Chasing Annabelle [Available...

By blackinker

5.3K 437 240

published by Annabelle shone like the moon, about her aura was a pearly glow. Somtoo was dim like... More

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Authors Note

20 5 1
By blackinker

Hey guys, it breaks my heart to have to watch the journey of this book come to an end on wattpad. Writing this book here, with you guys reading, has been a tremendous and worthwhile experience. But unfortunately (or not) remaining on wattpad is not every author's dream and for this reason, I am happy and yet regretful to announce that this book has been signed exclusively and published by Yay!!!

You should be happy for me. Look at the 15 seconds video, isn't it beautiful? It's sexy as hell and I love it:

So, yes. That is pretty much it.

If you are just reading and you just got here, then I bet you are enjoying the book so far. But trust me, you have no idea what's coming for you. This is the one book I know that has no single bad review. You should go over to , get it in any format you like and continue reading.

It is really cheap and affordable and if you have just signed up on PabPub, you may be able to receive a reading coupon which will allow you to read it for free. Try it, you will love it. Thank me later.

It is also available on Amazon Kindle, Litireso, Okadabooks, Bambooks and more.

Thank you, and I love you guys. I will be working on a sequel and be updating here. So watch this space. 

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