Deadliest Sins (Discontinued)

By kailynwrites19

213K 4.9K 9.1K

Sex, Lust, Nightmares, Daydreams. ***(DISCONTINUED)*** Korra and Asami have an everlasting lust and love pat... More

Part 1 - The Beginning
Part 2 - Embarressment
Part 3 - A Small Gift
Part 4 - Intimidation
Part 5 - Freak Out
Part 6 - Talking
Part 7 - Opening Up
Part 8 - First Kiss
Part 9 - Making It Offical
Part 10 - The Press
Part 11 - Crystal Clear
Part 12 - Tension
Part 13 - Jealousy
Part 14 - First Time (Explicit Content)
Part 15 - The Morning After
Part 16 - Old Wounds (Trigger Warning)
Part 17 - Taking A Break
Part 18 - A Day with Asami Sato (Updated)
Part 19 - Surprise
Part 20 - Sex Talk
Part 21 - Brewing Ideas
Part 22 - Bad Memories
Part 24 - Buisness Partners (Pt. 2)
Part 25 - Kuvira
Part 26 - Kuvira (Pt. 2)
Part 27 - Exposed
Part 28 - Apologies (Explicit Content)
Part 29 - Turmoil
Part 30 - Early Morning
Part 31 - Korra's Round (Explicit Content)
Part 32 - Burns
Part 33 - The Process
Part 34 - The Southern Water Tribe
July 2022 Update

Part 23 - Buisness Partners

4.6K 111 107
By kailynwrites19

"Coming!!" Yelled a voice from inside the giant home. Asami bit her lip as she attempted to pull her arm away from the avatar before the person came to the door, but Korra held on.

"Hey." Korra squeezed her hand "No more hiding."

Asami pouted as she looked at Korra "I'm not hiding." She tugged her hand away "I had an itch." Asami mumbled as she falsely scratched her arm. Korra rolled her eyes a bit and chuckled as the door opened before them.

"Asami! Korra!! What are you two doing here!?" Varrick said in his obnoxiously, naturally loud voice  "What a nice surprise!!" He continued, pulling the two girls into a very tight, very uncomfortable hug.

"Oh!" Korra widened her eyes, along with Asami as they were forced into the hug. Korra laughed awkwardly as she patted Varrick's back lightly "Uh.. nice to see you too Varrick.. it's been awhile.."

"Zhu-Li!!! Korrasami's here!! We're gonna need more tea!!" He paused "Please!!" Varrick yelled back into the house. Varrick was still working on how he spoke to his wife as his partner instead of as his assistant. Asami widened her eyes as she forcefully pulled away from the hug, looking down at Varrick confused "Korrasami..?"

"Yeah! Korrasami! Short for Korra and Asami!! You two are a killer duo!! Why not mix up the names and come up with something awesome!! Korrasami is perfect! The only other option would be Asorra, but that sound ridiculous!"

"Right... that sounds ridiculous." Asami said as she crossed her arms.

Korra smirked as she looked over at Asami, nudging her side playfully "I like it."

"Of course you do." Asami rolled her eyes before she looked down at Varrick "Listen Varrick, I need to talk to you and Zhu-Li, We your help with a project to-"

"No no no!" Varrick quickly put his finger up to Asami's mouth in his crazy manor, stopping her from speaking "We need to do this right!" Asami frowned as she swatted his hand away "Come in! Come in! Zhu-Li's in the kitchen making tea! We can talk in the living room! We got these new amazing couches! Let me know how you like 'em!" Varrick hollered before slamming the front door shut and walking down the hall, making the two girls jump.

Asami growled a bit as she watched Varrick walk away, who she still was not completely fond of.
"Hey.." Korra said softly as she put a hand on Asami's arm "Ease up... he's just being his normal self.."

"Yeah... I know." Asami mumbled as she followed the crazy man into their living room, Korra not too far behind her. As they entered the room, there were black leather couches surrounding a small coffee table. On the table, there were four cups of tea with steam floating from all of them. Varrick was sitting on the couch for a single person with Zhu-Li leaning on the armrest next to him. Asami walked into the room and made her way over to one of the bigger couches, taking a seat and making herself comfortable.

"So.. what'd you think?" Varrick asked with a smirk as he grabbed his cup of tea.

"It's.. actually really comfortable.." Asami replied truthfully.

"See! Told you these were a good investment Zhu-Li!"

"Yes dear... you were right.." Zhu-Li said as she picked up her cup as well.

"How've you two been doing? The marriage holding up okay?" Korra asked teasingly as she walked in, taking a seat next to Asami.

