Catradora oneshots and short...

By Fantasy_fairies

307K 7.1K 12.3K

Here is my book where I can finally write as much fluff and angst cuz there is so much for this ship ❤️ and y... More

Safe in my arms
Kitty go purrrrrr
You complete me
To ease the guilt
Not an update
Don't judge a book by its cover (Part 1?)
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 2
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 3
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 4
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 5
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 6
Catra loving hours
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 8
Catra the cat brat
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 9
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 10
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 11
Mean but cute
Don't judge a book by its cover Part 12 (Finale)
Idk what to title this... 23?
Rich girl/poor girl high school au Part 1
Rich girl/Poor girl high school au Part 2
Rich girl/Poor girl high school AU Part 3
Rich girl/poor girl high school AU part 4
Rich girl/poor girl high school AU part 5 (Ending)
My nerdy side
Found family
A real princess
Remember us Part 1
Remember us Part 2
Remember us Part 3
Remember us part 4
Aggressive love
Lightweight dumbass
Wanted part 2
Remember us part 5
Kitty go purr part 2
A rainy day
Remember us Part 6
A prank gone wrong
Kitty go purr part 3
Smol kitty
Wanted Part 3 (ending)
Kitty go purr part 4
Tell us how you really feel
Remember us part 7
Kitty go purr part 5
To ease the guilt part 2
A 2nd chance at childhood part 1
A 2nd chance at childhood part 2
Remember us part 8
Kitty go purr part 6
A 2nd chance at childhood Part 3
A 2nd chance at childhood Part 4
(Don't) baby me
A 2nd chance at childhood part 5
A 2nd chance at childhood part 6
A 2nd chance at childhood part 7
A 2nd chance at childhood part 8
A 2nd chance at childhood part 9
A 2nd chance at childhood part 10
Worthy of your love
Kitty go purr part 7
A 2nd chance at childhood part 11
Catra calls the princesses out on their bs
Kitty go purr part 8
Flufftober Day 1: Winning a teddy for the other
Flufftober Day 2: Sneaking out together
Flufftober Day 3: Lazy sundays
Flufftober Day 4: Sparklers and fireworks
Flufftober Day 5: Watching the sunrise
Flufftober Day 6: Fireman's carry
Flufftober Day 7: Meddling friends
Flufftober Day 8: Cooking lessons
Flufftober day 9:Text messages
Flufftober day 10: pillow fight
Flufftober Day 11: Love notes
Flufftober day 12: Sleepy kisses
Flufftober Day 13: Pillow talk
Flufftober Day 14: Slow dancing
A 2nd chance at childhood part 12

Don't judge a book by its cover part 7

4.2K 99 43
By Fantasy_fairies

Enjoy :)

Adora sighed. She stared at her laptop, scrolling through the website. She had been doing that for about an hour.

The sound of quiet footsteps took her attention away from her current task. Feeling arms loosely rest on her shoulders, a chin on her head, made her smile.

"What cha up to?" Catra's scratchy voice was heard.

Adora sighed, beside herself.

"Looking at colleges to apply for." She said.

Catra noticed they lack on interest in her voice. That didn't sound right.

"You sound like this is a chore." She commented. "You looking for a school with a good sports team?"

Adora was quiet. Catra then looked at the screen. Instead of sports and stuff like that, there was a page on history programs. Catra lifted her head in interest. Adora sighed, leaning back against the chair.

"I know I need to look at that." She began, before Catra cut her off.

"No you don't." She corrected. "Nothing wrong with having other interests."

Catra lifted herself off of Adora. She walked around her girlfriend, lifting herself up on to the desk. Her eyes scanned Adora's face. Adora looked like she was had been caught watching porn or something forbidden. Shame. This made Catra frown. This was all wrong. Adora should be happy.

Nudging Adora with her foot, she got her to look up at her. Catra tilted her head to the left.

"What's up? You make it sound like you'd rather do anything but this. What's on your mind?"

Adora suddenly looked conflicted. She chewed on her bottom lip, a tiny line forming between her eyebrows. Catra realized Adora must be really bothered by whatever she had going on in her head. Reaching out, she held
Adora's hand. Catra looked her dead in the eyes.

"You know you can talk to me. I may not be the best with words or comforting or feelings, but I'm a damn good listener."

She smiled and wiggled her ears. Adora snorted, a small smile on her lips. It was enough for Catra. She waited for Adora to speak, patiently sitting while Adora put her thoughts together.

Finally, Adora sighed, resting her head on Catra's lap. Catra was taken by surprise. She softly ran one of her hands over the blonde hair. After a moment of silence, Adora lifted her head and looked up at Catra.

