The Turnabout of Hope Book 1:...

By DreamersWriters

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Phoenix Wright becomes a defense attorney and finds himself in the most intense yet completely strange cases... More

Notes for this Story
Chapter 1: My First Trial
Chapter 2: The Intern
Chapter 3: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth
Chapter 4: Turnabout of Sweets and Self-Love
Chapter 5: Think About the Past
Chapter 7: Turnabout Von Karma Truth Part 1
Chapter 8: The Von Karma Truth Part 2
Chapter 9: The Von Karma Truth Part 3
Chapter 10: A Mystic Introduction
Chapter 11: Two Sides
Chapter 12: A Deceased and A Spy
Chapter 13: Fey Family Fault
Chapter 14: The Interpol Case
Chapter 15: Escaping Evil Clutches
Chapter 16: The Turnabout of Saving!
Chapter 17: Returning Home
Chapter 18: Calling a Friend and Foe
Chapter 19: Discovering the Truth
Chapter 20: Turnabout of Points!
Chapter 21: Saying Goodbye to the Past and Hello to the Future
Thank You!
Chapter 22: The Chief Calls for Help
Chapter 23: Investigating a Corrupt Crime Scene
Chapter 24: The Turnabout of Real Truth!
Chapter 25: The Turnabout Terror and Demon Prosecutor's Victory
Chapter 26: Back to Work, With a Side of Justice!
Chapter 27: Unexpected but Expected
Chapter 28: The Turnabout of Wishes!
Chapter 29: Learning from the Best, Right? Wright?
Chapter 30: Even a Small Case is a Case
Chapter 31: The Turnabout of Plunders!
Chapter 32: Athena Cykes is Ready to Go!
Chapter 33: Cooking Up Disasters
-Thank You Again!-
Chapter 34: The Turnabout of Feasts!
Chapter 35: Too Many Invitations
Chapter 36: A Dance to NOT Forget!
Chapter 37: Magic is in the Air!
Chapter 38: The Ball Transforms
Chapter 39: The Turnabout of New Truth!
Chapter 40: A Serene Ending
Epilogue: A Puzzling Foe
Bonus Chapter 1: Nightlife Freunds on New Years!
Bonus Chapter 2: Be A Girl, Pastel Heroines!
Bonus Chapter 3: Apollo and Athena Finally Get Together!
Bonus Chapter 4: A Christmas Exchange
Author's Note

Chapter 6: About the Past

115 3 46
By DreamersWriters

(Not a trial story, but I think that's fine. Seriously, I can't keep writing trials like that, and the next one is the three part finale to season 1 of this book. Oh gods, we are almost done with season 1 of this book. Season 2 is going to be much longer and have more trials and a few surprises. But regardless, I do hope you have fun with this story! I really do enjoy writing about these characters, and I can't wait to write more for you about them! Enjoy!)

Fey and Co Law Offices, Main Lobby

December 16th, 1:15 PM

(Phoenix's POV)

                    Well, another day at the office again. I was looking over past case files as chief and Makoto. I want to help Miles, but I honestly do not understand how looking through these old files is going to help us. Well, at least this will help me be a better lawyer in some ways.

"Hey! Nicky! You in here buddy?!" an old, annoyingly friendly voice chimed into the office.

"Larry..." I said in a dejected tone as I didn't even bother to look up from the file I was reading.

"You know that idiot, kitten?" Prosecutor Armando asked as he stepped in the office.

Oh, joy, it is a party now. I heard chief get up from her desk. She wrapped her arm around Prosecutor Armando's left arm.

"I'll be taking my last break. I leave the office in your care until I return. Make sure you get those cases done you two" chief said in delight as I nodded my head at her.

She left us alone as Larry flopped on the couch and Makoto tapped his highlighter as he waited for a moment. Then, when the doors closed, he ran over to my desk.