Zhu-Li chuckled and nodded as she knew the question was directed to her since she was the one dealing with Varrick's craziness 24/7. She took a sip of her tea before answering "It's great, our bond has done nothing but grown... thank you for asking" She said as she looked at the couple in hiding "So.. what brings you two here? Not that we're not pleased to see you, we just weren't expecting such a random visit.."

"Well... I'm not really sure..." Korra reached over to the table as she grabbed a pair of small tongs on a tray that was left besides a few cubes of sugar. The avatar grabbed three of the cubes and dropped them into one of the steaming cups of tea. She used her bending to swirl the tea lightly, evenly mixing the sugar in and letting it dissolve "We have a problem with Raiko... and Asami said she would need the two of you to help.. she hasn't told me a thing." Korra said as she handed Asami the tea cup she had just fixed for her. Asami took the cup willingly, pleased that the avatar remembers exactly what she likes and how she likes it. Zhu-Li watched the two girls immensely before smirking softly then taking another sip of her tea.

"Well.. that's because I wanted to discuss everything here.." Asami said before taking a small sip from her cup "Have you two heard how the president is talking about Korra?"

"Yeah! It's awful!" Varrick frowned as he sat up straight, being abrupt as always "That man has got some nerve! We all risked our lives that day to save Republic City! Especially Korra!" Asami glanced down at the floor at the small remembrance of her fathers sacrifice.

"Yeah. You're telling me." Korra mumbled as she looked down.

"It's uncanny how easily the citizens listen to him, even though he's the one who's given up on them.
Multiple times." Zhu-Li added.

"That's exactly my point." Asami said as she looked at Zhu-Li "He's destroying Korra's name and making her look bad. To the point where people don't want her help. I was thinking we come up with a plan to help restore her title, but also help all those people who are living in those shitty temporary housing camps."

Zhu-Li and Varrick both glanced at each other before looking back at the two girls "Whats your plan exactly, Asami?" Zhu-Li asked.

"Nothing crazy. I was planning to simply build a few stable housing communities for all of those people downtown. If we can clear out all the debris from the fight with Kuvira with the help of Bolin, Korra and other Earth-Benders, I can have Future Industries start working and building a nice housing common around the spirit portal. We can build roads and place street lamps within the first couple of weeks." Asami looked over at Korra "I'd keep the spirit portal fenced in so it's only able to be reached by foot, it's a real solid plan I just need-"

"Future Industries doesn't even own that land Asami! How do you expect to build on land that doesn't belong to you?!" Varrick budded in.
Asami frowned as she stared at Varrick, too dumbfounded to even think of any words.

"It's our land Varrick.." Zhu-Li said, looking down at her husband "She wants us to give her the land in order for her to start the project.."

"Oh... oh right! That's right!" Varrick said with his crazy laugh before frowning "I'm not doing it!"

"What??" Korra looked up at Varrick "Why not?!"

"Look Korra, as much as I care about you, and don't take this the wrong way, I don't care about your personal reputation! I know who you are! But I'm using that land to build myself a future spa joint!! No offense."

Korra crossed her arms "How is that not offensive?!"

Asami frowned as she looked at Varrick "You don't even live downtown anymore!! Why would you need a spa down there?!"

"What happens if I need to get a pedicure while I'm out by the old arena?! A mans feet are important!"

"You can't seriously put your selfish needs before-!" Asami stopped herself and growled as she grit her teeth, looking at Varrick. As Korra placed a hand on Asami to calm her down, Zhu-Li did the same to Varrick "Varrick. We don't need that land. Those people need our help." She said as she looked up Asami "I'm in as long as we get to keep the land under our name. Future Industries is more for technology and Vehicles. Stick the construction title under the Varrick Industries name and I'd say we can make a deal..." Varrick slumped in his chair as his wife took over the situation, mad he was no longer getting his downtown spa.

"Okay this sounds nice and all.." Korra interrupted "But won't Raiko just find a way to kick me off the land? I'm not allowed downtown and nobody wants me there anyways. And where am I supposed to get that many Earth Benders to help me clear all that up?"

"I can sign off some of the rights to Asami" Zhu-Li added "She can just have happened to ask the avatar to help her with her business, which is nothing apart of the President's. Raiko's will think you're working for us, but you'll really be working with us."

"We can ask Lin for help. And Su too, we can see if she's willing to lend us some of her guards.." Varrick added, finally coming around.

"Lin is chief of police, she doesn't have time for constructing a town. And Su can't just give up her guards, she needs to rebuild Zaofu." Korra said, feeling defeated.

"We will find you help for the clean up, Korra." Zhu-Li said.

"What we're planning isn't going to hurt anyone or anything but Raiko's stupid reputation. We have nothing to lose here." Asami said as she looked at Korra "We're going to make you look good again..

