Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
🖍🎨 Drawings 🎨🖍
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts

293 14 6
By Namifangurl07

"What is the meaning of this?!" The sorcerer boomed as he now got the update from his daughters that they got four out of the six intruders. "Didn't I tell you to catch them all!?"

"We tried father!" Kata tried to convince. "But that Fire Demon was too fast-."

"ENOUGH WITH THE EXCUSES!" Zankoku snapped before tapping the floor harshly with the end of his staff, creating a small spark of electricity that made Kata slightly flinch while her sister smirked under her mask.

"Out of all people, you should've known better to never get the job done in halfway." The father figure coldly said as he retired to his throne and sat down on it, his cape thrown to the right side.

"I'm sorry father." The woman in the blue uniform quickly apologized. "I promise I will never do it again." Zankoku scanned his daughter as his cold eyes were slightly glowing in a threatening way.

"You should be lucky that I am generous." He spoke up after a long intense pause.

Kata flinched at her father's fury, which is not only shown on his features and gestures, but she can also feel it hanging in the air. The sign of her fear made her sister grin wickedly to herself, now finally witnessing Kata's showing the sign of weakness.

"But you should also consider yourself lucky to even have a life in this palace, if it wasn't for your mother's plea and begging." Zankoku icily continued, making Kata feel the pain bubbling up inside her while her last part of her spirit started to crack like glass. Painfully slow that would make everyone suffer for eternity. "As for your punishment you will go and fetch up our last guests, but don't show up your face here again unless you have them both. Understood?!" His voice boomed like thunder while it sent the coldness of the winter inside the huge throne room.

"Y-yes, father." Kata eventually replied with a slight stutter. "I won't let you down." She stammered, her composure slowly coming back, but her stuttering voice still betrayed her.

"You better." Her father replied harshly. "Now both of you, out of my sight." Then he suddenly paused. "Oh, and Kata. check that little water-bender as well before leaving."

"Of course, father." Kata replied politely as she and her sister finally left from the throne room and began walking in the long and huge hall.

"Have fun with your little mouse game sister dear." Mara taunted, making Kata look at her sister annoyed.

"Be grateful that I didn't rant you out on your failure." The blue-uniformed woman barked back, making Mara roll her eyes at Kata. Yes, after capturing Kuwabara and Ruby, she went to look for her sister, only to see her attack Hiei, a demon who protected a human girl. Needless to say, she found it strange because from her knowledge demons hate humans, yet this one protected one. . . a sign of security and kindness that she had never seen from others, other than her own mother. . .

"Like it would make any difference." The purple uniformed woman replied smoothly. "We will finish them off anyway and soon, there will be no one who will stop us from taking over the realms again."

"But. . ." Kata began hesitantly. "It sounds so wrong. . . Destroying every living being and literally turn-."

"Just stop it okay?!" Mara suddenly blurred out. "You sound just like mother. A big softy. A coward who always lets others step on her like a carpet instead of standing up above others and embrace her powers. You're weak, just like her and Suzaku. "

"Don't you dare, talk about them in that way!" Kata shot back, her eyes on fire that was lit up by fury and disgust.

"What?" Mara asked in an innocent and sweet tone. "It is true. Our brother was a weakling. He would have been stronger, even become someone worthy of honor if it wasn't for mother. Now look at yourself. You'll become just like them. A failure."

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" The older sister cried out angrily as she drew out her fans and pointed the tip of its sharp blade at Mara's neck who didn't even flinch. It's the other way around, she looked pleased with herself. "Let another dirty word leave those lips of yours and I swear I'll make sure you'll learn respect."

"Hmpf. Hit a sensitive core there, huh? " Mara taunted cockily as she simply pushed the blade away from her neck with two of her fingers. " Did I hurt your feelings? I'm even surprised that you even have such things in your possession." The statement made Kata let out a slight gasp.

"And here I thought you have much of a warrior spirit that I have. . ." The woman in the purple dress scoffed as her eyes were filled with disgust. "See you around, sister dear. Don't let father down like you always do. . ." Mara cheekily added as she finally walked away. Huffing in frustration Kata put her weapon away as her eyes were glaring daggers at Mara's back who just giggled in delight before turning to the corner and disappear. Kata took a deep breath to calm my nerves down before she began to make her way to the chamber, where that Ruby girl is being held. The woman opened the cell door with the key in my pocket then walked in to see the beaten-up girl whose body was pinned to the wall by the metal cuffs so she cannot bend. Zankoku also made sure that the air was hot and dry enough so Ruby can't get water out of it as well.

The girl with the almond skin opened up one of her eyes and her dark-brown orb soon found itself glaring at Kata's figure who held a stoic expression, but at the same time she can't help but feel. . . pity for the water-bender girl.

"What do you want?" Ruby demanded in a weak voice. Her throat all dried up and it felt like she had sandpaper instead of her tongue.

"Just to see if you're still alive." Kata coldly responded, even though it felt wrong for her part.

"Well, of course, I am. . ." Ruby's raspy voice snapped at Kata. "But it was all because of my mother, but no thanks to your emperor!" Venom dripped in every single word that came through her lips.

