Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
🖍🎨 Drawings 🎨🖍
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH34 - The Scarves From the Past

304 16 9
By Namifangurl07

I opened my eyes with a start. I was lying on the soft green grass as the ray of sunshine stroked the edge of my cheeks with its warmth. I rose from the ground and look around my surroundings. The place looked familiar, but my team was nowhere near the area I was in. Or should I say where we all just placed a camp spot? However, I did find someone. Perfectly snow-white hair, wearing his ninja-like outfit along with that white cape that held the familiar sapphire phoenix embroider.

"Glad to see you too Jack Frost." I greeted him blankly as I got up on my feet and walked up to Akio who was sitting on a small boulder and admired the. . . Kingdom that was before him.

"I have a name you know." Jack Frost replied with a joking tone.

"Oh, I know." I replied with a small shrug. "But I love Jack Frost better." At that Akio chuckled to himself with a look of amusement along with a playful eye roll which made me chuckle along.

It is weird. You know. Talking with your past life. I mean no one will ever get a chance like this.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked him curiously as I took a seat beside him.

"Nothing much. Just admire the memory of the Fire Kingdom here." Replied the white-haired young adult with a sad sigh. "The place where I was born." I feel my eyes go round while my eyebrows also lifted themselves up high. 

So he lived here?

"Things were so different back then. . ." Akio began with a sad and solemn tone that matched his whole posture and aura. It was so strong that it also started the spread in the air, so much so that I was able to feel it. "Everything in order and balance, and people managed to live in peace. Happily." The young-adult warrior's face was blank, but his eyes. . . . They reflected so much pain and agony.

"But then Zankoku took his place on the throne and messed up everything." Akio started sadly. 

"Back then I looked just like any other people from the Kingdom. An ordinary child with loving parents, a trustworthy friend, and a small farmhouse where we could play or train with our bending abilities. But then it was all taken away by the King of Nightmares."

"Sounds. . . awful . . ." Was all I managed to breathe out while my brain tried to process all the information in.

"It was. . ." Akio reassured with pure sadness in his eyes. " I was only like. . . ten or nine when it happened. . . My parents and I tried to ran away, but in the very last second one of Zankoku's evil creatures took me away. Fortunately, I managed to get away with the help of my fire-bending. Sadly though I slipped into the Demon World by accident."

"Really?" I asked him a little shocked. "How did you get there?"

"The realms were separated by barriers that King Enma had placed on each worlds' boundaries." Jack Frost explained. "However there were some holes where you can easily slip through." His hand then suddenly went up to the back of his hair and began to rub it with an awkward smile. "To my luck, I fell into one of them. I successfully got away, but. . . I lost sight of my parents. . . Permanently. . . And probably the same thing happened to Mana. . ."

"I'm so sorry. . . ." I breathed out to him as I feel my expression soften up. It must have been so awful to just lose everything in that very day. . . not to mention get lost in a foreigner place at the same time. . .

"It's okay Miyuki. It's not like it's your fault. . ." The young adult man said with a sad smile." On the bright side, however, if it wasn't for that accident, I wouldn't have met Frosty and the others. . . " Akio continued on with his story.

"Frosty?" I questioned with my eyebrow arching up high.

"Heh, sorry." The white-haired young adult laughed. "It was my nickname to Toya since he was the master of ice."

"Hn. And you say I have a bad habit of picking up nicknames for others, Wonder Bird." I commented sassily.

"Well, I guess that's my fault then." Akio joked back as he rubbed the back of his hair again. "Old habits die hard." And that made both of us laugh a little.

Wow. I never laughed this much for decades. . . it felt so weird. . . hearing the sound of my laughter again in so rare times like these. . . Yet it felt right at the same time.

"Anyways, as much as I like to explain and share everything with you little one, I am actually here to talk to you about your upcoming battle. " The white-haired male figure said as he got up from the rock and gave a hand to me. I took it gladly and it pulled me up to my feet.

"You mean the one with the Wizard of Oz when me and the others will face him in his home?" I asked him blankly. To my surprise, he shook his head.

"Haven't you ever wondered why did your master, Yara had chosen you to open up the portal?" Jack Frost guy asked me pointedly. I let out a small gasp.

I haven't thought about that. But now that Akio mentioned it. . .

Then it hit me. . .

"You. . . you were the one that trapped this bastard in the first place. . ." I concluded casually, trying to hide the fact that I was in shock.

