~ Kenhina Oneshots ~

谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 Krimzon_Wolf10

31.6K 1K 1K

A book for random oneshots of Kenhina 馃А馃挍 + Plus some with extra people or ships at times This ship is adora... 注讜讚

- Stream Crasher -
- Warm Weather -
- 3 Cats + 1 Crow -
- I love you - Prince Au -
- Mirror Meetings -
- Mirror Meetings Pt 2 -
- Mirror Meetings Pt 3 -
- By Your Side - Yokai Au -
- Good Luck Charm -
- Gaming and Cuddles -
- Beginnings - Demon Slayer Au -
- 2 Owls + 1 Cat + 1 Crow -
- Prophecy - Soldier, Poet, King -
- Prom Dance -
- Among Us -
- Hair Tie -
- Redecorating -
- A Different World?! - Alternate Universe -
- Sick Day -
- Trail of Destruction - Magic Au -
- New Dorm, New Guy, New Crush - College Au -

- Romeo and Juliet - Animal Au -

752 25 15
谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 Krimzon_Wolf10

Credit to the artist!


Karasuno and Nekoma.

They were complete opposites.

Dogs and cats. Literally.

One was always too noisy and the other was always too sarcastic.

Could they ever make up? Ha! In your dreams.

They've held a grudge against each other years.

The grudge even went as far as when both species settled down.


There is a chance...

A pair of star-crossed lovers...

Could be the end of this grudge.



There's always an argument...

An argument was happening this morning. It had become a routine now, wake up, get ready, argue with Nekoma and then carry on with your day.

"What's the argument this time?" Hinata asked one of the older dogs name Asahi

"Sorry Hinata I have no clue...I wish we didn't have to keep fighting each other it's getting ridiculous..." Asahi responded with a small sigh.

Nekoma and Karasuno were neighbours, this is how the rivalry started. One could easily move away but to both houses that was weakness so they both stayed put and decided to argue with each other until there was nobody left to start an argument.

"An argument with the cats again?? Let me at em!" Nishinoya screeched, "Asahi you coming?"

"No...I don't want to get involved anymore." The eldest dog said, "I'm done with this rivalry..."

"Asahi..." Noya whispered, "Fine! I won't get involved either! I think the others can handle them just fine!"

Asahi just smiled as the smaller dog, there was no point in arguing so he just accepted the fact that Nishinoya wasn't going to do anything without him. Smiling he grabbed the little dog's hand and swung it slowly.

"There coming in!" Shoyo exclaimed causing the lovers to break out their trance. "They left first. Seems like we lost this match.

The dogs opened the door with their tails between their legs but a few had their fangs shown, one being Suga.

"They insulted super-spicy mapo tofu..." Sugawara growled, "How dare they!"

"Hey now. It's fine we'll buy some." Daichi said trying to calm the other down. "They outsmarted us this time." The leader sighed as he started to walk away.

Kageyama came over to the ginger dog. "Why didn't you come join us? Boke!"

"I don't want to argue! Plus I was...."

"He was discussing date ideas with me and Asahi!" Nishinoya butted in saving Shoyo from the other younger dogs shouting.

"Hmph." The black-haired male huffed. "Fine."

"All this on the day of the masquerade party isn't good." A beautiful she-dog said as she walked in. "Have you picked out your clothing?"

The team responded with a nod. A masquerade party was being held tonight the celebrate a neighbouring company which the Karasuno's had established good relations in. Apparently the company favoured the dogs more than the cats and business for them had been booming.

Karasuno was a business company run by Daichi and Sugawara. They had decided that it would be better if the close working team lived together and went to work together so here we are. A chaotic group who can barely get to work since it's troublesome to wake people up.

"I'm glad those cats arn't going." Ennoshita sighed happily, "We don't want to cause a scene at one of our close companies friends masquerade party."

"But what if one does show up?" Tanaka asked as he admired Kiyoko from afar, "If they do show up what do we do?"

"Do we go up to them??" The smallest dog asked. "What if they try to start something?"

