Becoming Bella

By bri3234

65.4K 1.5K 369

‼️Sequel to Rebellious Raven‼️ When the daughter of Raven and Jax , Bella, grows up she has a reputation to u... More

⋆authors note⋆


4.8K 111 14
By bri3234

I hate time skips but there is a small one right here lmao

It was the night before my first day at a new school. I was not looking forward to it. My parents went there today to enroll me. I told them that it was totally unnecessary but you probably already know how that went. It was worth a try though.

It was 11:30pm. My parents would be in bed, about to fall asleep. I went to my closet and put on a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie. I grabbed my black duffel bag before unzipping it. I checked to make sure everything I needed was inside. It was all there like expected.

Now you're probably like "Bella, what are you doing?" and im going to say is, you'll see.

I opened my window before grabbing one of the thicker branches for balance. I placed one foot in the crevice between the branch and base of the tree. When I had a sturdy grip and I wouldn't fall, I moved my other foot to a lower branch. I have fallen before and lets just say it isn't fun. I jumped to the ground when I was close enough.

My parents room is on the other side of the house so I don't think they would be able to hear me.

I'm also good at climbing due to training. And yes I know about the mafia. Uncle Ryan spilled the beans about mom joining at my age. With this new found information, she couldn't say no when I asked her to join. Lets just say mom was not happy with uncle Ryan. My cousin Christian is in it too. I couldn't help but to wonder if his little buddy's know about it. I just hope they are dickwads. I certainly will not be dealing with that.

My grandpa was still in charge of the mafia but as he gets older he becomes closer and closer to passing it down. It's crazy how in shape he is for his age. He still trains and fights with my uncles like he's thirty. I hope i'm like that when i'm older. Actually we all know that won't happen, i'm lazy as fuck.

I walked quietly through the grass to the front of the house where my bike was parked in the drive way. Yes, I have a bike and it is one sexy motherfucker.

It's all black and it's my baby. Having parents who love cars and stuff comes in handy. My mom taught me how to be safe and do cool stuff with a bike. She prefers cars though. I don't really have a preference but I love my bike.

I kicked the stand up and walked my bike out to the road by it's handlebars. If I rode it out the drive way, my parents would for sure hear the loud roar of the engine.

I strapped the duffle bag securely before putting my helmet on. I threw a leg over the seat before starting the bike and went on my way.

I was driving for 15 minutes before I got to the bad side of town. There are a bunch of druggies, crimes, abandoned buildings, and all the other crazy stuff. I stopped at a specific abandoned building. I come here a lot.

It was 3 story's high and was covered in graffiti. I went over to the wall I normally do my work on and unstrapped the duffle bag. I took out my favorite cans and began to paint.

I finally finished a few hours later. I had mostly painted random things but it was fun to do.

I had to get home soon if I was gonna get any sleep before school. I packed up my paints before zipping up my bag. I carried it back to my bike and strapped it in place. I placed my black helmet over my head before getting on the bike. Kicking the kickstand back, I rode home.

When I was down the street from my house, I turned my bike off and got off. I held the handlebars and pushed the bike up my driveway. When it was in my normal spot, I put the kickstand down.

I unstrapped my bag and took off my helmet. I had to get inside without making noise. I went over to the large tree and jumped up, grabbing a branch. I pulled myself up until I had a place to put my feet.

I quickly hopped back in my window. I threw the bag of paints in my closet and fell straight into my bed, not bothering to change.

I fell asleep easily.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

Next chapter stuff is abt to go downnn. I mean isn't the first day always interesting?

what is your favorite food?

i can't choose. i love pizza, sushi, ice cream, pasta, strawberry's. like food is bomb

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