"That's.. great and all 'Sami... but I truly just want to get all those people in nice homes. They've been barely surviving for the last 4 months, And Raiko's done nothing to help them. I just want to give them something better..." Korra looked down at her hands in her lap. The last thing she wanted was for people to think she was doing all of this just to give herself a good image again. Although it wouldn't hurt to get back her gracious avatar name, Korra's main interest was helping the people.

"And we will do just that Korra." Asami said as she leaned over and placed her hand over Korra's "I promise... everything will work out just fine, it always does." Korra smiled softly as she looked up at Asami with bright eyes. She really did always know what to say.

Zhu-Li raised a brow as she looked at the two girls before standing and looking down at Varrick "Honey... do you mind heading upstairs and getting the paperwork? We need to get Ms. Sato to sign right away."

"Yes Zhu-Li!" Varrick stood and playfully saluted his wife before kissing her on the cheek and heading out of the room to get the paperwork.

Korra chuckled as she watched Varrick leave the room before looking at Zhu-Li "You guys really are perfect for each other... I can definitely say it wasn't expected though.

"I can say the same for you two." She responded.

The two girls widened their eyes as they stared at Zhu-Li for a moment "How... how did you..?" Asami trailed off.

Zhu-Li chuckled as she sat down in the chair and set her now finished cup of tea down on the table "It's kind of obvious... you two really have a thing for each other. It's adorable."

"Do we just scream 'gay'?" Korra said teasingly as she looked at Asami who was now pale in the face "Hey.." Korra placed her hand on Asami's knee who was clearly feeling uneasy.

"I .. I .." Asami was nervous, she was scared that her relationship with Korra would already start affecting her business affairs.

"You don't have to hide your feelings for each other around Varrick or I girls... we could care less if two were together." Zhu-Li started "Although Varrick is more... blind when it comes to these kinds of things. I know for a fact he would be happy for the both of you, and I am too." She gave Asami a reassuring smile "I know how hard it can be, being in the top tier of business with such an interesting love life. Believe me. Everyone's always in your buisness and wanting to know your next move together. It's annoying" Zhu-Li rolled her eyes a bit "We support the two of you. No matter what. And I want you to know that we'll continue to work with Future Industries no matter what Ms. Sato."

Asami looked up at Zhu-Li with a soft smile and tears in her eyes "You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that.."

Korra smiled as she looked at Asami "Told you.." She said as she elbowed her girlfriend lightly.

Zhu-Li chuckled and nodded "Of course, Varrick and Future Industries can, and always will, work on whatever project you want together. As long it doesn't give my husband the chance at blowing anything up." She teased.

Asami set down her tea cup and got up quickly as she made her way to Zhu-Li, giving her a tight hug "Thank you.. so much!!"

Zhu-Li widened her eyes and laughed softly as she hugged back "I guess.. she was really stressing about this business thing?" She asked as she looked up at the avatar.

"Oh, You have no idea." Korra chuckled as she crossed her arms and sat back into the couch.


The two couples had spent the rest of their night signing off papers and talking about future plans they had for the city.

"You know.. to ensure there is no way Raiko can come out on top with this... we should make a statement to the press." Korra said, looking up at the 3 business leaders.

"Why's that?" Asami asked as she looked at her girlfriend after she finish signing off the last piece of paperwork.

"If the three of you announce to the press what you plan on doing to help the city, there's no way Raiko can stop you. If he tries to stand in your way after you have proven you're in the process of helping the people, he's going to start a riot. And he can't have that on his hands."

Asami thought it over for moment before nodding and smiling "You're good at this business stuff, avatar." She teased.

Korra chuckled as she shook her head "No. I just really don't like Raiko."

"You're not alone on there kid." Varrick said as he looked at Korra "And for those earth benders you're worried about finding... just give me a few days. I'm sure I can cough something up to help you clear out all that debris."

Korra smiled and nodded as she looked at Varrick "Thank you Varrick.. I'll need all the help I can get.."

"Then I guess we have a game plan." Asami said as she picked up her cup of tea before frowning slightly. Her tea was cold now. Korra glanced over at the tall girl before she took the cup gently and used her bending to heat the cup up for her girlfriend. Asami smiled at Korra before taking the cup back and having a sip "Thanks." She said.

"When can we get started?" Korra asked.

"We can start this Friday. Meet us as the grounds at 9am. We can start the clean up then. I'll have my plan allllready for you avatar." Varrick said, singing some of the words in the sentenc.

Korra chuckled as she looked at Zhu-Li "Should I be worried?"

"Probably." She said, answering honestly.


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