"Ok, I don't mean to be rude, but you did promise on our next downtime that I would hear the story between you and Miles!" Makoto shouted earnestly.

Oh, right, I did promise him that. Well, I guess now is as good of time as ever.

"Sure. I'll tell you everything" I said to him as I gestured for him to sit on the couch next to Larry.

"Thank you, Mr. Wright!" he said as he took a bow and then went to sit next to Larry.

I closed the file and then sat across from them.

"Alright, well, this story takes place around the time we and Larry were in the fourth grade" I said as I recalled the event.

At the time, I was by myself which didn't bother me too much. I was sick, so I wasn't allowed to go to gym and then art class. I was at my desk and doing some homework. However, I noticed an empty envelope as Dahlia came into the room. She accused me of stealing the money. Then, I was put on a class trial against everyone. It was an awful feeling. Being alone and accused of something I didn't do. The room felt dark, and I couldn't stop crying at that point either. Everyone kept shouting "He did it! He's guilty!" over and over.

I just wanted this feeling to stop, so I even walked to the student who owned that lunch money until he shouted loudly with conviction, "OBJECTION!"

"STOP PICKING ON HIM!" another childish voice shouted in agreement.

"Leave him alone!" a kind voice said as she rushed to my side.

I was surprised. I didn't think anyone believed me. Instead, I saw Larry running in front of me with his arms extended and holding a determined expression. Iris placed her calm hand on my shoulder and gave me a napkin. However, what shocked me the most was Miles. He stood tall and calm as he pointed at his classmates.

"You don't have to apologize to me. You obviously didn't steal it, right?" he asked as he glanced at me.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered out nervously.

"Then, you don't have any reason to feel guilty. You're innocent. Also, none of you have any evidence either, so you can't prove my client is guilty. Your honor, my client is innocent!" Miles shouted strongly as everyone was stunned.

Heck, even I was speechless. After that, the four of us were friends. Well, the five of us, but Dahlia took some time to warm up to us. We were all close friends. We did everything together after that. Miles was always so smart, he listened to others, knew what to do, and never gave up in finding the innocence in others. I couldn't believe it! He was such an awesome friend! However, his father was killed, and Miles was taken away from us. I tried to reach out to him, but nothing I did to reach out to him ever worked. Then, as I got into college, I heard about Miles, but he was a completely different person from the one I knew before. He was a cold-hearted demon prosecutor who would fabric testimony, hide evidence, and change reports. I knew that couldn't be the Miles I knew! I know he's nothing like that! I have to help him, no. I have to save him! I am the only one who can do that!

"So, that's pretty much it" I confessed to Makoto who starred at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, so that's why you became a lawyer. That really confused me. I thought it was because of what Dahlia did to you, but this makes much more sense" Larry said as he nodded his head.

I rolled my eyes at that statement. I really don't want to talk about her now. Luckily, Makoto didn't catch onto that statement.

"So, that's why. You wanted to help your friend, Miles. That's impressive" he said surprised.

"Well, I also couldn't forget that feeling of being alone and just being called guilty either. I didn't want anyone else to feel like that. I wanted to be there for others who had no one else at their side" I added with a grin, "No one should feel guilty for something they didn't do"

Makoto's eyes began to brighten up as I grinned at him and scratched the back of my neck.

"Now, I've got more of a reason to prove that I can be the Ultimate Lawyer! I'll work harder to prove it and help you!" Makoto exclaimed as he stood up and went to work on the case files.

I smiled at him. Well, he's determined at least.

"Man, you really carry about Edgy, don't you buddy?" Larry asked with a smirk.

"W-well, yeah! He's in pain, and I know I can help him! So, I am going to help him!" I shouted back at him defensively.

"Whatever man. You always have to help others whether they ask for it or not. I'll never understand that. Oh! Right! Do you want to hang out after work? I know a great bar!" Larry exclaimed excitedly.

I am so grateful that he is a scatter brain for once.