"You don't talk to them. You don't retaliate. Simple."

"It's a masquerade party anyway I doubt you bone-heads would be able to tell it was them under the masks." A blonde dog had spoken with a smirk.

"Tsukki!" A smaller voice spoke up from beside him. "Don't say that!"


The older dogs in the room left the younger dogs to thier bickering.

The masquerade party!

I can't wait to go and meet new people! It might be fun after all!

I wonder though...

What would it be like without the constant arguing?

Shoyo sighed before he slipped away and ran up to his room. Once he approached his door he slipped in and shut it quietly. Sighing he flopped down onto his bed.

"Always arguing. I just want to play volleyball..."

The curtains moved wildly then as a breeze swiftly entered the room. His window had been open which had made his room a tad colder than usual. Hinata rolled off the bed and headed to the window, he reached to shut the window when he looked up...

There opposite him was a cat from Nekoma doing the exact same thing. Blinking rapidly Shoyo tilted his head. The feline had pudding-like hair and bright, mesmerising gold eyes. A blush filled the dogs cheeks as he looked towards the other.

The cat in question was too stunned to move. Taking it upon himself the small dog waved towards the other with a bright smile, this seemed to shock the cat out of it's trance and a huge blush to appear, they then immediately shut the curtains.

"Hey wait-"

By the time Shoyo had called out the window was shut and the curtains were drawn. The mysterious cat had surprised the dog but it didn't seem like the feline meant any harm.

"A cat! They seemed friendly!"

I've never seen them before...

Do they not take part in the arguments?

They're hair was like a pudding!

The incident had brightened the dogs mood considerable making him forgot his previous mood.

"That cat was adorable..." Hinata smiled as he spun round in his room. The blush coming back to his cheeks as he fell backwards onto his bed.

"I want to meet them again! AH I SOUND EMBARRASSING I BARELY KNOW THEM!" He rolled around his bed as he tried to think of something else.

"Maybe I'll see them again....No there's no chance..."

Sighing the ginger dog rolled off the bed and landed with a THUMP on the floor. The volleyball that was beside the bed caught his attention.

Maybe this will be distract me!

Maybe I can get Bakayama to play!

Getting up the young pup swung over the doors. "BAKAYAMA!"

Running towards the others room he still couldn't shake the cat from his mind.

Seeing them for the first time.

It was love at first-sight.

The cat had unknowingly casted a love spell upon the canine.

But what the dog didn't know is that he had unknowingly casted one on the cat...



"Do I have to?" Kenma sighed as he carried on playing on his psp. "I don't like parties."

"Of course you have to go! Your the CEO of the company!" Kuroo said with a sigh as his tail waved back and forth.

"The mangy mutts won't be there so that's a bonus!" Yamamoto exclaimed, "Said they favour us compared to the dogs!"

"You know they could be tricking us." The pudding said bluntly. "For all we know they could of said the same thing to Karasuno."

"I thought they were quite nice!" Lev exclaimed his grey tail waving slightly.

"Anyway we need to go! We're going to be late!" A short cat exclaimed. "We can put our masks on when we get there."

"Yakus right. Let's go." Fukunaga agreed shoving everyone towards the door. "Kai can you drive?"

"Yep. I'll get us there in time."

The cats huddled into their luxury and expensive vechile and set off to the masquerade party.

Kenma sat huddled in the corner dressed but still playing on his psp. However he couldn't defeat this one level as his mind was elsewhere.

The dog...

He seemed friendly...

Drifting off again his game pinged with the words "GAME OVER" written in bold. Sighing annoyed he closed it down and shoved it into his pocket.

"What's up with you?" The rooster head cat asked curiously.

"Curiosity killed the cat." The pudding head replied bluntly.

"But satisfaction brought it back." Kuroo replied. "So tell me!"

"It's nothing."

"It's not like you to be so distracted. You fall in love or something?" He teased.

The younger cat blushed heavily as the image of the dog reappearing. The bright orang hair, those hynotising brown eyes and his bright smile.

Love? I don't know.