"To put it that way, yes. . ." Akio replied with a little bitter tone at the end. "After fate had brought the Phoenix of Light and me together I went to face the evil sorcerer and thankfully I managed to stop his nonsense and trap him. . . . But looks like my seal weakened a little after my sudden death. . ." The white-haired pretty boy then turned to look at me with a serious. "Miyuki. . . as much as I hate to do this to you, I need to ask you a favour. . ." I held my breath, making me pause for a small moment.

"What would that be?" I carefully asked, even though deep down my gut knew what he is going to ask.

"I need you to finish what I couldn't back then." Akio began. "I want you to stop Zankoku for good."

"But. . . even if there is a possibility, how am I gonna do that?" I asked him with a hardened tone as I crossed my arms over my chest. Despite that brave face I pulled out I had many doubts within me. . . I mean. . . I am not sure if I can even pull this off. . ."I am not strong enough." At that, Akio flashed me a smile which was strange for my part.

"That's where you're wrong." He said as his hand found itself on top of my head. "You are strong. But I am not talking about the Phoenix of Light. . . I am talking about the flame you possess." He then suddenly gave light and playful tap on the forehead.  "You can do it little one." Akio kept reassuring me. "I believe in you."

And with that he vanished, leaving me all alone in the forest.


Kurama suddenly jolted up from his sleep. His emerald-like eyes darted around into directions, only to realize he was still in the forest. The sun just began to rise, lighting up the darkness like a flaming torch.

Relaxed, he took a deep breath from the cool and fresh air before taking a look at each of his friends, just in case. The redhead's gaze then stopped on his fire demon friend who was sleeping peacefully with Miyuki's head on his lap. He was surprised nonetheless, but then his attention was drawn by something he had noticed. Ruby was sitting far away from the group with her knees pulled up close to her chest while her chin rested on them. A small frown appeared on Kurama's face and as quietly as he could, he approached the bender who was mesmerized by the small water that is floating and twirling around between her fingers.

"Morning!" Greeted the fox-demon with a gentle tone. Ruby's magical water dropped to the grass and turned around, startled. But once she sees Kurama's charming smile, her concerns washed away, and for strange reasons, her lips curled up to a small smile as well.

"You startled me. . ." The girl said as she brushed a few loosen up black locks behind her ear before that hand trailed down to her necklace that had her tribe's symbol carved on it.

"My apologies." Kurama said softly as he decided to take a seat next to the water-bender girl.

"No, it's alright. . ." Ruby trailed off as her eyes looked at the beautiful sunrise with a small hint of sadness, that didn't go unnoticed by the redheaded boy.

"Is something wrong Ruby?" Kurama asked her with a little worry in his tone. Ruby took a deep breath and didn't hesitate to answer. After sharing her story with Miyuki during her and her brother's training, she now found the confidence to share it with others who she can truly trust. Kurama was one of those in her list.

"I never thought I would ever visit this place, which at some point was my home. . . once. . . " Ruby told Kurama with honesty.

"You used to live here?" The red-headed teen asked, earning a weak nod from the water-bender girl, who just stared up ahead, and never looked into Kurama's eyes.

"Before all the chaos, this realm used to be a home for people who were humans but with spiritual gifts that we all know as bending." Ruby began with her story as her hand continued to play with the water. "Four Kingdoms were created which represented each element. There was the Fire Kingdom where most people were able to bend fire. Then there was the Earth Kingdom, the Air Kingdom, and the Water Kingdom, my home." Then a small sorrowful sigh left her lips. "Bending in most people's minds was thought to be nothing more than a weapon or martial art that we can use to defend ourselves or hurt each other. However, a few of us thought differently, but that didn't change Zankoku's mind. He ruled with cruelty while spreading nothing but madness to our world. Things only got worse when I came to the world. Despite the fact that I was like, three months old or so, I can remember everything that happened around me. My mother running for her life with me in her arms while the stone-like giant creatures came into our home and ripped everything apart." While sharing her story, Kurama noticed the tears that are rolling down on the girl's cheek, making him feel sorry for Ruby. "Just as we were about to escape, the last thing I heard was the roar of those rock monsters and the scream of my mother that later on faded away under the water. My mother was a water-bender you see and so was I, and being lucky enough my instincts kept that bubble around me for so long before I was found on the beach. . ." Ruby then subconsciously touched her necklace before burying her face deep into her knees.

"I'm so sorry Ruby. No one deserves to live through such tragedy like that. . ." Kurama said as she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It's. . . okay. . . " The girl replied as she wiped away the fresh tears. " But despite all that bad thing, at least now I have Master Genkai and Yara." Ruby then offered a small smile to Kurama. 