"Don't you dare be disrespectful to my father's name!" Kata barked at Ruby. Even though she didn't like how her father's treatment, she still holds respect towards him since she raised her and her sister after her mother's death.

"Do you even hear yourself. . . ?" Ruby croaked, continuing with her small protest and fight. "Or are you too blind to see the fact that your father. . . is a monster. . . who just wants to destroy the world. . . "

"He is not like that. . ." Kata replied, but this time in a softer tone. "He is fighting to create a new world, where we can create peace and harmony. . . " She said it while trying to hide the bitterness from her voice. She didn't like the method, but she can't do anything about it. . . However, she swore her loyalty to him. . .

"Really?" The water bender girl still went on as she shook her head slightly. "Creating harmony and peace by killing every living life, destroy everything, only to leave nothing behind?" As the more the Native-American girl thought about it, the tears began to build up in her eyes non-stop. "But wait, why would you care. . . ?" Ruby spat furiously. "You're the daughter of a cold-blooded maniac."

"Don't talk to him like that, or to me!" Kata snapped as her hand almost pulled out her signature fans. "I am nothing like him."

"Don't give me that crap!" Ruby shouted back, her emotions and traumatizing memories bubbling up to the surface." You're following him around, obey every order like a lapdog."

"You have no idea what you're talking about!" The woman replied harshly, earning a look od disbelief from Ruby while her blood began to boil up more.

" I don't?!" The water-bender girl cried out enraged. "How dare you! You have no idea what your crazy father's war had put me through! To me personally!" Ruby turned her head away as she bit hard onto her bottom lip, so her sobs wouldn't be heard, but unfortunately, her tears remained visible. "He took my home away from me. . . My father. . . and my mother. . . everyone from my family and friends. . .  they are all gone. . . " Her eyes began to burst into floods of tears onto, while they were shut tightly with her fists clenching, clutches almost turning almost white. Kata's heart softens up at the prisoner, feeling and understanding her pain completely. . .

"I'm sorry. . ." Kata suddenly replied with a sad and sympathetic tone as she watched Ruby hold back her sobs while suffering on the inside. "I guess that's something that we have in common. . . "

At that Ruby's breath itched in her throat, and turned her head back around to look into Kata's sad magenta eyes.


We had been jumping and skipping for a while, and it felt like hours, but I know better than to complain or to whine. However, the journey was a little boring and annoying since no idea popped into my head about our next move once we get to the castle-.

"We're here." Hiei suddenly announced, snapping me out of my thoughts. Before I can even do much, he dropped me off of his back. I fell on my butt with a small yelp, but I soon recovered and glared up at him, but I didn't say any comeback and just got up silently while dusting my clothing off.

"Okay. . . " I breathed out as I fixed my pink wristband on my right hand while my eyes scanned the ruins of that dark castle. It wasn't close, but it wasn't that far away. "Can you look for any possible entrance?" I asked as my tone was hinting at the Jagan eye he had. Hiei silently nodded and lifted up his headband without any protest. His eyes closed while his third eyes began to glow blue. While he is doing that I couldn't help but got a little distracted by that peaceful looking face. . . I was snapped back to reality when his ruby orbs revealed themselves and stared right into my eyes. In a flash I looked away, now feeling my cheeks hear up while realizing that I was staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" He asked me a little rudely while I just turned my head and covered the side of my face with one hand, a pathetic attempt to hide my blush. Why am I even nervous in the first place?

"Like what you see?" I hear that Snarky idiot ask me with a smug tone that made me snap out of my small trance and regain my composure.

"Pff, as if." I replied sarcastically as I brushed away the black locks from my eyes. "So, did you find anything?" I asked, changing the subject.

"There is a lake not far from here." Hiei began as he pointed at a direction. "Under the water, I found an opening which can lead us right into a secret passage way, right into the castle."

"Does that lake have any snakes?" I asked him seriously, not wanting to deal with the same experience we had at that river.

"It has some creatures, but they're nothing like the one's we encountered." Hiei blankly but somewhat reassuringly answered. I wasn't really sure about that thought, but I just mutely nodded my head and began to walk over to the lake's way. We were walking in a peaceful silence, despite the situation we're currently in.

I stole a small glance from the demon boy, and quickly turned away. I can't really tell how he feels but from the get go, he is probably annoyed by the fact that he is here with us. Now that I think about it, how did he even get a chance to be here and help our team?

I can understand Shuichi's reasons, but I don't understand the Shadow Lord's reasons. He wanted to destroy humanity with the artifacts. . . But. . . now that I think about it, it just started to bug me even more. A feeling that is telling me that, there is another reason to even come to the human world in the first place. I might be over exaggerating things. . .But then again, my guts had never been wrong so far. . .

"Why did you come to my world?" I suddenly blurred out, earning a raised eyebrow from Hiei. "I know you wanted to take over the human race in your own way, but I can't help but feel that there is another reason behind your sudden appearance. . . So, since you hate it so much why even come in the first place?"

