The Undercover Pokemon Teacher

By Jayvaughn123

106K 1.9K 595

Years have passed, no one still knows whose the current Kanto and Alola Champion, they say the two regions ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

6.7K 138 29
By Jayvaughn123

Behold! An update!

3rd Persons's POV

"There is possibly no way something like that just happened!" It was Lillie's voice who boomed throughout the classroom as their teacher walked out minutes ago.

Everyone looked at Lillie due to her sudden outburst.

"C-Calm down a little bit Lillie." A girl named May tried to calm her down but failed.

"How can you guys stay calm when you just witnessed a rather impossible scenario to make?!" Lillie asked her classmates.

No one answered except for one guy.

"I mean, how are you calm when you saw his Lucario before?" It was Gary who answered back.

Lillie fumed in embarassment.

"That is not the point Mr. Oak! Of course the first time I saw it, I already knew that his white-coloured Lucario experienced some sort of experimental moment."  Lillie stated.

"But what we saw right now is beyond logical!" Lillie exclaimed.

"Lillie, we knew you're the top here in class, but right now, you might want to calm down." Serena nervously said.

"I...I guess I have to..." Lillie finally said and sat down back on her chair.

The next thing they knew, their next professor arrived.


Ash's POV

"Pardon the intrusion." Someone from outside suddenly called out.

"Ah yes, come in." I replied and let him come in to the office.

It was Professor Oak, holding up some documents and papers.

"How was your day Ash? Was it worth it?" Profesor Oak asked.

"Yes professor, it went well and smooth, I see potential in my handled class." I replied to him genuinely.

It's true, those eyes are of pure determination and hardwork, I'm interested on how they do when that tournament comes. Maybe those three suggested strong trainers will do well.

"Let me ask something though." I suddenly said.

"Go on."

"I noticed that blonde haired girl, Lillie was it?" I asked.

"You're talking about the smartest girl in class, what about her?" Professor Oak replied.

"Smartest? I see then, that's why." I replied.

The small chat went on and Professor Oak handed the documents and papers, before leaving the office.

"Man, being a teacher can be tiring too, isn't it?" I stated and out of nowhere, a figure just suddenly appeared from invisibility state.

It was Mew, the pokemon that holds the genes of other pokemons.

"I may have to inform you that you'll have to start training them up next week." She stated in a somewhat feline female voice.

"Yeah, yeah, but most of it, it's up to them on how they will do in that tournament." I replied.

Mew and I have been friends since childhood, that is why I can casually talk to her even if she is a legendary pokemon.

"The papers." She scolded.

"Y-Yeah, right."


3rd Person's POV

The school bell rang, indicating for the time to go home. A group of girls can be seen walking out from the school grounds, comprising of the familiar girl, Lillie, and three other girls with her.

"Hey Lillie, it's still early to go home, do you want to have some practice battle?" May asked.

"Hmm? I might want to do that---"

She stopped as she remembered the thing that happened earlier, the one that their mysterious teacher just did.

"Yeah, let's do it, I still can't believe at that fact." Lillie said, slightly annoyed and somewhat curious.

"Well, if you insist."

The four of them went to a small clearing, May and Lillie went separate areas with pokeballs lying on their palms.

"Let's do it, Combusken, come out!"

"Espeon, I need your assistance!"

Both said pokemons went out from their pokeballs and cried out their respective names.

"Espeon, let's use Psybeam!"

"Counter with Flamethrower!"

Two attacks collided with each other, which resulted to a slight smoke cloud.

Both pokemons smirked, they're in par with each other.

"Espeon, follow it up with Psyc---"

But all of it was interrupted by a sudden giant net engulfing both Espeon and Combusken."



Lillie and May were surprised at that sudden event, they panicked because the net grabbed both their pokemons.

"Pokemon Poachers!" It was Serena, who were watching the battle together with Dawn.

"Quick! We have to follow them, Serena, Dawn, help us out!"

With that, they followed the Pokemon Poachers running towards the forest.

In the office...

Ash suddenly perked up at the sudden tingling sensation he felt towards nowhere.

"What was that?" Ash asked.

"I sensed danger Ash, better check out and deal with it." Mew replied in a rather calm tone.

Ash nervously looked at Mew and sighed, before heading out to check and see.

Back at the forest...

"Come back here poachers!" Lillie shouted, the two guys just ran while laughing, carrying the captured Espeon and Combusken. They are surprisingly fast.

"Staravia, help us out!" Dawn shouted and sent out her Staravia. As soon as it went out from the pokeball, it quickly dashed out towards the two running poachers.

"Not gonna happen, Yanmega, come out and use Air Slash!" One poacher with the free hand quickly releases his Yanmega and it managed to hit Staravia, but it didn't make Staravia stopped and still continued on chasing them.

Until they arrived at a small clearning, but the poachers have other intention.

The girls have also arrived at the clearing, not knowing of the trap the two poachers have set up.

"You girls must be idiots for chasing us until here, now, we're going to take your other pokemon as well." The poacher said while grinning.

Out of nowhere, five other poachers suddenly came out of nowhere, cornering the girls.

They all grinned and released some of the other pokemons containing a Garbodor, Darmanitan, Weavile, Gengar, Skarmory and Pangoro.

"Th-They have strong pokemon..." Dawn muttered.

"Braixen come out!"

"Staravia, help us once more!"

Serena let out Braixen and Staravia hovered above Dawn.

"Snowy, we need your assistance!"

"You too, Beautifly!"

Lillie's Alolan Vulpix and May's Beautifly also came out and did battle stance.

"Ha! This is gonna be easy, Gengar, Shadow Ball!" The one that probably looked their boss yelled out.

"Braixen quick! Flamethrower!"

"You too Staravia, use Gust!"

Gengar let out a Shadow Ball, but it barely manage to par against Flamethrower and Gust.

"Well, well, you four still has some energy within you, too bad we're taking your pokemon from you." He grinned evilly and then his other companions commanded their respective pokemons to use their attacks.

All of the opposing enemies unleashed their attacks towards the girls, they only waited for the impact and then a loud booming explosion can be heard.

The dust cloud dissipated and with the girls still closing their eyes.

"Oh, I guess I made it."


They opened their eyes only to see a familiar figure standing in front of them together with a familiar humanoid female pokemon.

"T-Teacher?" Lillie said, unsure.

"Oh, yo, just passing by." Ash replied awkwardly.

They looked in front of Ash only to see a Gardevoir using a massive Protect, keeping them safe.

Ash looked at the poachers with disgusted eyes.

"Hey, do you think this situation seems unfair?"

To be continued...

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