Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

183K 5.6K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126

Part 97

861 40 12
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing okay and keeping safe?!
I've been thinking real hard recently about this story.. I'm a little worried you're all getting a little bored as I get closer to 100 parts, are you?! Do you think it's going on too long? Please let me know your opinions in the comments, be honest❤️
Anyway, sorry for going on, Enjoy!

*Jamie's POV*

"So what time are you picking up Dulcie?" Dakota yawns as we sit at the breakfast bar. We've both just finished eating our lunch whilst Charlotte is down for a nap. I've just washed the dishes, and I wrap my arms around her from behind.

"She's got a class after school, so I'll probably head to pick her up around half three" I kiss her neck softly and she smiles, leaning her head to one side. It's been a week since telling our families about the baby, we went back to Naomi yesterday and she said Dakota is fourteen weeks five days pregnant. She's set Dakota's due date for March 13th.

"Okay... do you think we have a few hours spare for some us time?" She whispers, smiling shyly up at me. "Always baby" I grin, kissing her softly before lifting her into my arms, carrying her through to the lounge. I sit on the sofa and rest her beside me, she sighs a bit when I flick the tv on.

"what's up baby?" I frown a bit looking to her. She rests her hand on my thigh before using her finger to lightly outline my bulge through my shorts. "Well, when I said us time, I had something different in mind..." her voice is low and seductive, I chuckle a bit and lean over her, pushing her to lay on the sofa slowly.

"All you had to do is say baby" I kiss down her neck before pulling her t-shirt over her head, causing her to giggle. I softly suck her nipple before moving my kisses down her, to her small bump. I place soft kisses over it before reaching down and sliding my hand into her leggings and panties.

She gasps when I graze her clit with my thumb, I repeat my action over and over, watching her whimper and moan each time I move my thumb. "Jamie" she pants and I grin, slipping my hand back over before pulling her leggings and panties down together. Her hands fumble to my shorts and hurriedly she tugs my shorts and boxers down around my knees.

"So eager Mrs Dornan" I chuckle kissing her softly as she giggles, her hand gently stroking me to full hardness. I groan when her thumb slips over the tip of my erection; my head resting against her forehead. "Please. I need you" she smiles shyly and I smirk, pushing into her slowly; watching as she gasps for air throwing her head back.

I pull all the way out of her before I push all the way back in slowly, she gasps again and I grin, Watching her throw her head back. "Jamie" she pants, her hands on my hips caressing my skin under my shirt. I speed up my movements, grazing her sweet spot deep inside with each stroke. She moans and I grunt when I feel her tightening around me.

"You're so good" she pulls me closer to her and I hold her close, building up my rhythm even faster. She whispers and calls my name as she falls apart, coming around me as i fill her with my climax, stilling inside her and grunting her name loudly.

We're both panting when I collapse on top of her; my head on her chest. "That was just what I needed" she chuckles a bit, her head on the arm of the sofa as she kisses my forehead tenderly and I chuckle. "Am I wrong for thinking you used me for sex?" I pull out of her slowly and help her with her leggings and underwear, before sliding my boxers and shorts back on.

"Definitely not. My hormones are so all over the place, I've been feeling a lot more.. you know.. recently" she blushes slightly, giggling. I lay beside her and pull her to me. "Well, I'm always happy to help out my wife any way I can" I chuckle and she giggles up at me. "Well good.. otherwise I may have to get myself a toy to help" she raises her eyebrow with a smirk.

My mouth drops open at the thought of her using toys in the bedroom, my dick hardens slightly at the image I get in my head. "Well you won't need toys, but maybe we could play" I smirk and she gazes at me for a few seconds. "How?" Her voice is small and I know immediately that she's shy about it. "However you'd feel comfortable.. we both know there's plenty of different toys out there" I say and she smirks.

"Could play with my ass" she says straight faced. My jaw falls to the floor and she falls into fits of laughter. "Your reaction is priceless" she giggles, curling into me. "Well, don't tease me like that" I laugh, kissing her head softly as she smiles, closing her eyes.

"I'm really excited to tell Dulcie about the baby" she whispers after a few minutes of silence. "me too.. I might see if she can stay with us for the night; I've missed her" I pout a bit and she nods. "That'll be nice. We can have a movie night." She grins, sitting up slowly. "Sounds good" I kiss her tenderly before checking the time. "I better go pick Dulcie" I smile, kissing Dakota again as I stand.

"Okay.. I'll make a start on dinner" she says, going to get up. "You don't have to I can do it when I'm back" I kiss her again softly. "I don't mind.." she smiles lovingly. I kiss her again and say bye before heading out to my car.


All the way home Dulcie told me all about her day and what she did. She told me how she had played with her new friends Molly and Tara and she's going to Tara's house for dinner tomorrow. I grin whilst I listen, happy and relieved that she's finally happy at school.

"Daddy I did a picture for you and mommy Dakota" she grins as I park the car on the driveway and press the button to lock the gates. "You did? We'll hang it on the fridge baby" I smile, getting out and watching as she jumps down from my car, running to the front door and opening it.

The aroma of homemade burgers fill our noses as I close the door behind us. We both kick our shoes off and Dulcie runs through to the kitchen. As I get in there I see Dakota at the counter making the burgers as Charlotte is stood beside her, holding onto her mommy's leggings for support as she stands beside her.

"Charlotte!" Dulcie squeals running over to her. She hugs her tightly and Charlotte wraps her arms around her big sister, giggling loudly. My heart bursts watching my girls. They love each other so much. "Look at our big girl standing up" I grin and Charlotte squeals, stumbling a bit before falling to her bottom.

