Strangely Error didn't feel like killing Fresh or even break his arms for touching him. He didn't hate it, usualy physical contact hurt, but Fresh's touch wasn't painful at all, it was actually warm. A warm feeling wrapped around his mungled SOUL, and the feeling only grew more when he saw the letters on the other's shades 'MI_NE!' Error snorted, finding it funny. 'Yours? What's that supposed to mean?'

Error looked at Fresh amused, letting himself be dragged down, he tilted down until they were face to face. Error didn't understand why he felt drawn to this colorful Monster, if it was anyone else he would've probably already snaped their arms in half. There was something about this Monster that really picked his interest, perhaps... Error looked at Fresh and reached his hands to him '...Is this what they call... attraction for another?'

Fresh didn't move away from the hands coming his way, why? Even though he knew the other could be aiming to kill him right now. The SOUL in his socket became restless as the hands touched his face.

The two where looking at each other, cupping each other's face.

'Hah! What a joke!'

Error scoffed at himself. 'As if I'll ever have something like that.' He wanted to laugh at how stupid he was, even after living for so long. Error could never have anything of his own, Fate would make sure to destroy it like they did with everything he even cherished, or he will destroyed it himself so to not feel to pain of having it taken away by them again. Let's not forget he is insane, and a murderer at that, his mind and SOUL were already beyond broken. Not to mention... who would even want a filthy glitch like him.

Error was cupping Fresh's face, rubbing a finger over the crack on the other's cheek, small pieces of bone falling off it. "LoOk At yoU, yOu arE aLReaDy falLiNg apArt." He snorted. "wE aLMost loOk LikE a mAtChing pAir." Error grinned, thinking it was funny.

'Uh?' Fresh froze, his shades going blank, his face glowing purple, 'Uhh??!!' His face felt like it was burning up and the SOUL pounding so faster it almost felt like it was going to jump right out of his socket. 'What the-?!' Whatever this dark Monster was doing, it was making Fresh feel something, he was feeling something when he shouldn't! The SOUL in his socket, the frickin host's SOUL was jumping and reacting at every one of his actions, acting as if it was his own! 'What the diddly wack is going on here?!!'

Fresh was a virus parasite, he couldn't feel. He didn't have a SOUL, he took over another's SOUL as a host to survive and slowly feed off their life energy. - When Fresh takes over someone's body, the host is kept alive, he needed them alive so he could keep feeding off their life force -which in a Monster's case was their magic- But the host's SOUL would suffer in pure agony as it was being slowy devoured, and if Fresh focused enough he could faintly hear the host's screams. Although he could choose to just devour the entire SOUL at once but then the host would instantly die and he would have to look for a new one.

Fresh could jump host to host, look at the memories, learn things from it, copy and the fake emotions, but he couldn't feel them. He couldn't feel anything. Even if he took over the host's SOUL he couldn't use it, not like that, he could only feed off it. So he didn't understand, why, why was the SOUL in his socket acting like that? Why was he feeling something!

Fresh stared at the taller Skeleton with wide open eyes in complete confusion.
'Just what are you doing to me?!'

Meanwhile Error's humor changed with a simple realization. 'Still too naive it seems.' His eyes became cold, as he looked at Fresh. "YOu shoUld leAVe, uNless yoU waNt to diE."

Fresh felt a sudden sting in the SOUL, his hand went up to his eye socket, why did it hurt so much? I was different from what he was feeling just a second ago. Was it his instinct telling him to run away? But it felt different from the usual fear of death. It felt heavy, and painful.

Error moved away from Fresh and opened a small portal to the codes. He had felt Ink enter the AU, and he was coming this way.

Error growled before crushing the codes. He then noticed Fresh frozen in place looking at the golden floor. 'Why isn't he leaving?' He sighed and moved a hand, opening a portal underneath the colorful Monster.

Fresh came back to his senses when he noticed something black form under him, he soon recognized what it was. "What- No! Wait!" He raised his head to look at the dark Skeleton and tried to run to him 'Who are you?! What did you do to me?!' but the golden floor under him was already gone and he fell.

And just before he completely fell inside the portal, Fresh heard a scream.


The portal closed. And Error kept staring at where the colorfully dressed Skeleton once was, not paying any mind to the creator behind him.

Ink stood there glaring at him, holding his giant paintbrush in his hands. His eye lights were red from anger. "How could you do that to UnderTale number169! How could you destroy this AU! What did they ever do to you?!"

Error hummed 'After I go back to the Anti-void... I should make a new puppet.'

"Why can't you stop destroying already! How many innocent lives will you take until you are satisfied!"

'I'll need to borrow some new colors.' Error smirked.

'Did he... smirk at what I just said?' Ink's face twisted in anger and disgust. "Error!!"

"cReat0r." Error turned around. His eyes and voice were so cold and threatening, "sHut tHE fUck uP aLReAdy." it made Ink flinch black.


Fresh fell on his back into the snow, his shades landing next to him. He grabbed his left eye socket, the SOUL inside was finally cracking in half. 'Error huh?'

He got up from the snow and picked up his sunglasses. "I need to know who dat unfresh trickster was and what he did to me!"

But first, "I need a new host."

Fresh put the shades on, this time no colorful letters appeared on it, it was just black.


Somewhere else. A higher being, a deity, grinned as they watched their child.

'There, now all that's left to do is sit back and watch as chaos breaks lose! Hehehehehe.'

'He seems to have taken a liking to your child.' Another deity said, smiling gently.

'It's only natural, chaos and destruction are two forces that attract one another.'

'I believe this will be good for both of them. They can a learn so much from each other.'

The other deity snorted. 'One wants desperately to die, the other wants desperately to survive. This is bound to be a hell of an interesting show.' They ginned in excitement.

'It will indeed, after all, there is a reason they made sure to keep these two from meeting.' Their gentle smile darkened. 'Let them have a taste of some chaotic destruction.'

A long silence followed those words, until the other deity finally said something.

'...You should really stop hanging out with Karma so much.'

[End Chapter]

Don't look at me like that.
I tried really hard to make something romantic and turned out like his... I'm so frickin weird :')

So, since I'm obviously not good at making fluff and normal romance, this is going to be a very unhealthy love. Unhealthy especially for the ones around these two, since you know a lot of people will most likely die horribly by trying to get in between them, and also a lot of unlucky bystanders.

In this book Error is in his more suicidal years. While he hates the job forced upon him, he doesn't really give two shits about the Multiverse and just wants to die, but Fate wont let him. Stopping destroying also isn't a solution since Fate will inflict unbearable pain in his SOUL. So he just keeps trying to kill himself in hopes to finally die.

About Fresh. He doesn't have a SOUL, he can't feel emotions. And while I could make it so he magically feels emotions without a SOUL, I'm a sucker for trying to find sense in things.

Fresh is a parasite that possesses Monsters and takes over their SOUL, although he shouldn't be able to use it as his own, only feeds off it. But~ for some reason~ when he meet Error~ the host's SOUL begins acting as a medium to his own emotions. Why? Because even after thinking for hours I couldn't come up with anything better.

Also, their meeting was in no way by chance hohoho~

Fate had made sure these two never meet, because ya know chaotic destruction n'all. But two other deities decided to mess their plan, try guessing who.

Btw this chapter reached about 5851 words wow :V

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed it and see nyah next chapter! Oky bye! >:3

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