Innocent Stalker ✓

By mystical_meteor

143K 8.4K 2.7K

Dedicated to: All the introverts who love the most but show the least. Bianca is literally a beautiful ray of... More

Character Aesthetic
1. His imperfect life
2. Her perfect life
3 . Beginning of College life
4. Hoodie guy
5. Her First Party
7. The Martino Brothers
8. First step towards Healing
9. First day
10. Stalking him
11. Library
12. Apology
13. The Past
14. Skating
15. Strawberry
16. Date with Chase
17. Anniversary Party
18. Nightmare
19 . Makeover
20. Apology
21. Beginning of the trip
22. Mountain Climbing
23. Jump in Waterfall
24. Truth or Dare
25. Special Day
26. A day to remember
27. The night is still young
28. Dinner & Tattoos
29. Revelation
31. Library Date
30. Comforting
32. Finding Bianca
33. Letters
34. Christmas with family
35. Happy new year

6. Drunk boy

4.3K 290 61
By mystical_meteor


The loud music was booming in my ears and bright light was everywhere making me blind. What more can I expect from a teenage boy?

"Come on man, lighten up", Kevin shouted.

Yes, it's so easy for him to lighten up. Just few drinks and he'll forget about all his worries and bury himself in some random girl.

But my life is not that simple.

This drinks only increases my problems, it makes me remember about it even more. I took a drink trying to forget my problems this time but I don't get drunk easily maybe because of my Martino genes.

My eyes moved around and stopped on my brother, just like I thought Theo was making out with a girl. I am ashamed to have a brother like him who doesn't think twice before breaking any girls heart.

Kevin suggested me to have sex with girls , maybe it could help me but I refused. I don't want to hurt a girls feeling just to escape from my problems.

"Ben", a voice came. A girl wearing a tight dress till her mid thigh was standing in front of me, her front looked so tight, I was scared that it would torn any moment. Her face was filled with heavy makeup, I felt her hands tracing my tattoo.

She came me a seducing glare, before reducing the distance between us.

I looked at Kevin, who seemed to enjoy the scene . He winked at me and motioned me to go with her, but being my best friend he should know about my next move.

"Sorry, I am not interested", I removed my hand from her grip and turned towards the counter.

" What?! Did you just say no to me!!! ", her high pitched voice was bursting my ears.

"Is there anyone else? ", I tried not to sound rude but I can't help .

I heard a angry huff and sound of heels clicking, indicating that she is gone.

"What man she was a hot girl? ", Kevin whined. " Are you gay? "

"No", I replied taking a shot.

"Then how can you reject hot girls? ", he asked. He was not wrong, the girl just walked away was incredibly hot in her clothes but I wasn't interested.

I don't like being close to those girls who sees me as Bennett Martino and are behind my money. I want someone to consider me as Ben just Ben but it's impossible due to my brothers.

I am sure that I wasn't her first choice, she was behind me because Theo was busy. I am nobody's first choice, why would I be? I am not even good looking as them, I don't have sexy bad boy attitude like Theo, I am not sweet as Chris nor am I charming as Cole. I am just a boring boy, even Leo is more better choice then me.

I observed a girl coming towards Kevin, she whispered something to him and they walked away. Kevin winked at me before going, I shook my head at him.

Kevin is a soft hearted person who gets hurt easily, he has never been in serious relationship due to that reason. That's why he keeps on doing one night stand.

I took a bottle of bear and gulped it, my move moved towards Theo who was with a  different girl by now. He was surrounded by his friends, his eyes met mine and he gestured me to come towards him but I ignored him not caring about the consequences.

My eyes stopped on a particular girl for some reason I wasn't able to look away from her.

She looked so beautiful and innocent, most importantly she looked out of place. It wasn't her attire but the frown on her forehead. It was definitely her first time having party like this. 