"And now I have Miyuki, the others, and well. . . you. . . Mom wouldn't want me to mope around forever now, would she?" At that, the redheaded demon couldn't help but return the girl's smile with his own small one.

"You are really strong and brave Ruby. It's admirable." The fox-demon complimented her with honesty as he let go of her shoulder. At that last sentence, the water-bender girl's eyes go wide while her cheeks began to turn pink.

"T-thanks." Ruby replied as she turned her head away shyly. Kurama couldn't help but smile even more while he felt the warmth and calmness wash over him inside his chest and mind. However, that suddenly vanished when realization dawned on him.

"But wait, you. . ." The redhead started thinking, making Ruby turn to him questioningly. "I mean, now that we're here, there is your chance to get your revenge on your family and people. But then again, you already knew about that portal in the first place. So how come you wanted to return now? " Then he turned to the girl with pure curiosity. "If you. . . don't mind me asking. . ." Kurama just now felt hesitant because he let his observing and thoughts get the better of him.

"Well, it's simple." Ruby said with a small shrug like it was not really a big deal at all. "I am for one, not strong enough to just kill him off, and two, even if he's dead, my mother wouldn't come back, nor the rest of my family or the benders."

"What do you mean by that. . . ?" Asked the redhead, making Ruby sigh sadly.

"What do you know about Zankoku?" The girl asked the demon-boy.

"Nothing much, really." Replied Kurama. "Only that he is a powerful sorcerer who almost wiped out half of Demon World. I know that little because I was in fact there when it happened."

"I see. . . " Ruby trailed off, making a frown paint it's way up to the redheaded boy's face once more. "Before Demon World he burned this place into ashes while wiping out the people that lived there. Almost all of it. I am probably the last bender from this world. . ." At that sadness began to wash over Kurama once more while giving a sympathetic look to Ruby. "When I come to the human World . . . I felt so alone and scared. . . In a place where you know no one. It was hard for me to find people who I can trust in, after all the awful things that happened in the past. It will haunts you to the very end of your life. . . "

"I know how you feel. . ." Kurama spoke up as his stare goes up to the same sunrise that the water-bender has been watching. "I had once crossed through the same struggles." Ruby furrowed her eyebrows questioningly as she turned her head to her redheaded teammate. "When I lived in Demon World I was abandoned at a very young age. I was a fox demon back then and it was second nature to them to abandon the runts of the clan. However, as time passed on, I regained a somewhat. . . reputation, which I was really proud of back then." He hesitantly began to tell it but at the same time, he tries his best not to scare off Ruby. "But then fifteen years ago I got severely injured and with all the power I had left, I escaped into the human world and became a child of a human family. With all honesty, I planned on leaving early after my recovery. However, after spending so much time there with people who became my family, I was. . . unable to leave. Unexpectedly I began to enjoy my life there. Had a childhood with a mother and a small brother who I can cherish with all my heart and protect. . . "

"You had a little brother?" Ruby asked with eyes filled up with wonder. Kurama nodded his head as a small sad smile curled upon his lips.

"His name was Sanyu and from birth we were inseparable." Kurama continued on as his mind walked through the many great memories he had with his little sibling. "Even though I was in my best behaviour, I never managed to make friends. Sanyu was the same, but despite that, we always had each other's backs." Then suddenly Kurama looked over his shoulder to look at his old childhood friend. "But then it all changed when we met her."

"Huh?" Ruby hummed questioningly before turning in the same direction to see the 'couple' as well. "You mean you knew Miyuki before?" Ruby questioned, earning a small nod from Kurama.

"When we were kids, we met at a park, back in the town where we used to live." The redheaded boy began explaining. "My mother found her crying because some kids were unfriendly to her to say at least. Sanyu and I managed to cheer her up, and from then on we became close to one another for six years or so. " At the thought of those, he let his smile go wider a little, making Ruby stared at him with admiration as her eyes lit up like shooting stars as if, she had never seen something so beautiful, until now. "She was one of the sweetest people I know, a bag full of happiness and joy. . ." He let out a small chuckle, but then his mood soon dropped to the ground. "But it all changed when Sanyu died. . . " Kurama said gravely as he lowered his gaze down to the grass. Ruby's eyes softened up as a small frown appeared on her face.

"What happened to your brother?" Ruby asked in a cautious and soft tone.

