Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
πŸ–πŸŽ¨ Drawings πŸŽ¨πŸ–
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH38 - Final Decisions

268 13 11
By Namifangurl07

Kata walked toward her bedroom and slammed the door close behind her. Letting out an exhausted sigh she leaned her back onto the door's wooden surface and let herself slide down to the ground. She pulled her knees close to her chest and hugged while her face was buried into them as her mind kept flashing back to the conversation she had with her 'prisoner'.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you." Ruby apologized sincerely as her eyes reflected sorrow, even though she still held that straight face on her expression.

"It's okay." The woman replied with a sad tone. "I deserve it anyway. . .After all, my father killed your family." She reminded the girl as guilt washed over her because of something that it was technically not her fault.

"But. . . You weren't there. . . were you?" Ruby carefully pointed out, and to her surprise, she got a shake of a head from Kata.

"My father was there only . . ." The woman in blue uniform said as she shook her head.

'Now that I think about those days, I remember how unhappy I was back then. . .' Kata thought to herself 'How my sister got praised most of the time while all I got was the cold shoulder. . . And even after many years of training, I still can see the disappointment in his eyes. . .'

'Mara was born lucky while you were lucky to be born.' Zankoku's cold words echoed in Kata's thoughts, making the woman growl angrily, and the more she thought about it the more furious she became. 'I do my best, do everything just to get his love and approval. . . But he never pays attention to my achievements. . . All I am doing here is pleasing him. . . while wasting my life here. . . for a dream that means everything to him and Mara. . . while I mean nothing to them. . . '

"If you don't think what he's doing is right, when why are you still helping him?" Ruby asked, making Kata let out a sorrowful sigh.

"I have nowhere else to go. . ." The woman replied sadly. "He and Mara are the only family I have left."

"Kata, they're just using you." Ruby tried to knock some sense into the warrior. "Family doesn't treat each other like this. If they really cared about you then they would accept you no matter what! Aren't you tired of staying here and helping them get their selfish needs? I mean, there is so much opportunity out there. Something that would help you create your own path." The water-bender girl paused a little." You don't need to rely on anyone or get anyone's approval. You don't need to earn your father's love. A real father would love their child unconditionally and would never neglect them. It doesn't matter what you can do, be strong, weak, or talented, family means that they love and support each other no matter what and they never leave anyone behind. . ."

Now Kata finally opened her eyes. . . After years of many conflicts and blind trust. . . She was done with her father's thirst for power. Because of that, she never got a chance to have a normal demon life, or to have a life at all. Kata spent all her life training, to become the perfect warrior for her family, in order to protect them and help them. . . But now she finally sees that this is no longer the family she once knew. . . loved. . . and fought for. . .

Not only that, she knew deep down within her, but she can also do much more than just be a warrior. . .

After that moment of thinking, Kata finally opened her eyes. . . she got back to her feet and went to grab another fighting outfit from her wardrobe and put it on. Unlike her usual blue uniform, it was green and unique on its way since it was made by her mother's hand and magic. It had been waiting for the perfect moment to come out of that duty closet and fight for the right justice. . . Now that time had finally come. . .

Once it was on Kata, she pulled out a headpiece and mask that had decorations that are made out of gold while covered in colour that matched her warrior uniform.

'Never forget who you are love.' The woman heard her kind-hearted mother's voice that was filled with so much love and warmth. 'No matter how things seem to change, don't let that change you. Make your own decisions and be the person you want to be, not the other one that everyone expects you to turn into.'

"I'm sorry mother. . ." Kata breathed out as she held the mask close to her heart. "I should have realized this sooner. . . But now. . . I will make things right. . ." She placed the green mask onto her face then the golden headpiece on top of her head. Now fully prepared, and her blade fans on her waist she walked up to the wall carpet that has been hanging there for years. She pushed it away, then pressed her hand onto one of the square bricks on the wall. Like a button, it sank in then soon a secret passage opened up in front of the woman. She grabbed her torch and stepped between the entrance and her room. However, she stopped her tracks and held a thoughtful expression under her face. She turned her head slightly, almost like she wanted to look back, but within a second, she shook her head, deciding against that small idea.