Her eyes were beautiful hazel shade which looked even more beautiful in disco lights. Her cheeks slightly pink just like her cute lips. Those curly blonde hair were till her neck and it looked soft.

Suddenly, she turned towards me , my entire body went freeze as our eyes met. I didn't broke my gaze, her lips parted a little making her look even more cute if possible. I don't care if I look creepy but I just want to look at her. This is the first time I am attracted to a girl, there is something in her which makes me feel different.

"Ben", I snapped my head and saw Theo standing. I moved towards him and gave him a annoyed glare. "Why didn't you came? "

I ignored his question and moved my head towards the girl but she was gone, which made me even more angry.

"Because I don't want to be anywhere near you", I yelled not caring that people might hear me.

" What the fuck is your problems?! ", he shouted as I went out taking two bottles of bear.

I didn't realize I was drunk until I started stumbling around. I tried to cross the road with a blurry vision and somehow manage to do it.

I walked towards the bench to sit but before I could sit, I fell with a thud.

"Are you ok? ", I heard an angelic voice.


The noise wasn't much outside , so I answered the call.

"Hey Shawn", I faked a sleepy voice.

" Hey Bi. Were you sleeping? ", he asks.

" Yaa", I fake a yawn. "Can I call you in morning? "

"Yaa, sure. Goodnight", I feel so guilty lying to him.

I hope he forgives me for it, I should go to Brittany she must be worried about me.

I stop when I hear a noise of glass breaking, as I turn  I see a glass bottle  broken few feets away from me.

My eyes widen as I saw a boy crossing the road, clearly drunk. He can't even walk properly, I couldn't stop my self and run towards him.

"Hey stop! ", I shout but he didn't seem to hear me.

He crossed the road and walked away, I manage to follow him by my small legs.

" Are you ok? ", I ask as I saw him falling on the ground.

He move his head towards me, a gasp escape my mouth as i saw his face. He was the same guy who was watching me few minutes ago. The hoodie guy.

His eyes narrows at me, " What are doing here? ", he ask rubbing his eyes.

His voice is so sexy.

Did i just say that?

Ok, but this is the first time I found someone's voice sexy.

His voice is the best part of him, after his eyes.

" I want to help you", I finally say.

He placed his back on the leg of bench and observe me, " Why? "

"Because you need help"

"You can't help me, no one can", he got up and again stumble but this time I caught him.

He is heavy.

I manage to make him sit on bench, he is still looking at me with his mysterious eyes.

"You clearly need help and how can you be so sure that I'll not be able to help you", I argue. I sit on the other side of bench leaving few inches between us.

" I am sure. No one can help me, not even God. I deserve to be alone", his voice sounds so heart breaking. I can't help but feel bad for him.

What could be the reason for him to think like this?

"No, like everyone else you also deserve someone. Someone to help you, care for you and love you", I say trying to make him smile and he does.

But it isn't the smile I expected, it is a sad smile which have no hope or positive vibe in it.

" Not even my family care for me, no one understand me. My family is ashamed of me, I am disgrace to everyone. The only person who cares a bit about me is Kevin and i kept on hurting him. Few more years and I'll be all alone. I don't think anyone will care if I die ", tear form in my eyes hearing his sad words.

I want to hug him, comfort him do anything to make him stop thinking like that. His words are breaking my heart, I want to close those words anyhow.

" I am there for you ", I move close to him.

He looks at me with vulnerable expression and then looks at sky, " You can't be with me forever ".

"I know, but we can be friends and maybe it can help you", I have no idea if it's right or not but helping him is the only thing in my mind.

His face is still hard but his eyes shows some hope which brought a smile on my face.

" You will be my friend! ", he sounds like a kid right now.

I chuckle and nod my head.

" Promise? ", he ask raising his hand, I put my tiny hand on his large one .

He grab my hand and it felt...... Just perfect.

" Promise ", I said squeezing his hand.

I hope you all liked the chapter.

If you did then please comment or just vote🥰

Lots of love

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