I don't even know this dog.

"Wait really?" Kuroo whispered. "Serious?"

"What? No! I don't love or like anyone." Kenma denied, "Your making things up."

"Your expression proves otherwise. Was it love at first sight or something?"

"Shut up Kuroo!"

Before anything more could be said the car came to an abrupt stop.

"We're here." Kai said as he equipped his mask. "Just on time."

With cheers everyone started to slip on their masks, Kenma slipping on his own gold cat mask.

This is going to be interesting...

As he exited the car he noticed another expensive vehicle pull up. Many people exited the vehicle and that's when the pudding head put it all together.

That's Karasuno.

I knew it.

Got to avoid them.

Before he could enter he noticed the small ginger dog from before, the mask hid nothing. He seemed to bounce around the others excited. His hair and eyes were distinguishable from anywhere.

Blushing the feline quickly hurried in not wanting to cause a scene.

Slipping through the people Kenma quickly hurried to where the food and drinks were. Adjusting his mask he quickly grabbed a random drink, it was a lemonade, and started to sip it quickly while looking at the entrance.

A few seconds later Karasuno walked it, slitting up almost immediately into different groups. The feline didn't bother watching anyone else his eyes were focused on the ginger hound next to the ravern-haired dog.

The dog must of felt his stare as when the other dog wondered away the small pup immediately turned towards the feline. Their eyes locked and time seemed to stop.

Beautiful eyes...

Step. Step. Step.

It was almost like Kenma could hear the steps of the approaching dog. Everything around them was a blur and silent as the dog came closer.

"Hi! I'm Shoyo Hinata." The dog introduced themselves their tail wagging at 20 miles per hour. "What's your name?"

"Kenma." The cat replied. "Kenma Kozume."

"It's nice to meet you Kenma!" Shoyo replied brightly still ecstatic. They both knew exactly who the other was, the masks could hide neither of their definitive features.

"What are you drinking?"

"Er I'm not sure I just picked it up..." The pudding head replied shyly. "You can try it if you want..."

"Really? Thanks!" Hinata thanked him taking a small sip from the glass. "That's really good!"

"I think it's lemonade." Kenma said as looked at where he got it from. Grabbing another cup full of lemonade he passed it to the dog. His tail twitched at the end as he watched Shoyo smile brightly.

"Do you...want to move...away?" The cat asked as he looked at the floor. "We could go...to the corner of the room or something...?"

"Yeah sure! I was about to ask the same thing!"

Shoyo grabbed Kenma's hand and slowly dragged the feline to the other, less crowded side of the room. This went mostly unnoticed except for one set of eyes. A blonde hound had witnessed the whole thing, he smirked, things were getting interesting.

"How's this?" Hinata asked as they stood in the corner away from all the ruckus. "It's quieter."

"Yeah it's good."

Silence came over the boys then. The small talk they had disappeared as no topics came to mind.

"I hate this grudge between our companies. I wish we could just get along." Hinata sighed as he took a sip of his drink. "The arguments are becoming ridiculous."

"I know...I wish it would just stop." Kenma agreed. "How did this grudge even start?"

"It's been so long I can't remember..."

"They wouldn't like us talking like is." The pudding head mumbled. "Cats and dogs don't mix."

"Maybe not all cats and dogs ge along but we are! We are proof that we can get along! I don't care about what people say about us. I'd keep talking to you until you physically stopped responding." The hound said truthfully.

"I....I would never stop responding." Kenma said quickly. "Talking with you feels... amazing."

"I feel the same" Shoyo replied. "This may sound weird but...you've been stuck in my mind since I first saw you..."

Kenma's face flushed red at the confession. Leaning forward he made his hair covee his face as tried to clam himself down.

"You have been too..." Kenma managed to get out.

"It feels like lo-"

"HIIIIINNNNNNAAAAAATTTTTTAAAAAA!" A loud shout sounded from behind. Both boys turned and saw another small dog, smaller than Shoyo charging towards them.