I lift her and she curls into me, sucking her hand. "Hey gorgeous girl" Dakota grins, hugging Dulcie and kissing her cheek. "Hi" she giggle shyly, reaching into her school bag and showing Dakota a picture. She's drawn me, her, Charlotte, Dakota and Zepp. We're by some flowers and there's a picnic blanket.

"Oh wow Dulcie that's so good" Dakota giggles, kissing her head again as she takes it from her, showing it to me. "I love it" I grin and Dulcie blushes. "Thank you" she giggles at us both, putting her bag in the hallway. "Shall we put it on the fridge?" Dakota asks her and she nods fast; watching as Dakota places it on the fridge, using a magnet to hold it on.

"Dinner will be about twenty minutes " she says, smiling over at me. "Okay baby.. I'll feed Charlotte now before us" I say, going to get Charlotte a food pot that Dakota prepped up this morning. Dulcie sits herself at the dinner table and watches me as I sit Charlotte in the highchair, sitting beside her and feeding her slowly.

As I feed her I listen to Dakota and Dulcie. She asks all about her day at school and she excitedly tells Dakota everything she told me on the way home, and I love how well they get on. Dakota treats her like she's her daughter and I couldn't be more grateful.

I'm soon taken from my thoughts as Dulcie calls my name. "Earth to daddy!" She giggles and I laugh. "Sorry baby what was that?" I laugh as Dakota chuckles. "What sauce did you want with your burger?" She smiles and I pout. "Burger sauce please" I aim to Dakota as she finishes off making our burgers with sweet potato fries.

Dakota places our plates in front of us and sits next to me, we all tuck in straight away. I notice that me and Dulcie have two burgers but she only has one. "How come you only have one?" I pout, my hand on her thigh as I swallow my mouthful of food. "I feel a bit sick" she sighs a bit and I frown, nodding a bit.

"Okay baby.." I rub her knee as we all continue to eat. When we're all done I take the dishes and fill the dishwasher, listening to Dulcie and Dakota. "That was yummy thank you Kota" she says sweetly and I catch Dakota's shy smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it baby" she kisses Dulcie's hair before standing, lifting Charlotte into her arms.

"Shall we bath the girls?" She suggests and I nod, so we all head upstairs and I run the bath whilst Dakota gets the girls undressed. I place Charlotte's bath seat in the water and we put them both in, giving them a few toys to play with.


Charlotte has been asleep for a few hours. We've just finished watching despicable me 2 in our room. Dulcie is laying between me and Dakota. They both look sleepy and it melts my Heart. "Dulcie, me and your daddy have something to tell you" Dakota says softly, stroking her hair from her face.

"Are you okay Dakota?" She pouts and I grin at how sweet my little girl is. She has a heart of gold. "I'm definitely okay baby girl.." Dakota kisses her head, looking at me shyly. "Do you remember when me and Dakota was sad because the little baby went?" I say, watching as she nods slowly, gazing at me from Dakota.

"Yeah daddy.. I was sad too" she pouts and I smile; leaning over to Dakota's top and lifting it over her bump. "Dakota has a new baby.. look" I stroke my hand over the bump and Dulcie gasps loudly; causing Dakota to giggle shyly.
"Really?!" Dulcie grins, giggling as she rests her hand by mine on Dakota's bump. "Yes.. your little brother or sister" Dakota giggles, grinning as Dulcie moves; hugging her tightly.

"I'm so happy daddy and mommy Dakota" she mumbles, her voice hoarse. Dakota looks to me with tears in her eyes as she pouts. "We are too angel, so happy." Dakota whispers, kissing Dulcie's head as they cuddle into each other. I wrap my arms over them from beside Dulcie.

"You're the best big sister to Char Char, now you get to be another big sister " I kiss Dulcie's head and she turns, hugging me. "I can't wait daddy. I will play with them and help them eat and bath them with you both" she speaks fast, excitedly. I grin and kiss her head again.

"They're going to love you" Dakota smiles, kissing Dulcie's head too before hugging her. "Thank you mommy Dakota" she whispers in her ear and I watch Dakota's eyes well up. "There's nothing to thank me for sweetheart." She strokes Dulcie's back softly before they pull away.

"Come on you, it's bedtime" I say to Dulcie and she sighs, giggling as she kisses Dakota. "Goodnight.. love you" she grins and Dakota kisses her head. "Love you too, night beautiful" they share a wave as I leave the room with Dulcie.

"Daddy, I'm so glad Dakota has another baby" she grins as I tuck her into bed. "We are too baby.. we have to keep it secret for a while though" I kiss her head and she nods; grinning. "Sure thing" she giggles sleepily, letting out a yawn.

"I really love Dakota and daddy and char" she smiles as i sit on her bed, stroking her hair. "We all love you too baby.. so much" I kiss her head and she closes her eyes slowly.

When I head back to our room Dakota is under the covers and her eyes are closed. I strip to my boxers and climb in beside her; wrapping my arm around her. "Dulcie makes my heart melt.. she's the sweetest little girl I've ever met." Dakota whispers, her eyes opening.

"I thought you was sleeping... she adores you. Just like me and Char do" I kiss her head as she giggles a bit "we all adore you too.. our favourite guy in the whole world" she cuddles into me closer; kissing me softly. "I love you so so much" I kiss her head as we hold each other close. "I love you more.." she whispers as her eyes slowly close....

Comments are appreciated as always❤️

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