"No turning back." She murmured to herself. "It's now or never. . ." And with that, she walked inside her secret passage. The door closed behind her, but she just kept on walking. She will go outside and search for the last two members of that small team, just like Kata's father asked her to, but with a big chance of plans. . . and heart. . .


My eyes fluttered open as I finally got some air into my lungs. My vision was a bit blurry but I can still make out that figure who was in front of me with her hands glowing bright blue. I knew right from that it was the Little Detective wasting her energy on me.

"I don't-!" I said with a small raspy voice but I was cut off by her.

"Don't move." The black-haired girl sternly instructed and continued on working on my wounds. I wanted to comment something, but I decided against it and just shut my mouth. As my vision cleared up completely, I couldn't help but stare at the human girl in front of me. Her eyes so focused on my injury while I feel her energy weakening a little. The glow that her power causes illuminated her facial expression, I feel myself get drawn by the beauty it held. . . the worry and focused look. . . In other words. . . The emotions, other than that blankness and anger, that she so rarely express through her face. . . like the smiles she flashed me back from our last mission . . .

Now I noticed how rare those moments were. . . Then something hit me. . .

She was just like me. . . always look strong on the outside, masking all the emotions. . . but still. . . afraid that no one would accept her. . .

"Why?" I eventually asked. . . "Why waste your energy on me? We might need it to help the others and later on fight against those fools. . ." I reminded her, my voice like before, monotone with no emotion. I mean it's true, she should not waste her powers on some nonsense scratch like this. I never understand it. . .

She didn't reply right away. . . But she eventually gave an answer when the glowing on her hands stopped and the water dropped to the side.

"You're the strongest member of our group. . . my teammate and my partner. . ." The girl's reply shocked me. "Don't worry about me, you and the others are far more important than I am. . ." She placed her hand onto her knees while she bowed her head, making her now wet and messy black locks hide her eyes. "After all you said it yourself. . . . I am not that much of a help. . . Just some distraction who gets in the way. . ." Her voice trailed off and I can sense the pain in the tone. . . I feel my heart sinking into my stomach while my throat got tighter by guilt. . . Why do I feel this way. . . ? Am I really feeling guilt over this little something? I am actually starting to develop feelings toward this. . . girl. . . ?

"When you asked me why I took this job. . . well. . ." The Little Detective let out a small weak chuckle, but it sounded more bitter and sad. "Maybe because I wanted to protect my brother from harm. . . or that I for once wanted to prove that I can make things right. . ." I see her hand grabbing onto that ring again while I feel my expression going soft, but just a little, not enough for her to notice. As for the inside. . . my core for some reason skipped a beat while this strange warm feeling is taking over me. The girl let out a long sigh as her blank and emotionless face returned, which kind of. . . disappointed me in some way. . .

What? No, it doesn't? Why do I even care. . . ?

Out of nowhere, I see the Little Detective slap her forehead while murmuring under her breath.

"Oh, wake yourself up Miyuki, you're don't have time for pathetic sob stories." I hear her complaining under her breath before getting up to her feet. "Come on Shadow Lord. We got friends to save." She said, making me mentally roll my eyes at her before getting up from the ground and follow her.

"You're so immature." I commented out loud, annoyed, earning a small huff from her.

" It's called having fun Hiei dearest." Miyuki humorously asked with the mix of sarcasm. "You should try it sometimes. " I slightly tensed up at the new nickname she just said, but it also felt. . . nice? What?!

A long walk later, she suddenly pulled out one of her throwing knives out that small bag and then summoned some water that soon covered the small weapon and turn it into an ice sword. But to my utter disbelief she handed it over me. I looked at her questioningly.

Why is she giving me this?

"Your sword is broken." The woman stated out the obvious. "Just in case if we run into some. . . company. . ." She said a little dramatically. I wanted to decline it, adding also that I am not weak-.