"It's slow dance time already! Bring your date and get on the dance floor!" Nishinoya shouted as he started to push them towards the dance floor.

"Nishinoya! T-they arn't my d-date!" Hinata quickly denied blushing and looking at Kenma.

"Who cares! Dance!" Giving them a final push they stumbled into the middle of the dance floor which was flooded with couples swaying gently to the music. Nishinoya quickly headed over to Asahi and they started dancing as well.

Blushing Shoyo put his hands on Kenma's shoulders. "Do you want to dance with me? Kenma?"

Feeling awkward he slowly put his hands on the smaller's hips. "Um...yes..."

They swayed to the music gently, their bodies tense at first nut slowly started to relax. As they started to relax the music changed causing everyone to separate and to dance. Shoyo laughed and started dancing right away and dragged Kenma into a little dance with him.

Time sped by as they talked, laughed and danced together. They only cared about the other, everyone else was irrelevant, which caused them to let loose.

"Hinata! We have to go come on!" Sugawara called standing by the door. "Hinata!"

Whining Shoyo nodded towards Suga signalling he was coming.

"I have to goooo...." Shoyo whined. "I don't want to leave you..."

His tail fell down in a slump along with his ears but that didn't last long as they perked up afterwards. "Actually I'll see you again!"

"See me again but-"

"I promise I'll see you again ok?" Shoyo said quickly as he started to walk quickly ok. "I will be back!"

"O-ok then." Kenma said confused. "See you."

"Who was that?" Kuroo asked as he appeared beside the pudding head.

"Nobody you know."

"I might know them! What's their name?" The older feline asked again. "Kenmaaaa."

"I'm not saying." The pudding head replied. "They were just....entertainment."

"Yeah yeah..."

Nekoma left a little bit after Karasuno. Most of the team had gone tired so they wished the company people well amd left. As soon as they back home nearly all of the team crashed except of Kenma.

Kenma sat in his room with his lights on playing on his psp in bed. A small smile graced his lips as he thought about his magical night with Shoyo. The way they swayed together the slow dance, the laughing, his voice....

Shaking his head he went to concentrate on his gram when...

Crack. Crack. Crack.

Kenma tensed. Something was outside. A shadow could be seen outside the window.


Moving slowly towards the door, the feline reached for the handle until...

Tap! Tap! Tap!

"Kenma!" A shout whisper called. "It's me Shoyo!"

"Shoyo? What are you doing?" The feline whisper yelled. "You could of been caught."

Hurrying over to the window he opened it and dragged the dog in. Shoyo rolled around the floor and sat down with legs crossed. Closing the curtains and locking his door he looked towards Shoyo.

"Our companies hate each other! If you were caught it could set something off..." Kenma whispered concerned as he approached the smaller. He cupped Hinata's cheeks in his hands without thinking.

"I know but I wanted to see you again..." Hinata replied leaning up and nuzzling into the pudding's head cheek. "I missed you..."

Kenma kneeled down and nuzzled back. When they were together they never had a care in the world other than each other. The feline purred then, content with life.

"Did you just purr?!" Shoyo exclaimed loudly. "That was adorable!"

"Wah!?" Kenma tensed a blush present on his cheeks. "I didn't know I waa doing it..."

"Do it again! Do it again!"


"Kenma are you ok? I heard a shout." The door rattled slightly as they tried to open the door. "Kenma??"

"I'm fine Kuroo. The game was just being aggravating."

"Alright then...I'll come back in a bit. I was hoping you would help me finish this level on the-"

"Ok Kuroo."

A chuckled could be heard from outside the door. Kuroo's footsteps getting further and further away.

"That was close!" Hinata laughed. "I guess I'll have to be quieter next time!"

"Next time?" The feline questioned hopefully.

"Yeah unless you don't want me to."

"That's not it. Let me climb into your room next time. I'd be better at stealth." Kenma commented. "I would make less noise."

"I wasn't that noisy! But fine! Next time you climb to my room BUT after that I want to climb bac, here again!" Shoyo exclaimed smiling.