"Maybe. I do have a lot of work to do, Larry. I have a job after all" I said to him as I went back to my desk to look over the file I was given.

I've got to work hard. I am so close. Close to saving you, Miles. I grinned at the thought of his name and then went back to work as Larry sighed and flopped back onto the couch.

(Mia's POV)

Gourd Lake, Forest Path

December 16th, 2:04 PM

I knew Diego wanted to spend some time with me, but I can't image why he would want to take a walk in the middle of winter! We were walking along the shore of Gourd Lake down on the forest path. The trees were barren, and snow had fallen along the path. The lake was barely frozen. Also, there was no one here. Not even the birds were here.

"Diego, I would not like to get sick for the holidays. I have to visit my little sister and cousin" I joked with him as I tightened my coat and scarf.

"Relax kitten. I have everything under control. Also, if you get sick, you can spend time with me at my place then. You know, like we used to" he replied as he pulled me into a close embrace.

I gave him a peck on the cheek and then pulled myself away from him.

"Your breath still smells like coffee" I said as I skipped on ahead of him.

We were then on a bridge as we joked and talked about our lives. Then, he stopped as he looked down the stream. I walked back to his side and looked down it too.

"Is everything ok?" I asked him with worry.

"I am worried about something, but I am sure everything will be ok in the end" he admitted as he held my hand, "Your sister and cousin like me, right?"

"Of course, they do. Why wouldn't they? You've looked over them with me so many times. Thank you" I said with a smile.

"And your employees won't mind me hanging around, will he?" he asked nervously.

"Haha! Phoenix will be scared of you, but he will warm up to you soon. Makoto is the same way as well" I reassured him as I held his hand, "You can tell me what is bothering you, you know. I'll always listen to you"

I faced him and then gently took off his mask. His eyes were white and dull, but the eyes still held life in it. I stroked his cheek with my other hand as he smiled.

"Well, might as well get to the point. I love you, kitten. More than you will ever know. When I first saw you in court, I thought you would be an easy person to beat. Yet, you turned the tables and pursued the truth with that case about your cousin and that other kid. Them, we worked together to stop the Dark Age of Law. Although, we barely did it, we did it. We lost Gregory to it and his son, but I know that when I am with you, we can do this. Mia Fey would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me? Before you ask, yes, I did ask your mother who is in Khura'in. She gave me her blessing" Diego asked calmly as he presented a small bow holding a diamond spirit medium charm in it.

I was speechless. Is this really happening to me? He wanted to marry me? A girl who is spirit medium and an attorney? I can't believe this! I felt tears fall from my face as he looked concerned.

"Hey, if you don't want to, I understand. I can't see without that device and have to take medication as well. I'm sorry, kitten, Mia" he said gently as I shook my head.

I then pulled him into a kiss and held him close.

"Yes, yes, and YES!" I shouted to him as I let him put the ring on my finger.

He gave it a kiss as he was laughing and crying. He then picked me up and spun me around in delight. We were together and so happy about our future.

"Oh, I have to call Maya and Pearl! They would love to know about this! Ah! We also have to call Lana, Raymond, Katherine, Phoenix, Makoto, Kyoko, Gumshoes, and Miles!" I exclaimed as I recalled how many people will need to know about our engagement.

"We can do all of that soon enough. Right now, let me just hug my fiancé tightly and in delight" Diego reassured as he rested his head against mine.

I could only smile and agree with him. I can't wait to get married to him.

(Miles's POV)

Criminal Investigation Corp, Archive Room

December 16th, 3:15 PM

I knew Prosecutor Manfred was hiding something from us. I could just feel it. I went in the dusty room with Detective Gumshoes and Kyoko. We were looking back on all the cases with Prosecutor Manfred as the prosecutor. Something came up a lot though. Redacted names of either the defense attorney, witness, victim, accused, and evidence. I can't understand the logic behind it all though. Why would he do this?