"He fell ill. . ." Kurama told her with a pained expression. "At the age of nine, it all started with a simple cough. But then it became rapid and uncontrollable. When we went to our old doctor to see what's the problem, he didn't find anything serious so he thought this was just a simple cold, but I didn't believe in that for some reason. Unfortunately, my suspicions were confirmed at the very last moment when I got a call from the principal and informed me how my brother coughed up blood. Sanyu was instantly sent to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with lung cancer. " His voice broke slightly but he kept up his composure, however, his clutches turned white, thanks to the tight grip he was holding onto the grass, and it didn't go unnoticed by Ruby. "My mother and I were devastated by the news, but we tried our best to find a solution to this. Mother went to get different jobs to get money for the treatment, meanwhile, I tried to find a cure and spend time with my little brother. As for Miyuki, she visited Sanyu every day and tried to cheer him up. . ." There were a small pause and a deep breath, but the pain never leaves. "Sadly, time was short and the odds weren't on our favour. . . I failed to save him from the pain and suffering. . . . not to mention I failed to save Miyuki from the guilt either. . . She took his death the hardest, and she even blamed herself for it. . . making me believe that I let her down as well. . . " The redhead's head turned away from the water-bender girl as his hand still grasped onto the grass, aggressively. But then out of a sudden, a small gasp escapes through his lips when his hand felt something warm and soft landing on top of it.

"You two did all you could." Ruby tried to reassure the fox-demon as she held his hand comfortingly. "But it's none of your faults. Things like these are unpredictable and there is nothing much we can do about it. . ." Kurama shook his head in disagreement as regret and sorrow were written all over his face.

"Still, I can't help it. . . " Kurama replied guiltily. "I mean, I was his older brother and it should have been my responsibility to take care of him. . . As for Miyuki, she was also like family to me. . . But now she is still suffering because of this tragedy. . ."

"I know, but it still not your fault. Nor Miyuki's." Ruby tried again to convince her friend while also stealing a small glance from her best friend. "I know it might take a long time to recover from this but. . . I'm sure things will get better sooner or later. . . You know what I mean." Without her realizing she gave a gentle squeeze to Kurama's hand. Something that made him look at his newfound friend beside him with wonder and admiration. He felt like his heart skipped a beat while he couldn't stop staring at the reassuring smile Ruby is offering to him. After a small moment of silence, Kurama found himself smiling again. A genuine smile he shared with Ruby, whose face suddenly flushed pink.

"Thank you very much Ruby for your comfort." Kurama thanked him. "I'm glad that Phoenix has such a wonderful friend like you."

"N-no problem, really." Ruby said with a small flustered giggle as she pulled her hand away and wave it dismissively, even though she was nervous. For some reason, he felt a little disappointed when the girl let go of his hand but he didn't let it show. However, his smile was still there.

"Wait, Phoenix?" Ruby realized and gave a confused look to Kurama, who suddenly flushed a little pink on the cheek.

"Eh, it's kind of a habit and nickname that stuck with me since childhood." The redheaded boy explained quickly, and a little shyly. "She used to and well, still calls me Rosehead while I sometimes call her Phoenix since she loves the legend so much." At that, Ruby couldn't help but feel her heart melt a little.

"Aw, it's not a bad thing." Ruby reassured. "In fact, I find it quite adorable." She gushed, making Kurama's face match with the colour of his hair while nervously placing a hand over his mouth to contain his own, but nervous chuckles.

"You two must be pretty close." The water-bender girl pointed out.

"Yeah, we are. . . " The redheaded boy confirmed, still having that small blush on his face. "She is one of the greatest friends I have ever known. . ."And just as the two were about to continue with their conversation any further, Yusuke's loud yawn and Kuwabara's groan made them stop talking.

"Looks like it's time to get a move on." Ruby stated observingly.

"Yeah. . ." Kurama agreed as he glanced at their teammates, but then back at Ruby who didn't snap her head at the redhead, but her gaze still looked up into his charming Forest Green eyes.

"Um. . . Do you think we can talk later . . . ?" Ruby asked shyly. "After the mission I mean." At that Kurama's heart began  racing fast, but he masked it all on the outside and still  let his lips curl up to a warm smile.

"I would love to." Replied the redhead kindly, making Ruby's heart go on a marathon for some reason. Kurama got up from the ground and offered a hand to Ruby, who backed away a little flustered.

"Shall we go then?" He asked with a gentle tone while Ruby looked up with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks. She gave a soft smile and a small nod before placing her hand into the fox demon's who felt a slight click within his heart when they touched. He pulled her up to her feet and Ruby gave a grateful smile. Kurama nodded his head with his small smile before going to the boys, who were particularly making fun of a girl and her Fire Demon friend silently.  

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