"Don't whine and just take it!" The black-haired girl snapped at me sternly, making me almost jump. Feeling my face warm up from the embarrassment I am feeling at the moment, I turned my head away as my hand went to take the weapon from her hand. However, I froze when I accidentally grabbed her hand instead. I feel my face is now set on fire while that core of mine again pounded unusually fast.

What is wrong with me? And why did the air suddenly get warmer here. . .?

I snapped my head to Miyuki and sure enough I see the same reaction that I have. However, that small strange moment was cut short when the detective let out a small gasp and her eyes widened up. I was a little confused but then I felt it as well. But soon I was able to see it too. A small orange orb of light making its way toward our direction. . .

Someone is coming.

I took the ice sword and got into a defensive stance in front of Miyuki who prepared her own ice sword for this enemy.

That orange orb got closer and closer. It was a torch that was held out by a woman in green, with a mask on her head. She looked similar to that other one who wore a purple warrior attire, but instead of golden orbs with slit pupils, she had normal magenta eyes. Before I can even do anything, the Little Detective did her water magic again. She blasted the woman with her water and pinned her onto the cave's wall with ice. We both went over to take a closer look at this woman.

"It's you." The Little detective spoke up with a look of disbelief but that soon shifted into an angry expression. "You're one of Zankoku's daughter, aren't you?!"

Zankoku's daughter? My glare hardens at the female figure as I drew the ice sword's tip at the woman's neck.

"If you want to keep that pathetic life of yours, I advise you to start talking." I commanded as I pushed the blade's sharp edge onto her pale skin.

"Please." The pathetic excuse of a fool pleaded. Now that's new? Already giving up after all the trouble she and her family had given us?

"I am not here to fight, I swear." Zankoku's daughter continued on with her little speech. "I was about to go in search of you two, in a manner of peace." That's when I had finally enough with these empty words. I lifted up the ice sword and was about to swing it, but a kunai knife stopped me from actually cutting the neck of this bitch. I looked at the Little Detective with total disbelief.

I was about to lash out my protest and anger at her-.

"Shut up!" She told me casually with a warning tone while pointing one finger at my face that almost touched my nose. I looked at her dumbfounded for a second before I let out a frustrated groan and lowered down my weapon. Oh, the nerve of this woman. . . The girl turned to the female dog as that finger that was pointed at me previously, now it trailed down to Zankoku's daughter.

"Speak!" Miyuki demanded simply, but with coldness in her tone and her chocolate brown orbs. . . I turned back to our prisoner and lifted up the ice sword again waiting for the word if the Little Detective needs a hand. . . . or more like a head.


After like few minutes, with this woman, who we soon learned was named as Kata, talked her heart out and confessed about her father's plan, I took a deep breath before letting out a sigh.

"But why now?" I asked blankly from the woman. "If you had felt like this, then why did you stay here instead of running away like your brother, Suzaku?" This just made no sense to me anymore and I honestly don't know what to think of this person at the moment. She still fought against us and she also held me back in my dream. . .

"He didn't run away!" Kata replied with a sorrowful voice. "He was banished because he resembled my mother too much and, in his eyes, my big brother was nothing more than a disappointment. After her death, he changed into a monster. . . I stayed because. . . I had nowhere else to go, nor anyone else who I can trust. . . Guess I was afraid of being rejected, but. . ." She paused when her magenta orbs soon found their ways up to my gaze. "Your friend Ruby, helped me finally open my eyes and see things clearly. . . "

"Ruby. . . ?" I breathed out softly with a worried tone.

"Enough with the emotional nonsenses, where is our team!?" Hiei demanded as he brought up that ice blade again, close to Kata's neck.

"They're in the castle's dungeon where the enchanted cells are being held." Kata informed us. "Ruby had been separated from the boys and was put into a highly secured chamber since she is a water-bender." My eyes open wider as I feel my heart dropped to my stomach. "Listen, if you let me go, I can take you there." The woman said to us with an honest tone. "I was trusted with the keys as well, but we need to hurry before my father's Rock Golems gets there."

"Tsk. Why should we trust you?" Hiei pointed out. I can't help but agree with that statement. "From all we know you can betray us."

