Dominate Me [ON HOLD]

By Aka__Amour

79.7K 2.4K 1.1K

A teenage girl who decides to rein in her dominant side and tries to be your typical shy girl meets upon A te... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty - One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty -three.
Chapter Twenty -four

Chapter Fourteen

2.5K 116 106
By Aka__Amour

Author's note

Sorry to say that this book won't be going to go any further..... For some specific reasons 😥, I'm really sorry but yea, good bye🖐😥.........
I will show you the reason on the next page, sorry again😥😥.

(Ha I was just kidding people)

Alex POV

I groaned waking up out of my sleep. I sighed rubbing my eyes then staring up at the ceiling. I messed everything up, me and my stupid ideas. She probably won't even speak to me again. No I'm sure she won't.

I didn't think she would be so affected by me being all up on another girl. I was given the reaction I wanted but I never expected she'd be that affected. I admit she really hurt me when she said that the little moment we had was a mistake, but I guess I'll get over that because she's worth I'm sure.

I tried to see if I could talk to her after school as yesterday was Friday and we were suppose to meet for our assignment thing but she didn't even show up.

Sigh, what am I going to do now, I don't want her avoiding me. I only behaved the way I did with rose yesterday because I wanted her to get jealous. I admit I really didn't want to do it but she and my friends said this would definitely work and now she probably hates.

Once again I need better friends.!

I got up and opened my windows letting in little sunlight and spread my bed. I cleaned up my room then went in the bathroom to take a bathe, shave and brush my teeth.

Thirty minutes later I came out the bathroom feeling fresh but my mood still was at an all time low. I dried off then got dress, not feeling in the mood to look good or anything then went downstairs to get something to eat.

"Hey mom, dad" I said grabbing a plate of pancakes, waffles and sausages.

"Hey Alex, you're never up this early" dad said

"Yea, it's currently 10:00 o'clock and you're usually up on a Saturday by 12" mom said

"Yea well, I couldn't sleep that much" I sighed, just thinking that Mystique maybe hates me has me loosing my appetite.

"Who is she?" Dad said

"I should be asking you that since you're the one bringing up a she" I said

"Just answer the question, we been there done that. We know the signs of someone having a crush or is it love?" Mom asked.

"Love? I don't love Mystique" I said defensively

"So her name is Mystique huh?. Please do spill" dad said sitting up and leaning forward a little.

"Fineeee, she's a new girl at school that I'm trying to persuade in being my dominant but no luck so far. I did something and now I think she hates me" I said getting glossy eyed.

"I'm sure its not that all that bad. What did you do?" Mom said

"Made out with another girl, we were basically having sex with clothes on. But I swear I only wanted her to get jealous "

"I don't blame you hun , I blame your father. He's the one you inherited these crazy ideas from --"


"But how about you just try talking to her instead jumping to conclusions. You know my number one motto , right?" She said

"Yea, communication is key"

"Ok so go talk things or something"

"Thanks mom. Dad you're no longer my favorite parent"

"Seriously , I could of told you that" he angrily

"But you didn't sooo" I said heading towards the stairs.

Dad still looked upset that he wasn't the favorite but I saw mom leaned over and whisper something to him making him blush, and on that note I quickly ran up the stairs.

I went in my room closing the door then taking up my phone sitting on the bed trying to build up the courage to call her. I remember we exchanged numbers for the story assignment.

Come on just call her!

But what if she doesn't answers

Well you won't know until you try.

I'm scared

Come on stop being such a coward.

You know what I'm just going to take the coward way out and text her. Yea I'll do that so the rejection will be a little less hurtful. Here goes everything.

Me: hey mystique🖐, it's me Alex.

Ok there. That should good enough, I don't sound how I feel which is desperate.

Oh god, I don't think I would be able to handle it if she doesn't answer.

I placed my phone on the bed and got up pacing in front it while running my hand through my hair. God!, how many minutes have gone. It feels like it's been an hour when it's only about 4minutes.

I heard my phone pinged and I quickly grabbed it, putting in the password then nervously checking the message.

Mystique: hi

I hugged the phone to my chest thanking the heavens she replied. Ok what to say now.

Me : um how are you?

God I've never been so nervous over simple f*cking text in my life.

Mystique: ok

Maybe it's me but it looks like she doesn't want to text me or maybe she's just normally text this dry. But I guess I'll have to take what I get.