"Sir, it is getting late, is it ok if I get some food and drinks?" Detective Gumshoes asked tiredly.

"Yes, very well. Just make sure to bring me back tea and a glass of water for Kyoko" I told the detective as I continued to read the case file.

"Understood sir!" Detective Gumshoes shouted as he saluted me and then ran off.

Well, maybe we will get more work done now.

"Prosecutor Edgeworth. I have a few questions for you" Kyoko asked as she approached me with two files in her hands.

"What is it?" I asked her as I didn't bother to look up from the file.

"Why are you now looking into this when there have been rumors about your mentor in the past?" she asked seriously, "Is it because of Prosecutor Armando being back? Or, are you worried about Defense Wright?"

I nearly fell over at her questions. I understand she is the Head Detective, but how can she say all of that so easily?!

"It is mainly what happened at the Turnabout of Sweets and Self-Love. Two students referenced Prosecutor Manfred. That means he's been back here for a while. I want to know why is all" I confessed to her, "And, I don't care what becomes of that man. He can do whatever he wants"

I have to remain composed now. I can't let her read too much into me.

"Very well" she said with a sigh as she placed the two files on the table and took her seat beside me.

We read through the files until I noticed an interesting case file. It was labeled classified and IS-7. I opened the file and was surprised to discover my father's name as the defense attorney for the two-part case. If I recall correctly, my father was trying to solve this crime along with his assistant... Wait a minute, Prosecutor Manfred's name is listed as well as a report from Lana Skye. Her first case as chief prosecutor I believe. It was a report believing that Prosecutor Manfred was hiding evidence, using a hostage, and falsifying testimonies! This file was hidden away as well. I wonder who hide it.

"Sir! Sorry for being so late! I got the drinks and snacks!" Detective Gumshoes shouted as he barged through the doors, "Are you ok, sir?"

"Detective Gumshoes and Kyoko, I need all information about the two-part IS- 7 case files. I want to know the truth behind it all! Deliver it to my house personally as well!" I ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Detective Gumshoes shouted as he saluted me and went to work.

Kyoko looked at the file as she pointed out, "If you do this, you will be going against one of your former mentors who did take you in. Are you ready for that fight?"

I closed my eyes and then calmed myself down. My heart was beating so fast.

"Well, whether I like it or not, I'll be prepared. I don't want there to be anymore secrets and hidden truths. I'll do everything I can, Kyoko. Now, help me gather the files" I said as I picked up the original file and walked back to my office.

Something dark is coming. If I am being honest with myself, I am afraid. I don't know what I am about to find out, and I am not sure what is going to happen either. I just hope I'll find the real truth behind everything... Father, I hope you are watching me, because I am very scared. I don't have anyone beside me like you did. I am truly alone on this. I have to be ready, no matter what comes next. Whether I will like it or not.

(Manfred's POV)

Watergate Hotel, Room 1976

December 16th, 5:15 pm

I waited in my room as my computer gave off a chime. I looked at it as I discovered the video came of Miles with those two detectives reading something. The video zoomed in to reveal they were reading the IS-7 case file! How on earth did they get that file?! I thought he got rid of it! How?! My phone buzzed as I picked it up. I was relieved that it wasn't my daughter, but I was also concerned when his name appeared on it.

"What is it?" I asked in a tough voice.

"I saw the footage. You will have to take care of Miles Edgeworth before he becomes like his father. We can't have another one of him running around and trying to find the truth" he said seriously, "I didn't expect to have a player so soon, but he will do for now. I can't wait for his king to come in and face me. Well, Manfred, you better take care of this. Get rid of Miles Edgeworth for good. That is all I have to report to you. I hope you have a wonderful evening"

With that, he hung up on me again. There is no way Miles Edgeworth can beat me! Not when his pathetic father couldn't beat me! No, I shall silence the Edgeworths once and for all! Nothing will stop my perfect record and reveal everything I've done in order to maintain my perfection!

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