Guardians of the Watchtower:...

By Waterlillies13

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Hedera "Ivy" Fomalhaut is a teenager in her senior year of high school whos world is being turned upside down... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 17

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By Waterlillies13

More days had come and gone without hide nor hair of anyone, but that didn't matter to Ivy. She had Addy, who was able to bring fresh water up from between the rocks for them to drink. The pains of hunger had started to hurt less, filling up on the water made it easier to avoid thinking about the wonderful breakfasts she was missing.
Ivy then had a thought dawned on her she could make the earth grow.....
Ivy felt the shiver of her powers as she called out to Addy. "Are you hungry Addy?"
Ivy was already placing her palms on the stones before Addy could reply. The stones began to grumble and complain, but the floor in Addy's cell cracked and split open, as a little root pushed its way up and began to turn into a little tree. A single plump peach grew from a tiny little blossom Addy giggled with delight. She plucked it from the branch and sank her teeth into it the sweet nectar dripped down her chin as she laughed.
"Okay, so I have a spell,, it's not your amazing peach spell, but it's going to help you a lot. It will give you the same knowledge I have, so everything I know you'll know. That way you won't have to learn everything one at a time it was a spell my mom showed me."
"Okay well, that's good what do I need to do?"
"Cast your circle like I showed you before, I'm gonna cast one too. when you've finished casting sit near the opening. I'll put hand through, place your palm on mine, and your other palm on your temple, and repeat everything I say."
Ivy did as she was told pulling her energy in and casting her circle saying the incantation which mirrored Adaliah's.
"Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtower of the North, by the power of Earth I summon you forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle."
"Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtower of the West, by the power of Water I summon you forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle."
Ivy's palms flared to life like before, and she could feel Addy on the other side of the wall. Sitting down cross-legged in front of the hole, Ivy watched as Addy's hand came through, looking at it this close Ivy could see the waves crashing against invisible rocks, Addy's pentagram was beautiful. She placed her left hand at her temple, it was warm against her soft skin and had a slight throbbing, like a heartbeat of its own. Ivy hesitated for just a second, before laying her other palm over Addy's. The moment the pentagrams came fully in contact with each other, it was like both powers flowed out of their hands, the ivy wrapped around both their hands as did a stream of water. The power was so much it caused both girls to vibrate where they sat.
"Just repeat after me okay Ivy?"
"By the power of the sun and the moon, I ask you Goddess in your woven loom, pass my knowledge of our world and the next to this guardian in hopes of bringing a brighter future."
As they spoke the last words of the spell, the world was set on fire, and it was like Addy and Ivy were as one. Ivy watched on as Addy studied for hours and hours, practiced the movements of defense, and science of mixing oils and herbs correctly. It was the most brilliant movie reel playing before her eyes, drinking it up like a hungry sponge taking in how much belladonna would be considered toxic and how dressing her candles for Yule to give honor to the Goddess and the Horned God for bringing back the light. Years of almanacs and books of spells flooding her mind, of protection spells, of Scry Finders and familiars, stones of protection and seals of protection. Information was filling her up, so much so she didn't think she could obtain it at once. As the last bit hit her. It knocked her back, leaving her looking up at the ceiling in a daze feeling like an elephant was sitting on her chest. She tried to take in some deep breaths to make the stars stop dancing and sat up slowly to see a set of icy eyes glowing and looking back at her through the hole.
"Are mine glowing too?"
"Yeah." Addy's laugh almost reached her eyes, but Ivy knew she had been here for a while waiting for another guardian to come along to help her escape. She was longing for something that Ivy was sure was the ocean, being this far inland for a water sign tended to drive them a little batty. The ocean is a very alluring and powerful being.
"Okay, so what's the plan?"
"In order for us to create an opening in the darkness, we have to create a jumping portal. We have to be together and cast a combination circle once the portal is open it will only allow one person to pass. We have to jump, at the same time, so both of us can get away before it closes"
"The only problem is they don't take us out of our cells at the same time."
"They may not, but if we can get both of our pentagrams in contact with each other, we can make the portal."
"We need to make an opening in the wall bigger, so we can get both our hands through at the same time."
Ivy began looking around for anything in the cell that could help her pry the stones from the wall. Finding a sliver of metal that was sticking out from the hanging bed that was bolted to the far wall she quickly ran back to the opening and dug it into the wall, making pieces of the mortar give way to the pressure and chiseling that Ivy was trying to do, when she heard the sound of men yelling and Addy screaming at them to get back. Ivy looked through the opening trying to see what was happening. She was only able to watch in horror as two men, in the room with Addy, struck her across the face with a wooden baton knocking her to the floor where they grabbed her by the arms and legs and drug her from the cell, kicking and protesting. Ivy ran to the door of her cell screaming out the window.
"Don't hurt her you monsters, let her go!!!"
Even before Ivy could back away from the door, they were coming for her. The door slammed open, with such a force it knocked some of the stones from the wall and ceiling. They came tumbling down on Ivy's head. She ducked, trying to avoid getting hit, and she ran to the far wall. Even with her protests and screams, that mirrored Addy's, they drug her from her cell kicking and screaming, by her ankles. Crying out as the stone floor was unforgiving and gashed her skin open as they drug her across it. For a split second, Ivy could see that Addy was tied up, blindfolded, and being held fast as she resisted the very large burly men on either side of her. While she screamed at them not to hurt Ivy, she was flipped over onto her stomach. One of the men put his knee in the middle of her back, pinning her to the floor. They fought to get her hands behind her back. She saw the rock just in her reach. She grabbed quickly for its firm form and used all her might to flip herself back over as far as she could. She hurled the rock with all her might to connect with the man's face and it did, slamming right into his temple. The sound of his skull cracking echoed off the stone walls. The man fell away from her, landing on the ground with a meaty thud, holding his face, he screamed profanities, causing everyone stop for a split second, stunned that this little girl hit with such force, but it was enough time for Addy to scream,