Me : I was wondering if you like to go eat food and also verbally communicate ?

Well what the f*ck was that?. God she probably thinks I'm stupid. Christ why must I be this awkward?. I have no problem texting other girls but the one girl I really want to text I say shit like this.

Mystique: I already ate and I'm not in the mood to be annoyed

Ok that totally didn't hurt my feelings and I'm totally not going to cry like a man after this.

Me: please I really want to clear up some things. I promise it will be worth your while and we'll go wherever you want.

Don't judge me. I'm reaching here.

Mystique: fine🙄...Brown's cafe in an hour.

I quickly replied ok then started jumping up and down , fist bumping the air, jumping the air. I was basically abusing the air at this point but who cares?, all I'm focused on is my chat with Mystique in an hour.

*****************"1hr later

We are currently sitting across from each other in the cafe waiting for our orders. I must say I'm completely and shamelessly staring at Mystique right now. Like god she's beautiful , just watching her using her finger drawing circles on the table is doing something to my mind.

Our orders came shortly after and I got to talking.

"Listen Mystique what happen yesterday with that girl at school was completely fake." She was staring at me making me nervous with her intense staring.

"It was all for show just get a reaction out of you. I'm sorry if I made you hate me but I really just want you and you won't give me a chance"

She sipped her smoothie , once, twice then placed it down. She took a bite in her muffin , wiped her mouth and hands then sat back in the chair. Placing her hands on both ends of the bench with a small smile on her face then it was quickly replaced my a glare.

"Do you take me for a f*cking doll Alex?, you expect that when you pull certain strings I'll do exactly what you want me to? Huh?" She said

"What? No!, I was just trying everything I could to get your attention, your approval. I wanted to show you that I can be what you want, that I'm worth it" I said looking down

She sighed " You're a idiot you know that?. Its not you , I'm in a situation right now that I can't get out of and it's best that I put aside my Dom lifestyle for some other time."

"Can you explain it to me?, you know tell me why?" I asked

"Ok fine it strayed with my second submissive Draco. We actually met in a cafe. The waitress got our orders mixed up, he was sitting behind me. I just got out of a very bad relationship with a submissive and I wanted to vent, so I thought what better way than to do that with a stranger that I'll never see again. After all he looked like he needed company. So invited myself over, introduced myself then just start talking."

"Just like that?, he must have looked at you crazy" he laughed

"Actually no, he didn't. He listened through it all then when I was finished I was all like 'bet you can't beat that'." She smiled a little

"Well did he? "

"Yeah he did. He was being abused by his dominant and he recently found the courage to end it all that day. I thought he should be out celebrating but she messed him up for good. He thought he didn't deserve to celebrate, that he should have stayed with her because she said she loved him. If I didn't talk him out of it he would have actually went back."

I'm not going to cry, you are!.

"After that day we grew closer as friends at first then we eventually decided to take it a bit further to being more than friends. He became my perfect little bloomer, my submissive. I'd always tell him that each day he's growing into something beautiful. I became his knight as he would call me. He said with me by his side he knows nothing will harm him ever again." She said sadly with a far away look in her eyes.

"I should have known things wouldn't be rainbows and sunshine forever. I should have pay more attention to the signs. I should have known that his last dominant was sending his threats, that she was hurting MY baby. That she was destroying all the confidence I helped him get back. By the time I realise what was going on and went to his house all I found was a note i- I "

"You don't have to continue" I said seeing her crying

"No, no I have to do this. The note said 'he's mine and now we'll finally be together'. I got so angry, I didn't know what to do. So I called the cops and they sent out a search for them. Three weeks later they found them, I was so happy. I planned to slapped that b*tch to a next country then make up for all the times lost with my baby. I planned to do anything he want. Even go to that stupid museum he always wanted to go."

"So did you do all that?"

"Well you can't necessarily do all that with a dead person"

Well shit!

"I blamed myself for months, my parents send me to therapy and even thou they didn't say it, I know they blamed me too."

"What ? But you didn't do anything" I said angrily

"Yea but they found a couple papers in his draw saying how I pushed him to be with that abusive , crazy woman. How he blamed me for everything. "

"That ungrateful piece a-"

"He didn't write it. I know he didn't, I know his hand writing and know he wouldn't write with jell ink pens because he said they're messing. But no one believed me, they blamed me, so I started blaming myself. Going to therapy, until I realised that it wasn't my fault, it was that b*tch's fault. Too bad she's dead or else I would do the others. So now you know why my parents banned me from relationships, they still believe I'm crazy and I can't take the continuous moving so I chose to cooperate for once."