"I don't think I want to do sports as a career."

Catra raised an eyebrow.

"Um... ok. Then don't."

Adora's face turned exasperated.

"But, I have to!" She continued. "I've been in sports for as long as I can remember. I've made a name for myself in school because of my abilities. Everyone expects me to be a professional athlete. It's all anyone says about my future. I can't just let them all down."

Catra took on the words. She then snorted. A laugh bubbled up out of her. She shook her head, holding up a finger as she laughed. Adora stared at her, not sure whether to be offended or concerned.

Catra laughed for a minute before she got back in control of herself. She exhaled, smiling at her confused girlfriend.

"Oh, Adora." She said, humorously. "Oh don't have to live the way others want you to. If you do something just 'cuz someone wants you to, then you're not doing it because you actually want to. Dummy, it's your life. No one can else decide what to do with it. Plus, I'm sure no one will actually care if you don't want to do sports professionally."

Adora sat there, taking in Catra's words. Catra reached out and touched her cheek.

"If they really care about your happiness, no one will have a problem with you choosing to do what makes you happy."

Adora held the hand on her cheek, pressing a kiss into Catra's palm. She sighed, her expression faltering.

"I just feel like this is what I need to do." She admitted. "Everyone keeps saying that I'll be a great athlete. I don't know if I can be successful any other way."

Catra shook her head, lifting up Adora's so they locked eyes.

"Trust me," she said, totally serious. "If you make a career based off of what others want or expect you to do, and not what you want... you'll only end up being the one regretting it. It'll make you miserable in the future. I can't think for you, but I don't want you to be miserable and stuck doing something you don't like. Fuck anyone else. It's your life and if you want to major in something else in college, then do it. You could always change your mind if you don't end up liking it."

Adora pursed her lips together. She thought it through. It made her feel so much better, hearing what she'd always thought but didn't think she had a choice. It eased her worries. Not all, but some. It felt like she finally had control over herself.

Adora smiled softly.

"Thanks, baby." She said softly.

She stood up from her desk chair. Her arms snaked around Catra's waist, their bodies pressed up against one another. Adora pecked her on her lips. Catra purred gently, happy to cheer her girlfriend up.

"No need to thank me." She replied. "Anyone could've told you that, and I'm right. You live for no one else's happiness. If you're not happy with your life..."

Catra gently head-butted Adora's shoulder. The gesture made Adora nearly fawn over her. The longer they dated, the more comfortable and openly expressive Catra became.

"Then it won't matter in the future if everyone else is happy. You'll be suffering in the end. So, I say, be selfish for once."

Adora smiled as she remembered Catra saying that weeks ago. It rang true, even now. It was hard, but Adora knew Catra was right. She had to do what made her happy. Put herself first.

Adora nudged her playfully.

"I can be selfish. I started dating you."

Catra nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Risking social suicide to befriend the local social outcast just cuz you wanted to give her a chance, was pretty selfish and ballsy."

Adora softened.

"Don't talk about yourself like that." She chided.

Catra held up her hands in surrender.

"I'm just saying. You're the only person in that school who actually wanted to talk to me. Especially with your status in school, it was risky."

Adora had forgotten. They were in totally different social circles. She was popular. Catra wasn't. That never bothered Adora, yet it obviously meant something to Catra, otherwise she wouldn't have brought it up.

"Your point?" She questioned.

Catra sighed. She looked off to the side. She had that look on her face. The look she had when she was trying not to care but it was bothering her anyway. Even with her tough, cold mask she put on to protect her heart, Adora saw right through it.

"I guess I just realized that when we get back to school tomorrow, we can't be this way in front of anyone." She said, as if it were a known fact.

Adora's brows furrowed.

"Why would we need to hide at school?" She asked.

Catra looked at her.

"If you're seen with me, people might start looking at you all weird. I don't want to ruin any of your popularity or you being the golden girl of the school. I'm already an outcast. I won't let you be one too. Plus, I can handle it if you wouldn't want to show me off to others."

She laughed humorlessly.

"I tend to ruin things for people. I don't want you to grow to hate me cuz I ruined your perfect image."

Adora was speechless. A heavy feeling in her chest formed, bothering her. She hated that Catra felt this way. She still believed she was a burden and bad luck to others.

A confidence rose up, her brain just telling her to chase away all doubts in Catra's mind. Carefully, she wrapped an arm around Catra's waist. Catra let out a small gasp at the sudden contact, but didn't seem to be afraid. Adora firmly but gently held Catra's chin in her other hand, keeping their eyes locked.

"Catra, please listen to me." She softly requested.