"Hn, that's none of your concern!" As usual a harsh retort with that snarky bad attitude of his. Of course, he won't tell me anything. What was I even thinking? This is Hiei we're talking about. An antisocial person who hates speaking. . . just like me. . .

My hand subconsciously lifted itself up to my silver chain and soon it grabbed onto my precious jewelry, that would help me calm my thoughts.

"Yukina. . ." I hear Hiei suddenly say, making me turn to him questioningly.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Yukina." Repeated the demon boy the same name. "My twin sister was the very reason I even stepped foot into the Human world. Stealing the artifacts was mostly a B plan if I couldn't find her with my Jagan that I got long ago."

"Got?" I asked a little puzzled. "So, you weren't born with it? And are you still search for her?"

"You never stop asking stupid questions?" Hiei suddenly asked me rudely, making me huff at him and cross my arms over my chest. Never in my life had I ever encountered with someone so complicated like this dude. I finally got a small conversation with him, making me give him some of my sympathy but then he blows it all up with his temper. Jeez and I thought my brother is worse with his hard head, but guess I was wrong.

"Tsk, you're just like Kurama." Hiei commented making my eyes widen in shock. "I'm surprised that he is not the one who you're connected with since you two get along so perfectly like those disgusting human couples in your world." I stopped on my tracks and looked at the demon a little puzzled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. He stopped walking and turned to me with glaring eyes.

"Don't play the innocent here!" He snapped at me. Jeez, if I didn't know any better he looks pissed by the fact that I have a good relationship with Shuichi. "I heard you talking with him about the destiny mark before we begin this mission. " I froze at that. He was spying on us? Really?

"That's because I was curious okay!?" I retorted angrily, my patience running out. "Why would you be even interest about who am I talking with anyway?!" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. "It's not like I was on a date or something." I pointed out. Hiei opened his mouth to say something, however, no word came out of his mouth. He froze with realization on his face while his cheeks began to turn pink.

Wait-what? Am I imagining things or something? Is Hiei really, blushing?  Then another thing hit me greatly.

"Wait a second. . ." I trailed off in disbelief. . . "Are you. . . Are you jealous?!" I finally asked with a raised eyebrow as my lips can't help but curl up, still feeling flabbergasted. Instead of getting an insult or any snarky comment Hiei scoffed at me and turned away, probably pouting like a child. At that I couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh as my hand kept on touching the phoenix ring on my necklace.

"What are you laughing at, woman?!" Hiei asked, clearly angry by my sudden reaction.

"Oh, nothing it's just that. . . " I sighed sadly as I turned my head away from the demon. "I'm surprised that this even happened to me. Me being marked by my so-called soulmate and well. . .everything. I mean I. . . . I am. . ." My words along with the mood suddenly began to drop as I remember how much of a nobody I am. . . How much failure I caused for that one important person in my life. . . how I am just. . . nothing more than a burden. . .a pain . . .unworthy of the love I get from those few friends I respect and care about. . . I had promised to never get close to others so in that way they won't get hurt. . . But then why am I even doing it. . . ? What's wrong with me. . . ?

I quickly cleared my throat and walked ahead. "Let's just get this over with. Shall we?" I told my teammate as my legs continued on walking.

We arrived at the huge lake. I went over the edge and looked at the water's surface with my narrow eyes.

"Well, I can't really sense anything dangerous at the moment." I murmured under my breath observingly. But I won't let any chances slide. I began to crack my clutches then wave my hands a little to loosen up a bit. I hear Hiei asking me something but I blocked it out and just got into my stance. I took a deep breath then jumped up a little. I placed both hand palms against each other before making a cutting motion along with my arms, separating the water like Moses. My hands soon lifted up along with the giant waves and with a quick motion I balled my hands into fists, turning the water into ice.

"Well, ladies first." I mocked my brother's voice, earning a small 'tsk' from Shadow Lord.

"And here I thought you're the smarter one out of the two." Hiei scoffed at me as he walked up ahead, making me roll my eyes at him. Yes, I knew he was hinting that I am probably just as bad as my brother. Just like the people at my school.

"Gee, you just know how to make a girl special, huh?" I commented sarcastically as I began to follow his footsteps. The entrance of the palace was right in front of us. Just as we reached the half way through our path, I feel a sudden vibration tickling the bottom of my feet. I suddenly began to look around frantically. Something was not right here. Then suddenly my eyes caught something. My ice. . . It suddenly turned back to its normal form.

Damn that Wizard Ass!

"COME ON!" Hiei shouted before grabbing onto my left wrist then began to drag me to the entrance. As fast as possible I tried to catch up to his speed. However, we were only like ten feet away from our goal when the water suddenly hit us. Fortunately, my reflex managed to bend the water around us, creating a huge bubble. However, I was harshly pushed aside by Hiei.

"What the-?!?" I almost exclaimed but my words were caught up in my throat while I feel my eyes widen up with terror. Those snake things again surrounded us, and one of them clawed into Hiei in the chest.

This is not good. At all. 

Damn you Zankoku! Once I get to your place I will kick your sorry ass for this!

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