I feel bad , I really do but --

"I still want you and I won't stop trying" I said

"Oh I know" she said smiling a little. "But how about you?, what's your story?"

"Well it's pretty simple. I was a submissive treated horrible by my dominants, I was emotionally abused and on small occasions physically too. I was forced to do things I didn't want to do and when I refused the punishment for some involved blood and for others any thing that can cause intense pain. Like lighting a match and placing it near my tip. In the end I choose to no longer be the pet but the master. Until recently, you're the first dominant to ever catch my attention in a long while and even thou they others were wrong , I know you're the right one. If you could only just give me a chance" I said

"Alex you deserve more than a secret , bound to fail relationship. I would have to constantly be hiding you and what we have from my parents. I couldn't really go out with you as my parents love to ask questions. We won't be able to do all the things Dom and sub do."

"I don't care, I'll take what I get. I'm sire we'll make it work if we just try" I begged.

She started eating saying nothing. Sigh! I'll just ask again when we're ready to go.

So after about twenty minutes of us eating, she sat back staring at me. I liked down , not so good with the intense staring. She cleared her throat.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'll give us a try only because I maybe want this as much as you do" she said

"SHE SAID YES!!!" I said jumping out my seat and dancing. I stopped seeing multiple stares, some clapping and some saying congrats. I sat down apologising to mystique. Good god!, way to act a fool Alex.

"No need for apologises. But I only have one thing to say"

"Yea, what's that?"

I didn't see when her hand stretched across the table , all I know is that she grabbed my neck pulling me across the table right up in her face then whispered in my ear --

"If I so much as see you do the shit you did with that b*tch ever again"she squeezed my neck cutting off my air a little then licked and bite my ear lobe then blow on it.

" I would tie you down and drain you of every drop of cum making you question your ability to even cum again then I'd fill both your holes--"

"Both my holes?"

"Yep, I'll fill them up with my favorite vibrators set to the highest peak while having your c*ck in a c*ck cage and your nipples in a nipple clamp. I would leave you their for five days, coming in each day to masturbate on your stomach while you watch." She said then pushed me back to sit down.

Mother of all that's holy!. I took a big sip of my water then fanned my self. Because b*tch I was in heat at this point. Imagine the pain the suspense, Christ this shouldn't be legal.

"You look like you're in need of a blow job" I choked almost dying.

"Or maybe a little sex on the beach" at this point I'm wheezing.


"No need to be so worked up, they're only drinks" she said taking a sip of her smoothie trying to hide her smirk.

I have a feeling that this is the best decision I've ever made.

Sooo I'm missed me? worries I missed you.!!

Well they've finally did it , they're going to try this out......will it work? Maybe , maybe not💁.

You guys better start answering my messages on the message board, I feel like I'm talking to myself😒.

Which countries are you guys from thou?

I would like to thank

PCanelito.....for the follow
-ciewrites.......for the comment and like
@_Junior.....for the like
abinayasharadha.......for the like
ClaireIgemohia1.......for the like
docinho_fofinh.....for the like
ClaireIgemohia1......for the like
MaahiJain1.......for liking and commenting
geenai.......for liking
Lilith2468013579....for liking
Demonic_Gray_Duo.....for liking
SrijeetaSaha3.......for liking
neomax3000....for commenting
Booksmart1016......for adding to a booklist and liking
Amecha7......for the follow
TINA102002.......for adding to a booklist
trixiewolf.......for adding to a booklist
Utk_19.......for adding to a booklist
leiilanimariee......for liking
prettygirl1040......for adding to a booklist
SashTheWhiteHusk.......for adding to a booklist
basilyahoo......for adding to a booklist
urslave2020......for adding to a booklist
mhizxena ........for liking
IAmCam02.......for the follow
fama12345677......for liking and adding to a booklist
caitygotwords.....for liking all my chapters
L3stib0urn3s......for commenting and liking
napppyheaadkii......for liking
LazyWriter2327......for liking, commenting and following
moyablossoms......for liking and following
Carleee_......for adding to a booklist
AnnaFalkenstein4.....for liking
ta_ja_nae....for liking
UashiaBryant....for adding to a booklist





Until next time my babies


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