"I know, but I swear to you I will not." Kata insisted on, her eyes pleading to me. I narrowed my eyes at her and like. . . scanned her. . .try to figure out if she is really on our side, or Hiei and I are right and she will stab us right in the back. However, there was one thing that she has. Our ticket to enter the castle and save our friends. Before I even said anything, I feel my eyes soften up while that warm feeling on my left shoulder and that strange gut feeling came back once more. . . Like they were trying to tell me something.

Is this a sign that maybe Kata is telling the truth and that she really wants to help us or it must be a warning? Well, so far these senses were never been wrong, and plus, Kata did sound genuine and honest. Her heartbeat that I also sensed reflected her true feelings as well. 

She is the complete opposite of her sister who almost killed me and Hiei.

I moved up my hands in a small wave motion then I elegantly dropped them down, making my ice trap around the woman melt down back to water.

"What are you doing?!" Hiei demanded, but I paid no mind for him at the moment and just looked at Kata seriously.

"We will accept your offer." I told her a calm voice.

"Are you out of your mind Detective?!" Hiei exclaimed at me as he stopped right in front of my face, crimson eyes glaring daggers. "Why would you trust her?"

"I don't." I replied to him as I looked into his ruby orbs deeply. "But if we want to get to our friends then we don't have a choice."

"You know we can just take the key and then look for them ourselves with my Jagan." Hiei pointed out. It's true at some point but Kata said the cells are enchanted.

"My father put talismans and other kind of enchantments around the cells, so you can't really do much with your third eye nor can your friends use any kind of spiritual weapons." Kata informed us, just confirming my suspicion. I turned back to the demon boy with arms crossed over my chest and waited patiently for his approval. His eyes clearly said he doesn't like this at all, but he succumbed with a heavy sigh.

"Lead the way." Hiei ordered her. "But one wrong move and we won't hesitate to slit your throat."

"Understood." The woman nodded before turning around and walk ahead with me and Hiei right behind her heels. The path was dark and very long. There were many corners like we were actually in a maze that was built under ground. As we were walking, I closed my eyes to breath and think for a moment. Randomly I remembered about the tournament which Genkai held to find an apprentice who can take her knowledge and power. When we were in the Dark Forest to be more specific. The energy my right shoulder has helped me to find the exit. But how did that happen again?

A few minutes ago, it happened again when I wanted to find out if- Then it hit me. Maybe if I put all my concentration on our friend's whereabouts now, my goal, it would probably help us again.

I reopen my eyes in the darkness and stared at Kata's back while my mind was focusing on Rosehead, Yu-yu and Carrot Top. That's when the same warm feeling began to take over my left arm entirely. As Kata was leading us to different directions, I feel my shoulder warming up even more, meaning we're getting close. After another turn later we arrived at a dead end, but to my surprise my arm still burning.

"What's this?" Hiei demanded annoyed and angry. "Some kind of joke?" I looked all around me. Then I looked up and let my lips curl up into an amused smile.

"Again Hiei, you should probably open your eyes instead of your mouth." I told him humorously before pointing upward looking at the that round metal cover that looked similar to a manhole that covers the entrance of the sewers.

Kata shot me her magenta orbs that were twinkling with mischief and let out a small giggle before doing the same thing as Hiei does.

Look up.

"Hmpf!" Hiei scoffed as usual as he turned his head away from me and Kata, and even in the dark I can tell that he was embarrassed. And I couldn't help but smirk at his reaction while I giggled silently on the inside. It felt weird, but . . . it also felt right. It's strange to feel in  positive way again.

"Hn, well Shadow Lord, you can see that now strength is nothing without brains." I told him playfully, giving a small pat on the shoulder before turning to making him flinch a little and turn his whole body away, probably pouting. I just shook my head in amusement before turning to Kata with seriousness. "So, since it's enchanted on the inside, I can't do much?"

"Actually, the seals and enchantments are on the cell bars and the cuffs." Kata informed me. I nodded my head and I turned my ice blade back to water. I shot my hands up and the water splashed onto the iron cover which soon turned into ice. I feel some water cover my fist into ice. I crouch down a little and prepare to jump-.