When Catra didn't argue, Adora kept on.

"I don't care about what they think of me. I will not be ashamed of you. You are possibly the best thing to have happened to me. You are not something to hide, or be ashamed of. I'm proud to be your girlfriend, and anyone who has a problem with it can shove it. Please never think I want to hide our relationship in school. I don't care about my reputation. My real friends won't care and they'll love you."

Both girls grew misty eyed while Adora ranted. Adora clutched Catra's hand to her chest.

"I love you and I don't mind if others know about it. Ok? I want to walk into school, your hand in mine and live my life how I want. Do what makes me happy, right? It's my life."

Catra smiled, looking like she might cry. She giggled.

"Right. You're such a dork."

Adora chuckled. She leaned and captured Catra in a kiss. Catra returned it, her unoccupied hand tangling in Adora's hair. She let Adora pull her closer by her hips, Adora leaning against the desk, wanting to be closer. Their lips never stayed apart for long, breaths shortly inhaled before the magnetic force pulled them back together desperately.

Adora felt in total bliss, cheeks flushed, mind filled with only one thing. Catra. Adora's hands roamed the other's body, explore it, though still careful with the healing lashes. Those were still the healing. Most of the worst was over. The bruising had worsened the week after Catra moved in with Adora. Angela had said to expect it. It was get worse before it got better.

They made sure to document the process for court.

That was another thing.

Catra was trying to get emancipated from her mom. The process would take a while. Mara was her temporary legal guardian until then. They'd meet with a lawyer in a few weeks. Catra was nervous about having to go to court with Sharon. Adora had asked if she wanted to press charges for abuse. Catra had said she still wasn't sure. Adora dropped the conversation, but wouldn't give up. She wanted Catra to be totally free of her abuser. That wouldn't happen until the demon herself was behind bars.

Until then, kissing the doubt and pain ingrained in Catra's mind away, was enough to satisfy Adora.

Adora breathlessly pulled away. Both girls smiled at one another, making eye contact.

"I'm not letting you be alone anymore." Adora promised. "You're stuck with me for as long as you want me. I won't be ashamed to call you mine. Ok?"

Catra nodded. "Ok"

Adora rested her forehead against Catra's.

"You know," she added. "The whole do what you want with your life thing, applies to you. I know you love art, even though you say it's stupid."

Catra looked down at her lap, suddenly self-conscious. Adora pushed herself in Catra's line of sight.

"Hey. Don't hide from me now." She joked. "You love art and I know it's your passion. You're amazing at it, babe. If you really want to, go to art school. Can't hurt to try."

Catra looked unsure.

"But, I'm not good enough-"

Adora pressed a finger to Catra's lips, cutting her off. She gave her a serious look.

"No negative talk." She reprimanded. "You only believe that cuz of Sharon."

Catra sighed, shoulders sagging.

"It's true. She's right. I'm not good at anything. I can't do it."

Adora looked sad by her claims. She shook her head.

"No, Cat. Your art is incredible. Just said it sucks because she knew it would hurt you. She wants you to believe her, but you can't. She's wrong about you. You trust me, right?"

Catra looked up at her. She nodded without hesitation. Adora smiled.

"Then believe me. You have what it takes to do whatever you want in life. Don't let your mom stand in the way. I believe in you and so does Mara and Scorpia. You have to believe in yourself now. I'll help you get there."

Catra laughed weakly. She nodded.

"If you say so." She finally gave in. "I guess I really need a therapist."

Adora rolled her eyes.

"We both do." She agreed.

The two giggled, happy to just be with each other. They were good for each other, they realized. Not perfect, but good.

Adora cleared her throat.

"So you ready to go back to school?" She asked.

Catra shrugged. "I guess." She said truthfully. "I was nice to not have to worry about anything for a bit, but real life calls us."

Catra rested her head on Adora's shoulder. Adora hummed, smiling. She gathered Catra in her arms, the smaller girl clinging to her as she was lifted off the desk. Adora turned and walked the two feet to the bed. She gently laid Catra down, letting her get situated. Both girls got comfortable. Adora laid on her back, Catra resting on top of her, her head tucked under Adora's chin. They snuggled together, in their own bubble of safety, not letting the stress of tomorrow get in.

Adora pressed a kiss to the top of Catra's head. An ear flicked in her face, in response.

"It'll all be ok as long as we have each other. I love you, kitten." She said softly.

Catra smiled against Adora's chest.

"I love you, too, dummy."

So yeah. I think I've gotten over my writers block. Imma bs it for now, so sorry if the storyline pacing is all weird now. Let me know what you thought if the story so far :)

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