Opposites attract (a Ralla fa...

By SwirlySystem1028

34.7K 492 924

Yes, the cover is mine, don't steal (Not that anyone would...anyway) Even though they are polar opposites, Ra... More

A tired witch
The kiss
The girl with green eyes
A date?
A mission
(I can't think of a good name)
The baby
An old friend
We meet again
What is going on...
Nothing will happen to you
What life used to be
Normal? (Part one)
Normal? (Part two)
A crashed wedding
The stronghold
You can't stop me
The attack on the Red Legion


1.3K 22 12
By SwirlySystem1028

(Stella's POV:)

I was finally able to get into my room after so darn long (Thanks for that Azura).

At this point, it had been three days that I had been out of my room. I open the door to see my small, little house everything in the same place. Considering I had a lot more stuff, my room looked a bit smaller then Rain's.

I have lots of books, a cauldron, and my maps (including my one of the Covern) which are on a table, and of course, the basic stuff that are in these rooms, a simple kitchen, table and three chairs for dining, a couch, bathroom stuff, a bed, alarm clock, and closet.
There was also another walk in closet which was big enough to be a small bedroom, but I use that for storage.

I walk to my closet and find my old, brown spell book, my most used potion book, three pairs of day clothes, and three pairs of pajamas.

It was going to be a long trip but we need to pack as light as possible.

Still, that doesn't stop me from packing a few extra things, like some candies, and my stuffed dragon Smoky that Ceris got me. Smoky looked almost exactly like the Ender Dragon.

I couldn't visit the End often because of me being taken care of by the Covern and I would need an adult to take me, so Ceris gave me Smoky so if she couldn't be their, I could at least have something.

Ceris.... I thought.

I missed her a lot. Even if she was busy, she still felt like a mother to me. I never knew my real mom, so I always looked up to Ceris as if she where.

"Hello?" I heard a familiar bandit knock on my door.

Quickly I threw Smoky into my bag and piled a shirt on her. "Come in."

Daryll opened the door and sat down next to me. "What's up?" I ask.

"I wanted to see if you needed help packing or anything. So, how was sleeping in the same room as your boyfriend?" He asked. I blush.

"H-he's not my b-boyfriend!" I say technical telling the truth

Rain and I still weren't really couple yet, we wanted to go on a few dates first before making it official or anything like that.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say."

I sigh, "Hey, I have a question for ya."

"Okay, what is it?" He asked.

"Where did a lot of your bandits go? The past few days, I've noticed there are a lot less of them, where are you all disappearing to?" I ask.

He sighed and looked at the floor,

"Since the war is over, we're all getting paid a bit less. So, a lot of us have been trying to find work somewhere else." He said sadly.

I froze. Was he going to leave? I asked myself,

Daryll, thought he is annoying, is still a good guy and one of my very good friends. I don't want him to go.

"Are....are you going to go as well?"

He smiled and laughed a bit "You really think I will leave! I have to first watch Ralla happen!"

I laugh a bit of relief,

"All jokes aside, this place is my home now, and you guys here are my family."

"Good, anyways I'm done packing and we both have to go." I say before walking to my door before stopping,

"Please, no stalking Rain and I during the trip, okay?" I ask.

"No promises Stella!"

I sigh before we head out.

(Rain's POV:)

I finished packing very early. I mean, I don't have much, so other then clothes, a sleeping bag, tent, the wither spell book, and weapons I don't have much else and it all fit in one bag.

I had an hour before leaving, so I thought I'd make some more cookies considering Stella likes them so much.

Once they where done baking, I put them in a bag that kept the heat in for a long bit of time.

Just as I closed the bag I heard a knock, "Rain, it's time to go." I heard Azura say.

"Okay." I put the bag of cookies in my hoodie pocket, get my bag and head out the door.

//Outside a few minutes later//

I walk out to see everyone there, either putting their bags on their horse (or for Azura's case gave her bag to Patrick) or talking.

Since Stella and I never used a horses, Daryll said he'd let us borrow one that belongs to one of his bandits that left. We had to share (which I don't really mind).

After putting my bag on Stella and my horse, I felt someone give me a hug.

"Hello Stella." I say not even turning around

"What! How did ya know it was me!" She said confused,

I chuckled. "You, your the only one who I allow touch me, let alone hug me."

"True," she giggled, "But you love me anyway!"

"I won't deny that." I take the bag of cookies out of my pocket and hold them over my shoulder. "Made these for you."

She gasped and took the bag from me.

I turn around, she looked like she had just opened a birthday present for the first time in a hundred years.

"Eeeeeee! Thank you Rain! Thank you!" She said hugging me.

"I'm not that good at baking..." I started before whispering, "am I?"

"You are!"

I only started cooking/baking because Abby and I took a few couple cooking classes for fun back in Glacierford. I never thought I was any good thought, and the only reason I kept cooking was because it was fun.

"Let me try?" Daryll asked.

Knowing that unless it was me, she'd kill the bandit for touching her food. So I get a warm cookie and handed it to him.

Still thinking I stunk and that Stella was only trying to make me feel better, I was a bit shocked to see that Daryll actually liked it. Daryll is the fricking best at stuff from cooking to crafting, all skills he acquired from living in a bandit camp his whole life.

"That's pretty good kid."

"Really? You think so?" I ask and he nodded, "Huh, I didn't think I was any good."

"Sure there is a few things you can change, I'll give you a few tips sometime if you'd like."

"Thank you." I say. Just then Ser Patrick and Lady Azura walk up to us.

"Ready to go?" The grandmaster asked.

"Yep." Stella said.

"Okay, lets head out then huh?" Azura said activating her wings.

We all started heading out on either horseback, wings, or on foot. I help Stella onto our horse.

He had light gray fur with a darker grey mane and tail. Both Stell and I would take turns riding him so he won't have to not only carry all our stuff, but two other people on him.

"You sure your okay with walking? It's okay if ya don't, I can walk first!" She said.

"No, it's fine. If I could manage walking a few miles carrying my two diamond swords, the end greatsword, and you on my back, I think I can live walking today."

She reluctantly nodded and we went to join the others.

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