Courtesan of Rome


430 6 9

A daughter of a former chieftain of The Maatani, you were captured by Caesar's forces years ago. Now that you... More

Chapter 1: Princess of the maatani
Untitled Part 2
Princess of the Maatani-part two
Beauty is pain
heyyy guys

Send out prayer

42 0 0

Lena calls over a large man in embalmed white armor.

"This is syphax. He will be bodyguard."

"You need fear nothing in my care." he flashed the most dashing smile his teeth white as pearls. His sun kissed skin was beaded with sweat you could tell he just arrived from training his muscles glistened with sweat.

"I expect you to keep her safe, not only from men, but from her own worst impulses."

"Of course domina"He said still grinning.

Lena smiles, then runs a finger over your filthy cheek, still matted with dry blood and dirt.

"Now, I think a bath. If you want to beguile the men of Rome, you will have to learn to pass for Roman....."

And just like that you were snapped back to the present.

Syphax is still holding senator Lucius.

"Nothing happens unless the lady offers firs. Understand?" He barked.

"You have no right to lay your hands on me!" I could tell senator Lucius was trying to be more intimidating than syphax but it clearly wasn't working.

"I have always been able to rely on your protection, Syphax"I smiled gently at him.

"Always"he says sending me one of his signature grin.

"Then, tell this gentleman that I have no interest in his patronage." I say coldly glaring at Lucius.

"The lady is not looking for another patron right now senator." he said replicating my glare.

Syphax gives Lucius an extra little shove, making the senator gasp, before releasing him and lets him scurry away.

"My apologies Mishaella for not intervening sooner.Lena wanted me to stay out of sight as much as possible during your debut" he had a sad look in his eyes.

"Of-course" i said flashing him a forgiving smile.

Several of the other guests congregated at the door, drawn by the commotion. They moved to make way as Lucius stalked inside.

"You will regret this girl. I offered you fair work for fair pay and you set your dog on me." he spat.

"you insulted me. you insulted my body guard. and you insulted our host, MY patron"I hissed back.

You sneak a glance at the watching patricians, who are riveted by your fury.

"You should be ashamed of your self senator Lucius!" you continue.

Some of the gathered men turned away from Lucius, shaking their heads. Cassius grasps Lucius firmly by the arm.

"Mishaella is my guest tonight, Lucius. Are you alright, Mishaella?"

Lucius looks to the other patricians for support, but no one steps up.

"Terrible way to treat one of lenas finest courtesans" one of them mumbles

followed buy agering nods from the others.

"The food is served Lucius. Perhaps we should go eat it before it gets cold" Cassius said coldly.

With an apologetic glance back at you Cassius leads the other senators away, leaving you alone with Syphax.

"You never did answer Cassius's question....."

"What question" I ask confused.

"Are you all right?" he asks concerned

"I was just remembering how i got here. Lena gave me a chance at a life I never thought i would have."

"But a far different one than you would've chosen"

"I know my role here, Syphax. Look, I'm still smiling" I said flashing him a childish grin.

"And I know mine" he said with a small smile

"To protect Lena's investment?"

Syphax meets my gaze brown eyes warm.

"No, to protect you. and not just from violence. You know it can be dangerous to wear you emotions openly."

My eyes sting with sudden tears, and I drop my gaze.

"I thought after all this time I would be better at hiding"

"The men are going to eat in another room you can take time to recover if you need it" He says putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know better than to let the words of a pig like Lucius affect me. But... his messenger told him that Marc Anthony brings news back to the city."You chocke on your words.

"He'll know whether Caesar was repelled or has conquered all of Gaul. He'll know if Legate Aquila will finally return to Rome and be within my reach...."

Syphax turns Me to face him.

"Then you definitely need time to recover. Perhaps we could pray for your family?"he asks smiling to try lighten the mood.

"I have prayed. Even when I knew no one was listening. It has done nothing" you say flashing him a sad smile.

"You can't know that. You are here and safe and alive. If your parents pray, dont you think they would ask more than that? Perhaps your prayers have done as much for them."

"I just wish I knew."

"Come, make an offering with me. if nothing else, it will give us a moment to spend alone... away from any curious eyes." he offers.

"Perhaps I would feel better if I took a moment...."

Most of the guests have moved further inside leaving the shrine relatively shielded from the clamor of voices.

"In Gaul we never spent so much time inside walls. You forget how loud they make everyone seem."

"And seeing you tonight, as beautiful and polished as the most sophisticated noble woman you forget you're still a barbarian inside. "He says Jokingly.

I give Syphax a mock glare.

"Take that back"

"Its true no one who looked at you would think you were born to anything but luxury" he says still grinning.

"Are you feeling better now" he continues.

"Im better now that im with you, I would rather be with you than any rich roman patron "I slightly curse myself because of how that came out.

Syphax smiles and brushes a strand of hair from my cheek and I slightly blush.

"And I wish I had coin and power enough that you need never entertain another one. "He says grinning childishly,

"I as well" I whisper.

I run a finger over the stiff breastplate of his armor, made equally to impress and protect. He covers my hand, trapping it against the enameled plates.

"Unfortunately, it is rich roman patrons who pay for us both to live. "He said looking at me sadly but longingly.

"Is there no other way?" I whisper

"You remember, my people were defeated by Rome as well"

"My land, Numidia, what Rome calls 'Africa', was brought under Rome when my parent were children"

"Why did you leave?"

"My father was part of an uprising ..... what Rome decided was an uprising. They sent me away from him, put me in the legions for a time, I preferred to make my way"

"What happened to your family?"

"Perhaps we should both make an offering to our families memories"

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