"But what's the point?" The pudding head asked confused. "Wouldn't it be easier for one of us to move?"

"Yeah but I want to see your room! I want to get to know you!"

"O-ok then." Kenma complied. "

Knock knock knock.

"Kenma? Is now a good time?"

"Uh yeah sure. One sec." Kenma replied.

Shoyo got up quickly and headed to the window. Kissing the cat on the cheek quickly he slid out the window. Tiles creaked at the weight but held as the dog leaped from the tiles and into the tree next to his window.

Once Hinata was safely at his own home he waved and closed the curtains. Smiling Kenma closed his own curtains and unlocked the door.

"Kenma! What took you so long?" Kuroo asked with a chuckle. "Couldn't get out of bed?"

"Yeah I guess..."

"Sooo I was hoping you could...."

As Kuroo droned on Kenma looked towards the closed curtains. Things were going to get a whole lot more interesting now...

Shoyo...you are one interesting hound.


Visiting each other became a habit. Each night they would take it in turns to climb into each others rooms and each goodbye became harder and harder to say.

It was Kenma's turn to climb into into his room so Shoyo was sitting patiently on his bed. His tail was wagging at the thought of seeing the feline again.


The crack alerted the dog right away and he raced towards his window. Peering out he noticed a broken branch on the grass along with a scared feline. Their ears and tails tensed and their eyes wild.

Jumping out onto the tree and traveling down quickly the dog came to the feline. At the sound the feline tried to flee but when he noticed who it was he calmed down.

"Shoyo I'm sorry I..."

"Kenma! Are you ok?? Your wrist!" Shoyo worried gently looking at the others wrist. "Does it hurt? You need to get it checked out!"

Kenma's wrist looked bad. It looked to have been sprained or maybe broken. Bruises were starting to form and Kenma looked to be holding in his tears while gritting his teeth.

"Oh God it looks bad..."

As the dog worried his ears suddenly perked up. "Kenma you need to go! The pack is coming and I-"

"Hinata? What's going on?" Asahi asked. "What was the massive..."

It went silent as the rest of the dogs saw the scene. A cat was on their territory. They were trespassing.

"What's a cat from Nekoma doing here?" Tsukishima asked smugly. "Hinata you wouldn't happen to know now would you? The cat and the dog sitting in a-"

"Shut it Tsukishima." Shoyo growled.

Tsukishima had been dropping hints that he knew about the feline. It annoyed Hinata to no end that at any moment he could tell everyone. Hinata had no clue what would happen then.

"Calm down Hinata. Now please explain what's going on." Daichi said sternly. "What is he doing round here?"

"I-" Shoyo didn't know what to say. "He..."

"The poor cats hurt..." Yachi gasped coming forwards a little. "We have to help him-"

At the sight of Yachi's approach Kenma hissed and moved his damaged wrist to his chest. His tail swayed as a warning.

"We can't let you go back with a wrist like that." Kiyoko agreed. "Grudge or no grudge it wouldn't be right."

"It's fine." Kenma mumbled as he moved closer to the fence. "I just want to go back."

"Come on Daichi! Please let him go!" Yachi and Hinata pleaded at the same time.

"Fine. But I will be discussing this with Nekoma in the morning." The leader said with a sigh as he turned around. "I...hope your wrist gets better."

Most of the dog pack left leaving Hinata, Yachi, Kiyoko, Sugawara and Kenma.

"We'll help you get back." Suga said with a warm smile. "We'll have to go round the house since your not fit to climb."

"Yeah! We'll help! We're not as bad as we seem! Well most of us..." Shoyo said a bit of anger in his voice directed at Tsukishima.

The group slowly walked round the house, they stopped at the end of the fence which separated the two groups.

"Can we have a look at your wrist before you go?" The elder she-dog asked once more.

"No it's fine. Thanks...I guess." Kenma speed walked away but not before giving Hinata one long last look.

"Hope your wrist gets better!" Shoyo called.

Hinata watched the feline knock on the door and the interaction that followed afterwards. A cat similar to Tanaka answered the door and immediately started to panic and call for the others at the sight of his wrist.