Ivy got to her feet and ran full sprint in the opposite direction of the remaining men who were screaming after her.
"Find the little witch and bring her back here." the injured man screamed
But she was gone she was running with everything in her till she found a set of crumbling stairs that lead upward, her breathing was so heavy and labored as she scrambled to get to the top, to a door that's weathered appearance looked like the slightest pressure would send it splintering into oblivion. The doorway opened up into a hall that looked like it hadn't seen daylight or a living being in decades. Old tables and forgotten paintings decorated this desolate place. Ivy took a moment to catch her breath look around walked down the corridor checking all the doorknobs, only to find them locked. Then she remembered the bobby pins they used in her hair, and she pulled one out and picking the lock to the closest door.
"Give me light."
and her palms flared to life, casting a green light wherever she faced her palms. She was in, what she assumed was a nursery. She glanced at the dilapidated crib in the far corner next to a vented door, it was covered in an inch of dust and cobwebs. Picking up a small hat, from the dresser on her left, she could see it was torn and the little purple ribbon still shimmered in the light. Before Ivy could look any further, she heard people running down the corridor and she leapt into the closet. Willing the lights to go away, she slid inside, just as the door to the room opened. Drawing in her breath as she peered out a sliver of an opening in the door. There was a man with his back to the door, he was big like the guards, but he was different than the others. He turned and it took every ounce of willpower for Ivy not to scream out. She was staring at another Moonwalker like herself in the Wastelands but not in chains. He looked almost similar to Sylar, tall and broad shouldered, the only difference was where Sylar had ivy on his face marking him for the Earth Coven, this man had a crescent moon and what looked to be a living galaxy, swirling around it on his. His hair was to his waist and was so black it looked blue. He was searching for signs of anyone being in the room and passed over the place where Ivy had dropped the baby's hat when she ran to the closet. Walking over to the crib and looking around, he noticed the closet and went toward it. Ivy's heart was beating so loud she swore it was going to betray her and he would hear.
"Someone spotted her in the armory! Come on" said a guard as he barged into the room, the man was standing less than a foot from her.
He turned and followed the guard out of the room, leaving Ivy in astonished silence. She was sure she was about to be found. Looking around, Ivy leaned against the wall and tried to figure out her next move. She had to get out of the castle, and in order to do that, she needed to get to Addy so they could. She had to create a diversion that would be long enough for her to find Addy and get her. That's when it dawned on her...
"Armories have weapons, and if they have weapons they'll have explosives, and that will definitely get their attention, but I still have to find Addy."
Ivy went to leave the closet when her tattered party dress snagged on the door knob tearing it a little, frustrated already Ivy grabbed the edge of the cloth and tore it the rest of the way. She tore it all the way around, taking the crinoline underneath completely off, leaving behind a half skirt that was longer in the back than the front but covered nonetheless. Looking down at her bare feet, Ivy wished she had her skater sneakers or something on her feet. She shrugged and went to the door, peeking out slowly to make sure the coast was clear, and it was because everyone thought she was somewhere else. She made a break in the same direction the footprints on the dirty ground were heading. She hoped they would lead her to the armory, she found herself instead, on a bridge way with a glass top that left her almost completely exposed. The pillars that went across the bridge way about ten feet apart were her only cover.. Ivy took in a deep breath and was getting ready to run for the other side of the bridge when a booming voice caught her off guard
"She's here!!! I found her!!!"
Scared as all hell at just the size of this man that was now barreling down the hall after her, Ivy began running across the bridge and looked over just in time to catch a glimpse of Dovarian's throne down in the room below. He was standing at the top of the stairs, where he had held her down before he had kicked her, but it was Addy bound and on her knees and he had a sword pointed at throat. Ivy watched in horror as he raised the sword back like he was going to behead Addy, then it was like time stopped. Ivy felt herself scream Addy's name and it was like the world around her burst, in her fear and fury. She felt like she was ascending all over again the power bum-rushed and overflowed her being, a green solar flare of light arched out of her shattering everything around, bringing raining glass shards down around her. The crowd watching Dovarian turned trying to run away screaming, trying to get out of the way of the falling chunks of wall and glass as Ivy's palms poured ivy along the remains of the walls. The flare lashed out from Ivy's heart slashing the ground as it bounced off, leaving gaping holes where nothing could stand a chance of surviving its hit. Dovarian stopped in his tracks looking up at her with nothing but disgust.
"I knew you were a guardian!", He leaped forward and grabbed Addy by the hair, turning her to shield himself.
"Wait! Don't hurt her! She's not one of us, take me Instead! PLEASE I'M THE GUARDIAN, I'M THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS ASCENDED" Ivy held up her hand and began to form an earthbound stairway of ivy to walk down and be face to face with him.
Ivy looked over to see the full crescent on the face of the man from the room, as she made it to the bottom of her earth made stairs. He wasn't alone either, guard after guard came in filling the room, they entered through the massive doors she'd been drug through when she was brought here. They took the place of the people that were watching this public execution like it was nothing more than Sunday morning cartoons. He was extremely attractive for a bad guy. Ivy knew he could be her undoing and her plan to free Addy.

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