
By rab1dw0lf

20 10 7

Jason, his girlfriend Ollie, and his dog Tonya move in to a new house to begin their new life together. in th... More



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By rab1dw0lf


I watched as the other me stood in front of Connor and Ollie. Tonya's hair was raised as far as it could get and Connor still held on, Ollie now hiding behind him. They began backing away towards the door, but it was slammed shut by something else. Ollie started looking around for anything that she could protect herself with, but she wasn't looking quick enough.

"Ollie!" I screamed and pounded on the shield. It wasn't until I started hyperventilating that I realized I was crying and panicking. "Ollie! Connor! No!" The other me reached for Ollie, but Tonya got out of Connor's grip and lunged for him. They crashed to the floor in a heap while Connor and Ollie tried for the door handle, which was locked.

"Ollie, find something that we can bust this down with!" Connor said and she ran through the room, throwing things around, looking for anything that she could use. When She came across a metal baseball bat, she ran it to Connor. "Stand back." He said and she did so while watching as Tonya ripped at the reflection's flesh. Connor threw as much force into the bat and door handle as he could. With luck, he busted the door knob and then kicked at it until the door itself hung open. They pulled it open and ran out, leaving Tonya and my reflection behind. The shield began rippling and swirling again and I feared that the portal or whatever this door way was, was going to close soon.

"Tonya!" I yelled as loud as I could in hopes that she would leave or do anything but stay where she was. "Tonya, run!" her ears perked at the sound of my voice and she stopped to look at the mirror. The other me's mouth opened like a snake, revealing rows of shark like teeth before he leaned up in once swift motion and sunk his nasty maw into Tonya's right shoulder. Her cries of pain filled my ears and I screamed. "No!"

I felt like I was going to pass out from the trauma that I was experiencing. Rather than taking it and just dying though, Tonya escaped the grip of the other me and did the unexpected. My vision was blurry from the tears as well as the portal shifting and rippling, but I thought I saw her moving towards me. I started hearing this loud, constant noise that I could only describe as Venus. If you ever go onto YouTube and look up what the planets sound like, listen to Venus and you'll know what I'm talking about. Suddenly, Tonya jumped into the portal and my reflection screeched, an ear-piercing sound, before getting up and running after the portal.

He never made it through because right before the portal closed and everything disappeared, I saw Ollie in the doorway holding a shot gun that she had fired into his head, blowing it to bits. Everything was dark now. I could see Tonya as if light was being shined onto us from every single direction, however, there was no source that it came from. Everything around me, below, and above was just black. Not even black, it was just... Nothing. Tonya lied in front of me and whimpered. She was trying to crawl towards me, but she was weak and in pain.

"Oh Tonya." I breathed out between the tears. I crawled towards her and sat next to her. She managed to rest her upper half in my lap and pressed her face into my stomach for comfort. "I'm so sorry, baby girl." I said to her. Her eyes were closed and I could see what I could only guess were tears. Her whines were the only thing I could hear and it broke my heart. "You're going to be okay, hun. I promise" Her golden eyes met mine and she slowly leaned up to lick my cheek once. I stroked her ears in comfort. "I'm going to find a way out of this. I'm going to make us safe again. You just have to hang on, okay? You just have to hang on for me, baby." I told her. Hot blood stained my clothes and I held my breath to choke down a scream of internal pain. If I lose my baby in this, I might just go crazy. Having to figure out a way out and figure out how to not go crazy in this void is going to be hard. Tonya is all that I have now.



It's been about four months since Tonya and Jason went through the mirror. I've been staying at Connor's ever since. We've been trying to figure out a way to get in the mirror and come back out. So far, we're pretty sure this isn't going to be as simple as tying one of us to a rope and hoping to be pulled back out with Jason and Tonya. We've also bought every mirror that we come across since we go through so many for our experiments. I know that there is a way out of this, we just have to figure out how.

Connor and I have been going to therapy for what occurred. The counselors most likely think we're lunatics. I mean how believable is it that your boyfriend as his dog get pulled into a mirror and his reflection comes out? It's not. I tell it to get it off my chest. I have to talk about it to someone other than Connor. My therapist says to do stupid basic coping mechanisms. It's useless, but I play along with it because I feel like I have to tell someone in case something new happens and someone else can help or at least explain what happens to me.

I have nightmares of it every night. I'm always dreaming of Jason getting pulled into the mirror and then walking back in on that thing sinking his teeth into Tonya's shoulder before she jumps through for him. That night ended with Connor and I burying the body of the other Jason. We promised to not speak about the part where we killed him and buried him, and instead we say that he jumped through a window and disappeared into the darkness, never to be found again. Connor had to tell his parents that Jason took Tonya and disappeared and we can't get ahold of him. The strangest part was that they had no idea who Jason or Tonya was.

"Mom, you have another son named Jason. He's my twin brother. I grew up with him for our entire lives." Connor said, but his parents thought he was going crazy. We even tried to show them a picture of him and instead the pictures with him either didn't exist or he was replaced by someone else, like a friend or something.

"Connor, you were the only one born. I'm telling you that you don't have a twin brother and there is no dog named Tonya." She said to him. I scrolled through my phone, looking for any picture of him that I could find, but I couldn't find any. It was as if being in the mirror changes all of the universe and everything in its entirety and you simple cease to exist to anyone outside.

"Hey, Ollie, I have an idea. Can you draw him and Tonya? You're an artist. Do you think it would work?" Connor asked me one day and it was refreshing to have come up with a new way to show someone what he looked like. I hadn't even thought of drawing since Jason and I moved into that house.

"Yes! Do you have a paper and pencil on hand?"

"No, but there's some stuff upstairs." I ran into the spare room upstairs and dug up some paper and pencil, sketching out an outline of him on the spot. After four hours of determination, I finally finished. It was a perfect replica of both Jason and Tonya.

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