"Hinata! We should go..." The blonde she-dog whispered tugging at the small male dog.


As the rest of the dogs wandered back inside Shoyo knew there would be drama in the morning. He hoped that Kenma woukd be fine and he hoped that they could still see each other but....

Shoyo knew.

Shoyo knew that the game was up.

Everything was to be revealed tomorrow.


Hinata woke up with a start. Tanaka was shaking him awake.

"What time is it?" Shoyo mumbled, "Tanaka?"

"Hinata you need to come quick! The argument is getting out of hand!" Tanaka dragged the smaller by the collar down the stairs and towards the door.

"Wahhh hey!" Shoyo exclaimed as he was dragged outside.

"Look who decided to join us." Tsukishima commented earning a nudge from Yamaguchi.

Daichi and Kuroo were right up in each others faces. Rage was coming off both of them in thick waves.

"Kenma was hurt. Why didn't you help him?" Kuroo asked threateningly. "You that heartless?"

"Kuroo. They did offer but-"

"Stop it Kenma please. Your hurt." The tall cat said pleading. "They didn't do anything to help."

"But Kuroo they really did offer. The she-dogs offered me help."

"Kenma. I know. So stop defending them for that reason."

"For what reason?" The pudding head asked worried. "What reason?"

"Does that reason have anything to do with why you were climbing in our back garden?" Nishinoya added.

"Maybe Hinata here would like to add some more context?" Tsukishima added. "The reason is quite obvious when all the pieces are present."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Ennoshita asked confused.

Eyes immediately when to the ginger dog who started to avoid eye-contact with everyone but Kenma.

"It means that..." Shoyo started but stopped to look at Kenma. "That I...."

"That I'm in love with Kenma!"


Silence followed straight after the confession. Kenma slowly approached the dog and took one hand with his uninjured hand.

"I'm in love with him too." The feline confessed. "That's why....I was in the tree."

"We've been meeting for a week now." Shoyo carried on. "We climb into each others rooms every night in secret. We kept it from you guys because we thought..."

"We thought that you wouldn't accept it..." The pudding head finished. "Because of this stupid grudge."

The two groups were silent at this. A dog and a cat? Karasuno and Nekoma? Could that work? The two companies had been fighting for so long was peace even possible now? Could the joining of these companies solve everything?

"What do you say?" The ginger dog asked worried.

"It's....surprising. I never expected it!" Sugawara laughed. "Did I miss something?"

"I knew it from the Masquerade party. You were very sneaky but you needn't be with all these idiots." Saltyshima commented with a smirk.

"It would take time to get along with each other but I think it's possible." Yaku said with a smile.

"If we try to get along this needless grudge can end! I can sleep it longer!" Lev exclaimed which earned a nudge from Yaku.

"So does that mean?" Shoyo asked hopefully. "You accept our relationship?!"

"Of course. We're not that unreasonable Hinata." Daichi chuckled. "It just might be a rocky start for Karasuno and Nekoma. We've always argued."

"Yeah but I got to admit I thought you were quite cool." Kuroo complemented Daichi.

"Oh really?" Daichi said sarcastically.

Shoyo bounced for joy as the tension that surrounded everyone slowly started to fade away.

Looking towards Kenma he smiled brightly. "Its all right now Kenma!"

"Yeah I'm happy." The pudding head replied. "This whole ridiculous argument stuff is over and..."

"We get to be together!" Shoyo cheered. "Together forever!"

"Yeah together forever."

Hinata leaned in then and gently kissed the bandaged hand. "To make it feel better!"

"I think it's better already." Kenma replied with a blush.

As they interacted they gained a few warm smiles from onlookers. This was the start of a bright future. A future without conflict and instead filled with love and friendship. Who knew that one surprising relationship could fix it all.

They were star-crossed lovers.

Their love purified their friends hearts.

Kenma and Shoyo.

The Cat and The Hound

♡ Two unlikely lovers ♡


讛诪砖讱 拽专讬讗讛

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