The New Babysitter [ALTERNATI...

By coolestepicguy

31.5K 741 135

Timmy was finally free of Vicky for a whole 3 months, as her and her family are going on a vacation. But of c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
NOT A CHAPTER (But Something Cool!)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (but Less Gruesome)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Cover Change

Chapter 3

4.2K 104 18
By coolestepicguy

Normal POV:

Timmy was confused by Danny's sudden disapearence. "Where the heck is he going in such a hurry?!" Timmy asked Cosmo and Wanda. "Well Timmy, other people have important things to do in their lives too. I'm sure whatever it was, it was important."

Timmy was still a bit annoyed, but he shrugged it off. "So, wanna turn your room into a pre-historic land?" Cosmo asked. "Yeah I do! Let's go!"

Danny's POV:

As soon as I left the Turner's house, I made sure Timmy wasn't watching, and I went ghost. I flew into the air, but it didn't take me long to figure out where the ghost was. There were screams coming from a nearby building. I flew over to the building and saw the Box Ghost, picking up boxes from a storage unit and throwing the contents within them at people. I rolled my eyes and flew over to him. Atleast it was only this guy, and I could get right back to babysitting.

I flew in to punch him. "Guess you're bad at boxing, despite your name," I said, trying to act cool. "I am the BOX GHOST! Of course I am good at BOXING!" He grabbed another box from the storage unit. "NOW! BE TERRORIZIED BY-" I rolled my eyes as he paused to read the label on the box. "THE COOKING UNTENSILS OF HELLENS KITCHEN!!"

The box ghost started pulling utensils from the box and throwing them at me. Honestly, they were pretty easy to dodge, because I could just go intangible. But then I realized there were still people behind me. 'WHY ARE THEY STILL HERE??!' I thought as I made a ghost sheild in front of them. "GO!" I told them. They ran away, luckily. I let my ghost sheild down and started shooting ghost rays at boxy. Hopefully, a few of them hit him.

Timmys POV:

Cosmo, Wanda, and I started creating the prehistoric age inside my room. "Wow! This is so cool!" I said as I saw a tricarotops eating leaves off of a tree. "HA! No wonder they call them Tiny-armed-rexs!" Cosmo laughed as he pointed to a dinosaur that was nearby. "Nobody calls them that," Wanda said as she crossed her arms. Then it came to me. "Wait- a T-Rex? If my attention span reached the point where Crocker talked about the carnivores, isn't the T-Rex one of them?!"

Cosmos face lit up. "a CARNIVAL?" He squealed. I face palmed, but quickly looked up as the meat-eating monster came running towards us. "RUN!!" We yelled as we started heading off in the opisite direction of the dinosaur.

Danny's POV:

I flew back to the Turner's house, and turned back to my human form. I was exhausted: it had taken Atleast an hour to get boxy inside the Thermos, and then I had to deal with some ecto-pi. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to calm my heart rate. I could still hear my heart booming- wait- that wasn't my heart. The sound of booming came from Timmys room. I wondered what the heck was going on, and I went over to the front door and rung the doorbell.

Normal POV:

Timmy couldn't run any further. He stopped to catch his breath, but that gave the dinosaur enough time to run towards him. Timmys eyes widened in fear as the T-Rex opened its giant mouth. "I WISH I DIDN'T HAVE A GIANT PREHISTORIC LAND IN MY BEDROOM!" He screamed. All of a sudden, the dirt hills and dinosaurs turned into his bedroom. Timmy sighed in relief. Just then, he heard the doorbell ring.

Cosmo and Wanda poofed back into fish and went into the fishbowl, and Timmy grabbed it and ran towards the door. "Coming!" he called. He opened the door to see Danny. "Have a nice time on your break?" Timmy said, obviously upset that Danny had probably been having the time of his life, while he was almost eaten by a dinosaur.

Danny's POV:

I rolled my eyes as I walked inside the house. "Oh, and I'm sure you had fun, probably watching cartoons and eating candy," I remarked. I didn't understand why the kid was so upset! He didn't even know what I had been through! He crossed his arms and lowered his eyebrows, probably trying to look intimidating. I opened the fridge. "Whatever," I said as I scanned it for the chicken the Turner's had said to make up.

~~~2 hours later~~~

Timmys POV:

We'd had dinner and Danny said I was allowed to stay up for a bit longer. I was still mad about the fight we had earlier, but I didn't let it ruin my evening. I decided that I would go into Cosmo and Wanda's fish castle again. "Uh- I'll be up in my room! Alone!" I called to Danny as I ran up the stairs. I came back down a bit again and added, "And don't come in unless I let you!"

I put the fishbowl on the desk as Cosmo and Wanda proofed out of it. I made sure my door was locked, and hopped up on my bed.
"Hey guys, can I go into your castle again?" I asked hopefully. Wanda looked at Cosmo, who was trying to lick his eye with his tounge. Wanda rolled her eyes and looked back at me. "I'm sorry sport," she said. "Today you have to read over the most important rules, since you keep wishing for things that go against them."

I had to read over the rules? I sighed. "Okaaayyyyy.." I said as Wanda poofed a copy of the book in front of us. I read, but of course, I don't have a very large attention span. "Blah blah blah.... Blah.... Can't do this blah blah blah.. I wish we were in fairy world!"

I watched as Cosmo raised his wand and it lit up, and Wanda trying to stop him before we all poofed away. I think we left the rulebook there, but oh well! Who needs em!

Danny's POV (2 minutes ago):

I heard a racket coming from the kids room while I was on a call with Sam and Tucker. "Hang on guys, I gotta check something out," I said as I walked up to Timmys room. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. "Timmy?" I called, but over the loud noise, he probably didn't hear me. So, I turned invisible and fazed through the door.

What I saw amazed me. Timmy was reading what looked like a
rule book, in front of what seemed to be... Fairies? Ghosts were one thing... But fairies?
"Blah blah.. I wish we were in fairy world!"
I was amazed when the kid spoke. As soon as he had said the words, the male fairy had lifted his wand, and in a cloud of smoke they were gone.

I look at the book that lay on the ground, underneath where they had just disappeared. The book was thick and purple, with yellow writing that said, "Da Rules". I grabbed the book off the ground. Maybe it could tell me something on what just happened? I opened it to page 1.

'Rule #1: No one can know about your fairies, unless they don't know they are fairies, or they are another magical creature,'

I held my breath as I read the rule, but let go as I got to the last bit. I can know about them, that means. I continued reading.

'Rule #2...'

I read for a good half an hour, learning fairy rules and how a kid gets their Godparents. I then thought back to the fight we had; maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on him. The kids who get fairies are pretty misserable, so maybe I shouldn't have yelled at him.

My thoughts were cut off by a loud sound. All of a sudden, I saw a cloud of pink smoke. I instinctively went invisible. "Woowwwww! Those hard candys were reeeeaaaaalllly tasty!" I hear a high voice say. It belonged to the green haired fairy. "Cosmo, those were rocks!" I hear the other fairy say. "Now, nighty night Timmy!"  she said as she tucked him into bed. "Goodnight Cosmo! Goodnight Wanda!" he said as he drifted off to sleep.

I started to look at my choices. I could either A, wake Timmy up now and confront him about it, or B, wait. I paced around a bit, not knowing what to do. But my thoughts were cut off, once again, by a sound.

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