A sudden scream erupted in the air while the sound of electricity was also heard.


With a high jump I punched the cover into little pieces and soon got up to the surface to see those miserable looking punks now all relieved and eyes lit up like some children who just woke up early to get some Christmas presents.

"Boy, you're louder as usual!" I commented sarcastically as I placed my pinky in my ear and roll it back and forth.

"Miyuki! You're okay!" Kuwabara exclaimed happily as his eyes sparkled like sprinkles. Okay, I am having second guesses to even free this idiot. However as soon as I felt Hiei's presence beside me his face fell into a pout. "Oh, the shrimp is here as well. . ." Then I stepped aside so Kata can come up as well.

"H-HEY!" Of course, Yusuke and Kuwabara will freak out. "WHAT'S THAT CHICK DOING HERE?!?" My brother demanded angrily.

"Less talking and more action." Kata said as she pulled out the keys and went to free Shuichi first. Her figure was about to go for my brother and his idiot friend but I stopped her.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Carrot top asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah sis, you don't plan on ditching on us now do you?" Yusuke jokingly asked, but I just gave him a bored expression.

"I do actually." I told him with a small shrug.

"SAY WHAT!?!?" Yusuke screamed in disbelief.

"Jeez Urameshi, are you sure this chick really is your sister? She is more like that shorty over there." Kazuma commented.

"Care to repeat that statement? Dear. . ." I asked with a sickly-sweet voice that was almost similar to that one that Mara, Kata's sister has while dragging the end to give more effects. I watched Kazuma took a hard swallow before he began to save himself from my fury with lame excuses.

"Anyway, in a nutshell Kata is on our side and wants to help us and I don't free you, because I know for a fact that you want to kill her right away." I told them as simply as possible so these words would get through their tick skulls.

"What? Nooo, I would never. . ." Yusuke sarcastically said dragging almost each word.

"Yeah, it's not like I would even harm a girl." Kazuma chimed in. "It's against my honour code." I turned to him with my nose scrunched up for a second while I sniffed into the air, in a more like annoyed way.

"You're one heck of a hopeless case." I told him, earning an offended 'hey' from him before turning back to the serious topic. "Anyways, behave you two. If not, I will make sure Keiko knows every little detail from our mission." At that my brother paled while Kazuma smirked at him. "Same goes for Shizuru." I added quickly, draining the colour out of Carrot Top's face making me smirk in delight.

"Do we have a deal?" I asked them with my arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. The two looked at each other with annoyance on their faces. Then their head fell before growling out their answer. "Deal." I nodded my head then took the keys from Kata.

Once we were out of the camber, we began running toward Ruby's cell. However, as we were going through the long hall the gut feeling came back again. My legs stopped moving as my whole body just shut down.

"Oh, what now?" I hear Yusuke's irritated voice. "Don't tell me you need to go to the bathroom."

"Something is wrong. . ." Kazuma's fear filled voice made me turn to him with realization.

"You felt that too, right?" I asked him since his spiritual awareness is better than mine. Kuwabara nodded his head as he looked around the hall with shaky eyes.

"They're moving her." Kuwabara began with a low voice. "And they're just a few corners away."

"Oh, heck yea." Yusuke exclaimed eagerly. "I have a bone to pick with those ugly boulders." I turned to my brother and see him prepare his fist for a shot gun blast, but I grabbed him by the ear harshly.

"OUCH! Hey, let go of me!" Yusuke whined.

"Dimwit! Don't waste your energy on these boneheads!" I scolded at him before letting go of the idiot.

"Well, okay smarty pants, what is your suggestion?!" Yusuke asked annoyed as he rubbed his ear to ease his pain. I looked around the area.

Let's see. . . A huge hallway with large pillars, lined up on each side.

"HEY! CAN YOU HURRY U-!" Carrot Top was about to yell at me but I didn't let him finish. I froze his mouth with my water.

"I will say this only once. Shut up and let me think!" I told him with a stern tone before turning to Rosehead, Hiei and Kata. 

"Okay, here's the plan."  

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